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pregnancy Nagele's Rule is First date of last menstrual period + 7 days - 3 mon ths + 1year.Vinca Alkaloids (Vincristine) lead to neurotoxicity and can present with numbness and tingling inthe legs or paralytic ileus. Avoid herbal supps like ginsing, ginger, ginko, garlic (all the G's) if on any c lotting drugs/products(coumadin, platelets, ASA, Plavix)High triglycerides may c ause a false HIGH Hemoglobin A1C (normal is 2.6-6)Deer ticks transmit Lyme Disea se and it is most common in the NE Atlantic states. (Go figure Ithought it was d own here in the South)Think of pain last or as a psychosocial UNLESS: Burns, sic kle cell crisis, or kidney stones.Anemia of pregnancy is common in the 2nd trime ster due to rapid expanding blood volume and isnot a cause for concern. It can g et as low as 10.5 and still be OK. 1st and 3rd trimesters can go aslow as 11 and still be ok Preterm labor--after 20 weeks and before 37true labor INCREASES wit h activity and usually moves from the back to the front (according to our instru ctors but from personal experiance IT HURT ALL OVER THE DANG PLACE ANDINCREASED WITH EVERYTHING).Recommended weight gain for pregnancy 1.5-16 kg or 25-35 lbs HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHyeah right. I myself classified as Shamu's little sister by week 39.OK one more for 2nite....normal newborn jaundice-- AFTER 24 hours of life pat hologic jaundice-- BEFORE 24 hours of lifeIf it come out your ass...its metaboli c acidosis... by vomitting...metabolic alkalosis...1.priority unstable pt- words to look for: cyanotic, sudden, increasing pain,hypoxic, restlessness2. when lef t with two choices pick the one thing you can do to make pt.comfortable, safe, a nd more stable3. no narcotics to any head injury..wont be able to accurately ass ess LOC. sopick the narcotic if you have an order to question.4. fluid resus. bu rn formula: kg X 4ml/kg X %(burn area)= totalgive half of total in first 8 hours 5. after thyroid surgery-maintain airway-keep emergency trach set nearby,check f or blood at sides and back of dressing, teach pt to support neck 6. bucks tr action-no pins tongs. skin traction7. should not hear a bruit over anything exce pt dialysis shunts. if so this is theunstable pt8. DVT- elevate extremity, bed r est, warm (not hot) compressesRubella- rash on face goes down to neck and arms t hen trunk and legs pregnant women should avoid contact with any child who has Ru bella or just recieved the vaccine.if she does she has to get vaccine after she has deliveredmmr #1 @ 12- 15 months mmr #2 4-6 years old before checking or meas uring fundal height have the patient empty her bladder! A full bladder canthrow off the measurement by 3cm.Meniers disease= ringing in the ears and hearing dama ge cause from HIGH sodium levels. Needdiuretics. Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and E TOHMeningitis= look for nuchal rigidity, Kernigs sign(can't extend knee when hip is flexed) andBrudinskis sign (flex neck and knee flexes too) petichial rash. P eople who have been in closecontact may need Rifampin as a prevention. Vaccine f or meningitis after 65 years of age and every5 yearsMI=#1 pain relief, helps dec rease 02 demandAcute Asthma = diffuse expiratory wheezesCessation of wheeze omni mousInfective endocarditis = murmur Fluid overload = auscultate lungs 1st24 hour s after thyroidectomy, watch for s/s of thyroid storm not for decreased levels o f thyroidhormones1.hypoglycemia= T.I.R.E.DT-tachycardiaI- irritabilityR- restles sE- excessive hungerD- diaphoresis 2.posturing- deceberate(brainstem problem)- hands like an "e", decorticate (co rdproblem)- hands pulled in toward the cord3.tetralogy of fallot- have child squ at to increase return to heart. just rememberfallot=squat4. cant sign consent af ter preop meds are given...call doctor if not signed5. rubella (german measles)airbone contact precautions, 3 day rash6. rubeola (red measles)- droplet contact precautions, koplik spots in mouthAmphetamine= Depression , disturbed sleep, re stlessness , disorientationBarbituates= nausea & vomiting, seizures, course trem ors,tachyCocaine= Sever cravings, depression, hypersomnia, fatigueHeroin= Runny nose, Yawning , fever, muscle & joint pain, diarrhea(Remember Flu like symptoms) 1.When using a cane to aid ambulation: Step up on the good extremity then place the can andaffected extremity on the step. Reverse when coming down. (Up with th e good, down withthe bad)2. In infants, pyloric stenosis = projectile vomiting3. Croup: seal-bark cough, dyspnea, inspiratory stridor, irritable. In children co nsidered amedical emergency due to narrowed airway4. Skull fracture: Battle's si gn (bruising over mastoid bone) and raccoon eyes5. Pheochromocytoma: catecholami ne secreting tumor. Look for persistent hypertension, pounding headache1.periton

eal dialysis- if outflow slow check tube for patency, turn pt side to side2. pts with the same infection can room together or two clean non contagiousdisorders can room together.3. pulse parodoxus- pulse is weak on inspiration and strong on expiration...couldbe a sign of CARDIAC TAMPONADE 4. fat embolism- high risk pt...fracture of long bone..greatest risk in first 48hrs.5. pancreatitis-elevated amylase (cardinal lab value)6. JP DRAIN- SQUEEZE= SUCK... squeeze the bottle to let air out then repalcecap.7.lymphocytic leukemia causes a decrease in all blood cells...hmmm i got thiswrong on a test once...i didnt know it causes rbcs to be low also!8. mannitol for ICPOxytocin is always g iven via an infusion pump and and can never be administered through the primary IV.One of the first signs of ICP (increased intracranial pressure) in infants is a high pitched cry.Regarding blood transfusions, a hemolytic reaction is the mo st dangerous kind of reaction...S & Sinclude NAUSEAVOMITINGPAIN IN LOWER BSCK HE MATURIA Treatment is to STOP blood, get a urine specimen and maintain perfusion and bloodvolume.Febrile reaction S&SFEVER CHILLS NAUSEAHEADACHE Narcan is given for to reverse respiratory depression...a rate of 8 or less is too low and requi resnursing action.Miller abbott tube is used for decompressing intestine, which relieves the small intestine byremoving fluid and gas from small intestine.If a client takes lithium the nurse should instruct the client to take in a good amou nt of sodium,without it causes retention of lithium and in turn leads to toxicit y.Rinne test- a vibrating tuning fork is held against the mastoid bone till pt c an't hear sound...thenmoved to ear.1)A subarachnoid (spinal block) for labor may cause a headache, a lumbar epidrualwill not since the dura mater is not penetra ted 2) Tracheoesophageal fistula: 3 C's: coughing, choking, & cyanosis3) Hypothyro idism: Decreased T3 +T4, but increased TSHHypertyroidism: Increased T3 + T4, but decreased TSH4) NO tyramine containing foods if taking and MAO inhibitor ( smok ed meat, brewer's yeast, aged cheese, red wine)5)Regular insulin is the only typ e that can be given IV1.Dilantin can cause gingival hyperplasia, advise good ora l hygiene and freq. dental visits,IVP 25-50 mg/minESSR method of feeding (cleft palate)ENLARGE nippleSTIMULATE suckingSWALLOWREST1)ImmunizationsBefore 1 years o ld:Hep B3x):Only one that is given at birth and one month (3rd dose at 6 months) IPV(4x), DTaP(5x), Hib(4x), PCV(4x): all given at 2, 4, & 6 monthsHib, PCV: agai n at 12-15monthDTaP: again at 12-18monthsDTaP, IPV: last doses are given 4-6yrs1 yrs old and older :MMR: (2x) 12-15months, then at 4-6 years* *if dose not given from 4-6 give from 11-12yrs oldVaricella Zoster: (1x) 12-18monthsTd: (1x): 11-12 yrs old2)Fundal height: pt supine, measure from symphysis pubis to top of fundus , if patients is 18+ wks pregnant the height in cm will be same as weeks pregnan t give or take 2 cm3)Isolation**:STRICT Contact: use universal precautions, gown when contact with pt., single pt. room in mostsituationsUsed with: Any colonizi ng infections, MSRV, Fifths disease, RSV, infected wounds, skin, or eyes This is an ad collapser 040112 STRICTER Droplet: include all universal precauti ons, gown, goggles, masks on you, on pt. if leaving room, single pt. roomsUsed w ith: Majority of infectious diseasesSTRICTEST Airborne: include all universal pr ecautions and negative pressure single patient rooms,gown, goggles, mask on you, mask on pt. if leaving room which should only be done if absolutelynecessaryUse d with:MeaslesVaricellaDisseminated Varicella Zoster Tuberculosis**Always check facilities policies when following isolation precautions/procedures4)Self breast exams: do monthly, 7-10 days after menses5)Pt's taking Monoamine Oxidase inhibi tors (for depression usually) should avoid foods containingtyramine which includ e Avocados, bananas Beef/chicken liver Caffeine Red wine, Beer Cheese (except cot ages, pepperoni Yogurt, sour cream1.dumping syndrome-tx no fluids with meals /no hig h carbs /lie down aftereating. they need a high fat high protien diet2. multiple sclerosis- avoid hot showers and baths3. parial thickness burns=blisters...... full thickness-charred, waxy4 PKU- no nuts, meats, dry beans, eggs, dairy (basic ally no protein stuff) givespecially prepared formula to baby because they can d igest this protein well5. introduce rice cereal to infant at 6 mos and strained veggies one at a time6. pt must keep taking prescribed insulin on sick days, dri nk plenty of fluids and notify doctor. also insulin is also given when pt comes from surgery on NPOsta

tus because trauma and infection makes sugar go up!In an infant of a diabetic mo m, hypoglycemia 30-90 min after birth...then look for them to also havehypocalce mia after 24 hours Non Stress Test on a preggo....should be REACTIVE (rise of 15 bpm above baseline for 15 sec) if it's NOT reactive they need a contraction str ess test and the result that you want from it is NEGATIVEWith Diabetic Ketoacido sis don't give K+ until the patient has been hydrated and urine output isadequat e.Post-op Total Hip replacement-- abduction (toes pointing in) or patient laying on non-operative hip.Avoid adduction (letting the foot turn out)mother/baby stu ff1. Rh negative mom gets Rhogam if baby Rh positive. Mom also gets Rhogam after aminocentesis, ectopic preganancy, or miscarriages.2. fetus L/S Ratio less than 2= immature lungs......2-3=borderline....greater than3=good lung maturity dude!! may give dexamethasone to speed up maturity if babyneeds to be delivered soon.3 . prolasped cord position knee chest or trend..call for help!! GET THAT BOTTOMOF F THE CORD! SUPPORT CORD WITH YA HAND4. decelerations early vs late----always go od to be early but dont ever show up late.early mirrors the contraction, late co mes after the contraction5. LOCHIA SEQUENCE...lochia rubra- red, clotty....lochi a serosa...pink, brown....lochiaalba..white.........SHOULD NEVER HAVE A FOUL ODO R!1.In prioritizing cardiac patients, check the pt with INDIGESTION first becaus e that could bea sign of MI.2. ABG's need to be placed on ice and sent to the la b ASAP.3. If active TB is suspected, a sputum culture for acid-fast bacillus is the only metod toactually confirm active TB (NOT a mantoux skin test!)4. Celebre x is contraindicted in pts with a history of cirrhosis.5. In psych pts, the clie nt most at risk for self-harm is always the pt that has stopped taking This is an ad collapser 040112 their meds.One more!6. Change in resp rate in a pt receiving mag sulfate could indicate toxicity.1.dont give atropine for glauco ma. it increases intraocular pressure!2. drug abusers at risk for heart valve di sease.3. after a liver biopsy place pt. on right side to put pressure on site.4. end stage cirrhosis the ammonia level is elevated. doctor may order lactoluseto decrease levels.5. dont do a vaginal exam on a pregnant cliet thats bleedingUlc erative colitis...3-30 stools per day WITH blood and mucus.Pain in LLQ: relieved by defecation.Crohns disease-NO obvious blood or mucus in stool.Pain: Right low er quadrant pain that is steady or cramping...or pain could be in periumbilical area,tenderness and mass in the RLQ.Rheumatoid arthritis: Pain and stiffness is on arising, lasting less than an hour...can also occur after long periods of ina ctivity. Joints red, hot swollen, boggy, and decreased ROM.Osteoarthritis: Pain and stiffness occurs during activity. Joints may appear swollen, cool, and bonyh ard.Hemodialysis: disequilibrium syndrome- N&V, headache, decreased LOC, rapid c hanges in PH, bun...Transfusion reaction: Chills, dyspnea, itching, uticaria, ba ck or arm pain, fever.Peritoneal dialysis: When more dialysate drains than has b een given, more fluid has beenlost(output). If less is returned than given, a fl uid gain has occured.Slow dialysate instillation- increase height of container, reposition client.Poor dialysate drainage-Lower the drainage, reposition.If you give terbutaline and a corticosteroid together, a possible drug interaction is p ulmonary edema(Smeltzer) Rapid: (Lispro) Onset: <15min Peak: 1hr Duration : 3hr Short: (Regular) Onset: 1/2hr-1hr Peak: 2-3 hr Duration: 4-6 hr Intermediate: (NPH or Lente) Onset: 2hr Peak: 6-12 Duration: 16-24Long Acting: (Ultralente) Onse:t 4-6 hr Peak: 12-16hr Duration: >24 hrsVery Long: (Lantus) Onset: 1 hr Peak: NONE Duration: 24 hr con tinuousMydriatic: with a D= Dilate pupilsMiotic:with an O= cOnstrict pupilsaniti cholinergic SE:can't seecan't peecan't spitcan't sh*tHyperkalemia "MACHINE"- cau ses of incr serup K+M-medications (ace inhibitors, Nsaids)A-acidosis (Metabolic and respiratory)C-cellular destrx-burns, traumatic injuryH-hypoaldosteronism, he molysis N-nephrons, renal failureE- excretion-impairedSigns and symptoms of incr serum K+= MURDER M-muscle weaknessU-urine, oliguria, anuriaR-respiratory distre ssD-decr cardiac contractilityE-ECG changesR- reflexes, hyperreflexia, or flacci dHYPERNATREMIA-you are friedF-fever (low grade), flushed skinR-restless (irritab le)I-incr fluid retention and incr BPE-edema ( peripheral and pitting)D-decr uri nary output, dry mouthHypocalcemia-"CATS"C-convulsionsA-arrythmiasT-tetanyS-spas ms and stridor For those of you who have trouble with mcg/kg/min problems.try this solution.E

xp: 7mg of dopamine in 500ml in NS ; pt is 110lbsfirst convert 110lbsto kg =110l bs/2.2 kg=50kgthen change 7 mg to mcg =7000 mcg Now plug in the numbers. 7000* 5 0kg*60mins------------------500mlanswer is 16.8 mcg/kg/minA way we were taught t o remember which Beta Blockers are contra-indicated in patients with Resp proble ms are easy....Contra-Indicated- so think....Coreg,Corgard,InderalAdministering ear medication... pull the ear UP and back for OLD, and down for young (<3 yo)Fi ll for a thrill, listen for a bruit.Assess your patient. not the monitor.... So, If a question asks what you do FIRST.... always, alwaysgo with assess the patie nt.Carbamazepine therapeutic serum level is 4 - 12 mcg/dLCycloserine is an antit uburculan and needs weekly drug levelsfoscarnet (Foscavir) can be toxic to kidne ys so creatinine is monitored.Android Pelvis is wedge shaped, narrow and unfavor able for birthTherapeutic serum digoxin is 0.5 - 2 mg/dL No meperidine (Demerol) to pancreatitis pt. b/c is causes spasms in the Sphincter of OddiHyperkalemia = narrow, peaked T waves on cardiac monitor Hypokalemia = Peaked P, Flat T, Depres sed ST and Prominent U p24 Antigen Assay confirms HIV in an infant MORPHINE IS CONTRAINDICATED IN ACUTE PANCREATITIS BECAUSE ISCAUSES THE SPASMS BUT THE DEMEROL IS THE DRUG OF CHOICE. AT LEAST THATS HOW I LEARNED IT.if you se e Mg/Ca, think MUSCLE first. Mg and Ca act like SEDATIVES.HYPOCALCEMIA (not enou gh sedatives)+ trouseau and + chovstek's signincr DTR stridor, laryngospasmswall owing problem=aspirationBURN pt.Carbon monoxide poisoning is the MOST COMMON air way injury.Carboxyhemoglobin : blood test to determine carbon monoxide poisoning .Treat burn pt with fluid replacement therapy;Check hourly to make sure you are not overloadingthem with CVP= measures the right atrial pressure.Rubella is spre ad by droplets....The benefit of a venturi mask- oxygen can be regulated to deli ver between 24 and 50%.Shilling test is done to detect pernicious anemia.Shift t reflects bacterial infectionPneumocystis carinii pn o the left in WBC differential eumonia is caused by Protozoal infection.Open-angle glaucoma is characterized by H alo and blurred visionDetached retina- floater or sensation of a curtain or veil over the visual fieldGood lung down- position a patient with right side pneumon ia , with the left side dependentAtrial fibrillation might require synchronized cardioversionVentricular tachycardia require defribillationSecond degree heart b lock- needs a pace maker Respiratory syncytial virus- contact precautionssystemi c lupus erythematosus- butterfly rash on nose and cheek. avoid sunlight with DIC...get worried if you see blood oooze from the IV line. notify doctorT egratol- tx for seizures..watch for drowsiness, n/v, blurred vision, h/a.kayexal ate- may be ordered for a high potassium levelTHERAPEUTIC LEVEL10-20 mcg/mlTheop hyllineAcetaminophenPhenytoinChloramphenicol10-21 mmHg -normal intraocular press ure1.nebulizers used by HIV patients are cleansed with warm water after each tre atment andallow it to air dry. soaked in wht vinegar and water for 30f min at th e end of the day2.SHARE support group for parents who have experienced misscarri age3. RESOLVE support grp for infertile clients4. CANDLELIGHTERS families who ha ve lost child to cancer 5 FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME child small head circumferance, low birth wt,underdeveloped cheeks.DO not radiate children under 8 y.o.Insulin can be kept on room temp 1 month.PARATHYROID PROBLEMShyperparathyroidism= hyperc alcemia=hypophosphatemiahypoparathyroidism=hypocalcemia=hyperphosphatemia**calci um and phosphorus are inversely related**THYROID PROBLEMShypothyroid (myxedema): no energy, depress pt. everything is slowhyperthyroid (grave's): very ENERGETIC, manic pt., everything is high**watch out for heart problems, rhythm changes**Da ntrium (dantroline) common drug kept in the OR for us with Malignant Hyperthermi a.some oncology dont give methotrexate in the first trimester of pregnancy.radioactive iodineexcreted in urinesealed source implant- body fluids not radioactive- nursing ca re-limit total time careprovider with pt. limit distance around pt. no pregnant women in room or children.keep forceps and lead container in room.chemo drugs: i n case of extravasation...stop infusion...remove any remaining drug fromtubing a nd aspirate the infiltrated area...do not remove needle...notify doctor.Prenatal Visitsq 4 weeks -28-32 weeksq 2 weeks -32-36 weeksq1 week -36-40 weekscare of t he NEWBORNterm infant -38-42 weeksL-45-55 cm =18-22inchesW-2500-4300 kg=5.5-9.5l bin males prepuce retractable on about 3 y.o. dont do that before->Adhesions Nor mal Hyper- Bi-emia after 24 hr, if before pathological. (in premature it appears

