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Students", Volume II & III (2

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PMA201 1

MATHEMATICS III Prerequisite Nil

L 3

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C 4

PURPOSE To equip the students with the knowledge of slightly advanced topics of mathematics. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES After the completion of the course, the students should be able to apply 1. The rudiments of Fourier series 2. The theory and problems of PDE 3. The applications of PDE to boundary value problems. 4. Fourier transforms and to their branches of engineering. UNIT 1 FOURIER SERIES 9 Dirichlets conditions General Fourier series Half range Sine and Cosine series Parsevals identity Harmonic Analysis. UNIT 2 PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 9 Formation Solution of standard types of first order equations Lagranges equation Linear homogeneous partial differential equations of second and higher order with constant coefficients - Classification of second order linear partial differential equations. UNIT 3 ONE DIMENSIONAL WAVE & HEAT EQUATION 9 Boundary and initial value problems - Transverse vibrations of elastic string with fixed ends Fourier series solutions One dimensional heat equation - Steady and transient states problems. UNIT 4 TWO DIMENSIONAL HEAT EQUATION 9 Two dimensional heat equation Steady state heat flow equation Laplace Equation Cartesian form Laplace equation in polar form heat flow in circular plates including annulus - Fourier series solution. UNIT 5 FOURIER TRANSFORMS 9 Statement of Fourier integral theorem Fourier transform pairs Fourier Sine and Cosine transforms Properties Transforms of simple functions Convolution theorem Parsevals identity. TUTORIAL 30 TOTAL 75 TEXT BOOK 1. Grewal B.S., Higher Engineering Mathematics36th edition, Khanna Publishers, 2002. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Kreyszig.E, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8th edition, John Wiley & Sons, Singapore, 2000. 2. Kandasamy P etal. Engineering Mathematics, Vol. II & Vol. III (4th revised edition), S.Chand & Co., New Delhi, 2000. 3. Narayanan S., Manicavachagom Pillay T.K., Ramanaiah G., Advanced Mathematics for Engineering students, Volume II & III (2nd edition), S.Viswanathan Printers and Publishers, 1992. 4. Venkataraman M.K., Engineering Mathematics Vol.III A & B (13th edition), National Publishing Co., Chennai, 1998.

PEE231 2


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C 3

PURPOSE To give students, a fair knowledge on the working of various electrical machines. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. Analyze the performance of different types of electrical machines. 2. Appreciate the applications of them. 3. Design distributing systems UNIT 1 DC MACHINES 9 Constructional details of DC machine working principle of DC generator Types of Generators EMF equation No load and load characteristics. Principle of operation of DC motors Back emf Torque equation characteristics of shunt, series and compound motors speed control & starters (Qualitative treatment only) UNIT 2 TRANSFORMER 9 Principle of operation Constructional features of single phase transformers Types of transformer EMF equation Transformer on No load and on load Effects to resistance and leakage reactance of the windings - Equivalent circuit Voltage regulation. Three Phase induction motor: Construction Principle of operation Production of rotating magnetic field Slip Torque equation Torque slip characteristics Methods of speed control and starters (Qualitative treatment only). UNIT 3 FRACTIONAL HORSE POWER MOTORS 9 Construction and working principle of single phase motor split phase, capacitor start & capacitor run motors Universal motors. UNIT 4 SYNCHRONOUS MACHINE 9 Constructional features of synchronous generator types emf equation brief idea of armature reaction voltage regulation (EMF method only) Phasor diagram. Synchronous Motor: Working principle of synchronous motors Types of excitation Constant load variable excitation Constant excitation variable load Phasor diagram Starting methods. UNIT 5 ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS (Qualitative treatment only) 9 Electric supply system Distribution system wiring layout Domestic, Commercial & Industrial Protection of Electric installation against Over load, Short circuit & Earth fault Earthing necessity Types of Earthing . TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. K.B. Raina, S.K. Bhattacharya, Electrical Design Estimating & Costing, New Age International (P) Ltd., 2001. 2. B.L.Theraja, A.K. Theraja, A text books of Electrical Technology Vol.II, AC & DC Machines, Publication Division of Nirja Construction & Development Co. (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 1994. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. S.L.Bhatia, Hand Book of Electrical Engineering, Khanna Publications, 1997. 2. S.K.Battacharya, Electrical Machines, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 1994. 3. Kosow, Electric Machinery and Transformer, Prentice Hall of India., 2nd Edition, 1991. 4. J.B.Gupta, Theory & Performance of Electrical Machines, Katsur Publishing House (Regd), 1994.

PEC203 Prerequisite Nil


L 3

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C 3

PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to provide a basis for understanding the characteristics, operation and limitations of semiconductor devices. This course brings together the quantum theory of solids, semiconductor material physics, and semiconductor device physics. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. To understand the operational characteristics of a Semiconductor in Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium conditions. 2. To understand the working of PN junction diodes and special purpose diodes. 3. To understand the basic working physics of BJT and FET both in ideal and non-ideal conditions. UNIT 1 ENERGY BANDS AND EXCESS CARRIERS IN SEMICONDUCTORS 9 Energy bands and excess carriers in semiconductors: Bonding forces and Energy Bands in Solids Charge Carriers in Semiconductors Carrier concentrations Drift of Carriers in Electric and Magnetic Fields Invariance of the Fermi level at Equilibrium. Excess carriers in semiconductors: Optical Absorption Luminescence Carrier Lifetime and Photoconductivity Diffusion of Carriers. UNIT 2 SEMICONDUCTOR JUNCTIONS 9 Junctions : Equilibrium Conditions Forward and Reverse Biased Junctions Reverse Bias Breakdown Transient and AC Conditions Deviations from the Simple Theory Metal-Semiconductor Junctions. Field Effect transistors: Transistor Operation The junction FET The Metal-Semiconductor FET The Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor FET The MOS FET UNIT 3 SOLID STATE DEVICES-I 9 Bipolar Junction Transistors: Fundamentals of BJT Operation Amplification with BJTs Minority Carrier Distributions and Terminal Currents Generalized Biasing Switching Other Important Effects Frequency Limitations of Transistors Hetero junction Bipolar Transistors Opto-electronic devices: Photodiodes Light Emitting Diodes Lasers and Semiconductor Lasers UNIT 4 SOLID STATE DEVICES-II 9 Charge transfer devices: Dynamic Effects in MOS Capacitors The basic CCD Improvements on the Basic Structure Applications of CCDs. High-frequency and high-power devices: Tunnel Diodes IMPATT Diode Gunn Diode PNPN Diode SCR IGBT DIAC TRIAC - UJT. UNIT 5 POWER SUPPLIES 9 Half wave Rectification Full wave Rectification General filter consideration Capacitor Filter RC Filter Discrete Transistor Voltage Regulation IC Voltage Regulators Practical Applications SMPS. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Ben G. Streetman and Sanjay Kumar Banerjee. Solid State Electronic Devices, 6th Edition, Pearson Education 2. Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky , Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory , 9th Edition Pearson Education , International Edition.

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Donald A. Neamen, Semiconductor Physics and Devices, 2nd Edition, Irwin publishers. 2. S.M. Sze , Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 2nd edition, Wiley Eastern 3. Stanley G. Burns and Paul R. Bond , Principles of Electronics Circuits , Galgotia Publishers

PEC205 3

DIGITAL SYSTEMS Prerequisite Nil

L 3

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C 3

PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to develop a strong foundation in analysis and design of digital electronics. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course students should be able to 1. Understand concepts of combinational and sequential circuits 2. Analyze the synchronous and asynchronous logic circuits 3. Understand concepts of memory, programmable logic and digital integrated circuits. UNIT 1 NUMBER SYSTEMS - BOOLEAN ALGEBRA AND LOGIC GATES 7

Number Systems - Boolean algebra Canonical and standard forms. Digital logic gates Integrated circuits. Map method four and five variable map methods Products of Sums Simplification - Dont care conditions .Quine -McClucskey Method. UNIT 2 GATE LEVEL MINIMIZATION & COMBINATIONAL LOGIC 9

Two level implementation NAND & NOR Implementations EXOR Functions. Combinational Circuits Analysis and design procedure Binary adder - Subtractor Decimal Adder Binary Multiplier Magnitude Comparator Decoders Encoders Multiplexers. UNIT 3 SYNCHRONOUS SEQUENTIAL LOGIC 9 Sequential circuits - Latches Flip-Flops - Analysis of Clocked Sequential Circuits State Reduction and Assignment Design Procedure. Registers Shift Registers Ripple counters Synchronous Counters Other counters. UNIT 4 AYSYNCHRONUS SEQUENTIAL LOGIC AND MEMORY 11 Introduction Analysis Procedure Circuit with Latches Design Procedure Reduction of State and Flow Tables Race-Free state Assignment. Memory Introduction Random-Access Memory Memory Decoding Read only memory. UNIT 5 DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC 9

Introduction Special Characteristics Bipolar-Transistor Characteristics RTL and DTL Circuits TTL ECL - MOS CMOS CMOS Transmission Gate Circuits Programmable Logic Array Programmable Array Logic - Sequential Programmable Devices. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Morris Mano. M, Digital Design , Pearson education, Third Edition 2002. Ronald J. Tocci, Digital System Principles and Applications , PHI ,Sixth Edition, 1997.

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. Floyd, Digital Fundamentals , Universal Book Stall, New Delhi,1986. Morris Mano. M, Digital Design , PHI, Second Edition. Ronald J. Tocci, Digital System Principles and Applications, Pearson education 9th edition.

PEC221 Prerequisite Nil


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PURPOSE To verify practically, the fundamental characteristics of Electron Devices. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. To study experimentally the characteristics of diodes, BJTs and FETs. 2. To verify practically, the response of various special purpose electron devices. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Characteristics of PN junction and Zener diode. Input, Output and Transfer characteristics of CE and CC Amplifier. Characteristics of LDR, Photo-diode and Photo transistor. Transfer characteristics of JFET. Transfer characteristics of MOSFET ( with depletion and enchancement mode) Characteristics of LED with three different wavelengths. Half wave rectifier. Full wave rectifier with 2 diodes. Full wave rectifier with 4 diodes (Bridge rectifier). Series voltage Regulator. Shunt voltage Regulator. Characteristics of Thermistor. TOTAL 45 REFERENCE: LABORATORY MANUAL 45

PEC223 Prerequisite Nil


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PURPOSE To understand, the logical behaviors of digital circuits and apply them in appropriate applications. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. To verify operation of logic gates and flip-flops. 2. To design and construct digital circuits LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Study of Gates & Flip-flops. Half Adder and Full Adder. Magnitude Comparator (2-Bit). Encoders and Decoders. Multiplexer and Demultiplexer. Code Converter. Synchronous Counters. Ripple Counter. Mod N Counter. Shift Register SISO & SIPO. TOTAL 45 REFERENCE: LABORATORY MANUAL 45

PEC202 4


L 3

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C 4

PURPOSE To introduce the students to the idea of probability and random process, an important mathematical tool in signal processing. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course, the students should be fully equipped with the knowledge of 1. Probability and Random variables 2. 2 D Random variables 3. The concepts of Random process 4. The Correlation Functions and 5. The applications of Fourier Transforms like Spectral Density and others. UNIT 1 PROBABILITY AND RANDOM VARIABLES: 9 Probability theory Random Variables Moments Moment generating function Binomial, Poisson, Geometric, Exponential, Normal distributions, functions of Random Variables, Chebyshev inequality. UNIT 2 TWO DIMENSIONAL RANDOM VARIABLES 9 Two dimensional Random Variables Marginal and conditional distributions Transformation of Random Variables central limit theorem simple problems. UNIT 3 RANDOM PROCESSES 9 Classification of Random processes Stationarity WSS and SSS processes Poisson Random process Pure Birth process Renewal Process Markov Chain and transition probabilities. UNIT 4 CORRELATION FUNCTIONS: 9 Autocorrelation function and its properties Cross Correlation function and its properties Linear System with Random inspects. UNIT 5 SPECTRAL DENSITY 9 Power spectral Density Function Properties System in the form of convolution Unit Impulse Response of the System Einstein Weiner-Khinchine Relationship Cross Power Density Spectrum Properties. TUTORIAL 15 TOTAL 60 TEXT BOOK 1. T. Veerarajan, Probability, Statistics and Random Processes, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2004. REFERENCE BOOK 1. Trivedi K S, Probability and Statistics with reliability, Queueing and Computer Science Applications,Prentice Hall of India,New Delhi, 1984




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PURPOSE To enable the students, to have a fair knowledge about the theory and problems of electromagnetism and waveguides. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. Understand the basic concepts of electric field and magnetic field 2. Compare between field and circuit theory 3. Need for impedance matching and different impedance matching techniques 4. Different types of waveguides UNIT 1 STATIC ELECTRIC FIELDS 9 Introduction to co-ordinate system-Coulombs law: Electric field intensity-Field due to different types of charges-Electric Flux density. Gauss law: Its applications to symmetrical charge distributions- Concept of divergence. Electric potential: Potential field due to different types of charges-Potential gradient-The dipolefield due to dipole-Energy density in electrostatic field. UNIT 2 STEADY MAGNETIC FIELDS 9 Biot Savart Law: Its applications. Amperes circuital law: Its applications-Curl of magnetic field intensityMagnetic flux and magnetic flux density-The scalar and vector magnetic potentials-Steady magnetic field laws. UNIT 3 MAXWELLS EQUATIONS AND TIME VARYING FIELDS 9 Maxwells Equations: For steady fields in point form and integral form-Faradays law- displacement currentMaxwells equations in point form and integral form for time-varying fields-Comparison of field and circuit theory. Poynting Theorem: Poynting vector UNIT 4 GUIDED WAVES 9 Waves between parallel planes: Transverse electric waves-Transverse magnetic waves-characteristic of TE and TM waves-TEM waves. Velocity of propagation-Attenuation in parallel plane guides-Wave impedance UNIT 5 WAVEGUIDE THEORY 9 Rectangular wave guides: TE waves and TM waves in Rectangular waveguides-Dominant mode-cutoff frequency in wave guides-Impossibility of TEM waves in waveguides. Circular waveguides: Wave impedance and characteristic impedance-Power flow in wave guides-Attenuation factor and Q of wave guidesTransmission line analogy for waveguides TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. William H.Hayt,Jr and John A.Buck., Engineering Electromagnetics, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Ltd, 7th edition 2006 2. G.S.N.Raju., Electromagnetic Field Theory and Transmission Lines Pearson Education, First Indian print 2005

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Matthew N. O. Sadiku., Elements of Electromagnetics, Oxford University Press,3rd edition, First Indian edition 2006 2. Gangadhar K.A , Field Theory, Khanna Publications,2000 3. Muthusubramanian R and Senthil Kumar N, Electromagnetic field theory,Anuradha publications,1999 4. Edward Jordan and KG Balmain, Electromagnetic Waves and Radiationg Systems, Pearson education, 2nd edition.


