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MG University 5th Ece Full Syllabus

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ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS -IV CMELPA501 3+1+0 Module 1 Complex Integration: Line Integral Cauchys integral theorem- Cauchys integral formula-Taylors series-Laurents series- zeros and singularitiesResidues- residue theorem-Evaluation of real integrals using contour integration involving unit circle and semicircle. Module 2 Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations: Successive bisection method-Regula falsi method - Newton Raphson method solution of system of linear equations by Jacobis iteration method and Gauss-Siedel method. Module 3 Numerical solution of ordinary differential equation: Taylors series methodEulers method Modified Eulers method - Runge Kutta method (IV order)-Milnes predictor corrector method. Module 4 Z Transforms: Definition of Z transform- properties Z transform of polynomial functions trigonometric functions, shifting property, convolution property- inverse transform solution of 1st & 2nd order difference equations with constant coefficients using Z transforms. Module 5 Linear programming: graphical solution solution using simplex method (non degenerate case only) Big-M method,two phase method- Duality in L.P.P.- Balanced T.P. Vogels approximation method Modi method. References 1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics Ervin Kreyszig, Wiley Eastern limited. 2. Numerical methods in Engineering & Science Dr. B.S.Grewal, Kanna Publishers. 3. Higher Engineering Mathematics - Dr. B.S.Grewal, Kanna Publishers. 4. Numerical methods in Science & Engineering - Dr. M.K.Venkitaraman, National Publishing company. 5. Quantitative techniques Theory & Problems - P.C.Tulsian, Vishal Pandey, Pearson Education Asia. 6. Complex variables and applications - Churchill and Brown, McGraw-Hill. 7. Operations research - Panneer Selvam, PHI. 8. Engineering Mathematics Vol. III -S Arumugam, A.T.Isaac, A.Somasundaram, Scitech publications 9. Advanced Mathematics for Engg.students Vol. III- S.Narayanan, T.K.M.Pillay, G.Ramanaigh, S.Vishwananthan printers & publishers.

POWER ELECTRONICS LA 502 2+1+0 Module 1 Power semiconductor Devices - History of development of Power Electronic devices- Constructional features- Characteristics- rating and specificationgate/base drive circuits-protection including cooling and application consideration of diodes- SCRS, GTO, BJTS, MCT, MOSFET and IGBT. Series and parallel operations of SCR- Electromagnetic interference. Module 2 AC to DC Converters - Operation and analysis of Single phase and multiphase uncontrolled and controlled rectifiers with R, RL and back EMF loadeffect of source inductance- free wheeling effect- power factor improvement methods for phase Controlled rectifiers- filters. PWM chips: SG3524 and TL 494- Block schematic. Module 3 AC to AC Voltage Converter - Operation and analysis of single phase integral cycle and phase controlled converters- Configuration of three phase controllers. Module 4 DC to DC Converters - Chopper classification- Step down- step up and four quadrant converters operation- analysis and control with R, RL and EMF loadcurrent and voltage Commutation circuits. Module 5 DC to AC Converters - Single phase and three phase bridge inverters- VSI and CSI- voltage control - PWM & Square wave operation- Harmonics and their reduction techniques. References 1. 2. 3. 4. Power Electronics: Rashid Muhammad, Pearson Edn. Power Electronics: Harish C Ray, Galgotia Pub. Thyristors and Applications: Ramamoorthy. Power Electronics: Converter, Applications and Design, Mohan Ned, John Wiley, 5. Power Semiconductor Circuits: Dewan, S.B. and Satrughan A, John Wiley & Sons, 1975. 6. Thyristorised Power Controllers: Dubey, G.K., Doradlla, S. R., Wiley Eastern, 1987.


APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY L 503 3+1+0 Module 1 Review of vector analysis: Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical co-ordinates systems- Co-ordinate transformations. Static electric field: Coulombs Law of point charges- Electric flux-Gausss Law- Electrical scalar potential- different types of potential distribution- Potential gradient- Boundary conditions Capacitance: Capacitance of isolated sphere- capacitance between two concentric sphere shells- capacitance between coaxial cylinders- capacitance between parallel wires. Vector fields: Divergence and curl- Divergence theorem- Stokes theorem. Module 2 Magnetic field: Steady current and current density in a conductor- BiotSavarts Law- Amperes Law- Helmholtz theorems- Faradays law of electromagnetic induction- Solenoid, toroid, inductance of transmission lineMutual inductance energy stored in magnetic fields- Magnetic dipole- Electric and Magnetic boundary conditions- vector magnetic potential. Module 3 Maxwells equations and travelling waves: conduction current and displacement current- Maxwells equations- Plane waves- Poynting theorem and Poynting vector- Plane electromagnetic waves- Solution for free space condition- Uniform plane wave-wave equation for conducting medium- Wave polarization- Poissons and Laplace equations. Module 4 Guided waves between parallel planes- transverse electric and transverse magnetic waves and its characteristics- Rectangular wave guides- modes of propagation. Module 5 Transmission lines -Transmission line equations- transmission line parameters- Skin effect- VSWR- Characteristic impedance- Stub matchingSmith chart - Phase velocity and group velocity. References 1. 2. 3. 4. Engineering Electromagnetics: W. H. Hayt, Mc Graw Hill Publications. Electromagnetics: J. D. Kraus, Mc Graw Hill Publications. Engineering electromagnetics: E. C. Jordan. Field & Wave Electromagnetic: Cheng, Pearson Education.


5. Electromagnetics: Edminister, Schaum series, 2 Edn. 6. Electromagnetic Theory: B. Premlet. 7. Electromagnetic Theory: Sadiku, Oxford University Press.

COMPUTER ORGANISATION AND ARCHITECTURE LA 504 2+1+0 Module 1 Basic structure of computer hardware and software- addressing methods and machine programming sequencing- different addressing modes- instruction sets- computer arithmetic logic design- fast adders- multiplication- Booths algorithm- fast multiplication- integer division- floating point numbers. Module 2 Control unit- instruction execution cycle- sequencing of control signalshardwired control- PLAs- micro programmed controls- control signals- micro instructions - Micro program sequencing- branch address modification- pre fetching of micro instructions. Module 3 Memory organization- semi conductor RAM memories- internal organizationbipolar and MOS devices- dynamic memories- multiple memory modules and interleaving- cache memories -mapping functions - replacement algorithmsvirtual memories- address translation-page tables - memory management units- secondary memories- disk drives- standards. Module 4 Input-Output organization- accessing I/O devices- direct memory access (DMA)- interrupts and interrupt handling- handling multiple devices- device identification- vectored interrupts- interrupt nesting- daisy chaining- I/O interfaces- serial and parallel standards- buses-scheduling- bus arbitrationsprinters- plotters- VDUs. Module 5 Introduction to parallel processing and architecture- classification- array processors- pipeline architecture- interconnection- networks- multistage networks- message passing architecture. References 1. Computer organization Hamacher C V, Mc Graw Hill. 2. Computer Systems and Architecture Vincent P Heuring, H F Jordan, Pearson Edn. 3. Computer organization and Design Pal Choudhary 4. Computer organization and Architecture Hayes J P 5. Computer Org. & Architecture: Stallings, Pearson Education.


LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS LA 505 3+1+0 Module 1 Introduction to operational amplifiers Basic differential amplifier - dual input balanced output and unbalanced output- Internal block schematic of op amp - Pin identification- power supply requirements - typical data sheet Op-amp parameters - ideal op amp - transfer curve - equivalent circuit- open loop configurations - frequency response of op amps - compensating networks - slew rate and its effect. Module 2 Op amp in closed loop configuration: Different feed back configurationsVoltage series feedback and voltage shunt feedback - concept of virtual ground- voltage follower - V/I converters and its applications - Differential amplifiers with one op amp and 3 op amps- Use of offset minimizing resistor (ROM) and its design. Module 3 Op amp applications- Summer- Subtractor- Log amplifier- Antilog amplifierComparators: zero crossing- using voltage reference- regenerative (Schmitt trigger) comparators- Astable and monostable multivibrators- Triangular and sawtooth wave generators- Integrator and differentiator- RC phase shift and Wien bridge oscillators-Sample and hold circuit- Peak detector circuit. Module 4 Filters and timers: LPF- HPF- BPF- Notch and all pass filters- I order and II order filters- Switched capacitor filter- Switched capacitor integrator. 555 timers Functional block diagram- Astable multivibrator, monostable multivibrator and its applications. Module 5 Specialized ICs and applications: Voltage regulator ICs 78XX and 79XX series- 317 variable regulators- 1723 switching regulators- 566 VCO chipPhase locked loop(PLL) - capture and lock range- 565 PLL - PLL applications: Frequency multiplication and division- AM demodulation- FM detection- FSK demodulation - LM 380 power amplifier - intercom using LM 380- 8038 Function generator chip - applications. References