after 48 hr, if before Report)Hyperbilirubinemia- DO normal Breast feeding,q24hr.RDS-basically bcoz infant cant expand lungs->cant breath normally, because o f luck of surfactantin lungs.s/s:cyanosis,increased RR, nasal flaring, grunting. treatment-intratracheal surfactant, and supportive -O2-if on O2 worry about reti nal damage.if Mother-DRUGS: NEWBORN -Irritable->Swaddle&reduce stimulation aside from abcd.FAS(fetal alcohol syndrome)-craniofascial abnormalities, growth retar ded,, palmar creases.IRRITABILITY.RNs goal-nutritional balance.When BATHIN Newbo rn go from CLEAN to DIRTY -eyes, face...diaper area the last.in Diabetic mother the newborn at risk for hypoglycemia, RDS, hypo Ca emia, congenital anomal.Diabe tic mother during pregnancy-1st trimester insulin DECREASE. 2 and 3rd Trimester INCREASE INSULIN (placental hormones produce insulin resistance)BUT after PLACEN TAL DELIVERY INSULIN REQUIREMENTS DECREASE.about ScoringApgarmeasuresHR,RR,Muscl e tone, Reflexes,Skin color This is an ad collapser 040112 each 0-2 point. 8-10 OK. 0-3 RESUSCITATE.GLASGOW COMA SCALE. EYES, VERBAL,MOTOR!It is similar to measuring dating skills...max 1 5 points-one can do itif below 8you are inComa.So, to start dating you gottaopen your EYES first, if you albe to dothat spontaneously and use them correctly to S EE whom you dating you earn 4. But if she has toscream on you to make youopen th em it is only 3....and 1 you dont care to open even if she tries to hurt you.if you get good EYE contact (4 points) then move toVERBAL. talk to her/ him! if you can do that You are really ORIENTED insituation she/he uncontiously gives you 4 points! if you like her try not to be CONFUSED (3), andof cause do not useINAPP ROPRIATE WORDS (3), she will not like it)), try not to RESPOND WITHINCOMPREHENSI BLE SOUNDS (2), if you do not like her- just show no VERBAL RESPONSE(1)Since you 've got EYE and VERBAL contact you canMOVEnow using your Motor ResponsePoints.TH is is VERY important since Good moves give you 6!filgrastim (Neupogen) - increas e NEUtrophil countepoietin alfa (Epogen) - increase RBC/erythrocytesCholecystect omy due tocholelithiasis and colesysthitis, WATCH for BLEEDING problems, because vit K FAT soulble, is poorly absorbed in the absence of bile. by the way T-tube used for drainage-Reason for T tube to maintain patency of common bile duct.Chr onic RF the best way to asses fluid status-WEIGHT the PATIENT dailyWhenNGTpresen t mouth careICE CHIPSbut be aware not give that too much-> it becameswater->stom ach->NGT suck it with K and other electrolites present in stomach.LOST K Heat cr amps in hot weather-Sodium (Na) losesFollowing Gastrectomy NGT drainage should N OT be BLOODY after 12 hr Thyroid storm's main sign is FEVER ALDOSTERONE insuffic iency -Hypo-Na-emia, Hyper-K-emia, hypo-Volemia. WHEN Nadecrease, K increaseeasy way to remember addisons and cushings addisons= down, down down up downcushings= up up up down upaddisons= hyponatre mia, hypotension, decreased blood vol, hyperkalemia, hypoglycemiacushings= hyper natremia, hypertension, incrased blood vol, hypokalemia, hyperglycemiaeverything else wouldnt be hard to remmenber> moon face, hirsutism, buffalo hump, obesity1 .prozac, zoloft, paxil- tx of depression.2. sodium nitroprusside- sheild from li ght. wrap in foil3. cephalosporins- CHECK FOR ALLERGIES TO PENICILLINS. pt could behypersensitive.4. pts recieving Lasix should be assessed for tinnitus and hea ring loss5. anticoagulants cant dissolve a formed thrombus but tPAs can.1.Shock: BP <90/60 Pulse > 1002. Fluid of choice in pt in shock are isotonic: NS, LR 3. PVCs: Always treat: >6 UNIFOCAL and/or >3 MULTIFOCAL with LIDOCDAINE75mg 4:1 dri p4. SIADH Na <120Hx of lung cancer Specific gravity > 1.035Diabetes Insipidus Na > 160head injurySpecific gravity <1.0055. Pt with radium implants you can only s tand at the head of their bed. When performing bath remember: 'pits and crotch' ONLY1.Verapamil (calan) - treatment of supraventricular tachycardias, check hear t rate2. clomid - inducesovulation by changing hormonal effect on the ovary3. ph obias include projection and displacement4. blood glucose monitoring of glucose preferred over urine because the level of glucosestarts to appear in the urine i ncreases, leading to false negative readings5. corneal abrasion - unable to clos e the eye voluntarily, cranial nerve VII affected, secretions unable to protect the eye, complication of CVA, prevented with RN c areother randoms- when the lungs re-expanded, the fluid in the water seal does n ot fluctuate with respirations- pacemaker- increases cardiac output, acts to reg ulate cardiac rhythm NEVER examine a bleeding gravida vaginallycontractions > 90

seconds, FHR < after contraction peak. . .turn off the pitocin [oxytocin] (if r unning) give O2 by tight face mask, reposition on left side, increase IV fluid r ate, notify caregiver,documentuse reliable form of birth control for at least 4 weeks (8 is better) after rubella immunization [of course this applies to women only]abdominal pain, tender uterus, dark red or no bleeding = abruption painless , bright red bleeding usually first episode in 2nd trimester = placenta previaDO NOT give a pregnant laboring patient on methadone STADOL (precipitates withdraw al)KVO rate is 20ml/hr MAOIs: Nardil, Marplan, ParnateOf course, no tyramine bec ause of hypertensive crisis, which is treated with Procardia.Aminoglycosides (ge ntamycin, etc.) affect 8th cranial nerve function (hearing) and are nephrotoxic. Hyperparathyroid states can cause renal stones which can present with hematuria. Bell's Palsy- facial paralysis, prevent corneal abrasions.I teach APGARs this wa yA= appearance (color all pink, pink and blue, blue [pale])P= pulse (>100, < 100 , absent)G= grimace (cough, grimace, no response)A= activity (flexed, flaccid, l imp)R= respirations (strong cry, weak cry, absent)DO NOT delegate what you can E AT!E - evaluateA - assessT - teach only the RN should do this...hope that helpsmacular degeneration:mac is in the middle (central vision loss)digoxin toxicity: halos, nausea, vomitingFractured h ip: shorter extremity and external rotationhip replacement: teach pt not to cros s legs; keep leg abducted to avoid dislocation of hipSchillings test: measures % of B12 excreted in 24hr used to diagnose pernicious anemia1.cardiac meds: -pine =calcium channel blockers-olol=beta blockers-pril=ACE inhibitors-artan=angiotens in II receptor blockers2. No pee no K+3. Before treating BPH, must restore urina ry flow4. Sign of toxic ammonia leve's is asterixis (hands flapping)5. Diuretics : Lasix and Bumex are K+ wasting Aldacton is K+ sparing1 - Dopamine and Lasix ar e incompatible2 - Hypoglycemic jitters can be stopped by holding the limb, seizu re clonus can't3 - Normal urine output in an infant is at least 1cc/kg/hr 4 - Se ptic babies will often DROP their temp5 - SE of PGE1, used to keep the ductus ar teriosus open, are hypotension, fever, and apnea. Thetherapeutic effect is not n ecessarily dose-dependent, but the severity of SE is.The adverse effects of Anti psychotics can be remembered using this: SHANCES-SUNLIGHT SENSITIVITY( Use hats and sunscreen)H-HEPATOTOXICITY( Monitor LFT)A-AGRANULOCYTOSIS( Characterised by fever and sore throat) N-NEUROLEPTIC MALIGNANT SYNDROME( Characterised by fever and muscular rigidity)C-CIRCULATORY PROBLEMS( Leukopenia and orthostatic hypote nsion)E-EXTRA PYRAMIDAL SYMPTOMS( Administer anticholinergics and anti parkinson ian agents) Now for some skin assessment!ABCDEs of malignant melanoma: This is an ad collapser 040112 A = Asymmetry;B = Border;C = Color;D = Diameter; E = ElevationAntidote for Coumadin- AquamephytonSide effect of Aminophylline-hea d and irregular pulseTreatment for Angina-sublingual nitro (given q5min X3)and r estAnterior fontanel closes at-12-18monPosterior fontanel closes at-birth to 3mo nClassic sign of Diabetes-3 "p"s (polyuria, polydysia, polyphasia)CVA pt with he mianopsia-approach from unaffected sideDischarge teaching after cataract surgery -avoid sneezing, coughing,straining or bendingLyme disease-wear long sleeves clo thingPost laminectomy -flat positionDiet for cirrhosis-low protein, high calorie Fundus displaced to right side-ask pt to voidfundus is boggy-message fundusSelf breast exam-done 5-7 days after mensesSandS of Pyloric Stenosis-projectile vomit , metabolic alkalosis,olive size bulge unger theribcagePosition for Meneries-aff ected sideRaynards disease-wear gloves, keep hands warmTrigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureax) - eat warm, soft foodsPreparing to breast feed - wash braest with w ater and rub with a towel everydayVentricular gallop is the earliest sign of hea rt failureLevin tube - feedings at room temperature, do not clamp between feedin gs position for liver biopsy - supine with arms raised above headrheumatoid arth ritis - heat, ROM, weight reductionBells Palsy: avoid cold temperatures: make su re pt. closes windows when they are sleeping. Someeven take eyes shut. Nurses' p riority intervention after a patient receives a skin graft is to prevent movemen t of the graft.Greatest risk for postpartum hemorrhage is from distended bladder .Herpes zoster (shingles) is from reactivation of the varicella virus. 1 grain = 60mg (I always forget this one)Risk factors for legionnaires disease : advanced age, immunosuppression, end stage renal disease,and diabetesHepatitis 5 typesA,B, C, D, and EHep A-spread by drinking unsanitary water and uncooked fo

odsHep B-spread by contact with blood or bodily fluids and is an STDHep C-spread by contact the same way as Hep B, can lead to cirrhosis (mostly seen withalcoho lism)Hep D-only contracted if you already have Hep BHep E-usually spread by cont act with contaminated water In nursing school, my instructor taught us to rememb er the different types like this:VOWEL = BOWELHep A and E---if your infected you will have problems with bowels...Some Therapeutic Drug LevelsDigoxin 05-2.0 ng/ mlLithium 0.6-1.5 mEq/LDilantin 10-20 mcg/dlTheophylline 10-20 mcg/dlLithium 0.5 -1.5 mEq/LCoumadin PT: 12-20 sec....therapeutic range 1.5-2 times the controlINR : 2-3Heparin PTT: 30-60 sec...therapeutic range 1.5-2 times the controlCREATININ E AND CREATININE CLEARANCEWith renal impairment, serum creatinine goes up,urinar y clearance goes down.Serum Creatinine-men 0.8-1.8mg/dlwomen-0.5-1.5mg/dlUrinary creatinine clearance-85-135ml/min--requires a 24 hour urine specimine. Decrease s withrenal malfunction.With a unilateral kidney disease, if one of the kidneys is healthy, a decrease in the creatinine clearance is not to be expected.ATROPINE OVERDOSEHot as a Hare(temperature)Mad as a hatter(confusion, delirium)Red as a Beet(flushed face)Dry as a bone(decrea sed secretions, thirsty)CYSTIC FIBROSISDiet: Low in fat and high in sodiumMeds: Antibiotics, liposoluable vitamins(A D E K) Aerosol Bronchodialators, mucolytics , pancreatic enzymes.5 A's to alzheimersAnomia-unable to remember thingsApraxiafailure to identify objectsAgonsia-can't recognize sounds, tastes and other sens ations, familiar objects.Amnesia-memory lossAphasia-can't express SELF through s peech.GLOMEULONEPHRITIS-it's an antigen antibody complex from a recent strep inf ection whichcauses inflammation/ decreased glomerular filtration rate.BETA BLOCK ERSB1-affects the heartB2-affects lungsEMERGENCY DRUGS TO LEAN ONLidocainEpineph rineAtropine NarcanAUTONOMIC DYSREFLEXIA-triggered by sustained stimuli at T6 or below. Vasodialation aboveinjury,(flushed face, increased bp etc) vasoconstrict ion below injury(pale, cool, no sweating.)AIRBORNEMy - MeaslesChicken - Chicken PoxHez - Herpez ZosterTBPrivate Room - negative pressure with 6-12 air exchanges /hrMask, N95 for TBDROPLET think of SPIDERMAN!S - sepsis S - scarlet feverS - streptococcal pharyngitisP - parvovirus B19P - pneumoniaP - pertussisI - influenzaD - diptheria (pharyngeal)E - epiglottitisR - rubellaM - mumpsM - meningitisM - mycoplasma or meningeal pneumoniaAn - AdenovirusPrivate Room or cohortMask CONTACT PRECAUTION MRS.WEEM - multidrug resistant organismR - respiratory infectionS - skin infections *W - wound infxnE - enteric infxn - c lostridium difficileE - eye infxn - conjunctivitisSKIN INFECTIONSVCHIPSV - varic ella zosterC - cutaneous diphtheriaH - herpez simplexI - impetigoP - pediculosis S - scabiesPrivate room or cohortGlovesGownAirborne*keep door closed*In addition to DROPLET PRECAUTION:*Maintain spatial separation of 3 feetbetween infected pa tient and visitors. Door may remainopen.1. Widening pulse pressure is a sign of increased ICP2.Pt taking Digoxin should eat a diet high in potassium (hypokalemi a-> dig toxicity) 3.Key sign of PUD... hematemesis which can be bright red or dark red with the consistency of coffee grounds4.Common symptom of Aluminium hydroxyde: constipati on5.In a child anemia is a the first sign of lead poisoning6.Diuretic used for i ntracranial bleeding, hydrocephalus (Increased ICP,...) MANNITOL (osmoticdiureti c)7.Treatment of celiac disease: gluten free diet8.cystis fibrosis==> excessive mucus production, respiratory infection complications,...9.Cholelithiasis causes enlarged edematous gallbladder with multiple stones and an elevated bilirubin l evel.10.Fat embolism is mostly seen in LONG BONES (femur,...)1.Abruptio placenta e may be a complication of severe preeclampsia2.Syrup if ipecac is not administe red when the ingested substance is corrosive in nature3.Pt before liver biopsy i s NPO 4-6 hours4.Assess renal fct before giving an osmotic diuretic (mannitol)5. Patient in addisonian crisisecreased BP, Na, Blood glucose, Increased K 6.Amnioc entesis is done as early as 14 weeks of gestation7.Chorionic villi sampling is d one as early as 10 weeks of gestation8.Increased level of alpha fetoprotein in p regnant woman => neural tube defects9.Insulin is safely given throughout pregnan cy; oral hypoglycemic agents are contraindicated10.Phenobarbital (Luminal) is co mmonly used to treat and prevent recurrent seizures in infantsand young children 11.Aspirin is associated with Reye's syndrome in children with fever or viral in fection12.Glycerin suppositories are preferred agents to treat constipation in c

hildren13.Corticosteroids may produce an altered effect of a vaccine14.Thiazide diuretics (HCTZ,...) may induce hyperglycemia15.Anticonvulsants INCREASE the sei zures THRESHOLD!!!!16.Hyperbilirubinemia in newborn: bilirubin levels are greate r than 13-15 mg/dl1.Postpartum period: circulating hcG disappears within 8-24 ho urs2.S/S opioid withdrawl: rhinorrhea, dilated pupils, abdominal cramps3.S/S sed ative withdrawl: Increased motor activity, tachycardia4.S/S alcohol withdrawl: t remors, N/V, diaphoresis5.S/S stimulant withdrawl: CNS depression, fatigue, depr ession, confusion,...6.Hb values: neonates have Hb higher than those of older ch ildren to sustain them until activeerythropoiesis begins7.Toclytic therapy: to a rrest preterm labor 8.Child with chickenpox can be treated with oatmeal preparat ion baths and calamine lotion athome to relieve the itching...9.child with rheum atoid arthritis should sleep in bag to keep joints warm and promoteflexibility!! !! Wow...10.When an eye patch is used to correct strabismus, the normal eye is p atched. That forces thechild to use the "lazy" eye, thereby increasing that eye' s muscle strengths 11.If a chest tube accidently get disconnected, clamp it or place the open end of the tube in acontainer of sterile water or saline solution12.Women should av oid pregnancy for at least 3 months after a rubella vaccine13.Most accurate meth od to detect TB: sputum culture!!!A child with KAWASAKI disease might be given a high dose of aspirinto reduce the risk of heart problems.some respiratory1. RS V- child in private room...CONTACT PRECAUTIONS..not droplet or airbone.(sometime s i get this mixed up because its called respiratory synctical virus..iused to p ick droplet precautions but i have down now lol!2. Elderly adults generally pres ent with confusion rather than S/S of an illness.3. pneumonia- droplet precautio ns4. COPD pts should get low flow Oxygen b/c of the hypoxic drive. (1-3L/min)tea ch pursed lip breathing.5. ARDS- this pt doesnt respond to even 100% FiO26. TBhemotysis (advanced stage) v/s pulmonary edema- frothy blood tingedsputum7. Alle n's test- done b/f an ABG by applying pressure to the radial artery todetermine if adequate blood flow is present.8. INH (Isoniazid)- tx of TB. give vit B6 to p revent peripheral neuritis9. SIMV mode on vents commonly used for weaning pt off ventilator.10. vent alarms: high alarm (increased secretions then suction...... , biting tube-need an oral airway,...... or coughing and anxiety- need a sedativ e)low alarm- there is a leak or break in system...check all connectors and cuff. 11. if a trach becomes accidently dislodged try to replace it with anobturator.. if no luck keep the hole open with hemostats until physician arrives. No Pee, no K (do not give potassium without adequate urine output)Most common cause of SIA DH is cancer, esp. lung cancer IV KCL should infuse no faster than 20 mEq/hr Val salva maneuver is used for symptoms of SVT Ototoxic drugs: loop diuretics (Lasix), NSAIDs, and cisplatin (Platinol-AQ)And thank you whomever posted about Demerol being the DOC for pancreatitis! That ha s alreadycome in handy on my practice tests!1.Profile of gallbladder disease: 5F s: fair, fat, forty, five pregnancies, flatulent(disease canoccur in all ages an d both sexes)2.Hip fractures commonly hemorrhage, whereas femur fractures are at risk for fat emboli3.Religious beliefs: Hindu- No beef or items containing gela tin4.Renal diet- High calorie, high carbohydrate, low protein, low K, low Na, an d fluid restrictedto intake = output +500 ml5.Treatment for sickle cell crisesHHOP: Heat, hydration, oxygen, pain meds6.RN and MD institute seclusion protecti on7.MD or hospice RN can pronounce the client dead8.For hospital triage, care fo r the client with a life-threatening illness or injury first9.For disaster triag e, choose to triage first those clients who can be saved with the least use of r esources!10.It is contraindicated to induce vomiting if the patient has ingested gasoline, acid andalkaline!!!MAOIsNon-Popular MedsNardilParnateMarplan1.teach a pt with GERD after meals to remain upright for at least 20 min.2.levodopa toxic ity- notify physician if twitching develops.3. Curling's ulcers or stress ulcers can cause sudden massive hemmorage.4. 5 mm induration positive reaction (mantou x test) for HIV or immunosuppressd pts5. Schilling test done to see how well a p t can absorb vit b12. checking to see if they have pernicious anemia.6. Predniso ne, Prograf, and Cellcept helps to prevent kidney rejection.1.Air/Pulmonary Embo lism(S&S: chest pain, difficulty breathing, tachycardia, pale/cyanotic, sense of impending doom) --> turn pt toleftside andlowerthe head of the bed.

2.Woman in Labor w/ Un-reassuring FHR (late decels, decreased variability, fet al bradycardia, etc) --> turn onleftside (and give O2, stop Pitocin, increase IV fluids)3.Tube Feeding w/ Decreased LOC--> position pt onrightside (promotes emp tying of the stomach) with theHOB elevated(to prevent aspiration)4.During Epidur al Puncture-->side-lying5.After Lumbar Puncture(and also oil-based Myelogram)--> pt lies inflat supine(to prevent headache and leaking of CSF)6.Pt w/ Heat Strok e--> lieflatw/legs elevated7.During Continuous Bladder Irrigation(CBI) --> cathe ter is taped to thigh so leg should be kept straight. No other positioning restr ictions.8.After Myringotomy--> position on side of affected earafter surgery (al lows drainage of secretions)9.After Cataract Surgery--> pt will sleep onunaffect ed sidewith a night shield for 1-4weeks.10.After Thyroidectomy--> low or semi-Fo wler's, support head, neck and shoulders.11.Infant w/ Spina Bifida--> positionpr one(on abdomen) so that sac does not rupture12.Buck's Traction(skin traction) -> elevate foot of bed for counter-traction13.After Total Hip Replacement--> don' t sleep on operated side, don't flex hip more than45-60 degrees, don't elevate H OB more than 45 degrees. Maintain hip abduction byseparating thighs with pillows .14.Prolapsed Cord--> knee-chest position or Trendelenburg15.Infant w/ Cleft Lip --> position on back or in infant seat to prevent trauma to sutureline. While fe eding, hold in upright position.16.To Prevent Dumping Syndrome(post-operative ul cer/stomach surgeries) --> eat inreclining position, lie down after meals for 20 -30 minutes (also restrict fluids during meals,low CHO and fiber diet, small fre quent meals)17.Above Knee Amputation--> elevate for first 24 hours on pillow, po sition prone dailyto provide for hip extension.18.Below Knee Amputation--> foot of bed elevated for first 24 hours, position prone dailyto provide for hip exten sion.19.Detached Retina--> area of detachment should be in the dependent positio n 20.Administration of Enema--> position pt inleft side-lying(Sim's) with knee f lexed21.After Supratentorial Surgery(incision behind hairline) --> elevate HOB 3 0-45 degrees22.After Infratentorial Surgery(incision at nape of neck)--> positio n ptflatand lateral oneither side.23.During Internal Radiation--> onbedrestwhile implant in place24.Autonomic Dysreflexia/Hyperreflexia(S&S: pounding headache, profuse sweating,nasal congestion, goose flesh, bradycardia, hypertension) --> p lace client insitting position(elevate HOB) first before any other implementatio n.25.Shock --> bedrest with extremities elevated 20 degrees, knees straight, hea d slightlyelevated (modified Trendelenburg)26.Head Injury--> elevate HOB 30 degr ees to decrease intracranial pressuresome GI/hepatichepatitis--all forms standar d precautionss/s of bowel perforation--sudden diffuse abdominal pain, no bowel s ounds, resp. rapid and shallow,rigid abdomen.nursing care for undiagnosed abdomi nal pain--npo, no heat on stomach, no enemas, no narcotics, nolaxatives.crohns-s mall intestine vs ulcerative colitis-large intestine..sulfasalzine used to treat both. pyloric stenosis- olive shaped mass felt in R. epigastric area, projectil e vomitingif a pt requires TPN and it is temp. unavailable then give D10W OR 20% DW until available. before a Dx test of after 3 enemas, returns are not clear, notify physicianif diarrhea occurs with a colostomy. check meds (some cause diar rhea)..dont irrigateas a general rule antacids should be taken 1-2 hours after o ther oral meds.Symptothermal method of birth control - combines cervical mucus e valuation and basal bodytemperature evaluation, non-prescription/drug percipitus /rapid labor - risk factor for early postpartum hemmorhage and amniotic fluid em bolismIn elderly, change in mental status and confusion are often the presenting symptoms of infection antiseizure meds - notify anesthesia prior to surgery, may need to decrease th e amount of anestheticgivenneuroleptic malignant syndrome - increased temp, seve re rigidity, oculogyric crises, HTN,complication of antipsychotic meds, notify M DDilantin - pregnancy risk category D, should investigate possibility of pregnan cy (LMP) prior toadministeringTranscutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) - used for localized pain (back pain, sciatica) -use gel, place electrodes over , above or below painful area, adjust voltage until pain relief/prickly"pins and needles"1.S/S delusional thought patterns => suspiciousness and resistance to t herapy2.Use of neologism (new word self invented by a person and not readily und erstood byanother) =>associated with thought disorders3.Age and weight are VERY

