Gujarat Technological University
Gujarat Technological University
Gujarat Technological University
Q.1 (a) Draw CMOS inverter circuit and cross section view of 03
(b) Draw voltage transfer characteristics of inverter and define 04
(c) Derive threshold voltage equation and explain what is 07
substrate bias effect.
Q.4 (a) Draw resistive load inverter circuit and its VTC curve. 03
(b) Derive critical voltages VOH, VOL, VIL and VIH of 04
resistive load inverter.
(c) Design resistive load inverter with following parameters: 07
VTon = 0.8 V, Kn’ = 20 uA/V2, (W/L)n = 2, RL= 200
kohm and Vdd=5V. Calculate the noise margins of this
Q.5 (a) Draw transistor level circuit diagram of NOR based SR 03
latch using CMOS.
(b) Derive switching power dissipation equation of CMOS 04
inverter with idea step input.
(c) Justify importance of transmission gate. Realize 07
following functions using TG.
i) F=AB+A’C’+AB’C and
ii) F=AB’ + A’B
Q.6 (a) What is need of domino CMOS logic circuit and draw 03
it’s circuit diagram.
(b) Explain Ring oscillator 04
(c) Draw i/p and o/p waveform during high to low transition 07
of o/p for CMOS inverter and derive expression for τPHL.
using differential equation method.
Q.7 (a) Draw CMOS implementation of D latch with two 03
inverters and two CMOS TG gates.
(b) Compare CPLD and FPGA. 04
(c) Draw and Explain different clock generator and 07
distributor circuits