PEC204 Prerequisite Nil


L 3

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C 4

PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to introduce to the students the basics of biasing transistor circuits, feedback amplifiers, large signal amplifiers, tuned amplifiers, oscillators, wave shaping circuit using transistor & analyzing different electronic circuits. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of this course the students will learn and apply 1. 2. 3. 4. Operating point calculations and working of basic amplifiers. Working of different types of feedback amplifiers & oscillators. Frequency response and design of tuned amplifiers. Basic working & design of wave shaping circuits.

UNIT 1 BIASING METHODS AND SMALL SIGNAL MODELS (BJT, JFET, MOSFET) 6 DC & AC Load Lines-Operating Point-Q- Point variation-various Biasing Methods- Small signal equivalent -Calculation of voltage gain, current gain, power gain, input impedance and output impedance. UNIT 2 TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIER AND ANALYSIS 6 Small Signal analysis of BJT, JFET and MOSFET amplifiers - Cascade amplifier- Cascode amplifierDarlington Bootstrap amplifier- Differential amplifier. UNIT 3 FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS AND OSCILLATORS 6 Concept of feedback- Types of feedback- Analysis of voltage & current feedback amplifiers Barkhausen criterion for oscillation mechanism for start of oscillation & stabilization of amplitude Analysis of RC & LC oscillators. UNIT 4 LARGE SIGNAL AND TUNED AMPLIFIERS 6 Class-A CE amplifier Q point placement Power calculation Maximum dissipation Hyperbola Transformer coupled Amplifier Class-B push pull amplifier Class-AB operation- Direct coupled push pull amplifier Amplifier using complementary symmetry- Heat sink. Single Tuned Amplifiers Double tuned & synchronously tuned amplifiers. UNIT 5 FREQUENCY RESPONSE AND WAVE SHAPING CIIRCUITS 6 Low frequency and High frequency response of BJT and FET amplifier. Nonlinear wave shaping circuits: Astable - Bistable - Monostable Multivibrators. Schmitt Trigger - Time Base Generators. TUTORIAL TOTAL TEXT BOOKS 1,Robert l. Boylsted, Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and circuit Theory, Pearson, 1997. 2.G K Mithal, Electronic Devices & Circuits, Khanna Publishers, 1993. REFERENCES 1.David A Bell, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Prentice Hall of India, 1998. 2.Jacob Millman, Christos C Halkias, Electron Devices and Circuits, Tata McGraw Hill, Edition 1991 3.Donald L Schilling, Charles Belove, Electronic Circuits, 3rd edition, 1989. 4.Stanley G. burns , Paul R,bond, Principles of Electronic Circuits ,Galgottia publishers. 30 60


PEC207 5


L 2

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C 3

PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the fundamentals of signals and systems which are basic to Digital Signal Processing. The main objective of this subject is to help the students to mathematically analyze different types of signals and their associated systems. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of this course, the students will be able to understand the 1. Various classifications of both Continuous time and Discrete time Signals and Systems. 2. Spectral analysis of Periodic and Aperiodic Signals using Fourier series. 3. Analysis and characterization of the CT system through Laplace transform. 4. Analysis and characterization of the DT system through Z transform. UNIT 1 CLASSIFICATION OF SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS 6

Classification of Signals: Continuous time signals - Discrete time signals Periodic and Aperiodic signals Even and odd signals Energy and power signals Deterministic and random signals Complex exponential and Sinusoidal signals .Unit step, Unit ramp, Unit impulse Representation of signals in terms of unit impulse . Classification of Systems: Continuous time systems- Discrete time systems - Linear system Time Invariant system causal system BIBO system Systems with and without memory LTI system. UNIT 2 ANALYSIS OF CT SIGNALS 6 Fourier series: Representation of Continuous time Periodic signals Properties of Continuous time Fourier series Parsevals relation Frequency spectrum Power density spectrum Band limited signals complex analytic signals. Fourier transform: Representation of Continuous time signals- Properties of Continuous time Fourier transform Energy density spectrum. UNIT 3 LTI CT SYSTEM 6 System modeling: Differential equation impulse response Frequency response Convolution Analysis and characterization of LTI system using Fourier methods and Laplace transform. UNIT 4 ANALYSIS OF DT SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS 6 Representation of sequences Discrete time Fourier transform (DTFT) - Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and its properties - System modeling in terms of difference equation- impulse response Convolution sum -Frequency response. UNIT 5 Z TRANSFORM 6 Z transform: Unilateral &Bilateral Z transforms properties. Inverse Z transform: Power series expansion Partial fraction. Analysis and characterization of DT system using Z transform. TUTORIAL TOTAL TEXT BOOK 1. Simon Haykin and Barry Van Veen Signals and Systems, John Wiley & Sons In, 2001. 2. Alan V. Oppenheim et al, Signals and Systems, Pearson Education., 1997. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. John G. Proakis and Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing, Principles, Algorithms and Applications, PearsonEducation, 3rdedition, 2002. B.P. Lathi, Linear Systems & Signals, Oxford Press, Second Edition 2005. 30 60


PEC222 Prerequisite Nil


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C 2

PURPOSE The purpose of the lab is to train the students to analyze electronic circuit and understand their functionality. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To study experimentally the working of amplifiers, regulators and analyze their behavior by plotting graphs. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS Group 1: (Using only discrete components) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Frequency response of RC coupled amplifier using BJT or FET. Colpitts Oscillator. Efficiency of Class-A or Class AB Amplifier. Frequency response of Single Tuned Amplifier. Frequency response of a BJT amplifier with and without feedback. 45

Group 2: (Using IC 741 IC 555 and any other equivalent ICs) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Differential and Summing Amplifier. Integrator and Differentiator. Wein Bridge and RC Phase Shift oscillator. Astable Multivibrator Monostable Multivibrator Bistable Multivibrator

Group 3: Simulation experiments (Using PSPICE and LABVIEW ) 1. 2. 3. 4. Active filters: Band pass filter and Notch filter. Digital to Analog converter ( any one method) Analog to Digital converter ( any one method) Ramp Generator TOTAL REFERENCE: LAB MANUAL 45


PEC206 Prerequisite Nil


L 3

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C 3

PURPOSE To enable the students to understand the fundamentals of integrated circuits and designing electronic circuits using it. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. To design simple circuits like amplifiers using op-amps 2. To design waveform generating circuits 3. To design simple filter circuits for particular application 4. To gain knowledge in designing a stable voltage regulators UNIT 1 INTRODUCTORY CONCEPTS AND FUNDAMENTALS 9 Introduction to operational amplifier: Op-amp symbol, terminals, packages and specifications-Block diagram Representation of op-amp-Op-amp input modes-Op-amp Data sheets and interpretation-Ideal op-amp and practical op-amp-Open loop and closed loop configurations of op-amp Practical Limitations of op-amp circuits:-Bias and offset currents / offset voltage-Frequency compensation and stability-Gain bandwidth product-Slew Rate-Drift-CMRR and PSRR Basic op-amp circuits: Inverting and Non-inverting voltage amplifiers-Voltage follower-Summing , scaling and averaging amplifiers-Differential amplifiers-AC amplifiers. Internal Schematic of 741 op-amps UNIT 2 OP AMP APPLICATIONS 9 Linear Applications: Instrumentation Amplifiers-V-to-I and I-to-V converters-Differentiators and Integrators. Non-linear Applications: Precision Rectifiers-Wave Shaping Circuits (Clipper and Clampers)-Log and Antilog Amplifiers-Analog voltage multiplier circuit and its applications-Operational Trans conductance amplifier (OTA)-Comparators and its applications-Sample and Hold circuit UNIT 3 OSCILLATORS AND FREQUENCY GENERATORS 9 Op-amp oscillators: Positive feedback and the Barkhausan criterion-Wien Bridge and phase shift oscillatorsSquare / Triangle / Ramp function generators Single Chip oscillators and Frequency generators: Voltage controlled oscillator-555 Timer-555 Monostable operation and its applications-555 Astable operation and its applications-Phase Locked Loop-Operation of 565 PLL-Closed loop analysis of PLL-PLL applications UNIT 4 ACTIVE FILTERS AND VOLTAGE REGULATOR 9

Filter Fundamentals: Filter types-Filter order and poles-Filter class or alignment (Butterworth, Bessel, Chebyshev and Elliptic or Cauer) Realizing Practical Filters: Sallen-Key LPF and HPF Realizations-BPF Realization-Notch Filter (Band Reject) Realization-State Variable Filters-All Pass Filters Switched Capacitor Filters, Voltage Regulators-Need for Regulation-Linear Regulators-Monolithic IC Regulators (78xx,79xx,LM 317,LM 337,723)-Switching Regulators UNIT 5 DATA CONVERSION DEVICES 9 Advantages and disadvantages of working in the digital domain, Digital to Analog Conversion: DAC Specifications-DAC circuits-Weighted Resistor DAC-R-2R Ladder DAC-Inverted R-2R Ladder DACMonolithic DAC, Analog to Digital conversion: ADC specifications-ADC circuits-Ramp Type ADCSuccessive Approximation ADC-Dual Slope ADC-Flash Type ADC-Tracking ADC-Monolithic ADC TOTAL 45 1. 2. TEXT BOOKS: Roy Choudhury and Shail Jain, Linear Integrated Circuits, Wiley Eastern Ltd,1995 Ramakant A.Gayakwad, Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits, 4th edition, Pearson education. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Coughlin & Driscoll, Operational-Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits, 6th edition, Pearson education. Sergio Franco, Design with operational amplifier and analog integrated circuits, McGraw Hill, 1997.



PEC212 6


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PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to introduce the concepts of Digital signal processing and DSP Processor. The mathematical analysis of FIR and IIR filter design and simulation using MATLAB are dealt with in detail. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of this course, the students will be able to understand the 1. 2. 3. 4. Structures of Discrete time signals and systems Frequency response and design of FIR and IIR filters. Finite word length effect DSP Processor- TMS320C5X.

UNIT 1 REVIEW OF DISCRETE TIME SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS 6 Overview of signals and systems- DFT-FFT using DIT and DIF algorithms - Realization of structures for discrete time systems Direct form I & II, Cascade, Parallel forms MATLAB programs for DFT and FFT. UNIT 2 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF IIR FILTERS 6 .Design of analog filters using Butterworth and Chebyshev approximations IIR digital filter design from analog filter using impulse invariance technique and bilinear transformations Matlab programs IIR filters. UNIT 3 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF FIR FILTERS 6 Linear phase response- design techniques for FIR filters- Fourier series method and frequency sampling method Design of Linear phase FIR filters using windows: Rectangular, Hanning and Hamming windows- Matlab programs FIR filters-FIR filter design using Decimation and Interpolation . UNIT 4 FINITE WORD LENGTH EFFECTS IN DIGITAL FILTERS 6 Fixed point arithmetic effect of quantization of the input data due to Finite word length. Product round off need for scaling Zero input limit cycle oscillations - Limit cycle oscillations due to overflow of adders Table look up implementation to avoid multiplications. UNIT 5 PROCESSOR FUNDAMENTALS 6 Architecture and features: Features of DSP processors DSP processor packaging(Embodiments) Fixed point Vs floating point DSP processor data paths Memory architecture of a DSP processor (Von Neumann Harvard) Addressing modes pipelining TMS320 family of DSPs (architecture of C5x). TUTORIAL 30 TOTAL 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. John .G. Proakis and Dimitris C. Manolakis , Digital Signal Processing Principles , Algorithms and Applications , Pearson Education, Third edition 2006. 2. Sanjit Mitra, Digital Signal Processing A Computer based approach, Tata Mcgraw Hill, New Delhi, 2001 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. B.Venkataramani, M.Bhaskar, Digital Signal Processors, Architecture, Programming and Application, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2003. M.H.Hayes, Digital Signal Processing, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2003.


