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MODULE I Introduction: Importance of Electrical Engineering in day-to-day life, Electrical elements and their classification, Ideal and Real Sources , Source Conversion , KCL and KVL , Loop current and Nodal voltage method-for D.C. Circuits: Steady state analysis with independent and dependent sources; Series and Parallel circuits, Star-Delta conversion (05) MODULE II A.C. Single-Phase Series Circuits: Common signals and their waveforms, RMS and Average value. Form factor & Peak factor of sinusoidal waveform. Impedance of Series circuits. Phasor diagram. Active Power. Power factor. Power triangle. (05) MODULE III A.C. Single-Phase Parallel Circuits: Admittance method, Phasor diagram. Power. Power factor. Power triangle, Series- parallel Circuit, Power factor improvement, Series and Parallel Resonance, Resonance curve , Q factor, Dynamic Impedance, and Bandwidth. (05) MODULE IV Circuit Theorems: Superposition theorem, Thevenins & Nortons theorem, Maximum Power Transfer theorem for Independent and Dependent Sources in DC as well as AC circuit. (05) MODULE V Three Phase Circuits: Line and Phase relation for Star and Delta connection, Power relations, Analysis of balanced and unbalanced 3 phase circuits. (05) MODULE VI Magnetic Circuits: Introduction, Series-parallel magnetic circuits, Analysis of Linear and Nonlinear magnetic circuits, Energy storage, A.C. excitation, Eddy currents and Hysteresis losses. (05) MODULE VII Coupled Circuits (Dot rule), Self and mutual inductances, Coefficient of coupling. Basic Indicating Instruments: Moving coil and moving iron type instruments. (05) Books Recommended: 1.D.P. Kothari and I.J. Nagrath , Basic Electrical Engineering, 3rd Edition, TMH, New Delhi, 2009 2.Fitzrauld and Higinbotham, Basic Electrical Engineering, McGraw Hill Inc, 1981. 3.W.H.Hayt, Jr J. E. Kemmerly and S. M.Durbin, Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edn TMH, 2010

EE 3201 INTRODUCTION TO SYSTEM THEORY MODULE I Introduction to Signals and Systems: Definition, Basis of classification, Representation of common signals and their properties, System modeling. (4) MODULE II Analogous System: Introduction, D Alembert's Principle, Force-voltage and force-current analogies, Electrical analogue of mechanical, Hydraulic and thermal systems. (5) MODULE III Fourier Transform Method: Introduction, Fourier transform pair, Amplitude spectrum and phase spectrum of signals, Sinusoidal transfer function. (3) MODULE IV Laplace Transform Method: Introduction, Laplace transform pair, Laplace transformation of common functions, Gate function, Step function and impulse function, Laplace theorems shifting, initial value, final value and convolution theorems. Inverse Laplace transform by partial fraction expansion and convolution integral method. (12) MODULE V System Analysis: System Analysis by Laplace Transform method, System response. Natural, forced, transient and steady state responses. Transfer function and characteristic equation, Superposition integral, Concept of poles and zeros, Nature of system response from poles and zeros. (6) MODULE VI System Stability: Concept of stability, Types, Necessary and sufficient conditions, Routh Hurwitz stability criterion, Limitations and its applications to closed loop systems. (4) MODULE VII State-Space Concept: Introduction, Definition: State, State variable, State vector and state space, State space representation, Derivation of State model from transfer function, Bush form and diagonal canonical form of state model, Non-uniqueness of state model, Derivation of transfer function from state model, Transition matrix and its properties, Solution of time invariant state equation. (6) Text Books: 1. Analysis of Linear Systems D.K.Cheng. 2. Control System Engineering Nagrath & Gopal 3. Control System A. Anand Kumar Reference Books 1. Networks and Systems D. Roy Choudhury 2. Signals and Systems - Basu & Natarajan

EE 3203 ELECTRICAL MACHINE - I MODULE I Basic Concepts of Electrical Machines: Introduction, Electromagnetic induction, flux linkage, Statistically and dynamically induced emf, Classification and description of electrical machines, Heating and cooling of electrical machines. (5) MODULE II Elements of Rotating Machines: Introduction, Basic Components, Rotor, Stator and field excitation. Generator and motor action, EMF and torque equations, Leakage flux, Losses and efficiency, Rating and loss dissipation, Electrical and mechanical degrees. (4) MODULE III Introduction to D.C. Machines: Constructional parts of d. c. machines and their function, Principle of operation, Armature winding- Lap and wave, Simplex and duplex, Method of excitation, Classification, Derivation of emf and torque equations, Process of commutation, Armature reaction, Interpoles, Compensating winding and equalizer rings. (8) MODULE IV DC Generators: Operating Characteristics- Magnetization, Internal and external characteristics, Critical resistance and critical speed, Process of building up of voltage, Causes of failure of voltage build-up and remedies, Parallel operation of d.c. generators, Applications. (7) MODULE V D.C. Motors: Basic equation for voltage, Power, Torque and speed, Condition for maximum power, Operating characteristics- Torque-current, Speed-current and Torque-speed characteristics. Comparison, Starters, Speed control methods, Testing of d.c. machinesSwinburn's, Hopkinson's and Series field tests. Calculation of efficiency, Applications. (7) MODULE VI Transformers: Principle of operation, Construction and practical considerations, Ideal and physical transformer, emf equation, transformation ratio, Phasor diagram. Performance analysis, Equivalent circuit, Losses and efficiency, Condition for maximum efficiency, Determination of equivalent circuit parameters by O.C. and S.C. tests, Per unit calculation, Polarity test, Voltage regulation, all day efficiency. (8) MODULE VII Transformer Connections and Operation: Back-to-back test, Parallel operation, Autotransformer, 3-phase transformer, Three-phase transformer connections- Star-star, Delta-delta, Star-delta, Delta-star, Zig-zag connections. Scott connection, Open delta connection, Transformer cooling. (6) Text books: 1. Electric Machinery - Fitzgerald 2. Performance and Design of DC Machines - A.E. Clayton Reference books: 1. Electrical Machines Bimbhra, Khanna Publishers, Delhi 2. Parker Smith's - Series in Electrical Engineering. 3. Electrical Machines - Nagrath & Kothari, TMS Delhi


MODULE I Network Theorem: Substitution theorem, Tellegen's theorem, Reciprocity theorem (3) MODULE II Network Topology: Definition and properties, Matrices of Graph, Network Equations & Solutions : Node and Mesh transformation, Generalized element, Source transformation, Formulation of network equations, Network with controlled sources, Transform networks, Properties of network matrices, Solution of equations. Linear time-invariant networks, Evaluation of initial conditions, Frequency and impedance scaling. (10) MODULE III Multi-terminal Networks: Natural frequency, Network functions, Two-port parameters, Equivalent networks. (6) MODULE IV Elements of Network Synthesis: Positive real function, Reactance functions, RC functions, RL Network, Two-port functions, Minimum phase networks. (7) MODULE V Approximation: Filter specifications, Butterworth approximation, Chebyshev approximation, Comparison between Butterworth and chebyshev transfer functions. (6) MODULE VI Bandpass filter approximation, Frequency transformation, Insertion Loss Synthesis: Coefficient matching technique, Darlington's method. (6) MODULE VII Active Networks and Filters: Active elements, Single amplifier filters, State variable realization, All pass and notch filter, Higher order filter. (7) Text Book: 1. V.K. Aatre, Network Theory & Filter Design Reference Book: 1. M.E. Van Valkenberg, Introduction to Modern Network Synthesis 2. Balabanian, N. and T.A. Bickart, Electric Network Theory, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1969. 3. C. L. Wadhwa, Network Analysis and Synthesis

EE 4201 ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION MODULE I Introduction: Definition of measurement, Accuracy, Precision, Types of error, Statistical analysis, Systems of units, Fundamental units, Electrical derived units, Dimensions, Standards of measurement, International standards, Organizations, ISI. Analog Instruments: Basic requirement of a measuring instrument. Introduction to D Arsonval, galvanometer, Construction, Torque equation, Intrinsic constants and equation of motion. Construction and principle of Moving coil, Moving iron, Induction types of instruments, Range extension including current and potential transformers. MODULE II Measurement: Measurement of frequency, power factor, phase and localization of cable fault. Magnetic Measurement: DC and AC testing of magnetic materials. MODULE III Bridge: DC bridges for measurement of resistance Wheatstone bridges, Kelvin's double bridges and AC bridges for measurement of L, R, C & M, Maxwell's bridges, Anderson's bridges, Weins bridges. Potentiometers: DC and AC potentiometers, Principles, Standardization and application. (5) MODULE IV Oscilloscopes: CRT, Construction, Basic CRO circuits, Block diagram of a modern oscilloscope, Y-amplifiers, X-amplifiers, Time base-single and mixed time base. Triggering, Oscilloscopic measurement Special Purpose CRO's: Dual trace, Duel beam, Sampling oscilloscope, Analog and digital storage CROs. MODULE V Electronic Instruments: Electronic voltmeter, Digital voltmeter, vector voltmeter, Vector Impedance meter and Q-meter. Display Devices & Recorders: Digital display, LED, LCD, Strip chart recorder, X-Y recorder, Magnetic type recorder. MODULE VI Transducers: Classification, Inductive, Resistive and Capacitive transducers, Analog and Digital Transducers with applications. Hall effect, Piezo Electric, Photovoltaic transducer, Measurement of temperature and pressure. Optoelectronics based measurement

MODULE VII Signal Generation: Sine wave generator, Triangular wave and square wave generator. Signal Analysis: Wave analyzer, Frequency selective and hetrodyne wave analyzer. Distortion measurement, Harmonic analyzer Introduction to Telemetry, AND LABVIEW Text Books: 1. Sawhney A.K. - Electrical & Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation. 2. Helfrick and Copper - Modern Electronics Instrumentation and Measurement, Pearson Education, New Delhi. Reference Book: 1. Patranabis D Sensors and Transducers, Wheeler, 1996. 2. Kalsi - Electronics Instrumentation, TMH Publication, New Delhi 3. Deoblin - Electrical Measurement. 4. . Patranabis D Principles of Industrial Instrumentation, TMH Publication, New Delhi, 1976.