important to know after a child has ingested a toxic substance4.Child with celia c disease can eatcorn, rice, soybeans and patatoes (gluten free) 5.Anaphylactic rx => administer epinephrine first, then maintain an open airway. (Not theother way around)6.Client with asthma => monitor peak of airflow volumes daily. Pulse ox after!!!!7.DKA pt => a HCT of 60 (way high...) (extreme dehydration) would be more critical than a pH less than 3! (Fluids first...)8.Assess for abdominal di stention after placement of a VP shunt! (You know why right?)9.GFR is decreased in the initial response to severe burns, with fluid shift occuring. Kidney fctmu st be monitored closely or renal failure may follow in a few days10.Vomiting => metabolic alkalosis (loss of stomach acid content)11.Diarrhea => metabolic acido sis (loss of bicarbonate)12.COPD => respiratory acidosis (CO2 retention)13.Anxio us client => hyperventilation can cause respiratory alkalosis. A paper bag will help.(Increase CO2) Right?14.Client with low H&H after splenectomy => the initia l priority is REST due to the inabilityof RBCs to carry O215.Mild to moderate di arrhea in a child => maintain a NORMAL diet with fluids to rehydratethe poor chi ldDon't forgetVancomycincan cause "Red man Syndrome" = decreased BP and flushing of faceand neck --> giveantihistamine. Also watch for liver damage with this on e.Peripheral vascular disease - patient should sit with feet flat on floor to pr event hypereflexion of thekneeMyelominigocele - baby should like on abdomen with head to the side Tegretol - interferes with actino of hormonal contraceptives, should use alter nate type of birthcontrolClozapine (Clozaril) - antipsychotic, treats schizophre nia, potential to suppress bone marrow andcause agranulocytosis (look for sore t hroat and fever)Bucks traction - remove foam boots 3x/day to inspect skin, turn client to unaffected side, dorsiflexfoot on affected side, elevate foot of bed p hlebitis - tenderness and redness at IV insertion site and redness proximally al ong the vein.Remove the IV adn apply warm soaksCred e maneuver - apply mannual p ressuer to bladder, aids in emptying the bladder completely,results in reduced r isk for infeciton; if performed every day can result in bladder control for some SCIFrequent use of nasal sprays to releive allergic symptoms can result in vasco nstriction that causesatrophy of nasal membranes (frequent nosebleeds)Lung cance r is a common cause of SIADH (abnormal secretion of ADH, increase water absorpti onand dilutional hyponatremia)ginko - antiplatelet, CNS stimulant, given for dem entia, increase risk of bleeding with NSAIDS Native Americans are present orient ed and do not live by the clock (will be late for appointments)Pulmonic area - 2 ICS, left of sternumChronic alcohol use is the most common cause of hypoMg, whic h ma result in cardiac arrest(increase neuromuscular irritability, tremors, teta nt, seizures)SCD - two fingers between sleeve and leg, opening at the knee and p opliteal pulse point,antiembolism stockings can be applied under sleeve to decre ase itching, sweating and heat buildupPeritoneal Dialysis when Outflow is Inadeq uate--> turn pt from side to sideBEFOREcheckingfor kinks in tubing (according to Kaplan)Timeouts for children - 1minute for each year of ageTemporal lobe - hear ingFrontal - personality changesOccipital - visual brain stem - bladder/bowelBul emia - susceptible to tracheosophageal fistula from esophageal tear, laryngitis is a danger sign(hoarse voice that is barely audible) mycins - if fever, notify MDscreening for HTN - two raedings, 5minutes aparten courage geriatric patients to talk about life adn important thigns in his/her pa st, especially withrecent memory loss NO morphine for pancreatitis and cholecyst itis.... google for the reason1 unit of packed RBCs = 220mLif allergic to sulfon amides dont take acetazolamide (Diamox)VENTRICULAR FIBRILLATION: TREATMENT"Shock , Shock, Shock, Everybody Shock, Little Shock, Big Shock, Momma Shock, PoppaShoc k":Shock= DefibrillateEverybody= EpinephineLittle= LidocaineBig= BretyliumMomma= MgSO4Poppa= Pocainamidemethotrexate- dont take supplemental folic acid and plea se dont take whilepregnant..can cause premature labor and bleeding.oh dont take cytoxan while pregnant or dont handle the drug while pregnant.infections that oc cur with AIDS clients are called opportunistic infections.Pneumocystis carinii p neumonia is not contagious unless you are immunocomprimised.this infections occu rs mostly with AIDS pts.infant with HIV should NOT recieve chickenpox or oral po lio vaccine. can giveinactivated polio vaccine though. Priority...if patient having allergic reaction or going into anaphilactic BUT

still consious... what you do 1staction:1. call immideately MD2. Ensure Airway3. Give O2 by mask 4. Epinephrine as prescribed**** by the way who took NCSBN ques tions online. What score may say that you likely to pass NCLEXRN ______ answer 4 After Lumbar Puncture(and also oil-based Myelogram)--> pt lies inflat supine(to preventheadache and leaking of CSF)not very correct. The head is usually ELEVATE D if an OIL-based or water -soluble contrast agentis used.lumbar puncture - flat OIL based - flatWATER soluble contrast - elevate 15-30 degrees palpating the car otid pulses together can cause a vagal response and slow the clients heart ratea drenal insufficiency - steroids increased prior to surgerythyroidectomy - acess for numbness from decreased CaBactrim - mild to moderate rash the most common SE If when removing a PICC a portion of the catheter breaks - apply tournaquet to t he upper arm, feelradial pulseemptying a drainage evacuator - wash hands, don gl oves, elevate bed, pour drainage itno measuringcup, compress the evacuator and r eplace the plugPercodan - oxycodone and aspirinPercocet - oxycodone and acetamin ophen low back pain, h/a and restless...cardinal of hemolytic transfusion reaction.. stoptransfusion..change tubing...infuse NS.initate a blood transfusion w/i 30 mi n of recieving blood.fresh frozen plasma administerd to DIC because of the clott ing factors in itcryoprecipitate given in hemophilia...also with hemophilia they tend to bleed into the joints so they may have joint problems.Myasthenia Gravis : worsens with exercise and improves with rest.Myasthenia Crisis: a positive rea ction to Tensilon--will improve symptomsCholinergic Crisis: caused by excessive medication-stop med-giving Tensilon will make it worseHead injury medication: Ma nnitol (osmotic diuretic)-crystallizes at room temp so ALWAYS usefilter needlePr ior to a liver biospy its important to be aware of the lab result for prothrombi n time (PT)Pregnancy Induced Hypertension: The nurse would be MOST concerned if the patient complainedof epigastric pain and a HA.COPD: Administer low flow Oxyg en! We never administer: 5L NC1.Watery vaginal discharge and painless bleeding = > endometrial cancer 2.Frothy vaginal discharge => trichomonas infection3.Thick, white vaginal discharge => candida albicans4.purulent vaginal discharge => PID5 .Approximately 99% of males with cystic fibrosis are sterile due to obstruction of the vasdeferens6.Lyme's disease is transmitted by ticks found on deer and mic e in wooded areas7.Children 18-24 months normally have sufficient sphincter cont rol necessary for toilettraining8.Complications of TPN therapy are osmotic diure sis and hypovolemia!!!9.L/S ratio => fetal lung maturity10.Kava-kavacan increase the effects of anesthesia and post-op analgesia11.NEVER give chloride potassium by IV push12.GINKGO interacts with many meds to increase the risk of bleeding; therefore, bruising or bleeding should be reported to MD13.Vanco therapeutic ra nge 10-20 mcg/mL14.Client with disseminated herpes zoster (shingles) => AIRBORNE precautions15.The client taking methotrexate should avoid multivitamins b/c mul tivitamins contain folicacid. Methotrexate is a folic acid antagonist!!! how is done:The electronic fetal monitor is placed on the maternal abdomen for 20-30 minutesEach time the fetus moves, FHR should accelerate 15 beats/min abov e the baseline for 15secondsA reactive (good) test =>2 accelerations in FHR occu r with associated fetal movementBiophysical Profile (BPP)identification of a com promised fetus and consists of 5 components:-fetal breathing movement-fetal move ment of the body or limbs-fetal tone (extension or flexion of the limbs)-amnioti c fluid volume index (AFI) visualized as of fluid around the fetus-reactive nonstress testeach component 0-2, 8-10-desirable.Percutaneous Umbilical Blood sampl ing-like amniocentesis but cord punctured-chromosomal anomalies, feta karyotypin g, and blood disordersEvrywhere where woman's abdomen is punctured informed cons ent is needed, and riskslike amnionitis spontaneous abortion, preterm labor/deli very, and premature rupture of membranes must be explained. If she Rh--she may b e RHoGAM given.Determination of lung maturity through amniocentesis is done at t he last trimester of pregnancy"Amniocentesis may be done after 13-14 week of pre gnancy. Performed to determine geneticdisorders, metabolic defects, and FETAL LU NG MATURITY"echocardiogram-used to assess heart valves.valve disorders require p rophylactic antibiotics before invasive procedures.avoid IM injections when susp ecting MI can affect CK levelshemodynamic measurements-transducer placed @ the m idaxillary line at the fourthor fifth intercostal space phlebostatic axis.calciu

m channel blockers-assess for constipation1.Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) :-NMS is like S&M;-you get hot (hyperpyrexia)-stiff (increased muscle tone)-swea ty (diaphoresis)-BP, pulse, and respirations go up &-you start to drool 2. I kept forgetting which was dangerous when you're pregnant; regular measles (rubeola),or German measles (rubella), so remember:-never get pregnant with a G erman (rubella)3. When drawing up regular insulin & NPH together, remember:-RN ( regular comes before NPH)4. Tetralogy of fallot; remember HOPSH- hypertrophy of right ventricleO- over-riding aortaP- pulmonary stenosisS- septal defect5. MAOI' s that are used as antidepressants:weird way to remember, I know. pirates say ar rrr, so think; pirates take MAOI's whenthey're depressed.- explanation; MAOI's u sed for depression all have an arrr sound in the middle (Parnate,Marplan, Nardil )Autonomic dysreflexia: potentially life threatening emergency- elevate head of bed to 90 degree- loosen constrictive clothing- assess for bladder distention an d bowel impaction (triger)- Administer antihypertensive meds (may cause stroke, MI, seisure ) Normal ICP : 0 - 15mmHgPulmonary embolus: S/S- pleuritic chest pai n, dyspnea, low-grade fever, tachycardia, blood-tinged sputum.COPD : S/S- dyspne a on exertion, barrel chest, clubbed fingers and toes, tachypneic with prolonged expiratory phase.Tension pneumothorax - tracheal shift to opposite side, decrea sed venous return, neck vein bulge,tachycardia and tachypnea.allopurinol - for c hronic goutcolchicine - for acute gout attack easy way to remember MAOI'S!think of PANAMA!PA - parnateNA - nardilMA marplan the laxative step-ladder....to manage constipation1. bulk-forming laxatives ar e first2. stool softners3. osmotics4. stimulants5. suppositors6. enemas are last atropine is contraindicated in paralytic ileus, ulcerative colitits, obstructive GI disorders, benign prostatic hypertrophy, myasthenia gravis and narrow angle glaucomawithdrawal s/s of benzos: agitation, nervousness, insominia, anorexia, s weating, musclecramps.....basically about the same as alcohol withdrawal s/s.thr ombophlebitis s/s: redness, warmth, and induration along the vein, tenderness on palpation of thevein.hypokalemia-prominent U WAVE (u is down hypo), hyperkalemi a-tall T wave (T is tall hyper)superior vena cava syndrome s/s: nosebleeds, edem a in the eyes, edema of hands, dyspnea, mentalstatus changes.s/s of rheumatic fe ver: painful swollen joints, jerky movements, enlarged heart, heart murmur,nonte nder lumps on bony areas, white painful lesions on the trunk s/s of vit B12 defi ciency: pallor, slight jaundice, smooth beefy red tongue, tingling hands and fee t,and difficulty with gaitgood pasture syndrome affects the lungs and kidneys so expect pulmonary symptoms and kidneysymptoms (failure symptoms)Metronidazole (F lagyl)- antiviral: no alcohol (unless you planning on vomiting for awhile)...thi sdrug has a metallic bitter taste.Digoxin-check pulse, less than 60 hold, check dig levels and potassium levels.Amphojel: tx of GERD and kidney stones....watch out for contipation.Vistaril: tx of anxiety and also itching...watch for dry mou th. given preop commonlyVersed: given for conscious sedation...watch for resp de pression and hypotensionPTU and Tapazole- prevention of thyroid storm Sinemet: tx of parkinson...sweat, saliva, urine may turn reddish brown occassi onally...causesdrowsinessArtane: tx of parkinson..sedative effect alsoCogentin: tx of parkinson and extrapyramidal effects of other drugsTigan: tx of postop n/v and for nausea associated with gastroenteritisTimolol (Timoptic)-tx of gluacoma Bactrim: antibiotic..dont take if allergic to sulfa drugs...diarrhea common side effect...drink plentyof fluidsGout Meds: Probenecid (Benemid), Colchicine, Allo purinol (Zyloprim)Apresoline(hydralazine )-tx of HTN or CHF, Report flu-like sy mptoms, rise slowly fromsitting/lying position; take with meals.Bentyl: tx of ir ritable bowel....assess for anticholinergic side effects.Calan (verapamil): calc ium channel blocker: tx of HTN, angina...assess for constipationCarafate: tx of duodenal ulcers..coats the ulcer...so take before meals.Theophylline: tx of asth ma or COPD..therap drug level: 10-20Mucomyst is the antedote to tylenol and is a dministered orallyDiamox: tx of glaucoma, high altitude sickness...dont take if allergic to sulfa drugsIndocin: (nsaid) tx of arthritis (osteo, rhematoid, gouty ), bursitis, and tendonitis.Synthroid: tx of hypothyroidism..may take several we eks to take effect...notify doctor of chest pain..take in the AM on empty stomac h..could cause hyperthyroidism.Librium: tx of alcohol w/d...dont take alchol wit h this...very bad nausea and vomiting can occur.Oncovin (vincristine): tx of leu

kemia..given IV ONLYkwell: tx of scabies and lice...(scabies)apply lotion once a nd leave on for 8-12 hours...(lice) use theshampoo and leave on for 4 minutes wi th hair uncovered then rinse with warm water and comb witha fine tooth combPrema rin:tx after menopause estrogen replacementDilantin: tx of seizures. thera drug level: 10-20 Navane: tx of schizophrenia..assess for EPSRitalin: tx of ADHD..assess for he art related side effects report immediately...child may need a drugholiday b/c i t stunts growth.dopamine (Intropine): tx of hypotension, shock, low cardiac outp ut, poor perfusion to vitalorgans...monitor EKG for arrhythmias, monitor BP1.Ter butaline a beta-2 agonist is given for preterm delivery to relaxe smoothmuscle a nd halt contractions 2.High circulating levels of progesterone released by the " corpus luteum" arethought to be responsible for the immediate post-ovulation ris e in bodytemperature 3.Geriatrics pts may increase consumption of salt and sweet s b/c change in testperception... Watch for health problems that may result from that!4.8 month infant => Recognizes but is fearful of strangers 5.10-12 months infant => 3-words vocabulary1!!! 6.12 months infant => stands alone 7.8-12 weeks infant => can hold head up 8.Pregnant woman with "Charley horse" pain (pain in the "gastrocnemius muscle"=>the muscle in the back part of the leg that forms th e greater part of the calf;responsible for the plantar flexion of the foot) is r elieved by dorsiflexing the foot,which reduces the muscle spasm 9.The criteria u sed to distinguish TRUE from FALSE labor is "evidence ofcervical change"... Wow! 10.Pediatrics... Lead poisoning primarly affects the CNS, causing increased ICP .This results in irritability and change of LOC, as well as seizure disorders,hy peractivity and learning disabilities 11.4 months infant => palmar grasp 12.7-9 months infant => can bang 2 cubes together 13.9-12 months infant => can put a bl ock in a cup 14.10-12 months infant => can demonstrate pincer grasp 15.Hydatidif orm mole => increased HCG levels, marked nausea and vomiting A possible complica tion of impetigo is posstreptococcal glomerulonephritis and periorbital edema is indicative of postreptocccal glomerulonephritis.client should weight themselves daily when taking lithium-- and after the first dose, client shouldhave his/her levels checked within 8-12 hours and two times a week for the first month. Lithi umalso causes polyuria and dehydration. S&S of toxicity are, ataxia, vomiting, d iarrhea, muscular weakness and drowsiness.Gurie blood test helps determine PKU for neonate.child can return to school with Hep A, a week after onset of jaundice bulge test is a test for confirming fluid in the kneeit's important not to touch the bed when u sing defibrilator in order to prevent accidentalcountershock!!Extrusion reflex m eans is the same meaning as tongue thrust which disappears between 3- 4mos of ag e.Administer oral steroids in the morning with food to prevent ulcerogenic effec ts!Increased abdominal distention, nausea and vomiting are signs of paralytic il eus that should bereported to the physician!It's important for a client with an internal radium implant to be on a low residue diet in order to prevent many bow el movements because stool can dislodge it.Heparin is not transmitted to infant from breastfeeding.Haldol is effective for reducing assaultive behavior, for exa mple, a pt threatening to hurt another. Narcotic analgesics are contraindicated for pt's with ICP because it can mask symptoms.Pt's with SLE(lupus) should be in remission for 5 months before becoming pregnant.Fixed and DIALATED pupil are si gns of ICP and should be reported, it is an emergency.For stabismus, the brain r eceives two images.Vomiting is contraindicated for a pt/child who swallows light er fluid(hydrocarbons) because there'sa risk of aspiration.Change IV tubing ever y 48-72hourse(every time I want to choose every 24 hours!)Extreme tearing and re dness are signs of viral conjunctivits and if there is a worker with these signs ,make sure they are sent home because it is contagous!For amputations after woun d has healed..., assess for skin breakdown, wash, rinse and dry stumpdaily, alco hol dries so don't apply DARN IT!, no lotion. Elevate stump 24-48 hours after su rgery,discourage semi fowler's position to prevent contractures of the hip.Flush NG tube with 30ml of air before aspirating fluid. Turp(transurethral resection of the prostate)--hemorrhage is a complication, b leeding shouldgradually decrease to light pink in 24 hrs.DVT: tx with compressio n stockings, low dose heparin, discourage sitting for prolonged periods.Hot and

dry=sugar high(symp of hyperglycemia)cold and clammy=need some candy(hypoglycemi a)Type one diabetes is diagnosed usually before age 15. NO insulin producedType 2 diabetes--INSUFFICIENT insulin production. Keto acidosis not common. Affects a dultsover 40 mostly. Diabetes insipidus--history of head injury or pituitary tum or or craniotomy...HYPOsecretion of ADH. Polyruria,decreased specific gravity, d ecreased osmolarity, HYPOvolemia, increased thirst, tachycardia,decreased bp.SIA DH --excess ADH is released. HYPERvolemia, weightgain, administer diuretics...De clomycincould be prescribed.Adrenal crisis: Profound fatigue, dehydration, vascu lar collapse, renal shut down, decreased NA,increased K.Good ol' Maslow:1st Phys iologic needs2 Security and safety3 Love and belonging4 Self actualizationSteril e field and procedure facts...For sterile field--never turn your back, avoid tal king, moisture barriers carries bacteria, open pack away from field, do not reac h over sterile field.Sterile procedures--Surgical procedures, biopsies, caths, i njections, infusions, dressing changes.In regards to surgery, aspirin, antidepre ssants, steroids, nsaids are drugs that put clients at risk!The consent for surg ery--Dr. gives client explanation, consent signed by Dr., client and witness.Sig ned prior to pre op meds, remains a permanent part of client chart.For pain: PQR STProvokingQualityR egionSeverityTiming Ask if pain is stabbing, burning crushing. Narcotics---MORPHINE, MEPERIDINE(DE MEROL), HYDROMORPHONE(DILAUDID),OXYCODONE(OXYCOTIN). Non-narcotics--ACETOMINOPHE N(TYLENOL), SALICYLATES. Non steroidal(NSAIDS) TYLENOL, IBPROFEN, NAPROSYN, INDO CIN.Clozapine(Clozaril) is used for schizophrenic patient's who don't respond to other antipsychoticdrugs.(Benztropin)Congentin is used for the extrapyramidal e ffects associated with antipsychotic agents.Chlorpromazine (Thorazine) is used t o treat hallucinations, agitation, and thought disorders.Adenosine(Adenocard) is an antiarrhythmic drug, this drug is good for paroxysmal atrialtachycardia...it slows conduction from av node.Atropine for symptomatic bradycardia.Digoxin for atrial fibrillation.Lidocaine for ventricular ectopy.For assessing the abdomen, correct order is INSPECTION, AUSCUTATION, PERCUSSION,PALPATION "I Am Peed PAAAAA !")Cheyne strokes respirations are periods of apnea for 10-60 seconds then slowl y increasing rate anddepth... occur typically with heart failure and cerebral de pression.Bulls eye rash is classic in lymes disease.To relieve breast engorgemen t, pt should pump each breast for 10 minutes every 3-4 hours andduring the night if she's awake.Anticholinergic effects(drugs that block acetylcholine) cause dr y mouth, constipation, urineretention.5 rights of delegationRight task Right cir cumstanceRight communicationRight personRight feed back Cystic fibrosis is a rec esssive trait, there is a one in four chance that each offspring will have thetr ait or disorder. Cushings triad is something to look out for in patient's with increased ICP wh ich is decreased heartrate, decreased respiratory rate BUT increased blood press ure.Withdrawal from stimulants results in depression, fatigue and confusion.With drawal from alcohol results in vomiting, nausea, tremors and diaphoresis.Withdra wal from sedatives results in increased motor activity and tachycardia.Withdrawa l from opioids results in rhinorrhea, abdominal cramps and DIALATED pupils.Infla mmation: HIPER HeatIndurationPainEdemaR ednessHallucinations--sensory perception s without external stimuli.Illusions--real stimuli is misinterpreted.Delusions-falsed fixed belief('I am the queen of England!" for example)Ok here is for TB d rugsThink SPRITES- Streptomycin (Monitor for ototoxic, nephrotoxic and neurotoxi c rxn)P-Pyrazinamide (Photosensitivity-- so avoid sunlight or UV rays)R - Rifamp in (R ed orange urine is normal.. think about R for rifampin and R for red urine )I- INH ( SE is Vit B6 deficiency so pt needs inj. and avoid tyramine containing foods)T- Tubasal aka Aminosalicylate sodium ( avoid aspirin with this med)E-Eth ambutol (Efor eye problems- assess visual acuity and color discrimination esp to green)Also for ventilator alarmsHOLDHigh alarm-O bstruction due to incr. secret ions, kink, pt. coughs, gag or bitesLow press alarm-Disconnection or leak in ven tilatior or in pt. airway cuff, pt. stops spontaneous breathingto remember blood sugar:hot and dry-sugar high (hyperglycemia)cold and clammy-need some candy (hy poglycemia)2. ICP AND SHOCK HAVE OPPOSITE V/SICP-increased BP, decreased pulse, decreased resp.shock- decreased BP, increased pulse, increased resp. 3. cor pulmonae: right sided heart failure caused by left ventricular failure