7 PEC208


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PURPOSE To lay a strong foundation on the theory of transmission line and networks by highlighting their applications. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. To become familiar with propagation of signals through lines. 2. Calculation of various line parameters by conventional and graphical methods. 3. Need for impedance matching and different impedance matching techniques. 4. Design of different types of filters, equalizer and attenuators. UNIT 1 TRANSMISSION LINE THEORY 9 General theory of Transmission lines - the transmission line general solution - The infinite line Wavelength, velocity of propagation Waveform distortion the distortionless line - Loading and different methods of loading Line not terminated in Z0 Reflection coefficient calculation of current , voltage, power delivered and efficiency of transmission Input and transfer impedance - Open and short circuited lines reflection factor and reflection loss. UNIT 2 HIGH FREQUENCY TRANSMISSION LINES 8 Transmission line equations at radio frequencies - Line of Zero dissipation Voltage and current on the dissipation less line, Standing Waves, Nodes , Standing Wave Ratio Input impedance of the dissipation less line - Open and short circuited lines - Power and impedance measurement on lines - Reflection losses Measurement of VSWR and wavelength. UNIT 3 IMPEDANCE MATCHING IN HIGH FREQUENCY LINES 9 Impedance matching: Quarter wave transformer Impedance matching by stubs Single stub and double stub matching Smith chart Solutions of problems using Smith chart Single and double stub matching using Smith chart. UNIT 4 PASSIVE FILTERS 9 Characteristic impedance of symmetrical networks filter fundamentals. Design of filters: Constant K, Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass, Band Elimination, m-derived sections and composite. UNIT 5 ATTENUATORS AND EQUALIZERS 10 Attenuators: T, , Lattice Attenuators, Bridged T attenuator, L-Type Attenuator. Equalizers: inverse network, series, full series, shunt, full shunt, constant resistance T, constant resistance , constant resistance lattice and bridged T network. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. John D.Ryder, Networks, Lines and Fields, PHI, 1991. 2. Sudhakar. A, Shyammohan S Palli, Circuits and Networks Analysis and Synthesis, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, 2002. REFERENCE BOOK 1. Umesh Sinha, Transmission Lines and Network, Satya Prakashan Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2001.




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PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to introduce students about Microprocessors and Microcontrollers. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. 2. 3. 4. Understand Microprocessor types and programming of them Understand various interfacing circuits necessary for various applications Understand various interfacing concepts Understand basic concepts of micro controller

UNIT 1 MICROPROCESSOR- 8086 9 Register Organization -Architecture-Signals-Memory Organization-Bus Operation-IO Addressing-Minimum Mode-Maximum Mode-Timing Diagram-Interrupts & Service Routines UNIT 2 PROGRAMMING OF 8086 Addressing Modes-Instruction Format-Instruction Set-Assembly language Programs in 8086 UNIT 3 INTERFACING DEVICES IO and Memory Interfacing conceptsProgrammable Interval Timer (8254) Programmable Interrupt Controller (8259A) Programmable DMA Controller (8257) Programmable communication Interface (8251)-Stepper Motor Interfacing 9 9

UNIT 4 MICROCONTROLLER-8051 9 Register Set-Architecture of 8051 microcontroller- IO and Memory Addressing-Interrupts-Instruction SetAddressing Modes. UNIT 5 PROGRAMMING OF 8051 9 Timer-Serial Communication-Interrupts Programming-Interfacing to External Memory-Interfacing to ADCs, Sensors. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. A.K.Ray and K.M.Bhurchandi, Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals,Tata McGrawHill,2000. 2. Muhammad Ali Mazidi and Janice Gillispie Mazidi, The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded systems,7th Edition, Pearson Education , 2004 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Doughlas.V.Hall, Microprocessor and Interfacing : Programming and Hardware, 2nd edition, McGraw Hill, 1991 2. Kenneth.J.Ayala, 8051 Microcontroller Architecture,Programming and Applications.2nd edition, Thomson.


PEC321 Prerequisite Nil


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PURPOSE To make the students understand the basic programming of Microprocessor and DSP processor. Also, to introduce them to Microcontrollers and few interfacing circuits. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To understand and gain knowledge about 1. Microprocessor (8086) 2. Microcontroller (8051) 3. Interfacing circuits 4. DSP Processor LIST OF EXPERIMENTS PART I-8086 MICROPROCESSOR 1. 2. 3. 4. 16 bit Addition , Subtraction, Multiplication and Division Largest and Smallest number Ascending and Descending numbers Sum of Series PART II-INTERFACING 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Stepper Motor Interface Programmable Timer Interface A/D and D/A Converters Programmable Interrupt Controller Temperature Controller. 45

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4.

PART III-8051 MICROCONTROLLER Addition , Subtraction, Multiplication and Division Ones and twos complement Word Disassembly Decimal to Hexa decimal Conversion PART IV DSP PROCESSOR 8bit/16bit addition subtraction using immediate direct and indirect addressing modes. 8bit/16bit Multiplication and division using immediate, direct and indirect addressing. Linear evaluation Wave form generation TOTAL 45



PEC210 Prerequisite Nil


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PURPOSE To study the basics of analog communication systems INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To learn and understand 1. Various Amplitude modulation and demodulation systems 2. Various Angle modulation and demodulation systems 3. Basics of Noise theory and performance of various receivers UNIT 1 AMPLITUDE MODULATION SYSTEMS 9 Need for modulation-AM modulation systems-Modulation index-Phase diagram-Power relations-EfficiencySpectrum diagram of AM, DSB-SC & SSB systems. Generation of AM Waves: Square law modulator-Product Modulator-Switching Modulator. Detection of AM waves: Envelope detector-Coherent detector. FDM. UNIT 2 ANGLE MODULATION 9 Frequency Modulation - Transmission Bandwidth of FM signals-Frequency spectrum-Phase Modulationrelationship between FM & PM- Narrow Band FM & Wide Band FM. Generation of FM Waves: Direct method- Indirect method of FM generation. Detection of FM waves: Ratio Detector-PLL FM demodulator- Super heterodyne Receiver UNIT 3 NOISE THEORY 9 Sources of Noise-Shot Noise-Resistor Noise-Calculation of Noise in Linear systems-Noise bandwidth-Available Power-Noise temperature-Noise in two port networks-Noise figure-Measurement of Noise figure-Signal in presence of noise-Narrow Band noise UNIT 4 NOISE PERFORMANCE OF AM & FM RECEIVERS 9 Noises in AM receiver threshold effect-Noise in FM receivers capture effect-FM threshold effect-Pre emphasis & De emphasis in FM. UNIT 5 INFORMATION THEORY 9 Information & Entropy- Rate of information-Discrete memory less channel-Joint Entropy & Conditional Entropy-Mutual information-Channel Capacity-Shannons Theorem-Continuous Channel-Shannon-Hartley Theorem-BW S/N Trade-off. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOK 1. Simon Haykin, Communication System, John Wiley & Sons, 4th Edition, 1991 2. R.. Singh & S.D.Spare, Communication Systems, Analog & Digital, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 1995. REFERENCE BOOK 1. K.Sam Shanmugam,Digital & Analog Communication System, John Wiley & Sons. 2. B.P.Lathi, Modern Digital & Analog Communication, Prison Books Pvt Ltd., 1989


PEC303 8

CONTROL SYSTEMS Prerequisite Nil

L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE To give an introduction to the analysis of linear control systems. This will permit an engineer to exploit time domain and frequency domain tools to design and study linear control systems. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the conclusion of this course, the students will be able to: 1. Describe what feedback control is and basic components of control systems. 2. Describe the various time domain and frequency domain tools for analysis and design of linear control systems. 3. Describe the methods to analyze the stability of systems from transfer function forms. UNIT 1 TRANSFER FUNCTIONS 9 Introduction and classification of control systems-linear, nonlinear, time varying, time in-variant, continuous, discrete, SISO and MIMO systems definitions. Transfer function Mathematical modeling of mechanical (translation and rotational), Electrical systems- mechanical-electrical analogies Block Diagram reduction technique and Signal flow graphs. UNIT 2 CONTROL SYSTEM COMPONENTS 9 Transfer function of potentiometers, armature controlled and field controlled dc motor. tacho generators -gear trains- controllers (On Off, P, PI,PD, PID) UNIT 3 TRANSIENT AND STEADY STATE ANALYSIS 9 Transient and steady state response-definitions-mathematical expression for standard test signals-type and order of systems-step, ramp and impulse response of first order and second order under damped systems - Step response of second order critically damped and over damped systems - Time domain specifications of second order under damped systems - Steady state error analysis. UNIT 4 STABILITY ANALYSIS 9 Stability analysis characteristic equation location of roots in S-plane for stability -Rouths stability criterionrelative stability analysis-root locus technique-construction of root loci for negative feed back systems. UNIT 5 FREQUENCY DOMAIN ANALYSIS 9 Frequency response analysis-frequency domain specifications of second order systems-Bode plots and stability (gain and phase) margins- Need for compensation -Introduction to lead, lag, lead-lag compensating networks, minimum phase& non-minimum phase systems - polar plots-constant M and N circles-Nichols chart - Nyquist stability criterion TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Katsuhiko Ogata, Modern Control Engineering second edition, Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd, New Delhi, 1995. 2. Nagrath I J and Gopal .M. Control Systems Engineering, I edition,Wiley and sons, 1985. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Benjamin C Kuo, Automatic Control System, 7th edition, Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd, New Delhi, 1993. 2. Gajic Z., Lelic M., Modern Control System Engineering, Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd, New Delhi, 1996. 3. Richard .C. Dorf and Robert.H.Bishop, Modern Control System Engineering, Addison Wesley, 1999. 4. Katsuhiko Ogata, Modern Control Engineering 4th edition, Pearson education.




L 3

T 0

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C 3

PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to enable the students to the basics of antennas and various types of antenna arrays and its radiation patterns. The main objective of this subject is to help students to identify the different latest antennas available for specific communication. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES

2. 3. 4.

To study various antennas, arrays and radiation patterns of antennas. To learn the basic working of antennas To understand various techniques involved in various antenna parameter measurements. To understand the propagation of radio waves in the atmosphere

UNIT 1 ANTENNA FUNDAMENTALS AND VECTOR POTENTIALS 9 Isotropic Radiation, Power density and Intensity, Gain, Directive gain, Directivity, Effective area, Reciprocity theorem, Antenna efficiency, Radiation resistance, Terminal impedance, Beam width and Bandwidth. Radiation from a small current element, Power radiated by a small current element and its radiation resistance, Half wave dipole, Radiation field of current distribution of center fed Dipole. UNIT 2 ANTENNA ARRAYS 9 Various forms of antenna arrays Broadside, End fire, Collinear, Parasitic arrays, Array of two point sources, Pattern Multiplication, Array of N sources analysis of End fire and Broadside case, phased arrays, Binomial arrays. UNIT 3 SPECIAL PURPOSE ANTENNAS 9 Traveling wave, Loop, Dipole and Folded dipole antennas, Horn antenna, Reflector antenna, Yagi- Uda antenna, Log periodic antenna, Helical and Micro strip antenna and applications of all types of antennas.

UNIT 4 ANTENNA MEASUREMENTS Impedance, Gain, Radiation pattern, Beam width, Radiation resistance, Antenna efficiency, Directivity, Polarization and phase Measurements.