MODULE I Basic Concept of A.C. Rotating Machines: Introduction to Armature winding, Integral slot and fractional slot winding, Distribution factor (Kd), Pitch factor (Kp) and winding factor (Kw). Production of rotating magnetic field, EMF and torque equations, Effect of tooth harmonics and methods of reduction. (4) MODULE II Synchronous Generator: Construction, Cylindrical rotor and salient pole rotor, Principle of operation, Excitation system, Effect of winding factor on EMF, Armature reaction, Circuit model, Phasor diagram, O.C. and S.C. tests, Short-circuit ratio, Determination of voltage regulation by synchronous impedance, MMF and zero power factor methods. (8) MODULE III Performance Characteristics of Synchronous Generator: Two reaction theory, Phasor diagram, Power-angle characteristic of synchronous generators, Synchronizing power and torque, Synchronizing methods, Parallel operation of synchronous generator, Effect of change in excitation and mechanical power input on load sharing, Operation of alternator on infinite bus bars, Slip test. (7) MODULE IV Synchronous Motor: Construction, Principle of operation, Equivalent circuit, Phasor diagram, Circuit model, Effect of change in excitation on armature current and power factor, Starting of synchronous motor, Synchronous condenser, Hunting, Applications. (7) MODULE V 3- Induction Motor :Introduction, Construction, Principle of operation, Slip and rotor frequency, Comparison with transformer, Equivalent circuit model, Representation of mechanical load, No load and blocked rotor tests. Torque and power output, Losses and efficiency, Separation of losses. (7) MODULE VI Performance Characteristics of 3-phase Induction Motor: Circle Diagram, Torque-slip characteristics, Effect of rotor resistance, Starting torque and maximum torque, Starting and speed control methods, Cogging and crawling, Introduction to induction generator, Applications. (7) MODULE VII Single-phase Induction Motor: Introduction, Double revolving field theory, Crossfield theory, Torque-speed characteristic, Equivalent circuit model, Starting methods, Applications. (5) Text Book: 1. A.S. Langsdorf, Alternating Current Machines 2. A.E. Fitzgerald, Electric Machinery Reference Books: 1. P. S. Bimbhra, Electrical Machines, Khanna Publishers 2. I. J. Nagrath, D.P. Kothari, Electric Machines, TMH, New Delhi, 2002. 3. P. K. Mukherjee, S. Chakravarti, Electrical Machines, Dhanpat Rai & Sons.


MODULE I Introduction: Structure of a power system, Effect of Transmission voltage, Load factor, diversity factor, plant capacity factor, plant utilisation factor, different types of tariffs, Availability based tariff (7) MODULE II Constants of O/H lines: Inductance and capacitance of overhead lines: Inductance and Capacitance of single phase and three phase line, Transposition, Double ckt. three phase lines. (6) MODULE III Over head line insulators, Under-ground cables. (6) MODULE IV Mechanical design of transmission line, Corona (6) MODULE V Distribution Systems: Feeders, distributors, and service mains, types of distribution systems, Kelvins law for design of feeders, Economics of distribution systems (8) MODULE VI Transmission System: Representation of short, medium and long transmission lines, Ferranti effect, SIL, Tuned Power Line, Power flow through transmission lines. (8) MODULE VII Main features of Indian Electricity Grid Code, Co-ordination between different agencies in India. (4) Text Books: 1. Stevenson, Elements of Power System Analysis 2. Nagrath Kothari, Modern Power System Analysis Reference Books: 1. C.L. Wadhwa, Generation, Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Power 2. C. L. Wadhwa, Electrical Power Systems 3. B. R. Gupta, Power System Analysis


MODULE I Introduction: Discrete-Time Signals, Shanon's sampling theorem, Difference equation description, characteristics of digital filters and time domain analysis, properties of discrete time system (linearity, time-variance, convolution), BIBO stability, Z-transformation and their application in solving difference equations, Relationship between Laplace and Z-transforms. (7) MODULE II Frequency Domain Analysis: Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) and Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Periodic convolution, Direct evaluation of DFT, FFT algorithms- decimation in time and frequency, Relationship between Fourier and Z-transforms (8) MODULE III Digital Filter Structures: Direct form I&II, cascade, parallel and ladder realizations. (5) MODULE IV Filter Function Approximations and Transformations. Review of approximations of ideal analog filter response, Butterworth filter, Chebyshev Type I & II. (6) MODULE V Frequency Transformations: Frequency transformation in analog domain, frequency transformation in digital domain. (4) MODULE VI Design of IIR Filter: Design based on analog filter approximations, Impulse invariance method, Matched Z-transformation, Bilinear transformation. (7) MODULE VII Design of FIR Filters: Symmetric and antisymmetric FIR filters, design of linear phase FIR filters using windows and frequency sampling methods, design of optimum equiripple linear phase FIR filters, comparison of FIR and IIR filters. (8) Text Books: 1. John G. Proakis, Dimitris G. Mamalakis, Digital Signal Processing, Principles, Algorithms and Applications 2. Alan V. Oppenheim Ronald W. Schafer, Digital Signal Processing, PHI, India. Reference Book: 1. Antonious, Digital Filter Design, Mc-Graw-Hill International Editions.


MODULE I Digital computer, Computer languages, Main frame, Mini computers, Microcomputers, Architecture of 8085 microprocessor, Functions of different pins, Bus Concept. (5) MODULE II Memory organization, Memory map, Interfacing devices, Memory interfacing, Different machine cycles (5) MODULE III Instruction set, Instruction classification, Instruction format, Addressing modes of 8085, Simple illustrative programs and flow chart, System timing diagram. (7) MODULE IV Programming techniques, Looping, Counting, Logic operations, Sorting, Counter and time delays, Stack and subroutine, Code conversion BCD to binary, Binary to BCD, Binary to ASCII and ASCII to Binary, BCD Arithmetic. (6) MODULE V Data transfer schemes, Memory mapped I/O and I/O mapping, I/O port Intel 8212 interfacing with multiplexed 7-segment LED and matrix keyboard, Intel 8255 all modes, Timer 8253/8254 Keyboard/Display Interface 8279, Control words and interfacing. (8) MODULE VI Interrupt structure of 8085, Hardware and software interrupts, EI, DI, RIM and SIM instructions, Interfacing DAC 1408 and staircase ramp and triangular wave form generation, Interfacing ADC 0801, Applications. (6) MODULE VII Introduction to microcontroller, Popular microcontroller, Applications, Architecture of 8051 microcomputer, Internal and external memories, Interrupts. (8) Text Books: 1. Ramesh S. Gaonkar, Microprocessor Architecture - Programming, Applications 2. Raj Kamal, Microcontrollers - Architecture, Programming, Interfacing and System Design, Pearson Education. Reference Books: 1. Renu Singh and B. P. Singh, Microprocessors, Interfacing and Applications, New Age International Publication. 2. A.P. Malvino, Digital Computer Electronics 3. S. K. Venkatram, Advanced Microprocessor & Microcontroller 4. A. P. Mathur, Introduction to Microprocessors