(so pickedema, jvd, if it is a choice.)4. herion withdrawal neonate: irratable p oor sucking5. Jews: no meat and milk together6. Brachial pulse: pulse area cpr o n an infant.7. Test child for lead poisioning around 12 months of age8. bananas, potatoes, citrus fruits source of potassium11. Cultures are obtained before sta rting IV antibiotics12. a pt with leukemia may have epitaxis b/c of low platelet s13. best way to warm a newborn: skin to skin contact covered with a blanket on mom.14. when a pt comes in and she is in active labor...nurse first action is to listen tofetal heart tone/rate15. phobic disorders...use systematic desensitizt ion.1.Clients of the islam religious group might want to avoid jello, pork and a lcohol2.Most common side effect of daunorucibin (cerubidine) for a client with l eukemia iscardiotoxicity3.Patient having a surgery on the lower abdomen should b e placed in the trendelenburg position4.Flumazenil (Romazicon) is the antidote f or versed (Needless to remind you that versed isused for conscious sedation... S ay thank you Jean LOL)5.Patients taking isoniazid (INH) should avoid tuna, red w ine, soy sauce, and yeast extracts b/c of the side effects that can occur such a s headaches and hypotension6.A Patient with gout who is placed on a low-purine d iet should avoid spinach, poultry, liver,lobster, oysters, peas, fish and otmeal 7.A patient who needs a high-iron diet should eat: sliced veal, spinach salad, a nd whole-wheatroll8.Pegfilgastrin (Neulasta) is a chemotherapeutic drug given to patients to increase the white blood cells count9.Amphoteracin B (Fungizone) sh ould be mixed withD5WONLY!!!10.Pt with leukemia taking doxorubicin (Adriamycin) should be monitored for toxic effectssuch as rales and distended neck veins (car ditoxicity manifested by change in ECG andCHF) 11.Cardidopa/levodopa (Sinemet) is given to clients with Parkinson's disease. Watch for toxiceffects such as spasmodic eye winking12.Nimotop (Nimodipine) is c alcium channel blocker that is given to patients with rupturedcerebral aneurysm. Do you know why? Look it up! Vasospasm...hope this discussion is moved to Stick y Threads soon, it is so awesome.1. A conductive hearing loss involves interfere nce in the transmission of sound waves to the inner ear.2. A sensorineural heari ng loss is the result of nerve impairment.3. An acoustic neuroma is a benign Sch wann cell that adversely impacts the 8th cranial nerve.4. DKA is an acute insuli n deficiency followed by a decrease in glucose in body cells and anincrease prod uction of glucose by the liver.5. Lymphedema results from an obstruction of lymp h circulation and can be aquired or can besecondary to other disorders.6. The Re ed-Sternberg cell is the malignant cell type associated with Hodgkin's Disease.7 . The incidence if Hodgkins and non - Hodgkins lymphomas are increased in those taking drugssuch as phenytoin ( Dilantin ).Necrosis is "tissue death " whereas g angrene is necrosis on a larger scale. Gangreneusually results from interruption of blood flow/supply to large areas of tissue orbone. Commonly affected areas a re the extremeties ( fingers, toes, lower legs, etc )or the bowel.Dry Gangrene= occurs when the necrotic tissue has little blood supply and is relativelyaseptic .Wet Gangrene= is potentially life threatening due to release of toxins into the bloodstream.Gas Gangrene= is gangrene infected with a gas bacillus, most commonl y, ColstridiumPerfringens.Treatment is usually debridement of the wound, cleansi ng the area with anantibacterial or antiseptic, removal of the affected tissue, and possibly a course ofantibiotics.1.S/S croup (child) => hoarse voice, inspira tory stridor, barking cough2.Client with hepatic encephalopathy => Neomycin decr eases serum ammonia concentration by decreasing the number of ammonia producing bacteria in the GI tract3.A 2 year old can remove one garment4.A 2 and half year old can build a tower of eight cubes and point out a picture5.A 3 year old can wash and dry his/her hands6.S/S perforated colon => severe abdominal pain, fever , decreasing LOC7.Hyperglycemia => b/c polyuria assess for signs of deficit flui d volume such as rapid,thready pulse, decreased BP, and rapid respirations 8.A child with nephrotic syndrome is at risk of skin breakdown from generalize d edema9.Tetracycline should be taken on an empty stomach. Avoid dairy products, Ca, Mg, Al andFe (Iron)10.Upper GI series => NPO 6-8 hrs b/f procedure11.Mumps is the childhood infectious disease that most significantly affectsmale fertilit y 12.Client allergic to penicillin may be also allergic to cephalosporins13.Infa nts and children up to age 7 areabdominal breathers 14.Placental transport of su bstances to/from the fetus begins in the 5th week 15.Duration of contractions =>

period from the onset of uterine tightening to uterine relaxation16.Frequency o f contractions => period b/t one contraction and the beginning of the nextcontra ction17.Erbs point => 3rd L ICS; pulmonic and aortic murmurs are best heard ther e1.One of the CHF symptoms is S3 ventricular gallop2.Hypertensive crisis => Prio rity in the first hour is brain damage due to rupture of thecerebral blood vesse ls. Neurologic status must be closely monitored3.Client with A-fib => a cold, pa le lower leg suggests the presence of an embolus. Peripheral pulses should be ch ecked immediately4.S/S anemia in a 10 months old infant => pale mucosa of eyelid s and lips5.S/S dehydration in 2 years old => sunken eyes, dry tongue, lethargy, irritability, dry skin,decreased play activity, and increased pulse6.Pt with an aphylaxis => The entire body may turn bright red b/c massive vasodilation7.Teach ing pt with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome => Report promptly to his/her healthcare provider any finding of peptic ulcer (night time awakening with burning, cramp-l ikeabdominal pain, vomiting and even hematemesis, and change in appetite)8.Infan t with epiglottitis : 4 D's => Drooling, Dysphagia, Dysphonia and Distress inspi ratoryefforts9.Niacin (Vit B) is a lipid lowering agent. Foods high in Niacin ar e meats, eggs, milk, dairy products10.Child with 3 C's (Cough-Choke-Cyanosis) sh ould be assessed for tracheoesophagial fistula11.Gastric lavage is a priority fo r an infant who has been identified as suffering from botulism12.Viral meningiti s usually does not require protective measuresMyasthenia gravis--muscle weakness that occurs mostly in the throat and face as results from thedeficits of the ne rve impulses conducting at the myoneural junction. Pancuronium andsuccinylcholin e are neromuscular agents that should be used with caution because of the chance of prolonging recovery.Clients with CRF are to be on a high carbohydrate diet to prevent protein metabolism. Pt's mustlimit protein, sodium and potassium and fluids because the kidneys cannot excrete an adequateamount of urine.ABG's is th e best way to monitor pulmonary status by analyzing the level of hypoxia caused by pulmonary edema and for monitoring effects of treatment. Cardiogenic shock--there is low cardiac output from heart pump failure such as in heart failure,sever cardiomyopathy, acute MI.Pancreatitis-high carb, low fat diet.IV cimetidine(Tagamant) given as treatment for a bleeding peptic ulcer may experiencehyptotention if given too rapidlyWatch for cardiac arrythmias when su ctioning pt from an ET because of the loss of oxygen.Chest pain and dypnea are c lassic signs of pulmonary embolism, typically they may have a coughwith blood ti nged sputum.1.Larngotracheobronchitis: inspiratory stridor and restlessness2. Th orazine: antidote cogentine SE: akathisia(motor restlessness) dystonia(tongue pr otrusion, abnormal posture) and diskinesia(stiff neck, difficulty swallowing)3. Toddlers- parrallel play; infants enjoy company but self play.4. IV infiltraton D/C IV and apply warm compress.5. Urticaria= hives.6. Graves disease: enlarged t hyroid, increased metoblism and of course weight loss.7. The goal for COPD is to improve ventilation.8. From birth to 18 months Trust vs Mistrust9 HbA1C- indica tes BS for past 6-8 weeks(time varies with source) 2.5-6% normal.10. myasthemia gravis: autoimmune disease of neuro jnx. destroys Acetylecholine receptors.11. M eniere's: Inner ear disease: vertigo, tinnitus, sensorineuro hearing loss, N/V12 . Use play therapy for children d/t inability to verbalize emotions.13. Phenerga n: Check vein patency (very important)14. Visine: contraindicated in glaucoma d/ t vasocontriction1.Autonomic Dysreflexia--asses Bladder, Bowel, Skin2. GIVE Dant rolene to treat pt. in MH crisis3. JOMACS (mini mental status exam)=Judgement,Or ientation,Memory,Affect, Consciousness,S peech 4. -ostomy- make opening5. -oscop y- look into or at6. -otomy- cutting into7. -ectomy- removal of 9. Colporrhaphysurgical repair of the vagina (Very random)10. Do not Palpate WILM's tumor 11. Albumin is the best indicator of nutritional status12. In V-fib always look at p t first anything can mimic the pattern on EKG13. V-tach is usually caused by an underlying cause treat cause14. Percipitous delivery may cause amniotic emboli15 . Hct: Hgb approx 3:116. WBC= 5-10 (thousand)17. Platlets= 150-400 (thousand)18. PPI's stop gastric acid secretion (permanantly)19. Vasoconsrtiction stops itchi ng and inflamation (give cool bath) 20. Anticholinergic effects- Cant SEE, Cant PEE, Cant POOP, and dry mouth21. T rauma to frontal may casuse Frontal Lobe disinhibition22. Creatinine is the best indicator of renal funtion23. Every drop of urine counts during 24hr creatinine

clearence (if one sample is thrown outmust start over) First void of the mornin g is not included but the first pee of the nextmorning is (because it is conside red Last nights urine)24. Best position to improve resp. effort = Left Lateral, Folwer & modifications of it1.When getting down to two answers, choose the asses sment answer(assess,collect, auscultate, monitor, palpate) over the intervention except in anemergency or distress situation. If one answer has an absolute, dis card it.Give priority to answers that deal directly to the patient s body, not thema chines/equipments.2. Key words are very important. Avoid answers with absolutes forexample:always, never, must, etc.3. with lower amputations patient is placed in prone position.4. small frequent feedings are better than larger ones.5. Asse ssment, teaching, meds, evaluation, unstable patient cannot bedelegated to an Un licensed Assistive Personnel.6. LVN/LPN cannot handle blood.7. Amynoglycosides ( like vancomycin) cause nephrotoxicity andototoxicity.8. IV push should go over a t least 2 minutes.9. If the patient is not a child an answer with family option can be ruledout easily.10. In an emergency, patients with greater chance to live are treated first.11. ARDS (fluids in alveoli), DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulaton)are always secondary to something else (another disease process).12. Cardinal sign of ARDS is hypoxemia (low oxygen level in tissues).13. in pH regu lation the 2 organs of concern are lungs/kidneys.14. edema is in the interstitia l space not in the cardiovascular space.15. weight is the best indicator of dehy dration16. wherever there is sugar (glucose) water follows.17. aspirin can cause Reye s syndrome (encephalopathy) when given tochildren18. when aspirin is given onc e a day it acts as an antiplatelet.19. use Cold for acute pain (eg. Sprain ankle ) and Heat for chronic (rheumatoid arthritis)20. guided imagery is great for chr onic pain.21. when patient is in distress, medication administration is rarely a goodchoice.22. with pneumonia, fever and chills are usually present. For the el derlyconfusion is often present.23. Always check for allergies before administer ing antibiotics (especially * Early sign of lidocaine ODis: bradycardia, decr BP, confusion, severe dizzin ess or faint.* Inaortic stenosis, CO will decrease* S/S of angina: pain; tachy/b radyarrhythmia* Contractility of myocardium decr in late stage of MI due to acid osis.* Inventricular tachycardia, atria and ventricles usually beat independentl y.* Amitral murmurcan best be heard at theapex(bottom) of the heart -- I'd alway s gone by the mneumonic tri-right; mitral -left, but it didn't get me very far o n this question...Epiglottitis often = kiddo in tripod positionAcid-BaseCheck fi rst for pH: If increase =alkalosisIf decrease =acidosisIf: Resp acidosis- ph= be low 7.35 / PaC02 =above 100 (resp. depression)Resp alkalosis-ph= above 7.45 / Pa C02 =below 80mmHG(hypervent)If: Metab acidosis- ph=below 7.35 / HC03 = below 21m EqLMetab alkalosis-ph=above 7.45/HC03 = above 27mEqL Niacin can produce negative effects ( when taken to excess as vitamin supp ). Reactions include areddened f lush on the skin of the face,arms,and chest, accompanied by burning, tingling an d itching.Vitamin A is for vision, tissue growth ( skin and mucous membranes ),r eproduction, and immunefunction.Meconium ileus is a sign of cystic fibrosis." Bl ue spells " or "tet spells" is characteristic of tetrology of fallot.An importan t pharmacologic regimine for cystic fibrosis is pancreatic enzymes.Naturally aqu ired active immunity: results from having the disease andrecovering successfully . Naturally aquired passive immunity: antibodies received from placenta or breas t milk.Artificially aquired active immunity: from immunizations. Artificially aquired passive immunity: antibodies transfered from sensitized p erson as in immuneserum globulin ( gamma globulin ).Altered direction of the uri nary stream is indicative of hypospadias.A gluten-free diet is needed in celiac disease.The development of the fetus is directly related to the diet of the moth er.Egg protein has a higher biological value than meat protein.1.Ace Inhibitors can cause hyperkalemia and chronic cough- pt's shouldnot use salt substitutes be cause they are mostly made from K+ whichwill further increase the K+2. Valium- s uppresses non-rem sleep. Overdose Antidote is flumazenil.3. There is no antidote for barbiturates which suppress REM sleep. S/S of allergy to barbiturates is Ba rbs=prickly sensation ,edema of membranes in mouth.4. Tylenol =Liver toxic (no m ore than 4 g/day) Give Mucomyst for overdose. Whereas, Ibuprofen = kidney toxic5 . Vancomycin- treats MRSA; Adverse Effects- Red man syndrome-flushing from quick

admin of this Rx can be prevented with benadryl before admin of RX.Ileostomy is an opening of the ileum onto the abdominal surface; mostfrequently done for tre atment of ulcerative colitis, but may also be done forCrohn's disease.Continent ileostomy ( Kock's Pouch ) is an intra-abdominal reservoir with a nipple valve f ormedfrom the distal ileum. The pouch acts as a reservoir for feces and is clean ed at regular intervals byinsertion of a catheter.Morphine causes spasms of the Sphincter of Oddi, which will result in worsening an episode of acute pancreatit is.Oliguria is a primary sign of hypovolemic shock related to hemorrhage.When te aching pt. with UTI priority teaching for home care is to take all prescribedant ibiotics because sign and symptoms of UTI usually disappear within several days of antibiotic therapy so pt has tendency to stop meds. Also, sexual intercourse i s permittedduring treatment for UTI.Four point gait is best for stability for pt . with arthritis since the client can bear weight onboth legs.Pt with rheumatoid arthritis who take prednisone( corticosteroids) for long period of time hascomp lication of brittle bones and breaking their bones with even a minor injury.Carb idopa/Levodopa ( Sinemet )- tx for Parkinson's, carbidopa prevents metabolism of levodopaand allows more levodopa for transport to brain. Levodopa ( Larodopa ) should be d/c'd 8 hours before statring Sinemet.Bromocriptine ( Parlodel ) - tx of Parkinson's, amenorrhea, galactorrhea, female infertility,suppression of post partum lactation, acromegaly.Ropinirole ( Requip ) - tx of idiopathic Parkinson' s disease.Quinidine - give with food, monitor electrolytes, monitor liver and ki dney function, encourage patient to report dizziness or faintness immediately.Us ed in a-fib and a-flutter.Practice universal precautions when caring for all cli ents regardless of their diagnosis in order tominimize contact with blood and bo dy fluids and to prevent the transmission of specific infectionssuch as HIV and Hep.B:1.Hands MUST always be washed before and after client contact.2.Hands must be washed before and after gloves have been worn.3.If hands come in contact wit h blood or body fluids or human tissue they should be immediatelywashed with soa p and water. ( 20-30 seconds )4.Gloves should be worn before touching mucous mem branes or non-intact skin.5.Gloves should be changed between each client contact and if torn.6.Wear masks and protective eyewear during procedures that are like ly to get splashed with bodyfluids.7.Wear gowns during procedures that are likel y to generate splashes of blood or other body fluidsand when cleaning spills fro m incontinent clients or changing soiled linen.8.Disposible masks should be worn when performing CPR.9.Dispose of used needles properly in designated sharps con tainers. They should not be recapped, bent, broken,or removed from syringes. Hypovolemic shock- decreased circulating blood volume-caused by blood loss,pla sma loss as in burns, or fluid loss as in from excess vomiting or diarrhea. The concentration of dextrose in TPN solutions is usually at least 30%. The patient receiving regional anesthesia has nerve impulses blocked but doesnot lose consci ousness.Calcium functions in development of bones and teeth, transmission of ner ve impulses, musclecontraction,permeability of cell membranes, catalyze thrombin formation, and maintenance of normal heart rhythm.Trental is used for intermitt ent claudication.Atropine sulfate would be given to a client with a dangerously slow heart rate.Digitalis is used to slow and strengthen the heart in clients wi th heart failure.Lidocaine is given to clients who have episodes of premature ve ntricular contractions.Seven Warning Signs of Cancer! Caution!C=change in bowel habitsA=a sore that does not healU=unusual bleeding or dischargeT=thickening or lump in breast ( or elsewhere )I=indigestion or dysphagiaO=obvious change in war t or mole N=nagging cough or hoarsenessTNM classification:T=primary growth.1-4 w ith increasing size; T1s indicates carcinoma in situ N=lymph node involvment.0-4 indicates progressively advancing nodal diseaseM=metastasis.1 indicates presenc e of metastasisStages 0-IV: all cancers divided into 5 stages incorporating size , nodal involvement, and spreadLow Sodium diet for pt. with menieres disease--HY POkalemia= TPN, Steroid tx, Diarrhea--HYPERkalemia= DKA, ACE inhibitors--Finger foods for preschoolers, NO cooked veggie (raw instead)--Dont encourage (force) t o eat all food on plate--Lyme disease test not reliable for 4-6wk post exposerDO NOT BURN TICK why you ask? because it will spread the disease (who knew) instead flush down the potty--avoid salt substitutes when taken dig

and k-supplements becausemany are potassium based--use portable X-RAY for pt wi th MRSA--Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) Vaccine used to promote activeimmunity t o TB (may give false positive on PPD)--Pt. taking Dig and Lasix shoould increase Potassium intake (bc of Lasix)--Airborne= Mask, gloves--Contact= Gown, glove--F lail Chest= FX of 2 or more adjacent ribs with paradoxicalmovement of chest duri ng respirationAutonomic dysreflexia - caused by bladder and bowel distention, pa tients often complain of a pounding headache and profuse sweating.Addison's dise ase (need to"add"hormone)Cushing's syndrome (have extra"cushion"of hormones)The cuff of an ED tube is for preventing aspiration and sealing the airway to preven t leaks. Whenthe cuff deflates, aspiration is the greatest risk (due to secretio ns)Dumping syndrome: increase fat and protein, small frequent meals, lie down af ter meal to decrease peristalsis, wait 1 hr after meals to drink.UseDISTRACTIONm ethods withtoddlers and manic patients only.For radiologic procedures: if dye wi ll be used,alwayscheck for shellfish allergy.For blood types: "O" is the univers al donor (remember "o"in donor)"AB" is the universal receipientDisseminated Herp es Zoster is AIRBORNE PRECAUTIONS, as to Localized Herpes Zoster isCONTACT PRECA UTIONS. A nurse with a localized herpes zoster CAN care for patients as longas t he patients are NOT immunosuppressed and the lesions must be covered!ADHD, antip sychotics, and corticosteroids can stunt growth in children.Give NSAIDS, Cortico steroids, drugs for Bipolar, Cephalosporins, and Sulfanomides WITH food.Fat solu ble vitamins are Vitamins A, D, E, K provide emotional supporthealth teachingesophageal varices: life-threatening h emorrhageprovide safety measures related to hemorrhagepromote fluid balancepreve nt complications of hepatic comaprovide emotional supporthealth teachingdiaphrag matic (hiatal) herniapresurgical: promote relief of symptomspostsurgical:provide for postoperative safety needspromote comfort and maintain nutritionhealth teac hinggastroesophgel reflux disease(GERD)promote comfort and reduce reflux episode shealth teachingpeptic ulcer diseasepromote comfortprevent/ recognize signs of c omplicationsprovide emotional supporthealth teachinggastric surgerypromote comfo rt in the postoperative periodpromote wound healingpromote adequate nutrition an d hydrationprevent complicationsdumping syndromehealth teachingtotal parenteral nutritionprevent infectionpreent fluid and eclectrolyte imbalanceprevent complic ationsdiabetesobtain and maintain normal sugar balancehealth teachingnonketotic hyperglycemic hyperosolar coma (NKHHC)promote fluid and electrolyte balancechole cystits/ cholelithiasis nonsurgical interventionsromote comfortpreoperative: prevent injurypostoperati veromote comfortprevent complicationshealth teachingobesitydecrease weight, init ially 10% from baselineappendicitispromote comfortherniaprevent postoperative co mplicationshealth teachingdiverticulosisbowel rest during acute episodespromote normal bowel eliminationhealth teachingulcerative colitis & Crohn s diseaseprevent d isease progression and complicationsreduce psychological stresshealth teachingin testinal obstructionobtain and maintain fluid balancerelieve pain and nauseaprev ent respiratory complicationspostoperative nursing carefecal diversion-stomaspre operative period:prepare bowel for surgeryrelieve anxiety and assist in adjustme nt to surgerypostoperative period:maintain fluid balanceprevent other postoperat ive complicationsinitiate ostomy carepromote psychological comforthemorrhoidsred uce anal discomfortprevent complications related to surgeryhealth teaching-avoid constipationpyelonephritis (PN) combat infection, prevent recurrence, alleviate symptomspromote physical and e motional restacute glomerulonephritismonitor fluid balance, observing carefully for complicationsprovide adequate nutritionprovide reasonable measure of comfort prevent further infection & health teachingacute renal failure (ARF)maintain flu id and electrolyte balance and nutritionuse assessment and comfort measures to r educe occurrence of complicationsmaintain continual emotional supporthealth teac hingchronic renal failuremaintain fluid/ electrolyte balance and nutritionemploy comfort measures that reduce distress and support physical functionhealth teach ingdialysisreduce level of nitrogenous wastecorrect acidosis, reverse electrolyt e imbalances, remove excess fluidkidney transplantationpreoperative:promoe physi cal and emotional adjustmentencourage expression of feelingshealth techingpostop erative:promote uncomplicated recovery of recipientobserve for signs of rejectio