UNIT 5 RADIO WAVE PROPAGATION 9 Modes of propagation, Structure of atmosphere, Ionosphere layers, Mechanism of bending of waves, Effect of earths Magnetic field on Radio wave propagation. Virtual height, MUF, Skip distance, OWF, Ionosphere abnormalities, Multi-hop propagations, Space wave propagation, Super refraction. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Constantine A.Balanis, Antenna Theory analysis and Design,II Edition,John wiley and Sons. 2. R.E.Collin, Antennas and Radio Wave Propagation, McGraw Hill International Editions, 1985. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Robert S. Elliott, Antenna Hand Book, Joseph J. Carr, Galgotia Publication, New Delhi, 1995. 2. K.D. Prasad, Antenna and Wave Propagation, Tech India Publications, New Delhi, 1996. 3. John. D. Kraus, Antennas, McGraw Hill International Editions, 1988


PEC306 9 Prerequisite PEC205


L 3

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C 3

PURPOSE To introduce the technology, design concepts, electrical Properties and modeling of Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: 1. To learn the basic MOS Circuits. 2. To learn the MOS Process Technology 3. To learn the concepts of modeling a digital system using Hardware Description Language. UNIT 1 INTRODUCTION TO MOS TECHNOLOGY 9 An overview of Silicon Semiconductor technology- NMOS fabrication. CMOS fabrication: n-well, pwell - Twin tub and SOI Process - Interconnects. Circuit elements: Resistors- Capacitors- Bipolar transistors. Latch up and prevention. UNIT 2 MOS CIRCUIT DESIGN PROCESS 9 Basic MOS transistors: symbols, Enhancement mode - Depletion mode transistor operation - Threshold voltage derivation - body effect - Drain current Vs voltage derivation - channel length modulation. NMOS and CMOS inverter - Determination of pull up to pull down ratio - Design of logic gates - Stick diagrams. UNIT 3 PRINCIPLES OF VHDL (ELEMENTARY TREATMENT ONLY) 9 Introduction to VHDL. Language elements: Identifiers - Data objects - Data types Operators. Behavioral modeling - Dataflow modeling - Structural modeling Examples - Sub programs and overloading Package concepts. UNIT 4 VERILOG HDL (ELEMENTARY TREATMENT ONLY) 9 Hierarchical modeling concepts- Basic concepts: Lexical conventions - Data types - Modules and ports. Gate level modeling - Dataflow modeling - Behavioral modeling - Functions - UDP concepts UNIT 5 CMOS SUBSYSTEM DESIGN 9 Introduction - Design of Adders: carry look ahead - carry select - carry save. Parity generators. Design of multipliers: Array - Braun array Baugh - Wooley Array - Wallace tree multiplier. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Douglas A. Pucknell, Basic VLSI Systems and Circuits,3rd edition, Prentice Hall of India, 1993 2. Samir Palnitkar, Verilog HDL Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2003 3. J. Bhaskar, VHDL Primer, 1st edition, BSP, 2002 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Weste & Eshraghian, Principles of CMOS VLSI Design, 2nd edition, Addison Wesley, 1993. 2. E. Fabricious, Introduction to VLSI Design, 1st edition, McGraw Hill, 1990. 3. C. Roth, Digital Systems Design using VHDL, Thomson Learning, 2000


PEC224 Prerequisite Nil


L 0

T 0

P 3

C 2

PURPOSE To help the students to design and implement communication circuits. To give hands on training on simulation software. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To carry out AM and FM modulation experiments using discrete electronic components. Softwares like MATLAB and Pspice are used to simulate the circuit operations. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS HARDWARE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Amplitude Modulator Envelope Detector Frequency Modulator using VCO Frequency Demodulation using PLL PAM modulation and demodulation Pre emphasis and De-emphasis Analog Multiplexing 45

SOFTWARE 8. 9. Amplitude Modulation using PSpice Frequency Modulation using PSpice

10. PAM modulation using PSpice 11. PAM demodulation using PSpice 12. pre emphasis and de emphasis using PSpice 13. Amplitude Modulation using MATLAB 14. Frequency Modulation using MATLAB TOTAL 45 REFERENCE: LABORATORY MANUAL


PEC324 Prerequisite Nil


L 0

T 0

P 3

C 2

PURPOSE To know and understand VHDL and design circuits using it. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To gain expertise in design and development and simulation of digital circuits with VHDL. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Design of Combinational Circuits Design of Counters and Shift Registers Design of Multipliers Design of ALU Design of RAM Design of FIFO Control Logic Design TOTAL 45 45




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PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the various types of measurements made in electronics and the instruments used for measuring them. The main objective of this subject is to help students identify the different latest measurement techniques available for specific engineering applications. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. Understand the various measurement techniques available 2. Understand the basic working of instruments used for measurement 3. Understand the errors in measurements and their rectification UNIT 1 MEASUREMENTS AND ERRORS 9 Accuracy-Precision-Significant Figures-Types of Errors-Statistical Analysis-Limiting Errors-Bridge Measurements (AC and DC bridges) - Analysis of Linear Systems-Time Domain Response-I Order response for Step Input-Ramp Input-Impulse Input- Bourdon Tube-Pressure Gauge-Measurement of Flow. UNIT 2 ELECTROMECHANICAL & DIGITAL INDICATING INSTRUMENTS 9 PMMC Mechanism-DC Ammeters and Voltmeters-Series and Shunt Type Ohmmeter-Alternating Current Indicating Instruments (Moving Iron instruments, electrodynamometer instrument)-D/A and A/D ConvertersDigital Voltmeters-Vector Voltmeter-Guarding Techniques-Automation in Voltmeter. UNIT 3 SIGNAL GENERATION AND ANALYSIS 9 Sine Wave Generator-Sweep Frequency Generator-Pulse and Square wave Generator-Function GeneratorAnalyzer-Wave Analyzer-Distortion Analyzer-Harmonic Distortion Analyzer-Spectrum Analyzer-Logic Analyzer. UNIT 4 OSCILLOSCOPES AND RECORDERS 9 Simple CRO - Dual Beam-Dual Trace-Sampling Oscilloscope-Analog and Digital Storage OscilloscopeRecorders-XY Recorder-Magnetic Recorders- Display Devices (LED, LCD, Alphanumeric displays). UNIT 5 COMPUTER CONTROLLED TEST SYSTEMS 9 Testing an Audio Amplifier-Testing a Radio Receiver-Instruments used in Computer Controlled Instrumentation- Microprocessor based System and Measurement-Case Studies in Instrumentation-Electronic Weighing System-Digital Transducer. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Albert.D. Helfrick and William. D. Cooper, Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques, Pearson education. 2. H. S. Kalsi, Electronic Instrumentation, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 1995. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Earnest .O Doeblin, Measurement Systems Application and Design, McGraw Hill International editions, 4th edition, 1990. 2. A.K.Sawhney, A Course in Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation, Dhanapat Rai & Sons, 2000. 3. A.J.Bouwens, Digital Instrumentation, McGraw Hill, 1986. 4. Geroge C. Barney, Intelligent Instrumentation,IEEE, 1992.


PEC302 Prerequisite EC0204


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PURPOSE To introduce the students, to the basics of microwave devices, microwave measurements and modeling of RF circuits used in communication systems. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To understand and gain complete knowledge about 1. Microwave devices such as Amplifiers, Oscillators 2. Microwave Measurements 3. RF Basic concepts 4. RF Filter Design 5. RF Amplifier Design UNIT 1 MICROWAVE AMPLIFIERS AND OSCILLATORS 9 Introduction to Microwave transmission- Applications and Limitations- Klystron Amplifiers-Reflex Klystron Oscillators-Magnetron Oscillators-TWT Amplifiers. UNIT 2 MICROWAVE COMPONENTS Directional Coupler-E&H plane Tee- Magic Tee- Circulators- Isolators-Attenuators and Phase ShiftersImpedance Matching Techniques 9

UNIT 3 MICROWAVE DEVICES AND MEASUREMENTS 9 Principles of Microwave transistor and FET- Gunn Oscillators- IMPATT, TRAPATT and BARITT devicesPIN diode and TUNNEL Diode. Microwave Measurements: Power, Frequency, Impedance, VSWR. UNIT 4 DESIGN OF RF FILTERS Introduction to RF Concepts-Basic Filter Configurations LPF, HPF, BPF, BSF Filter Design 9

UNIT 5 RF AMPLIFIER DESIGN & BASIC OSCILLATOR, MIXERMODEL 9 Characteristics of Amplifier Types Amplifier Power Relations Power Gain Definitions Basic Oscillator & Mixer Model. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Samuel Y. Liao, Microwave Devices and Circuits ,3rd Edition, Pearson education. 2. Reinhold Ludwig, Pavel Bretchko , RF circuit design , theory and applications, Pearson Asia Education , Edition 2001. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. R.E.Collin, Foundations for Microwave Engineering, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 1992. 2. D.Pozar, Microwave Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1998. Mathew M. Radmanesh , Radio Frequency and Microwave Electronics, Pearson Asia Education, Edition 2001.


PEC307 Prerequisite PEC210


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C 3

PURPOSE To provide a comprehensive coverage of digital communication systems. The key feature of digital communication systems is that it deals with discrete messages and the purposes are to add organization and structure to this field. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To learn and understand 1. Pulse modulation and discuss the process of sampling, quantization and coding that are fundamental to the digital transmission of analog signals 2. Base band pulse transmission which deals with the transmission of pulse amplitude modulated signals in their base band form 3. Pass band data transmission methods UNIT 1 PULSE MODULATION 9 Sampling Process-Aliasing-Natural Sampling-Flat Sampling-PAM-PWM-PPM-Bandwidth-Noise trade offTDM UNIT 2 DIGITAL MODULATION SYSTEMS 9 Quantization of Signals-Quantization error-PCM Systems-Noise Considerations in PCM system-Over all Signal-to-noise ratio for PCM system-Threshold effect-Channel Capacity-Virtues, Limitations & Modification of PCM system-PCM Signal Multiplexing- Differential PCM- Delta Modulation-Noise Considerations in Delta Modulation- SNR Calculations-Comparison of PCM, DPCM & DM UNIT 3 BASE BAND PULSE TRANSMISSION 9 Matched filter receiver-Probability error of the Matched filter-Intersymbol interference-Nyquist criterion for distortion less base band transmission-Correlative coding-Base band M-ary PAM transmission-Eye pattern. UNIT 4 PASS BAND DATA TRANSMISSION 9 Pass Band Transmission Model-Generation, Detection, Signal Space Diagram, Probability of Error of BFSK, BPSK, QPSK Schemes- Comparison of BFSK, BPSK & QPSK. UNIT 5 INTRODUCTION TO SPREAD SPECTRUM TECHNIQUES 9 Introduction-Discrete Sequence Spread Spectrum technique-Use of Spread Spectrum with CDMA-Ranging Using Discrete Sequence Spread Spectrum-Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum-Generation & Characteristics of PN Sequence-Acquisition of FH a Signal-Tracking of FH a signal-Acquisition of a DS Signal-Tracking of a DS signal TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOK 1. Simon Haykin, Communication Systems (3/e) John Wiley & Sons, 1998. 2. Taub & Schilling, Principle of Communication Systems (2/e) REFERENCE BOOK 1. John G. Proakis, Digital Communication, McGraw Hill Inc 2001. 2. Bernard Sklar, Digital Communication, Fundamentals and Application, Pearson Education Asia, 2nd Edition, 2001.


PEC323 Prerequisite Nil


L 0

T 0

P 3

C 2

PURPOSE To help the students to experiment on digital communication systems using kits and to use softwares to simulate them. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To carry out experiments on various digital communications modulation schemes using kits. MATLAB software is used to simulate the digital modulation techniques. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS HARDWARE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. FSK Modulation and Demodulation. PSK Modulation and Demodulation. Pulse Code Modulation and Demodulation Delta Modulation and Demodulation Time Division Multiplexing Data Formatting Differential pulse code modulation and demodulation 45

SOFTWARE MATLAB 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. FSK Modulation and Demodulation PSK Modulation and Demodulation QPSK ASK Modulation and Demodulation DPSK Modulation and Demodulation Delta modulation and demodulation TOTAL 45



PEC421 Prerequisite Nil


L 0

T 0

P 3

C 2

PURPOSE To know and understand communication networks using NETSIM Software and LAN Trainer kit. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To study the communication networks characteristics and to analyze various MAC and routing layer Protocols. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 45

Ethernet LAN protocol. To create Scenario and study the performance of CSMA/CD protocol through simulation. Token bus and Token Ring protocols. To create scenario and study the performance of token bus and token ring protocols through simulation. Wireless LAN protocols. To create scenario and study the performance of network with CSMA/CA protocol and compare with CSMA/CD protocols. Implementation and study of stop and wait protocol. Implementation and study of Go back N and selective repeat protocols. Implementation of distance vector routing algorithm. Implementation of Link state routing algorithm. Implementation of data encryption and decryption. Transfer of files from PC to PC using windows/ UNIX socket processing. TOTAL 45





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C 3

PURPOSE To provide engineering students with the management skills to enable them to assess, evaluate and take key management decisions by the application of management concepts. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course, the students are expected to 1. Understand the various key concepts of micro economics. 2. Demonstrate the effect of time value of money and depreciation. 3. Apply the various project management techniques 4. Understand the various issues related to industrial safety. UNIT-1 8 Role and Importance of Economics for Engineers, Law of demand and supply, Break-even analysis, Pricing Policies. UNIT-2 8 Cost determination, Balance Sheet, Cost benefit analysis, Time Value of Money, Methods of Depreciation, Long Term and short term financing, Financial Institutions. UNIT-3 10 Management-Nature and functions, Project Management-Phases and Techniques, CPM, PERT, Human Aspects of Project Management-Issues and Problems, Managing-vs-leading a project. UNIT-4 10 Marketing Concepts, Marketing Mix, Product life cycle, Plant layout, Plant location, Material Handling, Productivity, Plant Maintenance and Industrial Safety. UNIT-5 9 Current Trends in financing, Role of Industrial Engineer and Applications of Industrial Engineering, Process of Project Management and the Future, Ethics and Project Management, E-Marketing-Ethical and legal issues. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. R. Pannerselvam, Engineering Economics, PHI, 2001. 2. O.P. Khanna, Industrial Engineering and Management, Dhanpat Rai and sons, 1992. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Kotler, Marketing Management, Pearson education, 12th edition. 2. Prasanna Chandra, Finance Sense for non-finance executives, TMH.