EE 5201 ENGGINERING ELECTROMAGNETICS MODULE I Electrostatic and Magnetostatic Energy, Forces and Torques: Electrostatic energy. Electrostatic forces and torques in terms of stored electrostatic energy. (Chapter 3, pp. 133143) Magnetic energy. Magnetic forces and torques in terms of stored magnetic energy. (Chapter 6, pp. 277-281, pp. 289-294). (6) MODULE II Electrostatic Boundary-Value Problems: Introduction. Poisson's and Laplace's equations. Boundary conditions. Uniqueness theorem. Solution of one-dimensional Laplace's and Poisson's equations. Solution of two-dimensional Laplace's equation by method of separation of variables in cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinates. (Chapter 4, pp. 152-159, pp. 174-192) (8) MODULE III Plane Electromagnetic Waves: Wave equations. Helmholtz equations. Plane waves. Propagation of uniform plane waves in dielectric and conducting media. Polarization of plane waves. (Chapter 8, pp. 354-379) (8) MODULE IV Reflection and Refraction of Plane Waves: Electromagnetic boundary conditions. Reflection of normally and obliquely incident plane waves from perfect conductor and dielectric. Total reflection. Total transmission. (Chapter 8, pp. 386-401, pp. 406-417) (6) MODULE V Rectangular Waveguides and Cavity Resonators: Introduction. General wave behaviors along uniform guiding structures. TEM, TM and TE waves. Rectangular waveguides. Rectangular cavity resonators. (Chapter 10, pp. 520-533, pp. 547-558, pp. 582-588). (8) MODULE VI Radiation and Antennas: Introduction. Scalar and vector potentials. Retarded potentials. Radiation from elemental electric dipole. Antenna pattern and antenna parameters. Thin linear antennas. Half-wave dipole. Effective antenna length. Antenna arrays. Two-element arrays. (Chapter 11, pp. 600-605, pp. 607-625) (6) MODULE VII Solution of Two-Dimensional Problems: Method of images (Chapter 4, pp. 159-174). Conformal transformations (Ref. Class notes) (5) Text Book: 1. Cheng, D.K., Field and Wave Electromagnatics, Pearson Education (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., 2nd Edn., 1989. 2. Hayt, W.H., J.A. Buck, Engineering Electromagnetics, Tata Mc Graw Hill.


MODULE I Per unit system representation, Reactance diagram, impedance diagram. (5) MODULE II Load flow Analysis: Load flow problem, Ybus, Formulation of problem, Solution technique using Gauss- Siedal method. (7) MODULE III Symmetrical Short Circuits Analysis: Short circuit of a Synchronous machine on no load, Short circuit of loaded synchronous machine, Thevenin's equivalent circuit approach for short circuit analysis. (7) MODULE IV Symmetrical Components: Transformation, Phase shift in star-delta transformer, Sequence impedance and sequence networks of transmission line, Synchronous machine, Transformer and power system. (8) MODULE V Unsymmetrical Short Circuits: Symmetrical component analysis of unsymmetrical short circuits, Single line to ground fault, Double line to ground fault and line to line fault. (7) MODULE VI Power system stability problem, Swing equation, System response to small disturbances, Power angle equation and diagram (6) MODULE VII Transient stability, Equal area criterion, Measures for improving transient stability. (5) Text Books: 1. Stevenson and Grainger, Power system Analysis 2. Olle I. Elgerd, Electric Energy Systems Theory an Introduction Reference Books: 1. Nagrath Kothari, Modern Power System Analysis 2. C. L. Wadhwa, Electrical Power systems 3. B. R. Gupta, Power System Analysis

EE 5205 CONTROL THEORY MODULE I Introduction:, Examples of control systems and applications, Basic components of control systems, Open loop and closed loop control systems, Effect of feedback on overall gain, Stability and external disturbances, Classification of control system : Linear and nonlinear continuous and digital, Time invariant and time varying, Minimum phase and non-minimum phase systems etc. Linearization of nonlinear systems using Taylors series. MODULE II Block Diagrams and Signal Flow Graph: Block diagrams of control systems, Block diagram reduction, Signal Flow Graph (SFG)- Basic properties of SFG, SFG algebra, Gain formula to SGP, Application of gain formula to block diagrams. MODULE III Time Response of Control Systems: Transient and steady state response, Time response specifications, Typical test signals, Steady state error, and error constant, Stability- Absolute, relative and conditional stability, Dominant poles of transfer function. Root Locus Methods: Root locus concept, Properties and construction of root locus, Determination of relative stability from root locus, Root sensitivity to parameter variation, Root contours, Systems with transportation lag and effect of adding poles or zeros. MODULE IV Bode Analysis and Introduction to Design: Frequency response specifications, Correlation between time and frequency domain Bode plot, Determination of stability using Bode plot, Introduction to compensation design using Bode plot. MODULE V Other Frequency Domain Tools: Nyquist stability criterion, Theory of Magnitude phase plot, Constant M, constant N circle and Nichols chart. MODULE VI Control System Components and Basic Control Actions: Sensors and encoders in control system, Potentiometer, Tachometers, incremental encoders, Synchros, Operational Amplifiers, Basic control actions: on-off control, P, PI, PD and PID. MODULE VIII Concepts of State, State Variables: Development of state-space models. State and state equations, State equations from transfer function Transfer function from state equations, State transition matrix, Solution of State equation, Transfer Matrix, State variables and linear discrete time systems, Controllable and observable State models, Asymptotic state observers. Control system design via pole placement.

Text Books: 1. I. J. Nagrath & Gopal, "Control Systems Engineering", 4th Edition New Age International Publication. 2. K. Ogata, "Modern Control Engineering", 3rd Edition, Pearon Education. Reference Books: 1. Norman Nise, "Control System Engineering, 4th Edition, Wiley. 2. Graham C. Goodwin, "Control System Design", PHI. 3. B. C. Kuo, "Automatic Control System", 7th Edition, PHI.


Module-I Armature Winding of DC Machines- Poles ,slots, Pole pitch,Front pitch,Back pitch, Commutator Pitch, Double layer winding,Lap and wave winding,Proggressive and Retorgressive winding , Winding Table and winding Diagram. (5) Module-II Armature Winding of AC Machines -Pole pitch Fullpitch ciol and Short pitch Coil, IntegralSlot winding and Fractional Slot winding, Winding Table and winding diagram, Distribution and Pitch Factor and winding factor. (5) Module-III Design of Transformer-: Core type and shell type transformer, distribution and power transformer, Fulx density, rating of transformer, design of core and primary as well as secondary winding. Output of transformer, output equation-volt/turns. Choice of flux density, deign of windings, window space vector, design of yolk. Design of small single phase transformer. UT type core and E-I type core (5) Module-IV Design of DC Machines-: Constructional details, stator poles, Interpoles, main field Winding Interpoles winding. Armature Diameter, Armature winding , Commutator diameter , length of commutator segments, Brush Gear, Frames, slot , number of armature slots, Dimensions, Pole design, Length of air Gap, Design of series field. (5) Module-V Design of Induction Motor- Squirrel cage and Slip rings Induction motor ,design of output equations, main dimensions, shapes of stator slots, nos of stator slots, length of mean turns, rotor design, design of rotor bars, full load slip, design of wound rotor, rotor core, temp rise. (5) Module-VI Desgn of Synchronous Machines, Stator and rotor core:- Round rotor and salient pole, output equations, specific magnetic and electric loading, design of salient pole m/c main dimensions, length of air gap, shapes of pole face, , armature design. Slot dimensions stator core, armature resistance, design of rotor, temp. rise. (5) Module -VII Design of Single phase Machines- Stator, stator winding, rotor, starting switches, electrolytic capacitor, output equations, design of rotors, air gap length, design of starting winding, capacitor start and capacitor Run Induction motor. (5) Book 1. A.K.Sawhney and A.C.Chkraborty, A course in Electrical Machine Design, Dhanpat Rai and Co., New Delhi, 2007. 2. Juha Pyrhonen, Tapani Jokinen and Valeria Hrabovcova, Design of Rotating Electrical Machines, John Wiley & Sons, New Delhi, 2009.

EE 6201 POWER ELECTRONICS MODULE I Scope of power electronics, Overview of high power semiconductor switches, Two transistor analogy of SCR terminal characteristics, Rating and protection of SCR, UJT and Industrial firing circuit. (6) MODULE II Dynamic characteristics of SCR, Gate characteristics, series and parallel operation of SCR, power diodes. (6) MODULE III Single phase controlled, Half wave, Full wave rectifier with R, RL and RLE loads, Single phase semiconverter, Effect of Source impedance performance, Evaluation of converter using Fourier series analysis. (7) MODULE IV Three phase uncontrolled rectifier with resistive load, Three phase half wave, Full wave rectifiers with R-load, 3-phase semiconverter, RMS, Average value, Fourier analysis,THD, HF and PF of converter. (6) MODULE V Chopper, Introduction, Principle of operation control, Strategies, Step-up and step-down chopper, Chopper configuration, Type A,B,C,D & E chopper uses. (6) MODULE VI Single phase inverter, VSI and CSI, Analysis with R, RL, and RLC loads, 180o and 120o mode of operation of 3-phase VSI, SPM, MPM and Sinusoidal PWM techniques, Series inverters use. (7) MODULE VII AC voltage regulators, 1-phase ac voltage controller with R and RL loads, Integral cycle control. Cycloconverters: Introduction, The basic principle of operation, Steps up and stepdown cycloconverter, Single phase to single phase cycloconverters. (7) Text Book: 1. M.D. Singh, K.B. Khanchandani, Power Electronics, TMH, Delhi 2001 Reference Books: 1. M.H. Rashid, Power Electronics: Circuits, Device and Applications, 2nd Ed.n, PHI, New Jersey, 1993. 2. S.N.Singh, A Text Book of Power Electronics, Dhanpat Rai & Co., New Delhi 1st Edn., 2000. 3. Mohan, Underland, Robbins; Power Electronics Converters, Applications and Design, 3rd Edn., 2003, John Wiley & Sons Pte. Ltd. 4. R.S. Ramshaw, Power Electronics Semiconductor Switches, 2nd Edition, 1993, Chapman & Hall, Chennai. 5. V.R. Murhty, Power Electronics, Oxford Publishers.