n-most dangerous complicationmaintain immunosuppressive therapynephrectomypreope rativeptimize physical and psychological functioningpostoperativepromote comfort and prevent complicationsrenal calculi (urolithiasis)reduce pain and prevent co mplicationshealth teachinglithotripsyenourage ambulation and promote diuresis th rough forcing fluidsbenign prostatic hyperplasia relieve urinary retentionhealth teachingprostatectomypromote optimal bladder f unction and comfortassist in rehabilitationurinary diversionprevent complication s and promote comforthealth teachinglaryngectomypreoperative care: provide emoti onal support and optimal physical preparationhealth teachingpostoperative carema intain patent airway and prevent aspirationpromote optimal physical and psycholo gical functionhealth teachingaphasiaassist with communicationMeniere s diseaseprovid e safety and comfort during attacksminimize occurrence of attackshealth teaching otosclerosis & stapedectomypreoperative health teachingpostoperativepromote phys ical and psychological equilibriumhealth teachingdeafnessmaximize hearing abilit y and provide emotional support.health teachingglaucomareduce intraocular pressu reprovide emotional supporthealth teachingcataract & cataract removalpreoperativ eprepare for surgerypostoperativereduce stress on the sutures and prevent hemorr hagepromote psychological well-beinghealth teachingretinal detachmentpreoperativ e:reduce anxiety and prevent further detachment health teachingpostoperativereduce intraocular stress and prevent hemorrhagesu pport coping mechanismshealth teachingblindnesspromote independence and provide emotional supporthealth teachingtraumatic injuries to the brainsustain vital fun ctions and minimize or prevent complicationsprovide emotional support and use co mfort measuresincreased inrcranial pressurepromote adequate oxygenation and limi t further impairmentcraniotomypreoperativebtain baseline measuresprovide psychol ogical supportprepare for surgerypostoperativeprevent complications and limit fu rther impairmentepilepsyprevent injury during seizurepostseizure careprevent or reduce recurrences of seizure activityhealth teachingtransient ischemic attacksr educe cerebral anoxiapromote cerebrovascular function and maintain cerebral perf usionprovide for emotional relaxationclient safetyhealth teachingpainimmobilityc omplications of fracturestypes of traction S - scarlet fever S - streptococcal pharyngitisP - parvovirus B19P - pneumonia P - pertussisI - influenzaD - diphtheria (pharyngeal)E - epiglottisR - rubellaM - mumpsM - meningitisM - mycoplasma or meningeal pneumoniaAn - AdenovirusPrivate Room or cohortMask CONTACT PRECAUTIONMRS.WEEM - multidrug resistant organismR respiratory infectionS - skin infections *W - wound infxnE - enteric infxn - cl ostridium difficileE - eye infxn - conjunctivitisSKIN INFECTIONSVCHIPSV - varice lla zoster C - cutaneous diphtheriaH - herpes simplexI - impetigoP - pediculosis S - scabiesPrivate room or cohortGlovesGown1. Abruptio placentae may be a compli cation of severe preeclampsia2. Syrup if ipecac is not administered when the ing ested substance is corrosive in nature3. Pt before liver biopsy is NPO 4-6 hours 4. Assess renal fct before giving an osmotic diuretic (mannitol)5. Patient in ad disonian crisis decreased BP, Na, Blood glucose, Increased K 6. Amniocentesis is done as early as 14 weeks of gestation7. Chorionic villi sampling is done as ea rly as 10 weeks of gestation8. Increased level of alpha fetoprotein in pregnant woman => neural tube defects9. Insulin is safely given throughout pregnancy; ora l hypoglycemic agents are contraindicated 10. Phenobarbital (Luminal) is commonly used to treat and prevent recurrent se izures in infants andyoung children11. Aspirin is associated with Reye's syndrom e in children with fever or viral infection12. Glycerin suppositories are prefer red agents to treat constipation in children13. Corticosteroids may produce an a ltered effect of a vaccine14. Thiazide diuretics (HCTZ,...) may induce hyperglyc emia15. Anticonvulsants INCREASE the seizures THRESHOLD!!!!16. Hyperbilirubinemi a in newborn: bilirubin levels are greater than 13-15 mg/dlPVD if it's arterial they are hairless dry scaly and dependent ruber; venous is edematous, weepy,and dependent cyanosis1. Postpartum period: circulating hcG disappears within 8-24 h ours2. S/S opioid withdrawl: rhinorrhea, dilated pupils, abdominal cramps3. S/S sedative withdrawl: Increased motor activity, tachycardia4. S/S alcohol withdraw l: tremors, N/V, diaphoresis5. S/S stimulant withdrawl: CNS depression, fatigue, depression, confusion,...6. Hb values: neonates have Hb higher than those of ol

der children to sustain them until activeerythropoiesis begins7. Toclytic therap y: to arrest preterm labor 8. Child with chickenpox can be treated with oatmeal preparation baths and calamine lotion at hometo relieve the itching...9. child w ith rheumatoid arthritis should sleep in bag to keep joints warm and promote fle xibility!!!!Wow...10. When an eye patch is used to correct strabismus, the norma l eye is patched. That forces the childto use the "lazy" eye, thereby increasing that eye's muscle strengths11. If a chest tube accidently get disconnected, cla mp it or place the open end of the tube in acontainer of sterile water or saline solution12. Women should avoid pregnancy for at least 3 months after a rubella vaccine13. Most accurate method to detect TB: sputum culture!!!1. RSV- child in private room...CONTACT PRECAUTIONS..not droplet or airborne. (sometimes iget thi s mixed up because its called respiratory synctical virus..i used to pick drople t precautions buti have down now lol!2. Elderly adults generally present with co nfusion rather than S/S of an illness.3. pneumonia- droplet precautions4. COPD p ts should get low flow Oxygen b/c of the hypoxic drive. (1-3L/min) teach pursed lip breathing.5. ARDS- this pt doesn t respond to even 100% FiO26. TB- hemolysis (ad vanced stage) v/s pulmonary edema- frothy blood tinged sputum7. Allen's test- do ne b/f an ABG by applying pressure to the radial artery to determine if adequate blood flow is present.8. INH (Isoniazid)- tx of TB. give vit B6 to prevent pe ripheral neuritis9. SIMV mode on vents commonly used for weaning pt off ventilat or.10. vent alarms: high alarm (increased secretions then suction......, biting tube-need an oralairway,...... or coughing and anxiety- need a sedative)low alar m- there is a leak or break in system...check all connectors and cuff.11. if a t rach becomes accidently dislodged try to replace it with an obturator..if no luc k keep thehole open with hemostats until physician arrives.Dupuyten contracture - slow, progressive contracture of the palmar fascia causing flexion on the 4tha nd 5th fingers. Risk factors include men over 50, diabetes, gout, arthritis, alc oholismCondom cath- remove hair on penis, apply tape in a spiral manner, 1-2in s pace between end of thecondom and tip of the glans penisBulge test - confirms pr esence of fluid in the knee, legs should be extended and supported on the bedLof enalac formula - for PKU1. Profile of gallbladder disease: 5Fs: fair, fat, forty , five pregnancies, flatulent(disease can occur inall ages and both sexes)2. Hip fractures commonly hemorrhage, whereas femur fractures are at risk for fat embo li3. Religious beliefs: Hindu- No beef or items containing gelatin4. Renal dietHigh calorie, high carbohydrate, low protein, low K, low Na, and fluid restrict ed tointake = output +500 ml5. Treatment for sickle cell crises- HHOP: Heat, hyd ration, oxygen, pain meds6. RN and MD institute seclusion protection7. MD or hos pice RN can pronounce the client dead8. For hospital triage, care for the client with a life-threatening illness or injury first9. For disaster triage, choose t o triage first those clients who can be saved with the least use of resources!10 . It is contraindicated to induce vomiting if the patient has ingested gasoline, acid and alkaline!!!MAOIs Non-Popular Meds NardilParnateMarplanavoid Tyraminete ach a pt with GERD after meals to remain upright for at least 20 min. 2.levodopa toxicity- notify physician if twitching develops.3. Curling's ulcer s or stress ulcers can cause sudden massive hemorrhage.4. 5 mm induration positi ve reaction (mantoux test) for HIV or immunosuppressd pts5. Schilling test done to see how well a pt can absorb vit b12. checking to see if they have pernicious anemia.6. Prednisone, Prograf, and Cellcept helps to prevent kidney rejection.P ositioning Facts:1. Air/Pulmonary Embolism (S&S: chest pain, difficulty breathin g, tachycardia, pale/cyanotic,sense of impending doom) --> turn pt to left side and lower the head of the bed.2. Woman in Labor w/ Un-reassuring FHR (late decel s, decreased variability, fetal bradycardia, etc)--> turn on left side (and give O2, stop Pitocin, increase IV fluids)3. Tube Feeding w/ Decreased LOC --> posit ion pt on right side (promotes emptying of thestomach) with the HOB elevated (to prevent aspiration)4. During Epidural Puncture --> side-lying5. After Lumbar Pu ncture (and also oil-based Myelogram)--> pt lies in flat supine (to preventheada che and leaking of CSF)6. Pt w/ Heat Stroke --> lie flat w/ legs elevated7. Duri ng Continuous Bladder Irrigation (CBI) --> catheter is taped to thigh so leg sho uld be keptstraight. No other positioning restrictions.8. After Myringotomy --> position on side of affected ear after surgery (allows drainage of secretions)9.

After Cataract Surgery --> pt will sleep on unaffected side with a night shield for 1-4 weeks.10. After Thyroidectomy --> low or semi-Fowler's, support head, n eck and shoulders.11. Infant w/ Spina Bifida --> position prone (on abdomen) so that sac does not rupture12. Buck's Traction (skin traction) --> elevate foot of bed for counter-traction13. After Total Hip Replacement --> don't sleep on oper ated side, don't flex hip more than 45-60degrees, don't elevate HOB more than 45 degrees. Maintain hip abduction by separating thighs with pillows.14. Prolapsed Cord --> knee-chest position or Trendelenburg 15. Infant w/ Cleft Lip --> position on back or in infant seat to prevent trau ma to suture line. Whilefeeding, hold in upright position.16. To Prevent Dumping Syndrome (post-operative ulcer/stomach surgeries) --> eat in reclining position , lie down after meals for 20-30 minutes (also restrict fluids during meals, low CHO andfiber diet, small frequent meals)17. Above Knee Amputation --> elevate f or first 24 hours on pillow, position prone daily to providefor hip extension.18 . Below Knee Amputation --> foot of bed elevated for first 24 hours, position pr one daily to provide for hip extension.19. Detached Retina --> area of detachmen t should be in the dependent position20. Administration of Enema --> position pt in left side-lying (Sim's) with knee flexed21. After Supratentorial Surgery (in cision behind hairline) --> elevate HOB 30-45 degrees22. After Infratentorial Su rgery (incision at nape of neck)--> position pt flat and lateral on either side. 23. During Internal Radiation --> on bedrest while implant in place24. Autonomic Dysreflexia/Hyperreflexia (S&S: pounding headache, profuse sweating, nasalconge stion, goose flesh, bradycardia, hypertension) --> place client in sitting posit ion (elevateHOB) first before any other implementation.25. Shock --> bedrest wit h extremities elevated 20 degrees, knees straight, head slightly elevated(modifi ed Trendelenburg)26. Head Injury --> elevate HOB 30 degrees to decrease intracra nial pressure some GI/hepatichepatitis--all forms standard precautionss/s of bow el perforation--sudden diffuse abdominal pain, no bowel sounds, resp. rapid and shallow,rigid abdomen.nursing care for undiagnosed abdominal pain--npo, no heat on stomach, no enemas, no narcotics, nolaxatives.crohns-small intestine vs ulcer ative colitis-large intestine..sulfasalzine used to treat both. pyloric stenosis - olive shaped mass felt in R. epigastric area, projectile vomitingif a pt requi res TPN and it is temp. unavailable then give D10W OR 20% DW until available. be fore a Dx test of after 3 enemas, returns are not clear, notify physician If a tracheostomy tube falls out, replace it immediately (maintain airway) then check for breathsounds. If patient in Buck's traction is sliding down in bed, ele vate the foot of bed with blocks. Keeps legstraight, doesn't alter pull of tract ion. When Charting Chief Complaint it should be written in pt's own words.Pharmaco logy: Artane and Cogentin - Tx for acute extrapyramidal symptoms from antipsychoti cs INH - Tx for TB may cause peripheral neuropathy - tingling Flagyl and Alcohol cau ses an Antabuse like reaction - n/v, flushed skinLarngotracheobronchitis: inspir atory stridor and restlessness2. Thorazine: antidote cogentine SE: akathisia(mot or restlessness) dystonia(tongue protrusion,abnormal posture) and diskinesia(sti ff neck, difficulty swallowing)3. Toddlers- parallel play; infants enjoy company but self play.4. IV infiltration D/C IV and apply warm compress.5. Urticaria= h ives.6. Graves disease: enlarged thyroid, increased metabolism and of course wei ght loss.7. The goal for COPD is to improve ventilation.8. From birth to 18 mont hs Trust vs Mistrust9 HbA1C- indicates BS for past 6-8 weeks(time varies with so urce) 2.5-6% normal.10. myasthenia gravis: autoimmune disease of neuro jnx. dest roys Acetylcholine receptors.11. Meniere s: Inner ear disease: vertigo, tinnitus, se nsorineuro hearing loss, N/V12. Use play therapy for children d/t inability to v erbalize emotions.13. Phenergan: Check vein patency (very important)14. Visine: contraindicated in glaucoma d/t vasoconstriction1. One of the CHF symptoms is S3 ventricular gallop2. Hypertensive crisis => Priority in the first hour is brain damage due to rupture of the cerebral blood vessels. Neurologic status must be closely monitored3. Client with A-fib => a cold, pale lower leg suggests the pre sence of an embolus. Peripheral pulses should be checked immediately4. S/S anemi a in a 10 months old infant => pale mucosa of eyelids and lips5. S/S dehydration in 2 years old => sunken eyes, dry tongue, lethargy, irritability, dry skin,dec reased play activity, and increased pulse6. Pt with anaphylaxis => The entire bo

dy may turn bright red b/c massive vasodilation7. Teaching pt with Zollinger-Ell ison syndrome => Report promptly to his/her healthcare provider any finding of p eptic ulcer (night time awakening with burning, cramp-like abdominal pain,vomiti ng and even hematemesis, and change in appetite)8. Infant with epiglottitis : 4 D's => Drooling, Dysphagia, Dysphonia and Distress inspiratoryefforts9. Niacin ( Vit B) is a lipid lowering agent. Foods high in Niacin are meats, eggs, milk, da iry products10. Child with 3 C's (Cough-Choke-Cyanosis) should be assessed for t racheoesophagial fistula11. Gastric lavage is a priority for an infant who has b een identified as suffering from botulism12. Viral meningitis usually does not r equire protective measuresWhen using an inhaler, instruct the patient to exhale forcefully, use lips to form a tight seal aroundthe inhaler, press top of inhale r and inhale deeply, hold breath as long as possible, wait 3-5 mins before taking another inhalation of the drug.-Munchausen Syndrome is a psychi atric disorder that causes an individual to self-inflict injury or illness or to fabricate symptoms of physical or mental illness, in order to receive medical c are or hospitalization. In a variation of the disorder, Munchausen by proxy (MSB P), an individual,typically a mother, intentionally causes or fabricates illness in a child or other person under her care.-Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic, pro gressive disease with demyelinating lesions in the CNS whichaffect the white mat ter of the brain and spinal cord.Motor S/S: limb weakness, paralysis, slow speec hSensory S/S: numbness, tingling, tinnitusCerebral S/S: nystagmus, ataxia, dysph agia, dysarthriaHuntington's Chorea: 50% genetic, autosomal dominant disorder S/ S: chorea --> writhing, twisting, movements of face, limbs and body-gait deterio rates to no ambulation-no cure, just palliative care-WBC shift to the left in a patient with pyelonephritis (neutrophils kick in to fight infection)-Definitive diagnosis for abd. aortic aneurysm (AAA) --> CT scan-Don't use Kayexalate if pat ient has hypoactive bowel sounds.-Uremic fetor --> smell urine on the breath-Hir schsprung s --> bile is lower obstruction, no bile is upper obstruction; ribbon like stools.-Pancreatic enzymes are taken with each meal! Not before, not after, but WITH each meal.Leukemia - the main affected are: Blood, Bone mArrow, Spleen, & Lymph. The biggest problem of leukemia is the big "ANT" Anemia, Neutrepenia, and Thrombocytopenia.ALL- problem of B & T-lymphocyte (more in children)AML- proble m of macrophage, granulocytes, RBC, & platelets (more in children)CML & CLL - mo re in elderly Note: there's 2 types- Acute and Chronicand 2 category- myeloid (m yelocitic) & lymphoid (lymphocytic)BioterrorismLevel I- local emergencyLevel IIregional aid from surrounding countiesLevel III- local and regional assets are overwhelmed state or federal assistance is neededDisaster tagging tags are numbere d and identify the triage priority; includes the name, address, age, location and description of injuries and treatment and meds givenEthical conflicts- they arise because of the perspective of disaster nursing.There are 4 levels of protective equipmentLevel A highest priority covered from head to toeLe vel B RESP covered but less skin and eye precautionsLevel C- requires air purified respirator chemical- resistant coverall with splash hood, gloves and bootsLevel D work uniformDecontamination is a 2 step process1.removal of clothing and jewelry and rinsing with water 2.thorough soap and water wash and rinseALL OF THESE BIOL OGICAL WARFARE AGENTS CAN BE MADE!Anthrax can be topical, inhaled or ingestedtopical contact precautionsinhaled standard precautions ingested standard precautionsSma contact precautionsBotulism - standard precautionsTularemia- standard precaution sTypes of radiationAlpha particles - cannot penetrate the skin but can enter throu gh inhalation, ingestion. LocalizeddamageBeta particles- can moderately penetrate the skin and cause cell damage or internal injury if penetrates the skin * expo sure time is a key factor Gamma radiation - is penetrating and is difficult to shi eld againstExposure to radiation time, distance and shielding Three types of radiation induced injury can occur 1.external -pt is not radioactive does not require isol ation 2.contamination from gases, liquids or solids *requires immediate intervention t o preventincorporation3.incorporation - uptake of radioactive material into ever y cell, tissue, organAcute radiation syndrome-N/VBloody diarrheaFever Cerebral edema sed ICP- poor outcome and imminent deathHASkin may be red and become necrotic within day to monthsAirborne PrecautionsAirborne PrecautionsPatients who have or may h