L 3

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C 3

PURPOSE To introduce the students to various optical fiber modes, configurations and various signal degradation factors associated with optical fiber and to study about various optical sources and optical detectors and their use in the optical communication system. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To learn the basic elements of optical fiber transmission link, fiber modes configurations and structures. To understand the different kind of losses, signal distortion in optical wave guides and other signal degradation factors To learn the various optical source materials, LED structures, quantum efficiency, Laser diodes. To learn the fiber optical receivers such as PIN APD diodes, noise performance in photo detector, receiver operation and configuration. To learn the fiber optical network components, variety of networking aspects, FDDI, SONET/SDH and operational principles WDM. 9


Basic principles of optical fiber communications Step Index and Graded Index fiber structure Fiber Modes and Configurations Mode theory for circular waveguides Linearly Polarized modes Single mode fibers. UNIT 2 OPTICAL SOURCES AND RECEIVERS 9 Optical Sources: - Light source materials LED Structure Quantum efficiency Modulation. Laser Diode Modes and threshold condition Structures and Radiation Pattern Modulation. Optical detectors: Physical principles PIN and APD diodes Photo detector noise SNR Detector response time. UNIT 3 OPTICAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AND DESIGN 9 Transmitter module: Signal formats Electronic driving circuit Modulation circuit. Receiver Module: Optical front end Quantizer Decision circuit. Optical Link Design: Point- to- point links System considerations Link Power budget Rise time budget. UNIT 4 NETWORK COMPONENTS 9

Principle and Operation of couplers, Isolators, Circulators, Fabry Perot Filters, Mach-Zehnder Interferometer, EDFA, Semiconductor Optical Amplifier and Transceivers. UNIT 5 OPTICAL NETWORKS 9 Network Topologies - FDDI Networks: Frame and Token formats Network operation. SONET/SDH: Optical specifications SONET frame structure SONET layers -SONET/SDH networks. Operational principles of WDM Broadcast and Select WDM networks Single hop networks Wavelength routed networks Optical CDMA. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Gerd Keiser, Optical Fiber Communication McGraw Hill International, Singapore, 3rd edition, 2000 Rajiv Ramaswami, Kumar N. Sivaranjan, Optical Networks A practical perspective, 2nd edition, Elsevier, 2004

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. Djafar K. Mynbaev, Lowell L. Scheiner, Fiber-Optic Communications Technology, 1st edition, Pearson Education, 2001. John Powers, An Introduction to Fiber optic Systems, 2nd edition, Irwin-McGraw Hill, 1999. J.Gowar, Optical Communication System, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2001. 32



L 0

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C 2

PURPOSE To know and understand how communication is being established at microwave frequencies and using fiber in optical communication. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. To have a detailed practical study on microwave equipments 2. To study the optical devices and to use in the appropriate application LIST OF EXPERIMENTS MICROWAVE EXPERIMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Characteristics of Reflex Klystron Study of power distribution in Directional coupler, E & H plane and Magic tee. Wavelength and Frequency measurement. Impedance measurement by slotted line method. Gain and Radiation pattern of Horn antenna. Design of Micro strip antenna. 45

OPTICAL COMMUNICATION EXPERIMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. D. C. Characteristics of LED and PIN photo diode. D. C. Characteristics of Laser diode. Measurement of Numerical aperture, Propagation and Bending Loss in fiber. Fiber Optic Analog Link. Fiber Optic Digital Link.

SPICE SIMULATION Frequency response of RF amplifier. Frequency response of IF amplifier. Amplitude modulation TOTAL 45 REFERENCE: LABORATORY MANUAL.


PEC401 Prerequisite Nil


L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE It is very much required for an ECE graduate to know use of computers in communication as well as in network formation. The syllabus focuses on mode of data transfer, layer and protocols related to networks. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. Understand about the functions and services of all 7 layers of OSI model 2. Get an idea of various network standards. UNIT 1 DATA COMMUNICATION & NETWORKING BASICS 9 Data transfer modes - Telephone system - Protocols & standards -Multiplexing-Circuit switching - Message & packet switching - Introduction to LAN, MAN & WAN - IEEE standards for LAN Network topologies. UNIT 2 OSI LOWER LAYERS 9 Network models OSI layer architecture Issues in data traffic over network Physical layer standards Data link control & protocol ARQ schemes HDLC protocol. UNIT 3 NETWORK LAYER 9 Need for Internetworking Addressing Routing Issues Internet protocol (IPV4/V6) Congestion & flow control mechanism TCP/IP model. UNIT 4 OSI HIGHER LAYERS Transport layer TCP & UDP Session layer issues Presentation layer Application layer. UNIT 5 APPLICATION & INTRODUCTION TO ISDN Application layer: Email FTP HTTPCompression Techniques. Introduction to ISDN Broadband ISDN Features ATM Concept. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Behrouz A.Fehrouzan, Data communication & Networking Mc-Graw Hill, 3rd edition, 2004. 2. Andrew S.Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, 4th edition, Pearson education, 1999. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. W.Stallings, Data & computer communication, 2nd Edition, NY Pearson, 1988. 2. Rarnier Handel , N.Huber , Schroder ATM Networks Concepts ,Protocols Applications , Addison Welsey 1999 9 9


PEC403 Prerequisite PEC307


L 4

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P 0

C 4

PURPOSE To introduce the students to the concepts of wireless systems, mobile systems. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To understand and gain complete knowledge about 1. Basic wireless , cellular concepts 2. Mobile Channels 3. Standards 1G,2G, 3GBasic system available UNIT 1 STANDARDS AND CELLULAR CONCEPT 12 Introduction - Standards: AMPS, GSM, CDMA (IS-95). Cellular Concept and Frequency Reuse, Overview of Multiple Access Schemes, Channel Assignment and Hand off, Interference and system capacity, Trunking and Erlang capacity calculations. UNIT 2 MOBILE RADIO PROPAGATION 12 Radio wave propagation issues in Personal wireless systems, Elementary treatment of Propagation Models, Multipath fading and base band impulse response models, Parameters of mobile multipath channels UNIT 3 MODULATION AND SIGNAL PROCESSING 12 Digital modulation techniques for mobile communications: BPSK, DPSK - /4 QPSK - OQPSK - GMSK. Equalization, Diversity -Rake receiver conceptsSpeech coding (LPC, CELP). UNIT 4 WIRELESS LAN STANDARD 12 IEEE 802.11 Architecture and Services - IEEE 802.11 Medium Access Control- IEEE 802.11 Physical layer UNIT 5 BLUETOOTH 12 Bluetooth: Overview-Radio specifications-Base band specifications-Link Manager Specification-Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol. TOTAL 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. Rappaport T.S, Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice, 2nd edition, Pearson education. 2. William Stallings, Wireless Communication & Networking, Pearson Education Asia, 2004 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Feher K. Wireless Digital Communications, Pearson education. 2. Lee W.C.Y, Mobile Communications Engineering: Theory & Applications, McGraw Hill, New York 2nd Edition, 1998. 3. Schiller, Mobile Communication, Pearson Education Asia Ltd., 2000.


L PEC010 TV AND VIDEO SYSTEMS Prerequisite PEC210, PEC204 3 T 0 P 0 C 3

PURPOSE Television Technology has now become a vital tool to the information revolution that is sweeping across the countries of the world. The syllabus aims at a comprehensive coverage of Television Systems with all the new developments in Television Engineering INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. To study the analysis and synthesis of TV Pictures, Composite Video Signal, Receiver Picture Tubes and Television Camera Tubes 2. To study the principles of Monochrome Television Transmitter and Receiver systems. 3. To study the various Color Television systems with a greater emphasis on PAL system. 4. To study the advanced topics in Television systems and Video Engineering UNIT 1 FUNDAMENTALS OF TELEVISION 9 Geometry form and Aspect Ratio - Image Continuity - Number of scanning lines - Interlaced scanning - Picture resolution - Camera tubes- Image orthicon vidicon plumbicon -silicon diode array vidicon -solid state image scanners- monochrome picture tubes- composite video signal-video signal dimension- horizontal sync. Composition- vertical sync. Details functions of vertical pulse train scanning sequence details. Picture signal transmission positive and negative modulation VSB transmission sound signal transmission standard channel bandwidth. UNIT 2 MONOCHROME TELEVISION TRANSMITTER AND RECEIVER 9 TV transmitter TV signal propagation Interference TV transmission Antennas Monochrome TV receiver RF tuner UHF, VHF tuner- Digital tuning techniques- AFT-IF subsystems - AGC Noise cancellationVideo and sound inter carrier detection- vision IF subsystem- video amplifiers requirements and configurations DC re-insertion - Video amplifier circuits- Sync separation typical sync processing circuits- Deflection current waveform Deflection Oscillators Frame deflection circuits requirements- Line Deflection circuits EHT generation Receiver Antennas. UNIT 3 ESSENTIALS OF COLOUR TELEVISION 9 Compatibility colour perception- Three colour theory- luminance, hue and saturation-colour television cameras- values of luminance and colour difference signals- colour television display tubes- delta gunprecision in-line and Trinitron colour picture tubes- purity and convergence- purity and static and dynamic convergence adjustments- pincushion correction techniques- automatic degaussing circuit- grey scale tracking colour signal transmission- bandwidth- modulation of colour difference signals weighting factors- Formation of chrominance signal. UNIT 4 COLOUR TELEVISION SYSTEMS: 9 NTSC colour TV system- NTSC colour receiver- limitations of NTSC system PAL colour TV system cancellation of phase errors- PAL D colour system- PAL coder Pal-Decolour receiver- chromo signal amplifier- separation of U and V signals- colour burst separation Burst phase Discriminator ACC amplifierReference Oscillator- Ident and colour killer circuits- U and V demodulators- Colour signal matrixing merits and demerits of the PAL system SECAM system merits and demerits of SECAM system. UNIT 5 ADVANCED TELEVISION SYSTEMS 9

Satellite TV technology- Cable TV VCR- Video Disc recording and playback- Tele Text broadcast receiver digital television Transmission and reception- projection Television Flat panel display TV receiver Stereo sound in TV 3D TV HDTV Digital equipments for TV studios. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. R.R.Gulati, Monochrome Television Practice, Principles, Technology and servicing , Second edition, New age International Publishes, 2004 2. R.R.Gulati Monochrome and colour television , New age International Publisher, 2003 REFERENCES 1. A.M Dhake, Television and Video Engineering, Second edition, TMH, 2003. 36


S.P.Bali, Colour Television, Theory and Practice, TMH, 1994




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PURPOSE The main objective of this course is to make the students understand the basic concept in the field of satellite communication. This subject gives the students an opportunity to know how to place a satellite in an orbit. The students are taught about the earth and space subsystems. The satellite services like broadcasting are dealt thoroughly. This will help the student to understand and appreciate the subject. INSTUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of this course students will gain knowledge in topics such as Orbital aspects involved in satellite communication Power budget calculation Satellite system and services provided. UNIT 1 SATELLITE ORBIT 9 Satellite orbits: Keplers laws- Earth satellite orbiting satellite terms-Orbital elements Orbital perturbations Inclined Orbits- Sun synchronous orbit. Constellation: Geo stationary satellites- Non geostationary constellation- Launching of Geostationary satellites. UNIT 2 LINK DESIGN 9 EIRP- Transmission Losses Power Budget equation- System Noise Carrier to noise ratio Uplink- Downlink Effects of rain Inter modulation Noise UNIT 3 SPACE AND EARTH SEGMENT 9 Space Segment: Power Supply Altitude control- Station keeping Thermal Control- TT&C- Subsystems Antenna subsystem Transponders- Wideband Receiver. Earth Segment: receive only home TV system- Community antenna TV system. UNIT 4 SATELLITE ACCESS 9 Single Access- Pre assigned FDMA Demand Assigned FDMA- SPADE system- TWT amplifier operationDownlink analysis TDMA- reference bursts-Preamble- Postamble- Carrier recovery-Network synchronizationPre assigned TDMA Assigned CDMA introduction UNIT 5 BROADCAST AND SERVICES 9 Broadcast: DBS - Orbital Spacings- Power ratings- Frequency and Polarization- Transponder Capacity- Bit rate-MPEG- Forward Error Correction. ODU-IDU-Downlink Analysis Uplink Satellite Mobile services: VSAT-GPS. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Dennis Roddy, Satellite Communications, McGraw Hill Publications, 3rd Edition 2001. 2. M.Richaria, Satellite Communication Systems Design Principles, Pearson Publications, 2nd Edition 1999. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Wilbur L.Prichard, Henry G. Suyerhood, Ropert A. Nelson , Satellite Communication System Engineering, Pearson education ,2nd Edition,. 2. Pratt, Timothy, Charles W. Bostian, Satellite Communication, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1986.