EE 6203 SWITCH GEAR AND PROTECTION MODULE I Circuit Breakers: Arc voltage, Mechanism of arc interruption, Restriking voltage and recovery voltage, Classification of CBs, Oil CBs, Air CBs, Vacuum CBs, Sf6 CBs, HVDC CBs, Rating and Testing of CBs. (15) MODULE II Protective Relaying: Introduction to protective relaying, Thermal relay, Over current relay, Directional relay, Differential relay. (4) MODULE III Transmission Line and Feeder Protection: Over current and directional relay applications, Distance protection using impedance relay, Reactance relay, MHO relay. (5) MODULE IV Generator Protection: Protection against stator and rotor faults and abnormal operating conditions such as unbalanced loading, loss of excitation, Over speeding. (6) MODULE V Transformer Protection: Types of faults, Over current protection, Differential protection, Differential relay with harmonic restraint, Protection against high resistance ground faults, Interturn faults, Bucholz relay. (5) MODULE VI Introduction Motor Protection: Protection against phase fault, ground fault and abnormal operating conditions such as single phasing, Phase reversal and overloading. (5) MODULE VII Introduction to Carrier-Aided Protection and Numerical Protection (5) Text Books: 1. Power System Protection & Switch Gear : Badriram and Vishwa Karma, TMH Publications. 2. Switch Gear and Protection Sunil S. Rao, Khanna Publications Reference Books: 1. Power System Protection & Switch Gear: Ravindranath & Chander, New Age Publications. 2. The Art and Science of Protective Relaying: C. Russel Mason, Wiley Bastern Ltd.

EE 6205 INDUSTRIAL DRIVES & CONTROL MODULE I Electrical Drives: An Introduction, Parts of Electrical Drives; ac and dc Drives, fundamental torque equations, Speed torque conventions and multi-quadrant operation; calculation of equivalent drive parameters, Different load torques and their nature; steady state stability; load equalization. (6) MODULE II Selection of Motor rating and its control: Introduction, thermal model of a motor, Classes of Motor Duty cycle, selection of motor and its rating, Closed-loop and open loop control of drives, Modes of Operation; speed control & Drive classifications; closed - loop control of Drives; speed and current sensing; manual, semi-automatic & automatic control. (6) MODULE III D.C. Motor Drives: Introduction, Performance characteristics of DC Motors & their Modifications; Starting of DC motors & their Design, Electric Braking; Speed Control of DC motor; Converter controlled DC Drives; Single phase converter drives, three phase converter drives, Dual converter drives, Chopper controlled dc drives, Closed loop control of dc motor, selection of components and their specifications for Dc drives. (6) MODULE IV Phase Controlled Induction Motor Drives: Introduction, Speed-torque characteristics, Starting & Braking of IM; effects of unbalancing and harmonics on IM, Speed Control techniques, Stator voltage control, Closed Loop schemes for phase controlled IM drives, Rotor resistance control, Slip speed control, Slip power recovery schemes. (6) MODULE V Frequency Controlled Induction Motor Drives: Scalar control, Variable frequency control, constant volts/Hz control, Voltage source inverter (VSI) control using PWM techniques, Closed Loop speed control of VSI drives, Control from a current source Inverter(CSI), Closed Loop speed control of CSI drives, Comparison of CSI and VSI drives. Selection of components and their specification for AC drives. (6) MODULE VI Synchronous Motor Drives: Starting, Pull-in and Braking with Fixed Frequency Supply; Variable Speed Drives, Cyclo-converter based Synchronous motor control, control of Trapezoidal PMAC motor, Close loop speed control of Synchronous Machines. (5)

MODULE VII Traction System: Introduction, Requirements of ideal Traction system, supply system for electric traction, Mechanism of train movement, Tractive efforts, energy consumption. Coefficient of adhesion, traction motors starting, braking of Traction motors. Converter controlled drives for Traction Motor, Chopper controlled DC traction drives. Voltage source inverter (VSI) controlled AC traction drives, Load commutated inverter fed synchronous motor drivers for traction, Diesel electric traction drives. (8)
Text Book: 1. G.K. Dubey, Fundamentals of Electrical Drives, Narosa publication, New Delhi 2. R. Krishnan, Electric Motor Drives-modeling, analysis and control. Reference Books:

2. 3. 4. 5.

S.K.Bhattacharya & Brijinder Singh, Control of Electrical Machines Mukhtar Ahmad, Industrial Drives and Control S.K.Pillai, A first course on Electrical Drives M. Chilikin, Electric Drives. C. L. Wadhwa, Genaration Distribution and Utilization of Electrical energy

EE 7201 COMPUTER AIDED POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MODULE I Introduction: The new computer environment, Basic single-phase modeling- Generator, Transmission lines, Transformer- Off nominal transfer tap representation, Phase shifting representation. (4) MODULE II Load Flow Analysis: Introduction, Nature of load flow equations, Computational steps and flow chart of Gauss Seidal Techniques, Newton Raphson method: Formulation for load buses and voltage controlled buses in rectangular and polar co-ordinates, Computational steps and flow chart. (7) MODULE III Computational Aspects of Large-Scale System: Sparsity of Ybus and Jacobian matrix, Sparsity oriented computer programming, Reducing storage requirement, Decoupled power flow algorithm. (4) MODULE IV Short Circuit Analysis: Introduction, Bus impedance matrix and its building algorithm through modifications, Symmetrical and unsymmetrical fault calculation using Zbus and its computational steps. (8) MODULE V Optimal System Operation: Introduction, Characteristic of steam and hydro units, Economic dispatch of thermal units, Equal incremental cost operation, Computational steps, Transmission loss and incremental transmission loss (ITL), Computational aspects. (7) MODULE VI Unit Commitment: Introduction, Objective function, Constraints, Dynamic programming method (4) MODULE VII Power System Stability: Stability problem, swing equation and its numerical solution, Determination of initial state in a multimachine system, Base case Y BUS and modified Y BUS, Computational algorithm, Improvement of stability. (6) Text Books: 1. Power System Analysis - John J. Grainger, William D. Stevenson, Jr. 2. Power System Analysis - L. P. Singh Reference Books: 1. Electric Energy Systems Theory - An Introduction, O.L. Elgerd. 2. Computer Modelling of Electrical Power Systems - J. Arrillaga, N.R. Watson 3. Power Generation Operation and Control - A.J. Wood, B.F. Wollenberg


Module 1: Introduction, Design specifications, Controller configuration, Fundamental principles of design, Design with PD controller: Time domain interpretation of PD controller, Frequency domain interpretation of PD controller, Summary of the effects of PD controller. Design with PI controller: Time domain interpretation of PI controller, Frequency domain interpretation of PI controller, Summary of the effects of PI controller, Design with PID controller, Zieglar Nicholas tuning. Module 2: Design with lag/lead/lag-lead compensator, Time domain interpretation of lag/lead/lag-lead compensator, Frequency domain interpretation of lag/lead/lag-lead compensator, Summary of the effects of lag/lead/lag-lead compensator. Module 3: Feed-forward controller, Minor loop feedback control Module 4: State feedback control, Pole placement design through state feedback, Sate feedback with integral control, Design of state observer Module 5: Design of discrete data control system: Digital implementation of analog controller (PID) and lag-lead controllers, Design of discrete data control systems in frequency domain and Z plane. Module 6: Hardware and software implementation of common compensator: Physical realization of common compensator with active and passive elements, tunable PID algorithms- position and velocity algorithms.