ave an infectious disease that is spread by the airborne route must be placed on Airborne Precautions in addition to Standard Precautions. Airborne Precautions (formerlyrespiratory isolation) applies to most infections which were previously classified as requiring"Strict," "AFB," and "Respiratory" isolation under the o ld category-specific system of isolation precautions.Diseases Requiring Airborne PrecautionsTuberculosis, Pulmonary (or laryngeal)-suspected or confirmedCriteri a for Using Airborne Precautions for a Patient Suspected or Confirmed to Have Pu lmonaryMycobacterium TuberculosisVaricella (chickenpox)[requires use of Contact Precautions as well]Herpes Zoster (shingles) - in an immunocompromised patient[r equires use of Contact Precautions as well]Herpes Zoster (shingles) - disseminat ed [requires the use of Contact Precautions as well]Rubeola (Measles) Note: Airbo rne Precautions require a negative pressure room in addition to a private room. Negative pressure rooms are specially designed to prevent the flow of air from t he room into the corridorsand common areas where susceptible persons may be expo sed. This is accomplished through fansand vents that direct the airflow outside of the building and/or through HEPA filters.Droplet PrecautionsDroplet Precautio ns are designed to reduce the risk of droplet transmission of infectious agents. Droplet transmission involves contact of the conjunctivae or the mucous membrane s of the nose or mouth of a susceptible person with large particle droplets cont aining microorganisms generatedfrom a person who exhibits a clinical disease or who is a carrier of the microorganism. The patientcan generate these droplets fr om coughing, sneezing, and talking, as well as during certain procedures such as suctioning and bronchoscopy. Transmission via large droplets requires closecont act (within 3 feet or less) between the source patient and the susceptible indiv idual. Droplets(due to their large size) do not remain suspended in air and trav el short distances - three feet or less.Thus, Droplet Precautions require the us e of a standard surgical mask within three feet of the patient. However, it is p rudent to wear a mask upon entering the room of a patient on DropletPrecautions to avoid any inadvertent exposure.Bacterial:Invasive Hemophilus influenzae disea se:meningitis, pneumonia (in infants and small children), epiglottitis.Invasive Neisseria meningitidis disease:meningitis, pneumonia, and bacteremia.Mycoplasma pneumoniaGroup A Streptococcal pharyngitis, pneumonia, or scarlet fever in infan ts and young childrenViralInfluenza Adenovirus(requires Contact Precautions in addition)MumpsParvovirus B19Rubella Contact PrecautionsContact Precautions are designed to reduce the risk of transm ission of organisms and specificdiseases by direct or indirect contact.Direct co ntact transmission involves skin to skin contact and physical transfer of microo rganisms toa susceptible host from an infected or colonized person, such as occu rs when personnel turn patients, bathe patients or perform other patient care ac tivities that require physical contact. Directcontact can also occur between pat ients that may have physical contact with each other.Indirect contact transmissi on involves a susceptible host with a contaminated intermediate object,usually i nanimate, in the patient's environment.Contact Precautions are to added to Stand ard Precautions for patients known or suspected to haveorganisms and/or diseases easily transmitted via direct or indirect contact.Contact Precautions are requi red if:A patient is colonized and/or infected with multidrug-resistant organism. A multidrug-resistantorganism is an organism that is resistant to treatment wit h standard first-line antibiotics.A particular organism is identified as being p otentially hazardous to others and/or to the ecology of the hospital environment because of its antibiogram, pathogenicity, virulence, or epidemiologiccharacter istics (i.e., VRE, MRSA).Contact Precautions Disease List Leg shortenedAdductedExternally rotated ImplementationCare after a total hip repla t Abduction pillows Crutch walking with 3-point gait Don t sleep on operated sid than 45-60 degrees Don t elevate head of the bed more than 45 degreesAmputations Guil e (open) Flap (closed) Delayed prosthesis fittingResidual limb covered with dressing elastic bandage (figure eight) Figure-8 doesn t restrict blood flow, shaped to reduce edemaCheck for bleedingElevated 24 hours (AKA-pillow, BKA-foot of bed elevated)Posit ion prone dailyExercises, crutch walkingPhantom Pain: acknowledge feelings, that pai n is real for themIsoniazid (INH)-Anti-tuberculosiss.e.:peripheral neuropathy-watc

h out for signs:numbness, tingling or weakness liver damage-watch out for signs of hepatitis:yellow eyes or skin, NV, anorexia, dark urine, unusualtiredness, or weaknessAminoglycosides:Anti-infectiveAmikacin(Amikin) Gentamicin,(Garamycin) T obramycin (Tobrax) s.e.Ototoxicity(CN VIII)-immediately report hearing or balanc e problems Nephrotoxicity -Teaching:encourage fluids 8-10 glasses daily Antihist amineLoratadine (Claritin),Fexofenadine (Allegra),Cetirizine HCI (Zyrtec) s.e.Dr owsiness/Dizziness -teach pt:caution in potentially hazardous activities.. -avoi d use of alchohol,& other CNS depressantsDry mouth-*generic name ends with "zine "*cyclizine, trimeprazine, methdilazine, meclizine, and promethazinean antihista mine preventing or countering motion sickness as well asnasea and vomiting.Hepa rin /-anticoagulants.e.:hemorrhage-watch out for : bleeding gums, nose, unusual, black tarry stools, hematuria, fall in hemacrit or bl. pressure, guaiac-positiv e stools teach pt:avoid ASA & NSAIDs-antidote: protamine sulfate w/in 30 min-injec.=dee p SQ-onset 2-6- min, dur. 8-12 hrs-IV: pk 5 min, dur. 2-6 hrs/ NEVER GIVE IM-che ck -therapeuticPPT (20-36)@1.5-2.5 X the control Warfarin (Coumadin)/anticoagula nts.e.:hemorrhage-Caution:if pt said "I LOVE TO EAT VEGETABLE IN THE GARDEN)teac h:-avoid foods high in Vit K, green leafy vegs-antidote: vit. K -therapeuticPT ( 9.6-11.8)@1.5-2.5 X control, INR @ 2.0=3.0-onset: 12-24 hrs, pk 1-1/2 to 3 days, dur: 3-5 daysAnti-malarialsHydrozychloroquine (Plaquenil),Quinine Sulfate s.e.: eye disturbances, NV, AnorexiaTeach:take at same time each day to maintain blood levelsAnti-protozoals: Metronidazole (Flagyl, Flagyl ER) s.e.-CNS symptoms, abd cramps, metallic taste,teach pto not drink alcohol in any form, during and 48 h rs after use,disulfiram-like reaction can occur.-avoid hazardous activities-dark -reddish brown urineOpioid Analgesic-Methadone, Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) , Propo xyphene (Darvon, Darvocet-N (propoxyphene withacetominophen),Oxycodone (Oxy Cont in; with aspirin Percodan, with acetaminophen Percoset)Codeine,Meperidine(Demero l),Hydrocodone Bitartrate & Acetaminophen(Lortabs)s.e.-Drowsiness, sedation,naus ea, vomiting, anorexia,Respiratory depressionconstipation, cramps,orthostatic hy potension,confusion, headache,rash-do not give if RR less than 12 per minCephalo sporins(generic name begins with "cef/cep")Cefadroxil (Duricef),Cephalexin (Kefl ex, Keflet),Cephapirin (Cefadyl) Cephradine (Velosef) ,Cefaclor (Ceclor, Ceclor CD) ,Cefamandole (Mandol)Cefonicid (monocid) ,Cefotetan (Cefotan)s.e.Diarrhea*g eneric name ends with "phylline"*Xanthine bronchodilator-aminophylline, dyphylli ne, oxtriphylline, theophylline s.e.-nausea,vomiting,anorexia,gasstrointestinal reflux,TACHYCARDIAindication:acute asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, COPD contraindicated: peptic ulcer,hyperthyroidism,cardiac dysrhythmiasChild underg oing cardiac catheterization - prioritynursing Dg. is - Deficit knowledge ( pare ntal )related to cardiac. cath., not decreased cardiac output related to structu ral defect !Planning care for child before corrective surg. for Tetralogy of Fal lot - prioritynursing Dg. - Deficitknowledge related to upcoming surg. and posto perative events, not impaired gas exchange related tostructural cardiac def.Kawa saki Disease -aspirin+ IV gamma globulin - to reduce immune response-steroids co ntraindicated- increase aneurysm formation -dipiridamoleto increase coronary vas odilatation and decrease platelet accumulationA positive Kernig's Sign is a mani festation of meningeal irritation2. A serum creatinine above1.4 mg/dl indicates renal failure3. Epioglottis develops acutely and emergently4. Bells Palsy is Cra nial Nerve VII5. Bridiging Technique ,which I had never heard of is a type os po sitioning of pillows used torelieve pressure on bony prominencesCARE OF A PATIEN T IN TRACTIONT = TemperatureR = Ropes hang freelyA = AlignmentC = Circulation the 5 P's - Pain, pulse, pallor, paresthesia, paralysisT = Type and location of fractureI = Increase fluid intakeO = Overhead trapeze N = No weights on bed or f loor Here are my five: Knowledge BasedI am back to the drawing board with Fluids & ElectrolytesHypovolemia: decreased urinary o/p; increased urine specific grav ityHypervolemia: increased urinary o/p; decreased urine specific gravityHyponatr emia: increased urinary o/p; decreased urine specific gravity (just think of deh ydration-losing fluids).Hypernatremia: decreased urinary o/p; increased specific gravity(just think of the body holding the Na+ in, and output will be decreased ).Hyponatremia: Monitor for lithium toxicity if pt is on this med. It can decrea se lithium excretion,causing lithium toxicity.Hypokalemia: Increased urinary o/p

; decreased specific gravity (just think of the body losing fluids, just like wi th hyponatremia).This condition is life-threatening, b/c it affects every body s ystem. TX: give K+ Chloride- Never give K+ IV push, IM, or SQ. Never exceed 20 mEq/hr If pt receives >10 mEq/hr place on cardiac monitor.Assess renal function before administering med and monitor I/O's during tx.Hyperkalemia:Early sx muscle twit ches, cramps, parasthesias.Place on cardiac monitor.Hypocalcemia: Positive Trous seau's & Chvostek's signMonitor cardiovascular, respiratory, neuromuscular, GI; place on cardiac monitor.Give Ca+ supplements PO or Ca+ IV.Ca+ IV-Warm solution to body temp. before admin. & give slowly; monitor for ECG changes.Hypercalcemia :early sx is increased HR.late sx: Bradycardia that can turn into cardiac arrest .Increased urinary o/p that can lead to dehydration.Check for urinary stones, by straining the urine. Place on cardiac monitor.Hypoactive bowel sounds.Don't com bineaspirinwithglipizide (Glucotrol)therapy or alcoholwithinsulin; both can caus ehypoglycemia.1.Barium swallow for 3 month old infant - NPO for three hours2. Te mporary pacemaker for MI client - increase cardiac output is the primarypurpose3 . Plasma cholesterol screening - only sips of water for 12 hours4. Reminiscing g roup - primary goal is to review and share their life experience withthe group m ember5. Miller-abbott tube - removes fluid and gas in the small intestine; provi des intestinaldecompression6. Levin or salem stump - decompresses the stomach; p revent fluid and gasaccumulation in the stomach7. Promethazine Hcl (Phenergan) check patency of the patient's vein before admin of drug, extravasation will ca use necrosis8. Insulin dependent diabetic, unable to urinate -- autonomic neurop athy9. Overdose of aspirin will produce parkinsons dse type sx10. Do not admin e rythromycin to Multiple Sclerosis ptHere are my five for today: NCLEX answers -1 )If you have never heard of it, nobody else probably had, so don't choose that a nswer.2)If your pt. is unstable don't choose reassess in 15 min. He might be dea d in 15 min - don't delaytreatment. find first question that will kill or harm p t., secondly that will delay treatment andeliminate those. if there is something you can do before calling doctor, do it ( pick that question ).sometimes to cal l the doctor may be the only right option.3)Maslow's hierarchy :Physiologic need s-A) Maintaining airways and respirationB) Maintaining circulationC) Nutrition a nd elimination D) SleepSafety needs- when no physiological needs exist, safety takes priority - mainatining safe and secureenviroment for pt. and nurse4)Communication - focu s on pt. feelings first5)Teaching and learning - motivation and readiness - asse ss if pt. had previous experiences or anyinformation firstHow to Determine Wheth er to Delegate or NotUAP= unlicensed assistive personnelAsk yourself:1) Are the and rules in place which support the delegation?a) yes---go to step 2 b) no---do notdelegate2) Is the task to be delegated within the scope of practice of the R N/LPN?a) yes---got to step 3 b) no---do notdelegate3) Is the RN/LPN has the know ledge and experience to make delegation decisions?a) yes---go to step 4 b) no--do notdelegate. Action to take:provideeducation anddocumenteducation provided4) Has there beenassessmentof theclient's needs?a) yes---move to step 5 b) no---ass ess client's needs first, then proceed with considerations to delegations5) Is t he UAP competent, has the experience to accept the delegation?a) yes---move to s tep 6 b) no---do notdelegate. Action to take:Provide educationanddocumentthe edu cation given tothe UAP6) Does the ability of the care giver matchthe care needs of the client?a) yes---go to step 7 b) no---do notdelegate7) Can the task to be delegated be performed withoutrequiring nursing judgment?a) yes---move to step 8 b) no---do notdelegate8) Are theresultsof the task reasonably predictable? a) yes---move to step 9 b) no---do notdelegate9) Can the task besafely perform edaccording toexact, unchanging directions?a) yes---move to step 10 b) no---do n otdelegate10) Can the task besafely performed without complex observations or de cisions based oncritical thinking?a) yes---move to step 11 b) no---do notdelegat e11) Can the task be performedwithout repeated nursing assessments?a) yes---move to step 12 b) no---do notdelegate12) Isappropriate supervision available?a) yes --- all other steps met, it is safe to delegate b) no---do notdelegateDelegation = Transferring a selected nursing task in a situation to an individual who posse s theknowledge, experience that makes the person competent to perform that speci

fic task.The Nurse Practice Act and any practice limitation, such as been unfami liar with the particular task which needs to be delegated, define which aspects of care can be delegated and which must be performed by the registered nurse.Onl y the task not the ultimate accountability may be delegated to another. The nurs e who delegatesmaintains accountability for the overall nursing care of the clie nt. The nurse must knowwhatareher clients preferred outcomes in terms of health care delivery goals, so that the process of delegation is geared toward achievin g desirable outcomes.The RN must match the task to be delegated based on the Nur se Practice Act and appropriate position descriptions.Task that which are the re sponsibility of theRN only:a) unstable patients with the least predictable medic al outcomes b) central line carec) any tasks involving teaching, observation, di scharge of a patient, assessment and critical thinking based decisionsd) blood t ransfusionse) parenteral nutritionf) patient controlled analgesia g) development of a plan of careh) taking a medical historyi) taking phone doc tor's orders for prescription and treatment j) doing an admission assessmentK) i nitiate a Care PlanTask that can be delegated toLPN/LVN onlya) patients who are stable and with predictable outcomes and common, well-defined health problems b) give meds, oral, topical and inhalants, can administer treatments such as steri le wound care, blood sugar testing, nasogastric tube insertion, tube feedings an d chartingc) LPN/LVN can start an IV of saline and superimpose IV fluids with vi tamins, nutrients andelectrolytes by primary or secondary infusion lines, infuse blood and blood productswith IVCertificationd) give injectionse) monitor runnin g IVf) give enemasg) monitor a urinary catheter h) do simple wound dressing chan gei) any task which does not require nursing judgment or complex observation, nu rse can delegate tothe LPN. RN must inform the parameters of whatto report as ab normal j) use sterile technique procedures such as putting a urinary catheter K) can give intra muscular injections, subcutaneous, intradermall) cannot give IV Push, infuse antibiotics or other medications via secondary IV linem) caninitiat eteaching and a care plann) cannot infuse IV fluids such as TPN or other fluids via a central line and cannot do bloodwithdrawal via central lineo) can do blood withdrawal via venipuncture or peripheral linewith blood withdrawalcertificatio nsources:http://www.vocationalnursingdirectorsofca.orghttp://www.rn.ca.gov/noa.h tmhttp://www.bvnpt.ca.gov/pdf/vnregs.pdf UAP a) bathing patient b) ambulationc) making bedsd) routine vital signs feeding patientse) transferring patientsSLAP--Quick Suicide AssessmentS---assesshows pecific is the plan: goes beyond thinkin g about it = suicide ideationL---assesshowlethal is the method of doing it A---assesstheavailability of whatever object the person chooses to commit suic ide withP---proximity how far or close this person is from getting help or from someone to notice his/her intentions and try to stop him/her If at least one the se four items is affirmative on a patient, the patient isat risk and risingif th ere isno intervention in place such asplacing the patient on suicide precautions .AIRBORNE PRECAUTIONS:a) private room with monitored negative air pressure flow with 6-12 air changes per hour b) keep the door closed and patient in the roomc ) can cohort or place the patient with another patient with the same organism bu tno otherorganismd) care giver ware mask N-95 and respirator around mouth and no see) place a mask on the client if being transportedDROPLET PRECAUTIONS:a) invol ves contact of conjuntive or mucous membranes of nose, mouth that happens during coughing, sneezing, talking or during procedure such as suctioning or bronchosco py b) private room or with patient with same infection butno otherinfectionc) ma intain a spacial separation of three feetbetween infected patient and visitors o r other patientsd) door may remain opene) place mask on patient if being transpo rtedCONTACT PRECAUTIONS:a) needed for patient care activities that require skinto-skin contact such as turning a patient, bathea patient or hand contact betwee n two patients or contact with a contaminated objects in the patient's environme nt b) private room or with another patient with the same infection butno otherin fectionc) clean nonsterile gloves whenentering the roomd) change globes after pa tient contact with fecal material or wound drainagee) remove globes before leavi ng patient's environment and wash hands with antimicrobial agentf) wear a gownbe foreentering the room if clothing will have contact with patient, environmentsur faces, or if patient is incontinent, has diarrhea, an ileostomy, colostomy or wo

und drainageg) remove the gownbeforeleaving the roomh) use dedicated equipment o r clean and disinfect between patientsEntrance into the Isolation Room:a) put th e surgical mask or respirator around mouth and nose (type of mask depend on the type of isolation) b) apply eyeware or goggles snugly around the face and eyes ( when needed)c) apply gown and make sure it coversallouter garments, pull sleeves down to wrist and tie the gown securely on the neck and waistd) apply disposable globes to cover over th e edge of the gown sleevese) enter the patient's roomf) equipment such as stetho scope, pressure cuff, thermometer--disposable--.g) nondisposable equipment remai ns in the room... clean nondisposable equipment with alcohol before and after us ing it, place dedicated equipment on a clean surfaceLeaving Isolation Room:a) re move gloves, discard b) untie top mask string and then bottom string pull mask a way from face and do not touch the outer surface of the mask c) untie waist and neck string of the the gown, allow the gown to fall from the shouldersd) remove hands from sleeves without touching the outside of the gowne) hold the gown insi de at the shoulders seams and fold inside out and discardf) remove eyeware or go gglesg) wash handsh) leave the room andclose the doorif the patient is onairborn e precautions. The 3 classic signs of pre-eclampsia are: Hypertension, generaliz ed edema andproteinuria.2.REFLEXES Moro reflex- Elicited by striking a flat surface the infant is lying on. The reflex ofabducting extremities and fanning fingers w hen a sound is heard should be gone by 3-4 months. Strongest at 2 months. Rooting -W hen the cheek of the newborn is stroked, the newborn will turn his headin the di rection of the stroke. Tonic neck -While the n/b lies supine, his head is turned cau sing the extremities onthe same side to straighten and those on the opposite sid e to flex. Babinski -When the sole of the foot on the side of the n/b small toe is s trokedupward, the toes will fan upward and out. Plantar grasp -Infant s toes will curl d ownward when sole of foot is touched. Startle -A loud noise such as a hand clap will elicit the n/b to abduct his arms andflex his elbows.3. Terbutaline (Brethine) and Mag sulfate - treatment for preterm labor.4.Nagele s Rule: First day of last men strual period + 1 year & seven days minus 3months.5. True laborINCREASESwith act ivity.6. Normal newborn jaundice - AFTER 24 hours of life.Pathologic jaundice BEFORE 24 hours of life. 7. Fetal Fibronectin (FFN) test helps determine if there is pre-term labor.8. A subarachnoid (spinal block) for labor may cause a headache, a lumbar epidural willnot since the dura mater is not penetrated.9. Tracheoesophageal fistula: 3 C 's: coughing, choking, & cyanosis.10. Pregnancy r/t: Add 300 Calories to diet wh en pregnant, 500 when breastfeeding.11. Non Stress Test on a pregnant female.... should be REACTIVE(rise of 15 bpmabove baseline for 15 sec) if it's NOT reactive they need a contraction stress testand the result that you want from it is NEGA TIVE.12. Pregnancy Induced Hypertension: The nurse would be MOST concerned if th epatient complained of epigastric pain and a headache.13. LOCHIA SEQUENCE.:lochi a rubra- red, clotty....lochia serosa...pink, brown....lochia alba..white....... ..SHOULD NEVER HAVE A FOUL ODOR!14. When a pregnant women is admitted with C/O p ainless vaginal bleeding: doabdominal ultrasound because it's the least invasive diagnostic test15. Calcium Gluconate can cause severe chemical burns - most imp ortant to checkpatency of veins when giving (given to a patient experience magne sium sulfatetoxicity)16. Take prenatal vitamins in the morning with orange juice - acid aids in absorption.17.Fetal heart rate: 120-160 BPMVariability: 6-10 BPM Contractions:Frequency- every 2-5 minutesDuration- less than 90 secs.Intensityless than 100 mmHgAmniotic fluid- 500 to 1200 ml - Nitrozene paper (litmus paper ) - if urine it turnsgreen. If amniotic fluid litmus paper turns blue.18.FAB 9 FolicAcid (AKA B9)B= Brain. Decreases the incidence of neural tube defects. The client should begin taking B9 three months prior to becoming pregnant. 8. Understands the word NO ; discipline can begin. Cries when reprimanded.9. Can verb alize consonants but speaks no intelligible words. 10. Appropriate toys: Peek-aboo,cloth toys.M. AGES 10 - 12 MONTHS1. Birth weight triples and birth length in creases about 50%.2. Imitative behaviors.3. Infant cruises (takes steps while ho lding on) at age 10 months, walks with support at 11 months,and stands alone and takes his first steps at 12 months.4. Infant claps his hands, waves bye-bye and enjoys rhythm games.5. Enjoys books and toys to build with and knock over.6. Co