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PURPOSE Main objective of this course is to make the students understand the basic concept in the field of Radar and Navigational aids. Students are taught about different types of Radar Systems INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. Students will gain knowledge in the topics such as 2. Fundamentals of Radar 3. Different types of Radar and their working 4. Radar signal Detection techniques 5. Radar Navigation Techniques UNIT 1 RADAR EQUATIONS 9 RADAR Block Diagram & operation- RADAR Frequencies- RADAR Equation- Detection of signals in NoiseRADAR cross section of targets- RADAR cross section fluctuations- transmitter power- pulse repetition frequency- system losses and propagation effects. UNIT 2 MTI AND PULSE DOPPLER RADAR 9 Introduction to Doppler & MTI RADAR- Delay Line canceller- Moving Target Detector- Pulse Doppler RADAR- Non-Coherent MTE- CW RADAR- FMCW RADAR- Tracking RADAR- Monopulse Tracking Conical Scan and Sequential Lobing. UNIT 3 RADAR SIGNAL DETECTION AND PROPAGATION ON WAVES 9 Detection criteria- automatic detection- constant false alarm rate receiver- information available from a RADAR- ambiguity diagram- pulse compression- introduction to clutter- surface clutter RADAR equationanomalous propagation and diffraction. UNIT 4 RADIO NAVIGATION 9 Adcock directional finder- automatic directional finder- hyperbolic Systems of Navigation- Loren and Decca Navigation System- Tactical Air Navigation. UNIT 5 RADAR TRANSMITTER AND RECEIVER Linear beam power tubes- Solid state RF power sources- solid state devices used in RADAR- Magnetroncrossed field amplifiers- other aspects of radar transmitterRADAR Receiver- Receiver noise figure- super heterodyne receiver- dynamic range- RADAR Displays. TOTAL TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. M.I. Skolnik, Introduction to RADAR systems, 3rd edition, McGraw Hill. N.S. Nagaraja Elements of Electronic Navigation, Tata McGraw Hill, 1993. 45 9

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. Nadav Levanon, RADAR Principles, John Wiley and Sons, 1989. Brookner, RADAR Technology, Artech Hons, 1986


PEC015 Prerequisite Nil


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PURPOSE To understand the fundamentals and various computational processing of mobile networks. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVE To study the specifications and functionalities of various protocols/standards of mobile networks. UNIT-1 INTRODUCTION 9 Introduction to Mobile Computing-Wireless transmission: Propagation, Modulation, Multiplexing, switching, Spread Spectrum and Error control coding. UNIT-2 WIRELESS LAN Medium access Control and Physical layer specifications-IEEE 802.11- HIPERLAN-Bluetooth UNIT-3 WIRELESS NETWORKING Satellite systems-Cellular networks-Cordless systems-Wireless Local Loop-IEEE 802.16 UNIT-4 MOBILE TCP/IP AND WAP TCP/IP protocol suite-Mobile IP-DHCP-Mobile transport layer-Wireless application protocol 9 9 9

UNIT-5 MOBILE ADHOC NETWORKS 9 Characteristics-Performance issues-Routing algorithms; Proactive and Reactive, DSDV, AODV, DSR and Hierarchial algorithms. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Jochen Schiller, Mobile Communications, Pearson Education, Second Edition 2002. 2. William Stallings, Wireless Communications and Networks, Pearson Education 2002.




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PURPOSE To Study the concepts of Bluetooth Technology. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES The students will learn how Bluetooth devices operate in the frequency band where other devices operate including wireless LAN, microwave ovens, cordless telephones, wireless video cameras, and others. UNIT I THE BLUETOOTH MODULE 9 Introduction-overview - the Bluetooth module-antennas- base band - introduction-bluetooth device address masters, slaves, and Pico nets-system timing-physical links-Bluetooth packet structure-logical channelsfrequency hopping. UNIT II THE LINK CONTROLLER 9 The link controller-link control protocol-link controller operation-Pico net, scatter net operation-master/slave role switching-base band/link controller architectural overview -link manager-the host controller interface. UNIT III THE BLUE TOOTH HOST 9 The blue tooth host-logical link control and adaptation protocol RFCOMM- the service discovery protocol the wireless access protocol-OBEX and IrDA-telephony control protocol. UNIT IV CROSS LAYER FUNCTIONS 9 Cross layer functions-Encryption and security-low power operations-controlling low power modes-hold modesniff mode-park mode-quality of service-managing Bluetooth devices. UNIT V TEST AND QUALIFICATION 9 Test and qualification- test mode-qualification and type approval-implementation related standards and technologies. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOK 1. Jennifer Bray and Charles F Sturman, Bluetooth: Connect Without Cables, Pearson Education, 2002. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Jennifer Bray, Brain Senese, Gordon McNutt, Bill Munday, Bluetooth Application Developers Guide, Syngress Media, 2001. 2. Micheal Mille, Discovering Bluetooth. 3. C S R Prabhu, P A Reddi, Bluetooth Technology and its applications with JAVA and J2ME, PHI, 2006




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PURPOSE This course is intended to provide a comprehensive coverage of spread spectrum communication. The key feature of spread spectrum communication is that deals with discrete messages and the major purpose are to add organization and structure to this field. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To understand and gain complete knowledge about 1. Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum 2. Frequency hopped Spread Spectrum 3. Commercial applications of Spread Spectrum 4. Different types of Spread Spectrum UNIT 1 INTRODUCTION 9 Introduction-Application and advantages of spread spectrum (SS)-Classification of SS Pseudo noise sequencesDirect Sequence(DS) spread spectrum-Frequency hopping-Chirp-Hybrid Spectrum methods. UNIT 2 SPREAD SPECTRUM TECHNIQUES-TYPES 9 Frequency hopped (FH) spread spectrum signals. Performance of FH Spread spectrum-Fast hopping versus slow hopping- DS versus FH. CDMA system based on FH spread spectrum signals-Other types of spread spectrum signals. Time hopping SS system. UNIT 3 SPREAD SPECTRUM TECHNIQUES-ANALYSIS 9 Synchronization of SS systems - Acquisition. Tracking, Jamming consideration- Broad band Partial- multiple tone-pulse-repeat band jamming blades system UNIT 4 CRYPTOGRAPHY 9 Fundamental concepts of cryptosystems authentication, digital signature. Key schedule Encipherment , Decipherment , Stream cipher system. Public key cryptosystem. Public key distribution system. RSA cryptosystem and authentication scheme. Protocols, Internetworking security mechanisms, Private and public key encryption. UNIT 5 APPLICATIONS 9 Commercial application of SS CDMA Multi path channels The FCC part 15 rules Direct sequence CDMA IS-95 CDMA digital cellular systems. SS applications in cellular. PCS and mobile communication TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Bernard Sklar , Digital Communication Fundamentals and Application,Pearson Edition, 2001. 2. M.K.Simon,J.K Scholtz and B.K Levitt Spread Spectrum Communications Vol-1,Vol-2,Vol- 3, Computer Science press inc, 1985. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. John G. Prokias , Digital Communications, McGraw Hill Inc,2001 2. Feher. K. Wireless Digital Communications, Pearson education.




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PURPOSE The course introduces the students to the emerging areas in Internetworking. This will enable the students to acquire a solid understanding of the different components involved in the seamless working of the Internet. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course, the students will know about 1. Network technologies 2. Internet Addressing and Routing 3. Socket interface and Internet security. UNIT 1 REVIEW OF UNDERLYING NETWORK TECHNOLOGIES 9 Motivation for internetworking- Internet Services- Introduction to Wide Area and Local Area NetworksEthernet Technology- FDDI- Arpanet technology- Internetworking concepts and Architecture model. UNIT 2 INTERNET ADDRESSES 9 Classful Addressing- Subnetting and Supernetting- ARP- ARP Packet format, Encapsulation & operation- ARP over ATM- Proxy ARP- RARP-ICMP ICMP message types UNIT 3 ROUTING 9 IP data grams - Fragmentation Packet format- Checksum- Intra and Interdomain Routing- Distance Vector Routing- Routing Information Protocol- Link state Routing- OSPF- Path vector Routing- Autonomous systems concepts- Border Gateway Protocol. UNIT 4 CLIENT SERVER MODEL AND SOCKET INTERFACE 9 The client server model- UDP echo server- Time and date service- RARP Server- Socket abstractionSpecifying local and destination addresses- Sending and Receiving data- Handling multiple services- Domain name system Distribution of name space- DNS resolution DNS messages and records. UNIT 5 INTERNET SECURITY AND IPv6 9 Protecting resources- Information policy- IPSec- Authentication Header- Transport layer and Application layer security- Firewalls- Packet filter firewall- Proxy firewall- IPv6-Features and packet format- Comparison between Ipv4 and Ipv6. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Douglas E. Comer, Internetworking with TCP/IP, Principles, Protocols and Architectures, Vol. I, 4th edition, Pearson Education. Behrouz A. Forouzan, TCP/IP protocol suite, 3rd edition, Tata McGraw Hill.

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. Peterson (David. M.)., TCP/IP Networking, Tata McGraw Hill, 1995. Douglas E. Comer., Computer Networks and Internet, Addison Wesley, 2000




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PURPOSE The instructional objective of this subject is to introduce to the students the concept of source coding, the various coding techniques that are used for practical purposes. Fundamental concepts of coding theorem and the various types of error control codes and decoding techniques are also introduced. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of this course, the students will be able to understand and apply 1. Several Source Coding Techniques 2. Channel Coding Theorem & Various codes 3. Block Codes 4. Error Control Coding UNIT 1 SOURCE CODING 9 Mathematical model for information source: - Mutual Information Discrete Entropy-Definition and properties Joint and conditional entropies Entropy in the continuous case Unique decipherability and instantaneous codes Kraft inequality. UNIT 2 NOISY CODING 9 Discrete memoryless channel Classification of channels & channel capacity Calculation of channel capacity Decoding schemes Fanos inequality Shannons fundamental theorem Capacity of a band limited Gaussian channel. UNIT 3 CHANNEL CODING 9 Channel models: Binary Symmetric channels Information capacity theorem Implication of the information capacity theorem Information capacity of coloured noise channel Rate distortion theory Data compression. UNIT 4 ERROR CONTROL CODING 9 Linear block codes: Cyclic codes, BCH Codes, RS codes, Golay codes, Burst error correcting codes, Interleaved codes, Convolutional codes : Convolutional encoder, code tree, state diagram, trellis diagram Turbo codes. UNIT 5 DECODING OF CODES 9 Maximum likelihood decoding of convolutional codes - Sequential decoding of convolutional codesApplications of Viterbi decoding. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Simon Haykin, Communication Systems , John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Newyork, 4th Edition, 2006. 2. John G.Proakias , Digital Communication Mcgraw Hill,Singapore, 4th Edition,2001. 3. Shu Lin & Daniel J. Costello, Error control coding Fundamentals and applications, Prentice hall, 1983. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. S.P.Eugene Xavier, Statistical Theory of Communication , 1997 2. Hwei P Hsu, Theory of Analog & Digital Communication , Pearson / Prentice Hall, New Jersey.




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PURPOSE This course gives a clear idea about the Switching techniques and network services. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. To know about the basics of telephone system and data 2. Exposure to traffic and queuing systems theory 3. To learn about the switching networks and control of switching systems. UNIT 1 EVOLUTION OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS 9 Telephone system-Basics of switching systems: Functions of switching systems- step by step and crossbar system Network structures Network services- regulations- standards UNIT 2 SIGNALLING 9 Signals for telephone system: Customer line signaling FDM carrier system- PCM signaling Common Channel signaling signaling system No. 7. UNIT 3 TRAFFIC ANALYSIS 9 Traffic Concepts: Erlang- congestion- traffic measurement- lost call system- queuing system grade of service. Network organization: Network management- routing plan- Numbering plan- Charging plan UNIT 4 SWITCHING NETWORKS 9 Types of Networks: Single stage and multistage networks- time division switching- TST switchingSTSswitching UNIT 5 CONTROL OF SWITCHING SYSTEMS 9 Practical Applications: Call processing functions- Common control switching systems- Stored programmed control - ISDN- Broadband ISDN TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. J.E.Flood,Telecommunication Switching traffic and Network, Pearson Education Limited, 2002 2. Thiagarajan Viswanathan ,Telecommunication Networks and Systems,Prentice Hall of India Pvt Limited,2000 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Freeman C.Roger L., Fundamentals of Telecommunication, Pearson, 2000. 2. Marincole,Introduction to telecommunication,Pearson Education Limited,2002




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PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to introduce the students to the basics of Electro-physiology and its measurements, non-electrical parameters related to various systems of human body and their measurements, Electrodes and Transducers used in bio signal acquisition. Also student will get to know about various Medical Imaging techniques used for diagnosis along with other diagnostic and therapeutic devices. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES The students will be able 1. To understand the Origin of Bioelectric potential and their measurements using appropriate electrodes and Transducers. 2. To understand the Electro-physiology of various systems and recording of the bioelectric signals 3. To understand the working principles of various Imaging techniques 4. To understand the design aspects of various Assist and Therapeutic Devices UNIT 1 BIOELECTRIC POTENTIALS, ELECTRODES AND TRANSDUCERS 9 Sources of Bioelectric potentials - Resting and Action potential - Propagation of Action potential Electrode theory- Equivalent Circuit- Types of electrodes. Physiological Transducers: Inductive, Capacitive, Piezoelectric transducers and Thermistors. Biochemical Transducers- pH, pCo2 and pO2 electrodes. UNIT 2 ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENTS 9 Electrophysiology of Heart, Nervous System and Muscle Activity Bio-signals: ECG - EEG, Evoked potential EMG- ERG- Electrodes and Lead System, Typical waveforms and Signal characteristics Signal Conditioning circuits: Design of low Noise Medical Amplifier, Isolation Amplifier, Protection Circuits and Electrical Safety. UNIT 3 NON-ELECTRICAL PARAMETER MEASUREMENTS 9 Measurement of Blood Pressure, Blood Flow, Plethysmography, Cardiac Output, Heart Sounds- Lung Volumes and their measurements- Auto analyzer Blood cell counters, Oxygen saturation of Blood UNIT 4 MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNIQUES 9 X-ray machine Computer Tomography Angiography Ultrasonography Magnetic Resonance Imaging System Nuclear Imaging Techniques Thermography Lasers in Medicine Endoscopy UNIT 5 TELEMETRY, ASSIST AND THERAPEUTIC DEVICES 9 Bio telemetry Elements and Design of Bio telemetry system. Assist and Therapeutic devices: Cardiac Pacemakers Defibrillators Artificial Heart Valves Artificial Heart Lung machine Artificial Kidney Nerve and Muscle Stimulators Respiratory therapy equipment Patient Monitoring System TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Leslie Cromwell, Fred J. Weibell and Erich A. Pfeifer, Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2006 2. M. Arumugam, Biomedical Instrumentation, 2nd edition, Anuradha Agencies Publications, 1997 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. R.S. Khandpur, Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006 2. John G. Webster, Medical Instrumentation Application and Design, 3rd edition, Wiley India, 2007.


