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Homework 2 MAT347 997415186 Elliot

For a, b in G, we have (ab)1 = b1 a1 . Suppose the map h :g
g 1 is a homomorphism. Then, we have h(a1 b1 ) = ba. However,
sin e h is a homomorphism, we also have h(a1 b1 ) = h(a1 )h(b1 ) =
ab. Thus, h(a1 b1 ) = ab = ba. The result follows.

Given the dention

of G,
we see that for any j, m N, ( j i)m is in

m j
G. Sin e, (( i) ) = (( i)j )m = im , and (im )4 = (i4 )m =1. Sin e,
i4 = 1. So indeed, there is a positive power n for whi h (( j i)m )n =
1. Sin e this is true for any j, m N, given any k N, let j = k
and m=4 (( k i)4 )k = 1. Thus, the map z z k has a non-trivial
kernel, and
it annot be anisomorphism ( that is, 1 maps to 1k = 1,

4 k
where(( i) ) 6= 1 but (( k i)4 )k also gets mapped to 1, so the map
annot be a bije tion).
The map isa surje tion however. Sin e the group ontains omplex
numbers, m z exists for any natural m and any z ( whether it be
negative or not ). We are given that ea h of these z's have positive
n so that z n = 1. So, from an argument similar toabove,

m jn
(( z) ) = z mn = z nm = 1m = 1. So for all natural
m, j , (
z)m is

in G. Thus, for xing an arbitrary k, for all z in G, ( z) ( z)k =
z . So the map is a surje tion, for any k.
1) It is a generally known fa t that fun tion omposition is asso iative. Therefore, isomorphisms from a group G to itself are asso iative under omposition.
2) The identity map is learly an isomorphism from G to itself. So
the olle tion of automorphisms has an identity element with respe t
to omposition ( let id be the identity map, for any automorphism
a, a id = id a = a).
3) Sin e ea h isomorphism is a bije tion ( so that the bije tions
are furthermore homomorphisms themselves), ea h automorphism a
has an inverse a1 whi h is also an automorphism. By omposition,
a a1 = a1 a = id , so indeed, the inverse bije tions are inverse
elements for ea h automorphism with respe t to omposition.
Suppose H K is a subgroup. Now, suppose that H * K and
K * H. Then, now, suppose that x H , but x
/ K . Then, given

k K, k
/ H xk is not an element in K , nor is it an element of
H. So, xk is not an element of H K . However, sin e x and k are
elements of H K , xk should be an element of H K . Sin e to be a
subgroup, H K must be losed under the group operation. Thus,
we must have H K or K H.

Now, suppose onversely, that H K or K H. Then learly,

H K = K or H K = H. Either way, sin e H and K are subgroups
to begin with, H K is one as well.

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