operates when dressed.7. Can say Mama/dada and two syllable words.8. Shows jealo usy.9. Infant explores everything by feeling, pushing, turning, pulling, biting, smelling, and testing for sound.10. Appropriate toys: Push toys, large ball, la rge blocks. N. NUTRITION1. Introduce foods in this sequenceA. Breast milk or iro n-fortified formula: According to AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) theyrecom mend breast feeding exclusively for the first 4-6 months of life and then in com bination withinfant foods until age 1.1. Give breast fed infants iron supplement s after age 4 months because iron received before birth isdepleted.2. Breast mil k is a rich source of linoleum acid (essential fatty acid) and cholesterol which areneeded for brain development.3. Contains immune factors that protect infants from infection.B. Don t give solid foods for the first 6 months1. Before age 6 mont hs, the GI tract tolerates solid food poorly.2. Because of strong extrusion refl ex, the infant pushes food out of his mouth.3. The risk of food allergy developm ent may increase.C. Provide rice cereal as the first solid food followed by any other cereal except wheat.D. Give yellow or green vegetables next.E. Provide no citrus fruits followed by citrus fruits after age 6 months.F. Give infants teeth ing biscuits during teething period.G. Provide food with sufficient protein such as meat, after age 6 months.H. After 12 months, switch from formula to regular WHOLE milk.1. Don t give skim milk because fatty acids are needed for myelinization. 2. Whole milk should be continued until age 2 as recommended by the AAP.I. RULES FOR FEEDING1. Don t prop up baby bottle - s risk of aspiration & ear infections.2. Don ut food or cereal in a baby bottle.3. Introduce one new food at a time; wait 4-7 days before introducing new food to determineinfant s tolerance to it and the poten tial for allergy.O. SAFETY GUIDELINES1. Place infants supine for sleep to decrea se the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.2. Keep crib rails up at all times, keep away from windows and curtain cords. Crib slats should not be more than 2 apar t with mattress firmly against its rails to prevent infant falling in-betweenmat tress and slats.3. Use car seats properly - keep infant placed facing back of ba ck seat. 4. Never leave infant unattended on dressing table or any other high place.5. Don t warm formula or breast milk in microwave. Defrosting in microwave may destroy itsimmune factors. Formula/food should be lukewarm.6. Insert safety plugs in wal l outlets7. Use gates along stairways.8. Keep soft objects and loose bedding out of the crib. Pillows, quilts, sheepskins and comfortersshould be kept out of in fant s sleeping environment.9. Avoid overheating; infant should be lightly clothed f or sleep.10. ALWAYS support infants head.11. Check temperature of bath water - s hould be 90-100 degrees.P. TODDLER (Ages 1 to 3)1. Vital signs: Pulse 100 BPMRes piratory rate: 26 BPMBlood pressure: 99/642. Period of slow growth with a weight gain of 4-6 lbs per year. Normally weighs four times birthweight.3. Anterior fo ntanel closes between ages 12 and 18 months.4. The toddler is egocentric.5. Foll ows parents wherever they go.A. Start playing peek-a-boo to develop trust.B. Pro gress to playing hide and seek to reinforce the idea that his parents will retur n.6. Separation anxiety arises.A. The toddler sees bedtime as desertion.B. Devel ops a fear of the dark. Nightmares begin around 2-3.C. Separation anxiety demons trates closeness between the toddler & his parents.D. The parent who is leaving should say so and should promise to return.1. Parent should leave a personal ite m with the toddler.2. Prepare the parents for the toddlers reaction, and explain that this process promotes trust.E. According to Erickson, this is the critical stage of AUTONOMY (self control & will power) VSSHAME. The child develops a sen se of independence and should be allowed to explore theenvironment with the enco uragement of the primary caregiver. Temper tantrums, negativism, anddisciplinary problems are the hallmarks of this age group as the child learns to control his environment and express his will. The child should be taught to tolerate frustra tion throughsocialization and proper toilet training.1. According to Freud, todd lers are egocentric and possessive and struggle with holding on andletting go be haviors (ANAL STAGE).2. Toddlers usually begin to imitate sex role behavior.3. P iaget: Sensorimotor stage the child enters the pre-operational stage in which he begins using atrial and error method of thinking and reasoning.F. The toddler m ay engage in solitary play and have little interaction with others, this progres ses to parallel play (toddler plays along-side but not with other children.G. To

promote development of autonomy, allow the toddler to perform tasks independent ly.H. Toddler understands object permanence.I. Discipline during this stage shou ld be a demonstration of love, not anger. The toddler needs limitsset on unaccep table demands, such limits offer security. He should be praised liberally, but o nlywhen deserved.J. Things to expect:1. Sphincter control begins at age 2. 2. All deciduous teeth erupt by 21 months - 2 years.3. Pot-bellied appearance. K. 18 months1. Is in the MY stage. 2. Vocabulary of 25 words.3. Walks independently 4. Can use a spoon.5. Climbs.Appropriate toys: Push/pull toys, blocks.L. 24 months 1. Negativistic 2. Temper tantrums3. Transitional object 4. 2-4 word sentences, 400 words5. Walks up/down stairs 6. Turns door knobs7. Builds tower of 6 blocks 8. Removes clothes9. Appropriate play: Parallel play, sand, riding toys, water p lay, finger paints.10. Manage temper tantrums: Ignore behavior, monitor for safe ty.11. Toddler uses NO excessively and shows assertiveness. Is curious how parents wil l react to useof NO .12. Overcriticizing and restricting the toddler may dampen his ent husiasm and increase shame anddoubt.13. Total sleep required is 12-14 hours. Sle ep problems are common.14. Toilet trainingA. Consider emotional readinessB. The toddler acts to please others, trusts enough to give up his body products, and b eginsautonomous behavior C. Parents must be committed to establishing a toiletin g pattern and must communicate well withthe toddler.D. Offer PRAISE for success - NEVER punishment for any failure.E. Don t refer to bowel movements as being dirty o crement is the toddler s firstcreation.F. Introduce underpants as a badge of success and maturity.G. Most toddlers achieve day dryness by age 18 months to 3 years a nd night dryness by ages 2-5. NEVER punish for ACCIDENTS . If toddler is not trained by age 5, seek further evaluation.H. Toddler may fear being sucked into the toilet.I. Te ach proper wiping technique (front to back) and hand washing.15. When the toddle r starts climbing over the crib rails, switch to a bed.16. Use locks on cabinets , keep handles away from edges of tables or stoves.17. AVOID bean bag toys.18. A ppropriate toys: Nested toys, toys with parts that open and close. Toys designed for poundingsuch as play hammers and drums. Toy telephones, dolls. Provide the child with opportunities for positive imitative play. They enjoy simple songs w ith repetitive rhymes as well as moving in time tomusic. A musical activity shou ld be scheduled into each day.19. NUTRITION:A. Toddler feeds himself, provide fi nger foods in small portionsB. Because of increased risk of aspiration avoid foo ds such as hot dogs, grapes, nuts and candy (or cut into small pieces).C. Nutrit ional needs decrease because of slow growth period.D. Child may become a picky e ater. Nutritional content of food is important.E. The toddler shouldn t drink more t han 24 ounces of milk a day in order to have room for BURNS1. Smoke and inhalation injuries result from inhalation of hot air or nox ious chemicals.2. The resulting effect of burns is influenced by the temperature of the burning agent, the durationof contact time, ad the tissue type burned.3. Burn treatment is related to injury severity determined by depth. The extent is calculated by the percent of the total body surface area (TBSA), location, and patient risk factors.4. CausesA. Radiation: X-ray, sun, nuclear reactorsB. Mecha nical: FrictionC. Chemical: Acids, alkalies, vesicants. Chemical burns alter tis sue perfusion and lead to necrosis.D. Electrical: Lightening, electrical wires. Severity depends on type and duration of current andamount of voltage - they fol low the path of least resistance (muscles, bone, blood vessels andnerves)E. Ther mal: Flame, steam, frostbite, scald. These cause cellular destruction that resul ts in vascular, bony, muscle, or nerve complications; thermal burns can also lea d to inhalation injury if the head,neck or chest area is affected.5. Burns are d efined by degrees: First degree (superficial partial thickness burn), second deg ree(deep dermal partial thickness burn), and third degree (full-thickness burn)A .Superficial partial-thickness burn(first degree): Sunburn type. Involves only t he dermal layer.S/S: Erythema, edema, pain, blanching.B.Deep dermal partial-thic kness(2nd degree): Involves the epidermal and dermal layers. S/S; Pain,oozing, f luid filled vesicles, Erythema, Shiny wet subcutaneous layer after vesicles rupt ure.C.Full-thickness burn(3rd & 4th degree): Involves epidermal, dermal, and sub cutaneous layers,and nerve endings, muscle, tendons and bone. S/S: Eschar, edema , little or no pain.6. Second and third degree burn extent can be determined usi ng a total body surface area based ontwo guides: Lund-Browder chart and Rule of

Nines. Burn extent is often revised after edemasubsides and demarcation of injur y zones occurs.A. RULE OF NINESHead= 9% Arms = 18%( 9% each) -Back= 18% Legs= 36 %( 18% each)Genitalia= 1%B. LUND-BROWDER CHART: This method accounts for changes in body proportion that occur with age. Its greater accuracy can be used to hel p determine a patient s exact fluid replacementrequirements after a burn injury.7. H ands, feet, and eye burns may make jeopardize future function. Buttocks or genit alia burns aremore susceptible to infection. Circumferential burns to the extrem ities can cause circulatorycompromise distal to the burn.8. Patient usually teta nus and immune globulin.9. Burn management is organized chronologically into 3 p hases: Emergent (resuscitative), Acute(wound healing), and rehabilitation (resto rative)A.EMERGENT: Period of time required to resolve immediate, life-threatenin g problems. Phasemay last from time of burn to 3 or more days, but usually lasts 24- 48 hours.1. Priority care is on ABC s. Assess for smoke inhalation (singed nare s, eyebrows, or lashes; burnson the face or neck: stridor, increasing dyspnea) a nd give oxygen at 100% as prescribed. Be prepared for emergency intubation and m echanical ventilation if severe inhalation injury or carbonmonoxide inhalation h as occurred.2. Assess for signs of shock caused by fluid shifts (increased pulse , falling B/P and urine output, pallor, cool clammy skin, deteriorating level of consciousness. 3. Initial fluid shift/Fluid resuscitation: Occurs in first 24 hours after bur n.A. Fluid seeps out of the tissue because of increased capillary permeability. The majority of thisleaking occurs within the first 24 hours. Fluid deficit = sh ock.B. H & H is elevated due to loss of fluid volume and fluid shift into inters titial space (third spacing)C. Sodium is decreased due to third spacing.D. Potas sium is increased due to cell destruction.E. Common rule: Calculate what is need ed for the first 24 hours and give of the volumecalculated during the first 8 hou rs (Parkland formula)1. BROOKE FORMULA: Uses 2 mL/kg/% TBSA burned ( crystalloid p lus colloid) plusmaintenance fluid of 2,000 mL D5W per 24 hours.2. PARKLAND FORMU LA: Uses 4 mL formula uses 4 mL/kg/TBSA burned per 24 hours = totalfluid require ments for the first 24 hours.A. 1st 8 hours = of total volumeB. 2nd 8 hours = of t otal volumeC. 3rd 8 hours = of total volume3. No matter what formula the doctor u ses, the formula will tell the amount of fluid the patient willget per hour.4. M edication therapy: Pain therapy, tetanus prophylaxis, topical antimicrobial as w ell as systemicantibiotics.5. Primary concern is the onset of hypovolemic shock and edema formation. Toward the end of the phase, if fluid replacement is adequa te, the capillary membrane permeability is restored.6. Fluid loss and edema form ation cease. The interstitial fluid gradually returns to the vascular space.7. D iuresis occurs with low urine specific gravities.8. Manifestations include shock from the pain and hypovolemic. Areas of full thickness and deep partial-thickne ss burns are initially anesthetic because the nerve endings are destroyed. Super ficialto moderate partial-thickness burns are painful.9. Shivering occurs as a r esult of chilling and most patients are alert.10. COMPLICATIONSA. Cardiovascular system: Dysrhythmias and hypovolemic shock.B. Respiratory system: Vulnerable to upper airway injury causing edema formation and/or obstruction of airway and in halation injury.C. Renal system: If patient is hypovolemic, kidney blood flow ma y decrease, causing renalischemia. If it continues, acute renal failure may deve lop.D. With full-thickness burns, myoglobin and hemoglobin are released into the bloodstream andocclude the renal tubules.11. DIET: High protein, high calorie w ith increased fluids, high calorie high protein drinks.12. If fingers/toes are b urned, wrap each finger/toe separately.13. Monitor urine output - if less than 3 0 mL/hour, assess for renal failure.B.ACUTE PHASE1. Begins with the start of diu resis (usually 48 to 72 hours post-burn) and ends with closure of the burn wound . Phase concludes with burned area is completely covered with skin grafts or whe nwounds are healed.2. Margins of full-thickness Eschar take longer to separate. As a result, they require surgicaldebridement and skin grafting for healing.3. B ecause the body is trying to reestablish fluid and electrolyte homeostasis, it i s important for thenurse to follow the patient s serum electrolyte levels closely (h ypo - or hypernatremia, or hypo- or hyperkalemia). S/S: Burrows - visible dark lines Mite - seen as black dot at end of burrow Se g Scratching with resulting secondary infection Scabies Treatment Permethrin Cream (El

) Lindane lotion Scrub body with soap and water then apply lotion on all areas except the face Leave permethrin on the skin for 8-12 hours and then wash off completely w ith warm water All who had close contact with person within 30-60 day period shoul d be treated Hearing Impaired DO not touch patient until they are aware you re in the r k to the face Articulate clearly but not too slowly Move close to patient; do not cove r mouth with hands Provide alternate methods of communicating: Magic Slate, Sign A moth er is concerned of a breastfed baby about gaining too much weight! With adequate out put (DIAPER COUNT) in infants this ensures adequacy of nutritional intake Which shou ld a nurse see first among these clients in active labor? Gravida 1 para 0 with bulg ing of membranes Gravida 2 1 cm dilated Para 4, 1 cm dilated with history of C-section ra 5, 2cm dilated Answer Para 4 with hx of c section takes priority in order monitor a nd prevent the occurrence of uterine rupture. Which one of these patient assignment for a travel nurse should be reassigned? HIV client Client with contagious disease Client who just developed a rash Patient with green purulent sputumAnswer: Client w ith RASH as this requires Verbal Orders Which of these medications need a specific writt en order from aprescribing physician? Insulin Digoxin Coumadin Chemotherapeutic a Chemotherapeutic agents as this requires also double checking with a chemocertif ied RN. A chemo certification is required for administration of chemo agents Convers ion Guide 1tsp=5ml 3tsp= 1 Tbsp 0.06ml= 1 minim= 1 drop 10z= 30ml 1 kg=1000 t site for Intramuscular injections??? Vastus lateralis Deltoid Gluteus maximus swer: VASTUS LATERALIS is the safest spotbecause it doesn t contain important nervou stissues that may be damaged and it is less vascular than the other areas mentioned Medi cation Administration 7 Rs: Right Drug Right Amount Right Route Right time Right patient n Administration 2 ml= maximum volume of injection per site Ear drops: 1-3 years: p inna down and back Above 3 years: pull pinna up and back Rationale: shorter ear cana l in childrenMicrodrop factor for IV fluids- 60Macrodrop factor for IV fluids- 1 5Blood transfusions run for 4-6 hours INSULINS Draw clear followed by cloudy insulins to avoid contamination of clear insulins by the cloudyinsulins Roll vials in between palms Rotate injection sites to prevent lipodystrophy Be reminded of the peak hours of insulin administered- this is the best time to provide snacksas this time hypog lycemic effect of insulin is peaks Facilitate difusion of glucose from plasma to cel ls Uses: treatment of diabetes mellitus and its acute complications Given as subcutane ous shots or IV drip S/E- HYPOGLYCEMIA Lipodystrophy DIGOXIN LANOXIN Given for mild to severe heart failure (+) inotropic effect- increases for ventricular contraction (-) chronotropic effect- decreases heart rate Check pulse rat e prior- do not give if below 60/min Side effects: Halo vision, yellow vision, brad ycardia Earliest s/e: anorexia, nausea, vomiting Digoxin and Dudes and Babies DO NOT G F HEART RATE Newborn- below 100/min 1-3 years old- below 90/min 3-8 years old- below in 8 years old and above- below 60/min Bronchodilators Review relevant history , VS, c ter of secretions, other conditions Monitor VS and breath sounds Increase fluid intake 2 to 3 Liters/day Therapeutic levels of theophylline should be maintained Evaluate re sponses to medication S/E: CNS stimulation,Tachycradia, tremors, headache, nausea, epigastric pain,bronchospasm Diapers weight for volumeapproximation 1 liter of fluid= I kilogram of weightassuming dry weight of the source (diaper)has been subtracted Hea d lice S/S: severe itching in affected areas; appearance of lice on hair or clothing Tx : Kwell/lindane shampooExtra-fine-tooth comb Wash all linens and clothing in hot wa ter to destroy nits and eggs Potassium Rich Diet Fruits and fruit juices Dried fruits/plums Apricots Bananas Cantaloupe W ia Mgt: Oxygenation Hydration Rest Diet: High calorie High protein, increased f plementation for anemia Open-angle VS Close-angleGlaucomaOpen-angle- loss of periphe ral vision, tunnel vison, difficulty adapting to the dark, halos aroundlights, d ifficulty focusing on near objectsVague symptoms with client unaware of them for a time; visual acuity deteriorates over timewith increasing IOPClose-angle glau coma- triggered by pupil dilationhigh emotions and darkness;S/s: severe eye and face pain, N&V, cplored halos around lights CrutchesUse palms of the hands when crut ch walkingGoing upstairs: Good boys go to heaven good leg goes first bad leg goes last ository Administration 2 inches vaginally or rectally Lube it!!!! Nothing more nothi ss Cardiac diet Low sodium Low cholesterol For heart failure: low sodium For hy

a, low fat For MI: low Na, low fat Opening a Sterile Package Check label for contents iry date, instructions Break seal, touching only edge of package. Open one flap awa y from you. Do not bend over package Open side flap, let fall on flat surface. Repe at same with other flap. Lift flap nearest you Inhalers Hold inhaler 2 inches away fr uth Shake canister before each puff Exhalethrough pursed lips Depress inhalation de slowly anddeeply through the mouth Hold breath for 10 sec and exhale slowlywith pur sed lips Wait 2-5 min between puffs Spacers Place lips tightly around mouthpiece so n cation will escape Same process as any inhalers Good care of spacer: warm water rinses S for Hyperthyroidism Pharmacology: Client with tachydysrythmias,dont give bronchodilators containin gcatacholamines, e.g. Epinephrine(PrimateneMist) and Isoproterenol HCL(Isuprel)C hild Health: After pyloromyotomy, surgical treatment for hypertrophic pyloric st enosis, head of bed is elevated and the infant is placed proneto prevent aspirat ion. Infant with laryngomalacia(congenital laryngeal stridor), place inprone positio n with neck hyperextended to decrease stridor. Decorticate posturing: flexion of the upper extremities andthe extension of the lower extremities. Also plantar flexi on of the feet. Decerebrate posturing: extension of the upperextremities with in ternal rotation of upper arms and wrists.The lower extremities extend with some internal rotationnoted at knees and feet. Progression from decorticate todecrebr ate posturing indicates deteriorating neurologicalfunction. Hep B related jaundice: may get worse before resolving. Client teaching: discard unused nitroglycerine table ts 3-6months after bottle opened & obtain new prescription. Oral intake after laryng ectomy starts with semi-solid diet. In a neonate, hypoglycemia causes central nervou s systemsymptoms e.g. high pitched cry, also exhibited by lack of strength durin g feeding. Misoprostol(cytotec) is administered to prevent gastricmucosal injury cau sed by regular use of NSAID's MAOI diet ( Tyramine restrictions) FOODS: MUST AVOID COM LY Aged red wines (cabernet sauvignon/merlot/Chianti) Aged (smoked, aged, pickled, ferm ented, marinated, andprocessed) meats (pepperoni/bologna/salami, pickledherring, liver, frankfurters, bacon, ham) Aged/mature cheeses (blue/cheddar/provolone/Brie/R omano/Parmesan/Swiss) Overripe fruits and vegetables (overripe bananas/sauerkraut/all overripe fruit) Beans (fava/Italian/Chinese pea pod/fermented bean curd/soya sauce/tofu/miso soup) Condim ents (bouillon cubes/meat tenderizers/cannedsoups/gravy/sauces/soy sauce) Soups (pre pared/canned/ frozen) Beverages (beer/ales/vermouth/whiskey/liqueurs/nonalcoholicwin es and beers) FOODS: USE WITH CAUTION (MODERATION) Avocados (not overripe) Raspberries l amounts) Chocolate (small amount) Caffeine (2 8 oz. servings per day or less) Dair (limit to buttermilk, yogurt, and sour cream[small amounts]; cream cheese, cotta ge cheese, milk OK if fresh) MEDICATIONS: MUST AVOID Stimulants and decongestants OTC m tions (check with PCP/pharmacist) Opioids (e.g., meperidine 1. Insertion of CVC, pt. should NOT deep breath. instead pt SHOULD doValsalva Maneuver.2. Sulfonamides a re to treat inflammatory bowel disease, increase fluids3. Multiple Myeloma is un ique as a neoplastic condition that is better dected witha plain radiograph than with a nuclear scan. If bone scan is done then falsenegative result will occur. Therefore avoid bone imaginig for pt with multiplemyeloma.4.mumps s/s= HA,malai se, anorexia, earache A nurse is preparing to administer digoxin (Lanoxin) to an inf ant withcongestive heart failure (CHF). Before administering the medication, the nursedouble-checks the dose, counts the apical heart rate for 1 full min. and o btains a heart rate of 88beats/min. Based on this finding, what is the appropirate nurs ingaction? Digoxin is effective within a narrow therapeutic range (1.0 to 2.0 ng/mL) .Safety in dosing is achieved by double-checking the dose and counting the apica lheart rate for 1 full minute. If the heart rate is less than 100 beats/min in a ninfant, the nurse would withhold the dose and contact the physician. Differentiatin g Gastric ulcer pain & duedonal ulcer pain:Gastric ulcer pain often occurs in th e upper epigastrium, with localization to theleft of the midline, and may be exa cerbated by food. The pain occurs a half-hourto an hour after a meal and rarely occurs at night. Duodenal ulcer pain is usuallylocated to the right of the epiga strium. The pain associated with a duodenalulcer occurs 90 minutes to 3 hours af ter eating and often awakens the client atnight. After amputations the nurse should ensure that a surgical tourniquet is inthe client's room as one of the priority