PEC031 Prerequisite PEC205, PEC204


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PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to expose the concepts of embedded system principles Operating System RTOS Software Development Tools. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course, student will know about 1. Embedded Hardware 2. Real-Time Operating System 3. Software Architecture 4. Development Tools and Debugging Techniques. 5. Controller Area Network UNIT 1 INTRODUCTION: REVIEW OF EMBEDDED HARDWARE 9 Hardware Fundamentals: Terminology, Gates, Timing Diagram, Microprocessors, Buses - Direct Memory Access- Interrupts- Other Common Parts- Built-Ins on the Microprocessor- Conventions Used on Schematics Interrupts: Microprocessor Architecture Interrupts Basics- Shared-Data Problem- Interrupt Latency. Examples of Embedded System. UNIT 2 REAL TIME OPERATING SYSTEMS 9 Introduction: Tasks and Task States, Task and Data, Semaphores and Shared Data - More Operating System Services: Message Queues- Mailboxes and Pipes Timer Functions Events Memory Management Interrupt Routines in an RTOS environment. Basic Design using a Real Time Operating System. UNIT 3 SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURES AND DEVELOPMENT TOOL 9 Software Architectures: Round-Robin, Round-Robin with Interrupts, Function-Queue-Scheduling -Real-Time Operating System Architecture. - Development Tools: Host and Target Machines, Linker/Locators for Embedded Software. Debugging Techniques. UNIT-4 CAN NETWORK OVERVIEW 9 Controller Area Network Underlying Technology CAN Overview Selecting a CAN Controller CAN development tools. UNIT-5 CAN NETWORK IMPLEMENTATION 9 Implementing CAN open Communication layout and requirements Comparison of implementation methods Micro CAN open CAN open source code Conformance test Entire design life cycle. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. David E Simon, An Embedded Software Primer, Pearson Education Asia, 2001. 2. Glaf P.Feiffer, Andrew Ayre and Christian Keyold, Embedded networking with CAN and CAN open, Embedded System Academy 2005. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Burns, Alan and Wellings, Andy, Real-Time Systems and Programming Languages, Harlow: Addision-Wesley-Longman 2. Raymond J.A.Bhur and Donald L.Bialey, An Introduction to Real Time Systems: Design to Networking with C/C++, Prentice Hall Inc, NewJersey.


PEC032 Prerequisite PEC204


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PURPOSE This course is offered to students to gain basic knowledge on overview of MEMS (Micro electro Mechanical System) and various fabrication techniques. This enables them to design, analysis, fabrication and testing the MEMS based components. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. Introduction to MEMS and micro fabrication 2. To study the essential material properties 3. To study various sensing and transduction technique 4. To know various fabrication and machining process of MEMS 5. To know about the polymer and optical MEMS UNIT-1INTRODUCTION TO MEMS AND MICROFABRICATION 9 History of MEMS Development, Characteristics of MEMS-miniaturization - micro electronics integration Mass fabrication with precision. Micro fabrication - microelectronics fabrication process- silicon based MEMS processes- new material and fabrication processing- points of consideration for processing. UNIT-2ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MEMS MATERIALS 9 Conductivity of semiconductors, crystal plane and orientation, stress and stain definition relationship between tensile stress and stain- mechanical properties of silicon and thin films, Flexural beam bending analysis under single loading condition- Types of beam- deflection of beam-longitudinal stain under pure bendingspring constant, torsional deflection, intrinsic stress, resonance and quality factor. UNIT-3 SENSING AND ACTUATION 9 Electrostatic sensing and actuation-parallel plate capacitor Application-Inertial, pressure and tactile sensorparallel plate actuator- comb drive. Thermal sensing and Actuations-thermal sensors-Actuators- Applications- Inertial, Flow and Infrared sensors. Piezoresistive sensors- piezoresistive sensor material- stress in flexural cantilever and membraneApplication-Inertial, pressure, flow and tactile sensor. Piezoelectric sensing and actuation- piezoelectric material properties-quartz-PZT-PVDF ZnOApplication-Inertial, Acoustic, tactile, flow-surface elastic waves Magnetic actuation- Micro magnetic actuation principle- deposition of magnetic materials-Design and fabrication of magnetic coil. UNIT-4 BULK AND SURFACE MICROMACHINING 9 Anisotropic wet etching, Dry etching of silicon, Deep reactive ion etching (DRIE), Isotropic wet etching, Basic surface micromachining process- structural and sacrificial material, stiction and antistiction methods, Foundry process. UNIT-5 POLYMER AND OPTICAL MEMS 9 Polymers in MEMS- polymide-SU-8 liquid crystal polymer(LCP)-PDMS-PMMA-ParyleneFlurocorbon, Application-Acceleration, pressure, flow and tactile sensors. Optical MEMS-passive MEMS optical components-lenses-mirrors-Actuation for active optical MEMS. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Chang Liu, Foundations of MEMS, Pearson International Edition, 2006. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Gaberiel M.Rebiz, RF MEMS Theory,Design and Technology, John Wiley & Sons,2003 2. Charles P.Poole, Frank J.Owens, Introduction to nanotechnology John Wiley & sons, 2003. 3. Julian W.Gardner, Vijay K Varadhan, Microsensors, MEMS and Smart devices, John Wiley & sons, 2001.


PEC033 Prerequisite PEC306, PEC204


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PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to introduce the students the basics of designing and using ASICs. The operation of tools used in the design is also explained. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. To give basic knowledge of ASIC internals. 2. To impart knowledge on ASIC types and tools used in the design. 3. To give basic understanding of tools used. UNIT 1 INTRODUCTION TO ASICs Introduction to ASICs CMOS logic ASIC library design. 9

UNIT 2 PROGRAMMABLE ASICs 9 Programmable ASICs - Logic cells I/O cells Interconnects Low level design entry: Schematic entry. UNIT 3 SIMULATION AND SYNTHESIS 9 Logic synthesis: A comparator MUX, Inside a logic synthesizer, VHDL and logic synthesis, FSM synthesis, memory synthesis - Simulation: Types of simulation logic systems how logic simulation works. UNIT 4 ASIC TESTING Boundary scan test Faults Fault simulation Automatic test pattern generation Built in self test. 9

UNIT 5 ASIC CONSTURCTION 9 System partitioning power dissipation partitioning methods floor planning and placement: Floor planning, placement Routing: Global routing, detailed routing, special routing. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS: 1. M.J.S.Smith, Application Specific Integrated Circuits, Addison Wesley Longman Inc. 1996. (Pearson Education Reprint 2006). 2. M. Sarafzadeh, C.K. Wong, An Introduction to VLSI Physical Design, McGraw Hill International Edition, 1995. 1. 2. 3. REFERENCE BOOKS Wolf Wayne, FPGA based system design, Pearson Education, 2005. Design manuals of Altera, Xilinx and Actel Jan M. Rabaey. Anantha Chandrakasan. Borivoje Nikolic, Digital Integrated Circuits, Second Edition




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PURPOSE To introduce to the students, the various opportunities in the emerging field of nano electronics and nano technologies. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES The objective of this course is to make students familiar with the important concepts applicable to small electronic devices, their fabrication, characterization and application. UNIT 1 LIMITATIONS OF CMOS 9 Fundamentals of MOSFET devices - Scaling of CMOS Limitations Alternative concepts in materials Structures of MOS devices: SOI MOSFET, FINFETS, Dual Gate MOSFET, Ferro electric FETs. UNIT 2 MICRO AND NANO FABRICATION 9 Optical Lithography Electron beam Lithography Atomic Lithography Molecular beam epitaxy - Nano lithography. UNIT 3 CHARACTERIZATION EQUIPMENTS 9 Principles of Electron Microscopes Scanning Electron Microscope Transmission Electron Microscope Atomic Force Microscope Scanning Tunneling Microscope. UNIT 4 NANO DEVICES I 9 Resonant tunneling diodes Single electron devices Josephson junction Single Flux Quantum logic Molecular electronics. UNIT 5 NANO DEVICES II 9 Quantum computing: principles Qrbits Carbon nanotubes (CNT) : Characteristics, CNTFET, Application of CNT - Spintronics: Principle, Spin valves, Magnetic Tunnel Junctions, SpinFETs, MRAM. TOTAL TEXT BOOK 1. Rainer Waser (Ed.) , Nano electronics and information technology, Wiley- VCH., Edition II, 2005. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Thomas Heinzel , A Microscopic Electronics in Solid State Nanostructure , Wiley- VCH. 2. Mick Wilson, Kamali Kannangara, Geoff Smith , Michelle Simmons, Burkhard Raguse Nanotechnology (Basic Science and Emerging Technologies), Overseas Press. 3. Mark Ratner, Daniel Ratner , Nanotechnology : A Gentle introduction to the Next Big idea, Pearson education., 2003. 45




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PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to expose the students to the basics and fundamentals of Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility in System Design. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course, the students will know about 1. EMI Environment 2. EMI Coupling and Measurements 3. EMI control techniques and standards UNIT 1 EMI ENVIRONMENT 9

Concepts of EMI and EMC and Definitions, Sources of EMI Celestial Electromagnetic noise- Lightning Discharge-Electrostatic Discharge- Electromagnetic Pulse-Electromagnetic emissions-Noise from relays and Switches-Nonlinearities in Circuits UNIT 2 EMI COUPLING PRINCIPLES 9 Capacitive coupling - Inductive coupling- Common Impedance Ground Coupling- Ground Loop couplingTransients in power supply lines- Radiation coupling-Conduction coupling-Common mode and Differentialmode interferences- Conducted EM noise on power supply lines UNIT 3 EMI MEASUREMENTS 9 Open Area test site measurements-Measurement precautions Open -Area test site- Anechoic Chamber-TEMReverberating TEM-GTEM cell Comparisons UNIT 4 EMI CONTROL TECHNIQUES 9 EMC Technology- Grounding-Shielding-Electrical Bonding-Power line filter-CM filter DM filter- EMI suppression Cables- EMC Connectors -Isolation transformer UNIT 5 EMI / EMC STANDARDS 9 Introduction- Standards for EMI/EMC- MIL-STD-461/462-IEEE/ANSI standard-CISPR/IEC standard- FCC regulations-British standards-VDE standards-Euro norms-Performance standards-some comparisons. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Prasad Kodali Engineering Electromagnetic Compatibility Principles, Measurements, and Technologies, IEEE press. Henry W. Ott Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems- 2nd Edition-John Wiley & Sons. REFERENCE BOOKS Bernharo QKeiser, Principles of Electromagnetic Compatibility, Artech house, 3rd edition, 1986

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PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to impart knowledge on various data structure concepts and algorithm principles INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course, student should be able to understand 1. 2. 3. Several data structure concepts like stacks, queues, linked list, trees and graphs Various sorting methods Algorithm principles like Dynamic programming, Divide & conquer and Back tracking