Text Books: 1. B.C. Kuo, "Automatic Control System", 7th Edition PHI. 2. M. Gopal, "Control Systems Principles & Design", 2nd Edition, TMH. 3. J.G. Truxal, "Automatic Feedback Control System", McGraw Hill, New York. 4. K. Ogata, "Discrete Time Control Systems", 2nd Edition, Pearson Education. Reference Books: 1. Norman Nise, "Control System Engineering", 4th Edition. 2. M. Gopal, "Digital Control & State Variable Method", TMH. 3. B.C. Kuo, "Digital Control System", 2nd Edition, Oxford

EE 7203 MICROPROCESSOR APPLICATIONS MODULE I & II Architecture and Application oriented assembly language programming on Intel 8086/8088 family of microprocessors on a P.C. Assembly language programming using DOS and BIOS function calls, using keyboard, display, I/O, Printer, and RS232C port functions. (12) MODULE III Assembly programming using MASM with code view facility with all assembler directives, source level debugging and use of watch windows to identify programme errors. Programming the Numeric processor (Intel 8087 NDP) (8) MODULE IV & V Architecture and Application oriented programming, using MC 68000 family of processors. Use of development systems, Assembling, linking and debugging. (12) MODULE VI & VII Architecture and Assembly language programming using Z-80 family of microprocessors, Real time Emulation, and simulation for application programmes, Programme development, hardware configuration and software design examples using: A/D - D/A interface with processors. I/O - interfacing using Intel 8255, MC 6820 - 6822, Z-80 PIO. Video I/O using MC 6845 or Intel 8275. Serial I/O using Intel 8251/Z-80-CTC. Floppy disk controller Intel 8272. Dynamic RAM Controller Intel 8202 family. DMA Controller Intel 8237 Chip (13) Text Books: 1. Liu, Yu-Chang and Gibson, Glenn, A., Microcomputer Systems, The 8086/8088 Family, PHI, New Delhi. 2. Leventhal, L.A., et al., 68000 Assembly Language Programming, Second Edition, Osborne Mc-Graw-Hill International Editions, Berkley, California, USA. 5. Osborne, Adan and Kane, Jerry, An Introduction to Microprocessors, Volume-2, Parts A and B, Galgotia Book Source, Publishers, P.O. Box 688, New Delhi - 110001. 6. Douglas V. Hall, "Microprocessors and Interfacing: Programming Hardware", First/Second Edition, TMH Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi.

EE 7205 BIO-ELECTRONICS INSTRUMENTATION MODULE I Introduction, Medical instrumentation system Man instrumentation system, Brief idea of cardiovascular, Nurvous & respiratory system (6) Text Books: 1. Biomedical Instrumentation & Measurements by Cromwell. 2. Biomedical instrumentation by Dr. M. Arumugham 3. Medical electronics & Biomedical instrumentation by Rajaraw & Guha. MODULE II Resting & action potential, Polarization & depolarisation, Propagation & action potential, Bioelectronic potential (6) Text Books: 1. Biomedical Instrumentation & Measurements by Cromwell. 2. Biomedical instrumentation by Dr. M. Arumugham 3. Medical electronics & Biomedical instrumentation by Rajaraw & Guha. MODULE III Biopotential electrode, Active & passive transduces, biochemical transduces. (7) Text Books: 1. Biomedical Instrumentation & Measurements by Cromwell. 2. Biomedical instrumentation by Dr. M. Arumughan 3. Medical electronics & Biomedical instrumentation by Rajaraw & Guha. MODULE IV ECG electrodes & leads, Measurement of blood pressure, blood flow & heart sounds. (5) Text Books: 1. Biomedical Instrumentation & Measurements by Cromwell. 2. Biomedical instrumentation by Dr. M. Arumughan 3. Medical electronics & Biomedical instrumentation by Rajaraw & Guha. MODULE V Noninvasive instrumentation, Patient monitoring system, Electrical safety of patients in hospital, defi pace maker (6) Text Books: 1. Biomedical Instrumentation & Measurements by Cromwell. 2. Biomedical instrumentation by Dr. M. Arumughan MODULE VI Amplifiers & recorders, Diathermy (Microwave) structure & ultrasonic), imaging system (X-ray, MRI & ultrasonic), lasers in medicine. (8) Text Books: 1. Handbook for Biomedical instrumentation by Khandpur. 2. Medical instrumentation by Rajarao. 3. Medical instrumentation (application & design) by Webstar. 4. Medical instrumentation by Carr & Brown MODULE VII Antennas for biomedical application & Applicator, Biomedical DSP (elementary idea) Text Books: 1. Antenna Theory & practice by R. Chatterjee

2. Biomedical digital signal processing by Wills J. Tompkin. 3. EE 8203 ROBOTICS

MODULE I Introduction of Robotics: Evolution of Robots and Robotics. What is and what is not a robot. Robot classification. Robot specifications. Robot applications. Direct Kinematics: Coordinate frames; Rotations; Homogeneous coordinates; D-H representation; The Arm Equation. (10) MODULE II Inverse Kinematics: Inverse kinematics problem. General properties of solutions. Tool configuration. Robotic work cell. (4) MODULE III Workspace Trajectory and Trajectory Planning: Workspace analysis. Workspace envelope. Workspace fixtures. Pick and place operation. Continuous-path motion. Interpolated motion. Straight line motion. (5) MODULE IV Control of Robot Manipulators: Computed torque control; Near Minimum time control; Variable structure control; Non-Linear decoupled feedback control; Resolved motion and Adaptive control. (4) MODULE V Robotic Sensors: Different sensors in robotics: Range; Proximity; Touch; Torque; Force and others. (3) MODULE VI Robotic Vision: Image acquisition. Imaging geometry, Image processing: Preprocessing; Segmentation and Description of 3-D structures; Recognition and interpretation. (8) MODULE VII Robot Programming Languages: Characteristics of Robot level languages. Task level languages: Task planning; Problem reduction; Use of predicate logic; Robot learning; Expert systems. (4) Text books: 1. Fundamental of Robotics: Analysis and Control- Robert J. Schilling. 2. Robotics: Control, Sensing, Vision and Intelligence- K. S. Fu, R.C. Gonzalez and Lee. Reference Books: 1. Robotics and Control R. K. Mittal and I. J. Nagrath.


MODULE I Introduction: Electric Field Stresses, Gas/Vacuum as Insulator, Liquid Breakdown, Solid Breakdown, Estimation and Control of Electric Stress (3) MODULE II Conduction and Breakdown in Gases: Gases as Insulating Media, Ionization Processes, Townsend's Current Growth Equation, Townsend's Criterion for Breakdown, Breakdown in Electronegative Gases, Time Lags for Breakdown, Streamer Theory of Breakdown in Gases, Paschen's Law, Breakdown in Non-Uniform Fields and Corona Discharges, Post-Breakdown Phenomena and Applications, Vacuum Insulation. (6) MODULE III Conduction and Breakdown in Liquid: Liquids as Insulators, Pure Liquids and Commercial Liquids, Conduction and Breakdown in Pure and Commercial Liquids. MODULE IV Conduction and Breakdown Solid Dielectrics: Introduction, Intrinsic Breakdown, Electromechanical and Thermal Breakdown of Solid Dielectrics in Practice, Breakdown in Composite Dielectrics.


(10) MODULE V Generation and Measurement of High Voltage and Currents: Generation of High dc voltages, Generation of High alternating voltages, Generation of impulse voltages, Generation of impulse currents, Tripping and control of impulse generators. (10) MODULE VI Generation and Measurement of High Voltage and Currents: Measurement of High direct current voltages, Measurement of High ac and impulse voltages, Measurement of High impulse currents. MODULE VII Design, Planning and Layout of High Voltage Laboratories: Introduction, Test Facilities provided in high voltage laboratories, Activities and studies in high voltage laboratories, Classification of high voltage laboratories, Size and Rating of large size high voltage laboratories, Grounding of impulse testing laboratories (3) Text Book: 1. High Voltage Engineering, MS Naidu and V. Kamaraju, TMH New Delhi Reference Book: 1. High Voltage Engineering, CL Wadhwa, New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, New Delhi 2. High Voltage Engineering Fundamentals, E. Kuffel and WS Zaengl, Pergamon Press, Oxford. 3. Electrical Breakdown of Gases, JM, Meek and JD, Crages, John Wiley, New York.


Module - 1 Characteristics of modern semiconductor power devices: Gate Turn-off Thyristor (GTO), Power Bipolar Transistor, Power MOSFET, Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT), Static Induction Thyristor (SIT), FET-BJT Combination Switch, MOS-Controlled Thyristor, Power Integrated Circuit (PIC), Protection Circuit. (7) Module - 2 Linear voltage regulator: DC Voltage Regulator, Linear Regulator, Series Regulator, IC Voltage Regulator, 3-Terminal & 4-Terminal Negative Voltage Regulator, 4-Terminal Positive Regulator, Adjustable 3 and 4-Terminal Regulators, Dual Voltage Regulators, Current Regulator. (7) Module - 3 Switching Regulators: Introduction, Circuit Scheme, Basic Switching Regulator, Minimum Load Current and Critical Inductance, Determination of Filter Inductance, Determination of Filter Capacitor, Transistor Switching Losses, Free Wheel Diode Losses, Filter Inductor Losses, Thermal Analysis, Positive Switching Regulator Using IC, Negative Switching Regulator Using IC, Electrical Isolation in Switching Regulator, Optoelectronic Coupler. (7) Module - 4 Resonant Converter: Basic Series Resonant Inverter, Series Resonant Inverters with Unidirectional Switches and Anti Parallel Diodes, Frequency-Domain Analysis of Series Resonant Converter, Parallel Link Capacitor Load Series Resonant Converter. (6) Module - 5 Frequency-Domain Analysis of Parallel Link Capacitor Load SRC, Quasi-Resonant Converter, Control Scheme for Zero Voltage Switching, Zero Current Switching, Quasi-Resonant Converter. (6) Module - 6 Uniterruptible Power Supply: Normal Disturbances in Commercial Power Supply, Power Conditioners Other Than UPS, Isolation Transformer, AC Voltage Regulator, Block Diagram of Tap Changer Regulator, Introduction to Ferro Resonant Regulator. (6) Module - 7 Transient Suppressors, Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and Their Suppression, Schematic Diagram of OFF-line and ON-line UPS Introduction to PLC and its application (6) Text Book 1. M.D. Singh & K.B. Khanchandani, Power Electronics, TMH, Delhi, 2001. 2. P.C. Sen, Power Electronics Tata McGraw Hill. References 1. V.R. Moorthi, Power Electronics, Device, Circuit and Industrial Applications, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 2005. 2. M.H. Rashid, Power Electronics Pearson Education, 2nd Edition, Singapore,2002.