items. The wound and any drains aremonitored closely for excessive bleeding beca use hemorrhage is the primaryimmediate complication of amputation. Therefore, a surgical tourniquet is keptat the bedside in case of acute bleeding. Educating of a patient who has arteriovenous (AV) fistula shouldinclude following info :An AV f istula provides access to the client's bloodstream for the dialysisprocedure. Th e client is instructed to monitor fistula patency daily by palpatingfor a thrill . The client is instructed to avoid compressing the fistula with tightclothing o r when sleeping and that blood pressure measurements and blooddraws should not b e performed on the arm with the fistula. The client also isinstructed to assess the fistula for signs and symptoms of infection, includingpain, redness, swellin g, and excessive warmth. I like this Trend ,it has helped me alot in preparation for my test,Guyskeep the ball rolling. Let me chip in this fact hopefully it will h elp.FLUROQUINOLONES:EXAMPLES,CIPROFLOXACIN,NORFLOXACIN,OFLOXACIN.They may increa se the serum level of methylxanthines eg theophyllines causingmethylxanthines to xicity.For CIPROFLOXACIN,use with caution on patients with renal disease,CNS,and seizure disoders,even those taking theophylline.It can cause nausea, vomiting,di arrhrea, constipation, dizziness, flatulence, headache and confusion.Watch outfo r toxic effect which can cause superinfecton CardioVT Ventricular tachycardia is cha racterized by the absence of P waves onECG and there are wide QRS complexes (lon ger than 0.12 second), andtypically a rate between 140 and 180 impulses/min. The rhythm isregular. CardioPericardiocentesis (a procedure which can be performed to f ix cardiactamponade problem) -- Following pericardiocentesis, a rise in blood pressure and a fall in centra lvenous pressure are expected.--The client usually expresses immediate relief.-Heart sounds are no longer muffled or distant. What to do when a patient comes to a n ER with an insect in theear?-- Insects are killed before removal unless they c an be coaxed out by aflashlight or by a humming noise.-- Mineral oil or diluted alcohol may be instilled into the ear to suffocatethe insect, which is then remo ved by using ear forceps.-- When the foreign object is vegetable matter, irrigat ion is not usedbecause such material may expand with hydration, thereby worsenin g theimpaction. How to communicate with a patient who has ahearing impairment?-- spe aking in a normal tone; avoiding shouting-- talking directly to the client while facing the client; andspeaking clearly.-- If the client does not seem to unders tand what is said,the statement should be expressed differently. Movingcloser to the client and toward the better ear may facilitatecommunication, but talking d irectly into the impaired earshould be avoided. Weber's hearing test-- In the Weber tuning fork test, the nurse places thevibrating tuning fork in the middle of the client's head, atthe midline of the forehead, or above the upper lip over thete eth. Normally, the sound is heard equally in both ears bybone conduction.-- If t he client has a sensorineural hearing loss in one ear,the sound is heard in the other ear. -- If the client has a conductive hearing loss in one ear, thesound is heard i n that ear. How to conduct an otoscopic examination on an adultpatient?In the otosco pic examination;--the nurse tilts the client's head slightly away and holdsthe o toscope upside down as if it were a large pen.--The pinna is pulled up and back and the nurse visualizesthe external canal while slowly inserting the speculum.-A small speculum is used in pediatric clients. The nursemay not be able to adeq uately visualize the ear canal if asmall speculum is used in the adult client. Masto idectomy :What is the mastoid bone?The mastoid bone is a bone located behind the ear (felt asa hard bump behind the ear). Inside it looks like ahoneycomb, with the spaces filled with air. These air cellsare connected to the middle ear throu gh an air filled cavitycalled the mastoid antrum. Although the mastoid boneserve s as a reserve air supply to allow normal movementof the eardrum, its connection to the middle ear may alsoresult in the spread of middle ear infections to the mastoidbone (mastoiditis).What is a mastoidectomy?A mastoidectomy is a surgical procedure designed toremove infection or growths in the bone behind the ear(mast oid bone). Its purpose is to create a "safe" ear andprevent further damage to th e hearing apparatus.After mastoidectomy, -- the nurse should monitor vital signs and inspect thedressing for drainage o r bleeding.-- The nurse also should assess for signs of facial nerveinjury (cran

ial nerve VII).-- The nurse also should monitor for signs of pain,dizziness, or nausea.-- The head of the bed should be elevated at least 30degrees, and the cli ent should be instructed to lie on theunaffected side.-- The client probably wil l have sutures, an outer earpacking, and a bulky dressing, which is removed onap proximately the sixth day postoperatively. PresbycusisPresbycusis is a type of heari ng loss that occurs with aging.It is a gradual sensorineural loss caused by nerv edegeneration in the inner ear or auditory nerve. Motion sickness medications-- To b e maximally effective, medications to preventmotion sickness should be taken at least 1 hour before thetriggering event.-- Medications that are commonly used fo r this purposeinclude** imenhydrinate(Dramamine)**scopolamine(Transderm-Scop) ** promethazine(Phenergan)**prochlorperazine(Compazine). and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatorymedications are long-term control medicati ons. Hemophiliarefers to a group of bleeding disordersresulting from a deficiency of specific coagulation proteins.--The primary treatment is replacement of the mis singclotting factor; additional medications, such as those torelieve pain, may b e prescribed depending on the source of bleeding from the disorder. --A child wi th hemophilia A will be at risk for joint bleedingafter a fall. Factor VIII wi ll be prescribed intravenously(IV) to replace the missing clotting factor and m inimizethe bleeding. In severe cystic acne ,isotretinoin (Accutane)isused to inhibit inflammation.--Adverse effects include elevated triglyceride levels, skindrynes s, eye discomfort such as dryness and burning, andcheilitis (lip inflammation). --Close medical follow-up is required, and dry skin andcheilitis can be decrease d by the use of emollients and lipbalms. --Vitamin A supplements are stopped dur ing thistreatment. Propylthiouracil is used to treat hyperthyroidism---propylthioura cil (PTU) may convert the client from ahyperthyroid state to a hypothyroid state . If this occurs,the dosage should be reduced. --Temporary administration of thy roid hormone may berequired. --Levothyroxine (Synthroid) is a synthetic thyroidhormo ne that increases cellular metabolism. --Levothyroxine should be given in the morning in a singledose to prevent inso mnia and should be given at the sametime each day to maintain an adequate drug l evel. Desmopressin acetate (DDAVP) --is a synthetic form of antidiuretic hormone tha t causesincreased reabsorption of water, with a resultant decreasein urine outpu t. --The therapeutic response to DDAVP would be a decreasein serum osmolality, b ecause more fluid is retained, and anincrease in urine osmolality, because less fluid is excreted. --Hypotension may be apparent with diabetes insipidus andbloo d pressure may increase as extracellular fluid volumeis restored. Classic symptoms o f hyperglycemiainclude--polydipsia (Excessive thirst or drinking), --polyuria-polyphagia (excessive appetite for food) Polydipsiaandpolyuriaare classic symptoms o f diabetes insipidus.The urine is pale, and the specific gravity is low. Anorexi a and weight loss occur. Because of the hypermetabolic state, the clientwithhyperthy roidismneeds to be provided with--an environment that is restful physically and mentally. --Six full meals a day that are well balanced and high incalories are required because of the accelerated metabolicrate. --Foods that increase perista lsis, such as high-fiber foods, need to be avoided. --These clients suffer from heat intolerance and require a cool environment. Followingthyroidectomy,--weakness and hoarseness of the voice can occur as aresult of trauma from the surgery. --If this develops, the client shou ld be reassured that theproblem will subside in a few days. --Unnecessary talkin g should be discouraged. DKA (Diabetic ketoacidosis) tretment--Lack (absolute or rel ative) of insulin is the primary causeof DKA. --Treatment consists of insulin ad ministration (regularinsulin), IV fluid administration (normal saline initially) ,and potassium replacement, followed by correctingacidosis. Hyperglycemic hyperosmol ar nonketotic syndrome-- occurs in clients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. --The onset of symptoms may be gradual. --The symptoms may include polyuria, polydipsi a,dehydration, mental status alterations, weight loss, andweakness To know the norma l systolic for a child 1-7 years oldAge +90. Example 3yo child = 93 systolic.Her e is another. Do not mix zosyn and gentamycin IV wait at least an hour to decrease the risk of gentamycininactivation. Coal tar --is use d to treat psoriasis and other chronic disorders of the skin. --Coal tar suppres ses DNA synthesis, mitotic activity, andcell proliferation. --Coal tar has an un

pleasant odor, frequently stains theskin and hair, and can cause phototoxicity. --Systemic toxicity does not occur. Mafenide acetate --is bacteriostatic for gram-ne gative and gram-positiveorganisms and is used to treat burns to reduce bacteriap resent in avascular tissues. --The client should be informed that the medication willcause local discomfort and burning.-- is a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor and can suppress renalexcretion of acid, thereby causing acidosis.-- Clients receiv ing this treatment should be monitored forsigns of an acid-base imbalance (hyper ventilation). --If this occurs, the medication should be discontinued for1 to 2 days. Sodium hypochlorite --is a solution used for irrigating and cleaning necrotic orpurulent wounds. --It cannot be used to pack purulent wounds because thesoluti on is inactivated by copious pus. --The solution should not come into contact wi th healing or normal tissue and should be rinsed off immediatelyfollowing irrigation. --The solution loses its potency during storage, so freshsolution should be prepared f requently. Isotretinoin (Accutane)-- can elevate triglyceride levels.--Blood triglyc eride levels should be measured beforetreatment and periodically thereafter unti l the effect on thetriglycerides has been evaluated. Lindane (treatment for scabies) --is applied in a thin layer to the body below the head. Nomore than 30 g (1 oz) should be used.--The medication is removed by washing 8 to 12 hours later.--In most cases, only one application is required. Topical corticosteroidscan be absorbed into the systemiccirculation. Absorption is higher from regions where the skin is especiallypermeable (scalp, axilla, face, eyelids, neck, perineum, genitalia) , andlower from regions where permeability is poor (back, palms, soles). The normal platelet count is 150,000 to 450,000/mm3. When theplatelets are lower than 50,00 0 /mm3, any small trauma can lead toepisodes of prolonged bleeding. The normal w hite blood cell count is5,000 to 10,000/mm3. When the white blood cell count dro ps,neutropenic precautions need to be implemented. The normal clottingtime is 8 to 15 minutes. The normal ammonia value is 15 to 45 mcg/dL. Crestor=Rhabdomyolysis ( muscle Weakness)PH of stomach acid lessthan 4 is goodDrug catagory X=risk for fe tusColchicine=antigoout medicationLasix=K wasting=increasebananas and orangeshea rt failure infant=increased resp ratePIH=periorbital and facial edemaThallium st ress test=allergic to Iodine should be askedWarm insulin bottle is good for 1 mo nth onlyCauses of abdominal distentionThe 6 F'sFlatus----Feces----fetus----Fluid ---Fat----Fatal(Malignant) neoplasm 1. If mishap occured like patient fell, write up an incident reportand NEVER chart in the medical records that an incident repor t was filed.2. If px died and was found on drivers license to be an organ donor, stillhave to get permission from next of kin before taking organs. order of pri ority is1st ask the spouse, if none...2nd ask son or daughter, 3rd mother, 4th adult brother or sister, 5th Legal Guardian.3. For airborne diseases measles, varicella, TB....use a particulate filtermask not a surgical mask4. For droplet isolation patients, everyone must wear a mask if they aregoing wtihin 3 feet of the patient. 5. PKU, baby born without ability to utilize essential amino acid calle dphenylalanine so don't give diet soda bec it contains nutrisweet, nutrisweetcon tains phenylalanine. The rules of Management:Do not delegate assessment teaching or evaluationDelegate care for stable pt's with expected outcomesDelegate tasks tha t involve standard unchanging proceeduresTreatment for Monnucleosis= BedrestAmph ojel=S/E ConstipationDiagnostic test for cirrhosis=Liver biopsyContaminated shel lfish=Hep AMurphy's sign=On deep inspiration pain is elicited and breathing stop sAbd Ultrasound=Dx for cholecystitisPancreatitis=avoid Caffine and alcoholPancre atitis= increased Amylase and lipase and glucose and decreased serumCA levelsAft er liver biopsy=place client on the right side laying position with the bed flat Tensilon test=Mysthesia gravisXerostomia=dry mouthdysgeusia=siminish sense of ta steDilantin can cause decreased HR hypotensionPyridium=Causes the urine to be re d or orangeClub soda=sodium chlorideGallbladder is on the rightGuthrie blood tes t is a test for PKUTetracycline can cause staining of the teethTest for seizures =EEGVit C may decrease warfarin effectsVit E may increase warfarin effectsDumpin g syndrome=moderate fat low carbs dietColostomy begins to function 3-6 days afte r surgeryViagra=NO Nitroglycerin250ml=I unit of PRBC (packed red blood cells) Calciu m and aluminum based antacids cause constipationMagnesium based cause diarrheaMy driatics (big word big pupil) treats cataracts...I always picture a cat acting(

CAT ar ACTS) in a big whole ...it sound stupid I know!Miotics (small word small pupil) treats glaucomaMaternal hypotension after an epidural anethesia: STOPS= s top pitocin if infusingT= Turn on left side O=OxygenP= Push fluids (if hypovolemia) HELLP= hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low plateletcount=elevated hepatic enzymesChronic renal failure patients sho uld avoid astringent cleansing padsClients with a central venous catheter receiv ing TPN has an air embolus thenurse should clamp the catheter immediately and no tify the physician.Crackles in the lung fileds of the peritoneal dialysis client result fromoverhydration or from insufficient fluid removal during dialysis. In take graterthan the output of the peritoneal dialysis fluid would overhydrate th e client,resulting in lung crackles.Colonoscopy=Left sims positionNormal platele ts=150-400 cells mcg/lNo morphine=pancreatitis it causes spasms of oddis spincte r.Antineoplastic drugs=leukopenia=private roomTerminal patient=Palliative careTa moxifen increases the effects of Warfarin sodiumTachycardia commonly occurs afte r giving AtropineMMR Vaccine=Ask if Allergic to Gelatin, Eggs, or neomycinPneumo cystis Carinii=FungalVasopressin is a synthetic ADH Its used for treatment for D iabetes Insipiduswhich results from deficient ADHGlyburide=30 mins before breakf astPt with Thrombus in the leg on heparin=Strict bed restTiclopidine (Ticlid) is used as a antiplatelet drug for Salicylate (Aspirin)sensitivity.Protamine sulfa te=comes from the sperm of salmon and other fish so don't useif allergic to fish Blood drawn for APTT on heparin is in 4 hours. Early would show highPotassium is the most abundant cation in the ICP followed byMagnesium.Because Potassium isn' t stored it must be replaced every day. Rh immunization for pregnant is:Rh immunizat ion of Rhogamis given when an Rh incompatibility occurs,which only oocurs if the mother is Rh negative and the baby being born is Rhpositive. It does NOT occur when an Rh positive mom gives birth to an RHnegative baby.If some of the baby's red blood cells leak into RH-mom's system, then her bodymay produce antibodies t o the Rh D factor (a condition called sensitization).These antibodies can cross the placenta and destroy the red blood cells in yourunborn baby or in the next R h-positive baby you have.***In most cases, the mom will not be exposed to the ba by's blood until shegives birth....... Thisusually means that first baby will NO T be affected.****HOWEVER, large amounts of the baby's bloodcanleak into the mot herduring delivery. If the mom is Rh negative, the next Rh-positive baby that sh ecould have may have problems if the Rh-negative mom has developed antibodies***** Occasionally, in the following situations, some of the baby's blood mayleak into the mom's blood system during pregnancy:1. After amniocentesi s or other invasive procedure2. During a miscarriage or abortion3. During an ect opic pregnancy4. If the mom bleeds heavily during pregnancy.Disseminated intrava scular coagulation (DIC) and s/sDisseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)occu rs when the body'sclotting mechanisms are activated throughout the body in respo nse to an injuryor a disorder, instead of being isolated to the area of initial onset. Plateletscirculating throughout the body form small blood clots (thrombi) primarily in thearea of the capillaries. This eventually causes the clotting fa ctors to be used up,and none are left to form clots at the site of the injury. T he presence of numerous small clots precipitates the release of clot-dissolving mechanisms, andthe end result is generalized bleeding throughout the body.This d isorder can result in clots or, more often, in bleeding. The bleeding can beseve re.Risk factors for DIC include:Blood transfusion reactionCancer, including leuk emiaInfection in the blood by bacteria or fungusPregnancy complications (such as retained placenta after delivery)Recent surgery or anesthesiaSepsis (an overwhe lming infection)Severe liver diseaseSevere tissue injury (as in burns and head i njury)Signs & Symptoms Include:Bleeding (possibly from multiple sites in the bod y),Blood clots,Drop in blood pressure, ANDSudden bruising therapeutic level of Lithi um..I have answers from 2 different resources;0.8 to 1.2 mEq/L ................A ND ...................0.6 to 1.2 mEq/L with therapeutic dose = 300-2700 mg/d Risk fa ctors for specific cancers: Bladder = Smoking, exposure to industrial, chemicals, radiation.Prostate= Afri can American and age 55 and olderLaryngeal = Smoking, uses of tobacco and alcoho l, exposure to environmentalpollutants, exposure to radiation and carcinogens, n utritional deficiency(riboflavin)Lung = Smoking, exposure to environmental pollu

tant, vitamin A deficiency,heredity.Pancreatic= High fiber and high carb, smokin g, exposure to industrial chemicals,diabetes, chronic pancreatitis.Breast = fami ly history, early menarche and late menopause, previous cancer of the breast, ut erus, or ovaries, nulliparity, obesity, high-dose radiation exposureto chest, di et high in fat, alcohol intake, the use of birth control pills andhormonal repla cement.Endometrial= history of uterine polyps, nulliparity, polycystic ovary dis ease,estrogen stimulation, late menopause, family history.Ovarian= diet high in fat, family history of ovarian or breast cancer, alcohol use,history of breast c ancer, endometrium cancer, colon cancer, nulliparity,infertility,Cervical= low s ocioeconomic, early first marriage, early and frequentintercourse, multiple sex partners, poor hygiene, Human papillomavirus, HIVinfection, smoking during pregn ancy and cervical infection.Testes= over the age of 15 and 40, infection, geneti c and endocrine factors,cryptorchidism PIH=Periorbital and facial edemaPt. intubeted and a high alarm will sound when the patient is bitting the tube.Halo traction= Sterile pin site careT-12 spinal injury=No message to the bladder.Thallium stres s test=Allergic to Iodine should be asked5 Post ops causes of feverWind-check lu ngsWound-Cl sirgoca; soteWater-I V siteWalk-DVT checkWhiz-CatheterWonder drungsdrug feverMeasles warrents=resp isolationBacterial meningitis=Resp isolationMeth otrexate therapy=in 2 weeks expect to see signs of bone marrowdepressionWhen pre gnant increase your calories by 500 KcalsDystonia occurs after a few days of tre atment of haldolHeart failure infant=Increased resp rateTrough level=lowest leve l of the drug should be done immediately beforeadministering the next doseGlycos ylated hemoglobin values less than or equal to 7.5% indicates gooddiabetic contr olPreterm infant before 37 weeksTerm infant older than 37 weekspost erm 42 weeks 38-41 weeks is term you should not insert a NG tube if there is a suspected skull fracture.Deferox amine is the antidote for iron poisoningCipro treats anthraxCretinism=Hypothyroi dism found in the neonateNrdil (Pnenelazine) is a MAOI avoid figs, chocolate, an d eggplant. It causehypertensive crisis.Multiple sclerosis=test EEG/LPA pregnant nurse should not be assigned to any client with radioactivity present.OK for a Preg nurse to care for a client receiving liner ascelerator radiationtherapy for lung cancer.Client with Cushing syndrome, with incresed level of cortisone caus e the client tobe immune suppressed, Pt should be put in a private room.complica tions of bucks traction=Weak peda pulses 1. To check for petechiae in a dark-skinned client, assess the oral mucosa2. Seventh-Day Adventists are usually vegetarians 3. The three types of embolism are air, fat, and thrombus4. Before discharge, a client who has had a total laryngectomy must be able to performtracheostomy care and suctioning and use alternative means of communication.5. The universal bloo d donor is o negative6. The universal blood donor is ab positive7. Mucus in a co lostomy bag indicates that the colon is beginning to function8. Fatique is an ad verse effect of radiation therapy.9. celiac disease may eat rice10. Dumping synd rome-limit liquids and high carbohydrate foods. Addisons Disease: Hypo NA+, Hyoglyce mia, Hypercalcemia and Hyperkalemia....and the exact oppisite for Cushings syndr ome! Diabetes Insip... can concentrat urine!Addisoinan Crisis is treated with High d ose steriods and Fluid replacment for treatment of hypertensiontry4,3,2,1 ANGIOTENSIVE CONVERTING ENZYME INHIBITOR . BETA ENVAS. CALCIUM CANNEL BLOCKER. DIURATICS A 44-lb p is being treated for inflammation. The physician orders 0.2mg/kg/day of dexameth asone (Decadron) by mouth to be administered every 6hours. The elixir comes in a strength of 0.5 mg/5 ml. How many teaspoons of dexamethasone should the nurse g ive this client per dose?Answer: Correct Answer: 2 Your Answer: 2RATIONALES: To perf orm this dosage calculation, the nurse shouldfirst convert the child's weight fr om pounds to kilograms:44 lb 2.2 lb/kg = 20 kg Then she should calculate the tota l daily dose for the child:20 kg 0.2 mg/kg/day = 4 mg Next, the nurse should calculate the amount to be given at eachdose:4 mg 4 dose s = 1 mg/dose The available elixir contains 0.5 mg of drug per 5 ml (which is eq ualto 1 teaspoon). Therefore, to give 1 mg of the drug, the nurse shouldadminist er 2 teaspoons (10 ml) to the child for each dose. page 355 of 338 Leave a Comment

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