UNIT 1 STACKS,QUEUES & LINKED LIST 9 Stacks: Array representation of stacks Arithmetic expressions- Quick sort using stack- Towers of Hanoi problem- Queues: : Array representation of Queues- Deque, Priority Queue, Circular Queue List: Representation of Linked List- Traversing a Linked List- Insertion- Deletion- Doubly Linked List- Circular Linked List UNIT 2 TREES & GRAPHS 9 Binary tree- Representation Traversing Threaded Binary tree- Binary Search tree- Insertion deletion into a binary search tree- Heap sort- Huffmans Algorithm- General Trees - Graph- Representation of Graph- Shortest path Operation on Graphs- Traversing a Graph UNIT 3 SORTING 9 Sorting - Insertion sort Selection sort- Bubble sort - Quick sort - Merge sort - Heap sort - Sorting on several keys - External sorting. UNIT 4 ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHM; DIVIDE & CONQUER 9 Introduction- Algorithms and Complexity Asymptotic Notation- Orders-Analyzing Control StructuresAverage Case Analysis Worst Case Analysis- Binary Search Finding Maximum and Minimum Merge Sort Quick Sort Greedy Method General Method Knapsack Problem Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm Single Source Shortest Path Algorithm. UNIT 5 DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING & BACKTRACKING 9 General MethodMultistage Graph All Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm 0/1 Knapsack Problem Traveling Salesman Problem - Basic search techniques and traversal techniques bi-connected components Depth First Search Breadth First Search. 8-Queens Problem- Sum of Subsets Graph Coloring- Hamiltonian Cycle-Knapsack Problem Branch and Bound Method 0/1 Knapsack Problems Traveling Salesman Problem TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Aho, Hopcroft, Ullman Data Structures and algorithms Pearson Education 1983 2. E.Horowitz , Sahni & Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, Galgotia Publications, 1985 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Seymour Lipschutz Theory and Problems of Data Structures 1986 2. S.E.Goodman , S.T.Hedetniemi , Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms, McGraw Hill 3. Sara Baase , Computer Algorithms - Introduction to design and analysis, Addison wesley , 1991


PEC052 Prerequisite EC0212


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PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to introduce the basic concept and methodologies for digital image processing. OBJECTIVES The students undergoing this course will be able to know 1. The fundamental of image processing. 2. Various transforms used in image processing. 3. About the various techniques of image enhancement, reconstruction, compression and segmentation. UNIT 1 DIGITAL IMAGE FUNDAMENTALS 9 Introduction-Elements of Digital Image Processing system- Visual perception and properties of human eye-image representation-A simple image model-Some basic relationship between pixels-Image geometry. UNIT 2 IMAGE TRANSFORMS 9 Introduction to Fourier Transform and DFT Properties of 2D Fourier TransformFFT Separable Image Transforms -Walsh Hadamard Discrete Cosine Transform, Haar, KL transforms. UNIT 3 IMAGE ENHANCEMENT 9 Image Enhancement b-Histogram Modeling-equalization and modification. Image smoothing-Image Sharpening-Spatial Filtering-Homomorphic Filtering for image enhancement. UNIT 4 IMAGE RESTORATION 9 Model of Image Degradation/restoration process Inverse filtering -Least mean square(wiener) filtering Constrained least mean square restoration Singular value decomposition-Recursive filtering. UNIT 5 IMAGE COMPRESSION AND SEGMENTATION 9 Fundamentals -Image compression models- Lossless compression: Variable length coding-LZW coding. Lossy Compression: Transform coding-Wavelet coding. Image Segmentation: Detection of discontinuities-Edge linking and boundary detection-thresholdingRegion oriented segmentation and Texture. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Rafael C Gonzalez, Richard E Woods, Digital Image Processing- 2nd Edition, Pearson Education 2003. 2. A.K. Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing. Pearson education. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. William K Pratt, Digital Image Processing, John Willey (2001). Millman Sonka, Vaclav hlavac, Roger Boyle, Broos/colic, Image Processing Analysis and Machine Vision Thompson learning, 1999. S. Chanda, Dutta Magumdar Digital Image Processing and Applications, Prentice Hall of India, 2000.




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PURPOSE This course separates and makes explicit the decisions that make up an object oriented analysis and design. We show how to use the UML notations most effectively both to discuss designs with colleagues, and in documents. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To provide the students with sufficient knowledge for 1. Understanding Object Basics, Classes and Objects, Inheritance 2. Gaining enough competence in object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) to tackle a complete object oriented project 3. Using UML, a common language for requirements, designs, and component interfaces 4. Using different approaches for identifying classes, design process UNIT 1 OBJECT ORIENTED DESIGN FUNDAMENTALS 9 The object model - Classes and Objects - Complexity - Classification - Notation - Process - Pragmatics - Binary and entity relationship - Object types - Object state - OOSD life cycle. UNIT 2 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS 9 Overview of object oriented analysis - Shaler/Mellor, Coad/Yourdon, Rumbagh, Booch - UML Use case Conceptual model - Behaviour - Class - Analysis patterns - Overview - Diagrams Aggregation UNIT 3 OBJECT ORIENTED DESIGN METHODS 9 UML - Diagrams - Collaboration - Sequence - Class - Design patterns and frameworks - Comparison with other design methods UNIT 4 MANAGING OBJECT ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT Managing analysis and design - Evaluation testing - Coding - Maintenance Metrics UNIT 5 CASE STUDIES IN OBJECT ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT Design of foundation class libraries - Object Oriented databases - Client/Server computing - Middleware 9 9

TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. The Unified Modeling Language User Guide, Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, Addison Wesley Long man, 1999. 2. Ali Bahrami, Object Oriented System Development, McGraw Hill International Edition, 1999. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Craig Larman, , Applying UML and patterns , Addison Wesley,2000. 2. Fowler, Analysis Patterns , Addison Wesley,1996. 3. Erich Gamma, Design Patterns, Addison Wesley, 1994




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PURPOSE This course provides a way to study the Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic concepts INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. To learn the various architectures of building an ANN and its applications 2. Advanced methods of representing information in ANN like self organizing networks , associative and competitive learning 3. Fundamentals of Crisp sets , Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy Relations UNIT 1 INTRODUCTION TO ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS 9 Neuro-physiology - General Processing Element - ADALINE - LMS learning rule MADALINE XOR Problem MLP - Back Propagation Network - updation of output and hidden layer weights - application of BPN . UNIT 2 ASSOCIATIVE MEMORY & CPN 9 Associative memory - Bi-directional Associative Memory Hopfield memory - traveling sales man problem Annealing, Boltzmann machine - learning application - Counter Propagation network architecture training Applications. UNIT 3 SELF ORGANIZING MAP & ART 9 Self-organizing map - learning algorithm - feature map classifier applications - architecture of Adaptive Resonance Theory - pattern matching in ART network. UNIT 4 CRISP SETS AND FUZZY SETS 9

Introduction crisp sets an overview the notion of fuzzy sets Basic concepts of fuzzy sets classical logic an overview Fuzzy logic- Operations on fuzzy sets - fuzzy complement fuzzy union fuzzy intersection combinations of operations general aggregation operations UNIT 5 FUZZY RELATIONS 9 Crisp and fuzzy relations binary relations binary relations on a single set equivalence and similarity relations Compatibility or tolerance relations orderings morphisms-fuzzy relation equations. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Freeman J.A. and Skapura B.M., Neural Networks, Algorithms Applications and Programming Techniques, Addison-Wesely, 1990. 2. George J Klir and Tina A Folger, Fuzzy sets, uncertainty and information, Prentice Hall of India REFERENCE BOOKS

Laurene Fausett, Fundamentals of Neural Networks: Architecture, Algorithms and Applications, Pearson Education, 1994. H.J. Zimmerman, Fuzzy set theory and its Applications, Allied Publishers Ltd.



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PURPOSE To study various aspects of Network Security, Attacks, Services and Mechanisms. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. To deal with various Encryption, Authentication and Digital Signature Algorithms. 2. To deal with different general purpose and application specific security Protocols and Techniques. UNIT-1 INTRODUCTION Security Services, Mechanisms and attacks Network Security Model-Classical Encryption TechniquesSteganography Data Encryption Standard (DES) 9

UNIT-2 ADVANCED BLOCK CIPHERS 9 Block cipher modes operation-IDEA, BlowFish, RC5, CAST-128-Characteristics of advanced symmetric Block ciphers-Key Distribution. UNIT-3 PUBLIC KEY CRYPTOSYSTEMS & MESSAGE AUTHENTICATION 9 Principle-RSA algorithm-Diffie Hellmen Key Exchange-Message Authentication codes-MAC-HASH functionPrinciple of MD5, SHA-1 and HMAC algorithms-Digital Signature algorithm UNIT-4 NETWORK SECURITY Kerbros-X.509 Public key certificate format-PGP-IPSec-SSL-SET 9

UNIT-5 SYSTEM SECURITY 9 Intrusion Detection-Password management-Malicious software-Viruses and countermeasures-Firewall Types and Configurations TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2003. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. Charlie Kaufman,Radio Perlman and Mike Speciner, Network Security, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2003. Othmar Kyas, Internet Security, International Thomson Publishing Inc.1997




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PURPOSE Uses of web sites and portals have become common for knowledge sharing and business. The course focuses on the fundamentals of CGI, Networking, Web Applications INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES This course introduces the students to 1. Basic web concept and Internet protocols. 2. CGI Concepts & CGI Programming 3. Networking principles & RMI 4. Study of DHTML, XML 5. Study of On-Line web application & Internet Concepts UNIT 1 INTRODUCTION 9 Internet Principles - Basic Web Concepts - Client/Server model - Retrieving data from Internet - HTML and Scripting Languages - Standard Generalized Markup Language - Next Generation Internet - Protocols and applications. UNIT 2 COMMON GATEWAY INTERFACE PROGRAMMING 9 HTML forms - CGI Concepts - HTML tags Emulation - Server-Browser communication - E-mail generation CGI Client side Applets - CGI Server Side Applets - Authorization and security. UNIT 3 SOCKET PROGRAMMING 9 Streaming - Networking principles - sockets - protocol handlers - content handlers - multicasting Remote Method Invocation - activation - Serialization - Marshal streams. UNIT 4 SERVER SIDE PROGRAMMING 9 Dynamic web content - cascading style sheets - XML - Structuring Data - VRML - Server side includes communication - Active and Java Server Pages - Firewalls - proxy servers UNIT 5 ON-LINE APPLICATIONS 9 XML with HTML- Simple applications - On-line databases - monitoring user events - plug-ins - database connectivity - Internet Information Systems - EDI application in business - Internet commerce - Customization of Internet commerce. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Jason Hunter, William Crawford, Java Servlet Programming, O Reilly Publications, 1999. 2. Ravi Kalakota and Andrew B Whinston, Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, Addison Wesley, 1996. 3. Eric Ladd, Jim O Donnel, Using HTML 4, XML and Java, Prentice Hall of India QUE,1999. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Jeffy Dwight, Michael Erwin and Robert Niles, Using CGI, Prentice Hall of India QUE, 1999. 2. Scot Johnson, Keith Ballinger, Davis Chapman, Using Active server Pages, Prentice Hall of India, 1999.




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PURPOSE To introduce managerial skill for budding engineers INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. To equip the students with scheduling and network analysis 2. To make the students aware of replacement policy and game theory 3. To introduce the topic of inventory control 4. To make students aware of the problems of linear programming UNIT 1 RESOURCE SCHEDULING AND NETWORK ANALYSIS 9 Problem of sequencing Sequencing n jobs through 2 machines and 3 machines, 2 jobs through m machines. PERT and CPM Critical path calculation Probability and cost consideration. UNIT 2 REPLACEMENT AND GAME THEORY 9 Replacement Models Replacement of items that deteriorate with time Equipment that fails suddenly. Two person zero sum games Pure strategies and saddle point Mixed strategies 2 x n and m x 2 games Method of dominance Numerical and graphical solutions. UNIT 3 INVENTORY CONTROL 9 Inventory models Deterministic models Economic ordering quantity, Reorder level, optimum cost Instantaneous and Non-instantaneous receipt of goods with or without shortages. UNIT 4 LINEAR PROGRAMMING 9 Introduction to Linear Programming Formulation of the problem Graphical method Simplex method Artificial variable techniques - Primal-dual problems Dual Simplex method. UNIT 5 ADVANCED LINEAR PROGRAMMING PROBLEMS 9 Integer programming problem - Cutting plane algorithm Transportation models - Vogels Approximation method MODI method Unbalanced transportation problem Degeneracy in transportation models Assignment models Traveling salesman problem-Dynamic Programming problem. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOK 1. Kanti Swarup, Gupta P.K., and Man Mohan, Operations Research Sultan Chand & Sons, 1994. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Gupta P.K., and Hira D.S., Operations Research, S.Chand & Sons, 2000. 2. Sundaresan.V, Ganapathy Subramanian.K.S. and Ganesan.K, Resource Management Techniques, A.R. Publications,2002 3. Taha H.A., Operations Research An introduction, 7th edition, PHI, 2002. 4. Sharma S.D., Operations Research, Kedarnath Ramnath & Co., Meerut,1994. 5. Billy B. Gillet, Introduction to Operations Research TMH Publishing Co. 6. Gupta P.K., and Manmohan, Operations Research and Quantitative Analysis S.Chand & Co., New Delhi. 7. Hamblin S., and Stevens Jr., Operations Research, Mc Graw Hill Co. 8. Taha H.A., Operations Research An introduction, 8th edition, Taha H.A., Operations Research An introduction, 7th edition, PHI, 2002.


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