INTRODUCTION MODULE I Definition and Components of Information Technology: Its Need and Role in Technological/ Commercial/ Rural/ Industrial/ Socio-economic Developments, Entertainment Industies, and in sectors like: Education, Defence, Communication, Stock Exchange, Banking, Biomedical, Nuclear, Judiciary, Police & Intelligence Network, Central & State Governments, etc. (2) INTERNET (COMPUTER NETWORKS) MODULE I & II Network Structures: Network Architectures - The QSI Reference Model - Connection Oriented and connectionless Services - Transmission Media - Wireless, Analog and Digital Transmission - Transmission and Switching - Basic ISDN Concept - LAN, MAN & WAN - IEEE Standard 802 for LANs - Fibre Optic Networks - Satellite Networks - Data Link Layer Design Issues, Error Detection and Correction - HDLC Protocol - Network Layer Design Issues Internetworking and OSI (Bridges, Gateways, etc.) - The Global Internet - TCP/IP Protocol. (9) (Contents Ref.: [1] - Ch. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.4) MODULE III & IV Client/Server Models: Names for Computers in Internet - Services Available on the Internet (E-mail, E-com, Network News, FTP, TELNET, Browsing the Worldwide Web, World Wide Web Documents (HTML), Advanced Web Technologies, Automated Web Search, Audio and Video Communication, Global Digital Library etc.) - Main Features of some Example Internet Services - Security of Internet Services (Public Key Cryptography, Authentication and Digital Signatures). (8) Ref.: [1] - Ch. 7.1; [2] Ch. 9, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27) MULTIMEDIA MODULE V Elements of Interactive Computer Graphics for Multimedia: Primary and Secondary Colours - Beam Penetration Type Color CRT - Refresh Display Processors - Random Scan Line Displays - A Simple Graphics Package - Display Files - Graphical Input Devices and Techniques - Event Handling - Input Functions - Raster Display Hardware and Scan Conversion. (6) (Contents Ref.: [3] - Ch. 2, 3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) MODULE VI Multimedia Hardware & Software: Multimedia & Windows - Multimedia Hardware (Equipment, CD-ROM Drive, Sound Card, Sampling, Screen Display, Image Capture Card, etc.) - Sound Characteristics, Digital Audio, MIDI, & Media Player - Recording, Editing and Playing Back Sounds - Recording and Playing Back Images, Graphics, Video and Animation - Video Compression Methods - Using CD-ROMs - Hypermedia and Hypertext - Creating a Multimedia Presentation - Authoring Software- Internet and Multimedia. (9) (Contents Ref.: [4] - Ch. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) EXPERT SYSTEMS, KNOWLEDGE-BASED INDUSTRIES & INTERNET MODULE VII Definition and Artificial Intelligence: Representation in AI - Properties of Internal Representation - First Order Predicated Calculus - Inferences - Abduction - Induction Indexing - Semantic Networks - Isa Hierarchy - Slot Assertion Notation - Frame Notation Context Free Grammars - Top-Down & Bottom-up Syntactic Parsing -Knowledgebase/Databases - Rule-based Programming - Expert Systems Design and On Line Information Retrieval.

(9) (Contents Ref.: [5] - Ch. 1, 4, 7. 6; [6] - Ch. 1, 6) A PARADIGM MODULE VIII Information Technology as a Tool and Backbone for Modern Education System (2) Text Books: 1. Tanenbaum, Andrew. S, Computer Networks, Third Edition, Prentice-Hall of India, Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India. 2. Comer, Douglas E., The Internet Book, Second Edition Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India. 3. Newman, William M. and Sproull, Robert F., Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill International Book Company, New Delhi, India. 4. Collin, Simon, Multimedia Made Simple, Asian Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India. 5. Charniak Eugene and McDermott, Drew, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, California, U.S.A. 6. Morris, Anne, Editor, The Application of Expert Systems in Libraries and Information Centres, Bowker-Saur, New York, U.S.A.


MODULE I Introduction: Basic definitions and concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Representations in AI Properties of Internal representation The predicate calculus Indexing, pointers, Alternative notations etc. (5) MODULE II Lisp Language: LISP style Atoms and Lists-Building up Lisp structure Basic LISP Primitives Definitions, Predicates, Conditionals and Binding The FOR function Recursion and Iteration Association lists, Properties and Data Abstraction Definition Using Lambda Scope of Variables Printing and Reading Input/ Output Optional. Parameters, Macros and Backquote List storage, survey and reclamation, etc. (10) MODULE III Parsing Language: Rules of syntax Syntactic parsing (Top Down and Bottom up parsing, Transition Network Parsers) The Interpretation of Definite Noun phrases Case grammer and meaning of verbs syntactic use of semantic knowledge- organization of operating, etc. (6) MODULE IV Search: Search problems search tree with state evaluation numbers A general purpose search algorithm Depth first and breadth first search algorithms Function as data in LISP. (5) MODULE V Logic and Deduction: Using predicate calculus forward chaining and unification Skolenization Backward chairing Nonmonotonic reasoning. (6) MODULE VI Memory Organization And Deduction: The importance of memory organization and approaches Data Dependencies Reasoning Involving Time Spatial Reasoning Rule Based Programming. (6) MODULE VII Learning: Learning as Induction Failure Driven Learning Learning by being told. (3) Special Topics: Abduction and causation and evidence Expert systems AI and Robotics (4) Text Books: 1. Charnaik, Eugene and McDermott, Drew, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Mento Park, California, U.S.A. 2. Winston, Patric Henry and Horn, Berthold K.P., LISP, Second Edition. 3. Artificial Intelligent System - Padhy, Oxford Publishers

POWER SYSTEM DYNAMICS AND RELIABILITY MODULE I Classification of Power System Stability: Introduction to Power system Stability classification, Small signal and Transient stability, Rotor angle & Voltage Stability (5) MODULE II Synchronous Machine Modelling: Synchronous Machine, Basic Equations, Generator operated as part of large power grid. (5) MODULE III Small Signal (Steady State) Stability: Small Signal (Steady State) Stability, Linearization, State matrix (5) MODULE IV Transient Stability Studies: Transient Stability Studies, Network performance equations, alternate solution techniques Runga Kutta and Trapezoidal, Methods of improvement of transient stability (7) MODULE V The Basics of Power System Reliability: Characteristics of component failure, the general reliability functions, the exponential distribution, mean time to failure, mean time to failure. (7) MODULE VI Generation Reliability Model: Two state Markov Model, Steady-state availability, Steadystate unavailability or forced outage rate (FOR), Capacity outage probability table (COPT), Recursive techniques, Loss of load probability (LOLP) and loss of energy expectation (LOLE) calculation. (10) MODULE VII Transmission System Reliability Evaluation and Composite Reliability Evaluation: Average interruption rate method, The frequency and duration method, Stormy and normal weather effect, The Markov process approach, Two plant single load composite system reliability analysis. (6) Text Books: 1. Power System Control & Stability P. Kundur 2. Power System Reliability Evaluation - Roy Billingtor. Reference Books: 1. Electric Energy System Theory O.I. Elgerd 2. Power system Analysis by Stevenson and Grainger 3. Power System Planning - R. L. Sullivan 4. Reliability Modelling in Electric Power Systems - J.Endrenyi


Introduction - Operating States, Preventive and Emergency control, Indian Electricity Grid Code, Coordination between different agencies in India. (7)

Module - 2
Load Frequency Control - Introduction, Types of speed governing system and modelling, Mechanical, Electro-hydraulic, Digital electro-hydraulic governing system, Turbine modelling, Generator-load modelling, Steady-state and dynamic response of ALFC loop, the secondary ALFC loop, Integral control. (8)

