Q.1 (a) List the two types of carriers and name the type of impurity that causes each to be 03
a majority carrier.
(b) With help of voltage doubler circuit, describe the action of voltage multipliers. 04
(c) A full-wave bridge rectifier with a 120 Vrms sinusoidal input has a load resistor of 07
1 kΩ.
i) If Silicon diodes are employed, what is the dc voltage available at the
ii) Determine the required PIV rating of each diode.
iii) Find the maximum current through each diode during conduction.
iv) What is the required power rating of each diode?
Q.2 (a) Draw a diode curve and label all significant points and areas. 03
(b) Determine the output waveform for the sinusoidal input of figure given below. 04
(c) For the network given below, determine the range of RL and IL that will result in 07
VRL being maintained at 10 V.
(c) A transistor is connected in common emitter configuration in which collector 07
supply is 8V and the voltage drop across resistance RC connected in the collector
circuit is 0.5V. The value of RC=800Ω, if α=0.96 determine:
i) Collector emitter voltage
ii) Base Current.
Q.3 (a) Drive the relation between dc alpha and dc beta for bipolar junction transistor. 03
(b) Draw T-model and π-model of transistor. 04
(c) Draw an emitter bias circuit and explain why it works well in amplifying circuits. 07
Q.3 (a) State the advantages of a Darlington transistor. 03
(b) Draw Swamped amplifier circuit and list three of its advantages. 04
(c) Calculate the divider current, base voltage, emitter voltage, emitter current, 07
collector voltage, and collector-emitter voltage for an npn VDB circuit.
Q.4 (a) Differentiate between current shunt feedback and voltage shunt feedback. 03
(b) Explain the JFET application as analog switch. 04
(c) Draw diagrams that show common biasing arrangement of JFET and discuss 07
Drain curves.
Q.5 (a) List the advantages of Negative feedback. 03
(b) Explain the role of coupling capacitor and bypass capacitor in amplifier circuit. 04
(c) Draw a Schematic of a typical CMOS digital switching circuit and explain its 07