1. Op amps and Linear Integrated circuits: Ramakand Gaykwad- PHI publications. 2. Op amps and Linear Integrated circuits: R F Coughlin- Pearson Education. 3. Op amps and Linear Integrated circuits: Ravi Raj Dudeja- Umesh Publications. 4. Linear Integrated circuits: Roy Choudhary & Jain- Wiely Eastern Publications. 5. Integrated circuits: K R Botkar

MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROCONTROLLERS L506 3+1+0 Module1 Introduction to microprocessors and microcomputers: Function of microprocessors- architecture of 8085- pin configuration and functions tristate bus concept - generation of control signals - bus timings demultiplexing AD0-AD7 flags - memory decoding - interfacing of RAM and EPROM - I/O addressing - I/O mapped I/O - and memory mapped I/O schemes - instruction execution - fetch/execute cycle - instruction timings and operation status. Module 2 Atmel AT89C51 microcontroller features - pin configurations - internal block schematic - pin descriptions - PORT0, PORT1, PORT2, PORT3, idle & power down mode - power control register - program protection modes - flash programming & verification. Module 3 Memory organization - program memory - data memory - direct & indirect addressing area - Program status word - register banks - addressing modes instruction set arithmetic - logical and data transfer instructions - Boolean instructions - program branching instructions - Programming examples. Module 4 Machine cycles interrupts - interrupt sources - interrupt enable register interrupt priority - interrupt control system - interrupt handling - single step operation - port bit latches and buffers - port structures and operation accessing external memory programming examples. Module 5 Timer0 & Timer1 - TMOD SFR - mode0, mode1, mode2, mode3 - TCON SFR - serial interface - SCON SFR - mode0, mode1, mode2, mode3- block schematics- baud rates- power on reset circuit- ONCE mode- on chip


oscillator- external program & data memory timing diagrams- I/O port timings programming examples. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The 8051 Microcontroller: Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Pearson Education. The 8051 Microcontroller: Kenneth J Ayala, Penram International Microprocessors and Architecture: Ramesh S Goankar Microcomputers and Microprocessors: John Uffenbeck, PHI Web site of Atmel - www.atmel.com

DIGITAL IC LAB LA 507 0+0+4 List of experiments 1. TTL & CMOS characteristics (7400, CD4001) 2. Interfacing of TTL & electromagnetic relay using transistor, opto coupler (4N33) & Darlington arrays (ULN2803). 3. Logic family interconnection (TTL to CMOS & CMOS to TTL) 4. Design of half adder & full adder using gates. 5. Design and testing of ripple & synchronous counters using JK flip flops (7473, 7476) 6. Counters using shift registers (Ring counter & Johnson counter). 7. Study of counter ICs (7490, 74190). 8. Design of astable & mono-stable multi-vibrators using gates. 9. Design of mono-shots using dedicated ICs (74123). 10. Logic design using multiplexers (74150). 11. Logic design using decoders (74138). 12. Adders, Subtractors, multipliers. 13. Design of 7 segment display circuits-static/dynamic (7447, FND542). 14. PRBS generator. 15. Digital circuit simulation using electronic work bench/ similar working tools. Note Any experiment related to LA402 may be added to the above list. COMMUNICATION - I LAB L 508 0+0+4 List of experiments


1. Passive filters constant K and M derived. 2. Amplitude modulation. 3. Frequency modulation. 4. PWM using SG3525. 5. 555 Applications 6. 566 Applications 7. Study of 565 and its applications 8. Crystal oscillator 9. Oscillators using OP-AMP 10. Colpitts & Hartley oscillator. 11. Multiplexing using analog multiplexer ICs. Note Any other experiments may be added to the above list related to LA403.



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