Module - 3
Multi-control-Area System - Introduction, Pool operation, Two-area system, Modelling the tie line, Static and dynamic response of two area system, Tie-line bias control, State space representation of two-area system, Generation allocation, Modern implementation of AGC scheme, Effect of GRC and speed governor dead-based on AGC. (8)

Module -4
Excitation System - Introduction, Elements of an excitation system, Types of excitation system, Digital excitation system, modelling. (5)

Module - 5
Optimum Operating Strategies - Introduction, Generation mix, Characteristic of steam and Hydro-electric units, Optimum economic dispatch - neglecting Loss and with transmission loss, Computational steps, Derivation of loss formula, Calculation from Jacobian matrix equation, Economic dispatch for Hydrothermal plants, Short-term Hydro-thermal scheduling, Hydro-thermal co-ordination, Reactive power scheduling. (6)

Module - 6
Unit Commitment - Introduction, Constraints in unit commitment, Thermal unit constraints, Hydroconstraints, Unit commitment solution method - Priority list method, Dynamic programming solution. (5)

Module - 7
Power System Restructuring : introduction, Regulation vs. Deregulation, Competitive Market for Generation, The Advantages of Competitive Generation, Electric Supply Industry Structure Under Deregulation in India. Restructuring Models (6)

Text Books : 1. Electric Energy Systems Theory an Introduction - Olle I. Elgerd 2. Power Generation Operation and Control - A.J. Wood, B.F. Wollenberg Reference Books : 3. Power System Deregulation by Loi Lei Lai 4. Power System Stability and Control - P. Kundur


MODULE I Mexwells coefficients, Sequence inductance and capacitance, Charge Matrix, Effect of Ground wire. (6) MODULE II Surface Voltage-gradient on bundled conductors, Mangoldts formula, Gradient factors & their use, Ground level electrostatic field of EHV lines. (6) MODULE III Power frequency over-voltage control, Series and shunt compensation, Generalised Constants of Compensated line, Static Var Compensators (SVC/SVS). (7) MODULE IV Switching over-voltages in EHV Systems (6) MODULE V Six-pulse Bridge Circuit: waveforms and relevant equations, Twelve-pulse converter, Advantages of higher pulse number, Bipolar to monopolar operation, Converter performance with phase control, Commutation and effect of reactance. (8) MODULE VI Introduction to HVDC Transmission system, Economical advantages, Technical advantages, Critical distance, Submarine transmission. (5) MODULE VII Inverter, Equivalent circuit of HVDC system, Schematic diagram, Reactive power consideration in HVDC system, Harmonics, Filters in HVDC system. (7) Text Books: 1. Extra High Voltage AC Transmission Engineering (2nd Ed.) by R.D. Begamudre, Wiley Eastern Ltd. 2. HVDC Power Transmission Systems by K. Padiyar, Wiley Eastern Ltd. Reference Books: 1. EHV AC and HVDC Transmission Engineering and Practices by S.S. Rao, Khanna Publications.

EE 3207 ELECTRIC ENERGY GENERATION AND CONTROL MODULE I Introduction: Overview of power generation scenario from thermal, hydro and nuclear and non-conventional sources. (2) MODULE II Thermal Stations: Selection of site for a thermal station, layout, main components, boiler, economizer, air preheater, super heater, reheater, condenser, feed heater, cooling powers, FD and ID fans, Coal handling plant, water treatment plant, Ash handling plant, Types of boilers and theirs characteristics, Steam turbines, and their characteristics, governing system for thermal stations. (15) MODULE III Hydro Electric Stations: Selection of site, layout, classification of hydro plants, general arrangement and operation of a hydro-plant, governing system for hydel plant, types of turbines. (5) MODULE IV Nuclear Power Station: Nuclear reaction for nuclear power, nuclear fuels, feasibility of a nuclear power station, layout, main part of a nuclear station, nuclear reactor classification, control system for nuclear power station, Safety of nuclear power reactor. (5) MODULE V Diesel Electric Station: Site selection, layout, main components, choice and characteristics of diesel engines, diesel engines, diesel plant efficiency and heatbalance, maintenance. (5) MODULE VI Gas Turbine Plant: Plant layout, a simple gas turbine plant, methods to improve thermal efficiency of a gas turbine plant, fuel for gas turbine plant, combined gas turbine cycle, advantages of gas turbine plants over steam plants. (5) MODULE VII Non-conventional Sources of Energy and Economics of Power Generation: Wind, Tidal, Solar, and Load curve, Load factor, diversity factor, Plant capacity factor, Plant utilization factor, different types of tariffs, Inter connection of power system. (8) Text Books: 1. Power Plant Engineering- PK Nag TMH publications 2. A Textbook on Power System Engg. A Chakravarti, ML Soni, PV Gupta and U.S. Bhatnagar, Dhanpat Rai & Co., New Delhi Reference Books: 1. Elements of Electrical Power Station Design MV Deshpande, Pitman and Sons Ltd. 2. Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution - S.M. Singh, Prentice Hall of India, Delhi. 3. Generation, Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Power C.L. Wadhwa

SOFT COMPUTING TECHNIQUES Module - 1 Introduction: Background, uncertainty and imprecision, statistics and random processes, uncertainty in
Information. Fuzzy sets and membership, chance versus ambiguity, fuzzy control from an industrial perspective, Knowledge based systems for process control, knowledge based controllers, knowledge representation in knowledge based controllers. Mathematics of Fuzzy Control : Classical sets, Fuzzy sets, Properties of fuzzy sets, operations on fuzzy sets. Classical relations and fuzzy relations - cartesian product, crisp relation, Fuzzy relations, Tolerance and Equivalence Relations, Fuzzy tolerance and equivalence relations, operation on fuzzy relations, The extension principle.

Module - 2 Membership Function: Features of membership functions, standard forms and boundaries,
Fuzzyification, Membership value assignment. Fuzzy-to-Crisp conversions: Lambda-cuts for fuzzy sets, Lambda-cuts for fuzzy relations. Defuzzification Methods Classical logic and fuzzy logic: Classical predicate logic, Fuzzy logic, Approximate reasoning, Fuzzy tantologies, Contradictions, Equivalence, and Logical proofs, Implication operation, Composition operation.

Module - 3 Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems: Natural languages, Linguistic Hedges, Rule based systems Graphical Techniques of Inference Fuzzy knowledge based controller (FKBC) Design Parameters: The structure of a FKBC, Rule
base, Data base, Inference Engine, Choke of Fuzzyification procedure, Choice of Defuzzification procedure.

Nonlinear Fuzzy Control : Introduction, The control problem, The FKBC as a nonlinear transfer
element, types of FKBC.

Module - 4
Introduction : Structure and foundation of Single Neuron, Neural Net Architectures, Neural Learning Application, Evaluation of Networks, Implementation. Supervised Learning - Single Layer Networks, Perceptions, Linear saparability, Perception, Training algorithms, Guarantee of success, Modifications.

Module - 5
Multilayer Networks - Multilevel discrimination, preliminaries, backpropagation algorithm, setting the parameter values, Accelerating the learning process, Applications, RBF Network.

Module - 6
Unsupervised learnings - Winner take all networks, learning vector quantizers, ART, Topologically ortanised networks. Associative Models - Non-iterative procedures for Association, hopfield networks,

Module - 7
Discussion of Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Application in areas of Power Electronics and motor control.

Text Books
1. An Introduction to Fuzzy Control, Dr. Driankov, H. Hellendoorn, & M. Reinfran, Narosa Publishing House (ISBN 81-7319-069-0). 2. Fuzzylogic with Engineering Applications - Timothy J. Ross, McGraw-Hill International Editions. 3. Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy logic: Theory and Applications - George J. Klir and Bo. Yuan, Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited.

1. Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation - Siman Haykin, IEEE, Press, MacMillan, N.Y. 1994. 2. Elements of Artificial Neural Networks - Kishan Mehrotra, Chilakuri K. Mohan, Sanjay Ranka (Penvam International Publishing (India)


MODULE I Representation of Signals and Systems: Fourier series, Fourier Transform, Properties of Fourier Transform, Signal power and power spectral density, Signal energy and energy spectral density, Dirac delta function and its applications, Elements of a Communication system, Block diagram of digital communication system MODULE II Amplitude Modulation Systems: Basics of Amplitude modulation, Square law modulator, Switching modulator Square law demodulator, Envelop Detector, Double side band suppressed carrier modulation. Balanced and Ring Modulators, Coherent modulator, Quadrature Amplitude Modulation. MODULE III Amplitude Modulation Systems (Continued) : Single side band modulation, Frequency Discrimination and phase discrimination modulators, Coherent detection of SSB, Introduction to Frequency Division Multiplexing and Time Division Multiplexing, Superheterodyne AM receiver and its characteristics. MODULE IV Angle Modulation Systems: Basic of Frequency and phase modulation, Single tone frequency modulation, NBFM, WBFM, Transmission bandwidth of FM wave, Indirect and Direct methods of FM generation, Frequency Discriminator, phase locked Loop demodulator, Superheterodyne F.M. receiver. MODULE V Digital Modulation Techniques : Sampling Quantization, PCM, DPCM, DM, ADM MODULE VI NOISE : Short Noise, Thermal noise, White Noise, Noise figure, Noise figure of an amplifier, Noise figure of amplifiers in cascade, Noise temperature, Noise Equivalent Bandwidth, Noise due to several amplifiers in cascade. MODULE VII Digital Modulation Techniques : Binary modulation, generation and detection of binary modulated wave, DPSK, QPSK, Matched filter, satellite Communication System, Transponder. Text Books : 1. Communication Systems, 2/e, S.Haykin. 2. Communication Systems, 2/e, B. P. Lathi, 1968.

Reference Book : 1. Communication Systems Engineering by John G. Proakis and Masoud Salehi, Pearson Education. 2. Principals of Communication Systems 2/e, by H. Taub and D L Schilling, Tata McGraw Hills New Delhi. 3. Communication Systems, 3/e, S. Haykin.

(MEE 2115)

Embedded System and Application


Module-1: Microcontrollers and their architecture: Introduction, general architecture of microcontrollers and microprocessors, types of microcontrollers, embedded processors. Overview of the 8051 family. 8051 architecture- memory organization, registers and I/O ports. Addressing modes , instruction sets, and assembly language programming. Introduction to C programming in 8051, Watchdog timer, Power down mode: idle/sleep mode. Module-2: Interfacing: Programming timer/counter. Interrupts- handling and programming. Serial communication using 8051-Interfacing with RS232. 8051 interfacing with keyboard, ADC, DAC, and LCD module interface. Application of microntroller for square wave and rectangular wave generation, frequency counter etc. Module-3: Microcontroller RISC family-ARM processor fundamentals: Register Organisation, pipeline, core. ARM instruction sets: data processing, branch ,load-store, interrupts & program status register instructions. Exceptions & interrupts: handling & priorities. Development & Debugging tools for microcontroller based system design: software and hardware tools like {cross assembler, compiler, debugger, simulator, in-circuit emulator. Module-4: Embedded System Peripherals: Timers, Counters, example of reaction timer, UART, PWM generation, Controlling a dc motor using a PWM. General purpose processor, application specific instruction-set processors (ASIP) and ASICs, semiconductor ICs programmable logic device, Processor selection for embedded systems, special purpose processor. Module-5: PIC microcontrollers: introduction, architecture (block diagram explanation only), and pin details of PIC 16F877 . Memory organization, ports and timers in PIC 16F877. Module-6: DSP based control of stepper motor: Basic operation of stepper motors, excitation tables of stepper motor, drive system of stepper motor, implementation of control logic using LF 2407 DSP, programming techniques for speed control of stepper motor. Module-7: DSP Based Control of BLDC Motor: Principle of BLDC motor, torque generation, BLDC motor control system, Implementation of BLDC motor control system using LF2407, subroutine for PWM generation and speed control of BLDC motor.

Text Books 1. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, The 8051 microcontroller and Embedded System, 2006, Pearson Education. 2. PIC 16F877 data book 3. Hamid A. Toliyat, Steven Campbell-DSP-Based Electro-mechanical Motion Control, CRC Press 4. Andrew N Sloss,Dominic Symes,Chris Wright, ARM Developers Guide, Elsevier Reference Books 1. ARM processor Data book 2. Kenneth Ayala, The 8051 Microcontroller, 3/ e, Thomson Publishing, New Delhi 3. David Seal,ARM Architecture Reference Manual 4. Wayne Wolf, Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing system design, Else Vier, 2005 Resource Department/Center 1. Electrical and Electronics Engineering

MEE 2157 (Elective-II) Renewable Sources of Electrical Energy Module 1 Energy Scenario: Classification of Energy Sources, Energy resources (Conventional and nonconventional), Energy needs of India, and energy consumption patterns. Worldwide Potentials of these sources. Energy efficiency and energy security. Energy and its environmental impacts. Global environmental concern, Kyoto Protocol, Concept of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Prototype Carbon Funds (PCF). Factors favoring and against renewable energy sources,IRP [6] Module 2 Solar Energy: Solar thermal Systems: Types of collectors, Collection systems, efficiency calculations, applications. Photo voltaic (PV) technology: Present status, - solar cells , cell technologies, characteristics of PV systems, equivalent circuit, array design , building integrated PV system, its components , sizing and economics. Peak power operation, Solar tracking system, Standalone and grid interactive systems. [8] Module 3 Wind Energy: Wind speed and power relation, power extracted from wind, wind distribution and wind speed predictions. Wind power systems: system components, Types of Turbine, Turbine rating Choice of generators, turbine rating, electrical load matching, Variable speed operation, maximum power operation, control systems, system design features, stand alone and grid connected operation. [6] Module 4 Biomass Energy System: Biomass various resources, energy contents, technological advancements, conversion of biomass in other form of energy solid, liquid and gases. Gasifiers, Biomass fired boilers, Cofiring, Generation from municipal solid waste, Issues in harnessing these sources. [3] Module 5 Hydro energy: Feasibility of small, mini and micro hydel plants scheme layout economics. Tidal and wave energy, Geothermal and Ocean-thermal energy conversion (OTEC) systems schemes, feasibility and viability. [3] Module 6 Energy storage and hybrid system configurations: Energy storage: Battery types, equivalent circuit, performance characteristics, battery design, charging and charge regulators. Battery management. Fly wheel- energy relations, components, benefits over battery. Fuel Cell energy storage systems. Ultra Capacitors. [4] Module 7 Grid Integration: Grid integration with the system: Interface requirements, Stable operation, Transient-safety, Operating limits of voltage, frequency, stability margin, energy storage, and load scheduling. [5] Text Books : 1. Renewable energy technologies - R. Ramesh, Narosa Publication. 2. Energy Technology S. Rao, Parulkar 3. Non-conventional Energy Systems Mittal, Wheelers Publication. Reference Books : 1. Wind and solar systems by Mukund Patel, CRC Press. 2. Solar Photovoltaics for terrestrials, Tapan Bhattacharya. 3. Wind Energy Technology Njenkins, John Wiley & Sons 4. Solar & Wind energy Technologies McNeils, Frenkel, Desai, Wiley Eastern. 5. Solar Energy S.P. Sukhatme, Tata McGraw Hill.

6. Solar Energy S. Bandopadhay, Universal Publishing. 7. Guide book for National Certification Examination for EM/EA Book 1

MODULE I Electric Traction: Introduction, Requirements of Ideal Traction System Supply system for electric traction, Train movement Energy consumption. Co-efficient of adhesion, The traction motors starting, Breaking of Traction motors. (6) MODULE II Speed Control of Traction Motor: Semiconductor converter controlled drives of Traction Motor, Chopper controlled DC traction motor drives. PWM Voltage source inverter (VSI) Induction motor drives, Load commutated inverter fed synchronous motor drivers, CSI squirrel Cage IM drive, PWM VSI Squirrel cage IM drive. Drives of Diesel Electric Traction Motors: Diesel Engine driven D.C Generator Feeding dc series motors. Diesel Engine driven threephase alternator supplying dc motors. (8) MODULE III Heating & Welding: Introduction, Different methods of heating, Temperature control of resistance furnace, Induction heating, Dielectric heating, Electric welding, Different welding methods, current control of welding transformer, Ultrasonic and laser welding. (7) MODULE IV Illumination: Introduction, Nature of radiations, Definitions. Polar curve, Laws of Illumination, Luminous Efficacy, Source of light, Incandescent, Vapour, Flourescent Lighting calculations, Flood lighting, Street lighting. (7) MODULE V PLC: Introduction, Ladder diagram fundamentals of PLC: Introduction, Basic components and their symbol, Fundamentals of ladder diagram. PLC configurations. System Block Diagram, Update-solve the ladder Network. (6) MODULE VI Fundamental PLC Programming: Physical components Vs. Programme components, Internal Relays, Disagreement circuit. Ladder programme, Execution sequence, Flip-Flop circuits, Mnemonic programming code: AND ladder rung, Entering normally closed contracts, OR ladder rung, Simple branches, Complex branches. (6) MODULE VII Motor Control Circuit Components, Interlocking methods for reversing control, Sequence control, Schematic and wiring diagram for motor control circuits, Remote control operation of an IM, Motor driven pump for a water tank, automatic water level control, Sequence operation of motors with interlocking arrangements. (6) Text Books: 1. Generation, Distribution and Utilisation of Electric Power C.L. Wadhwa, Wiley - 1993. 2. Electrical Design and Estimating and costing - K.B.Raina and S.K.Bhattacyarya, Wiley Delhi - 1993. 3. Fundamentals of Electrical Drives , G.K.Dubey , Narosa publication,New Delhi Reference Books: 1. Utilization of Electric Power, N.V. Suryanarayana, Wiley - 1994. 2. Utilization of Electric Power - Taylor.

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