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Cap 323

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Course Code: CAP323 Course Title: MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS DOA: 19/1/11 30/1/11 DOS:

Homework Title / No. : ____1____________________________Course Code : _CAP323____ Course Instructor: _Sh. Dhiraj Soni ___________ Course Tutor (if applicable) : ____________ Students Roll No.__RD3801A08______________ Section No. : _D3801__________________ Declaration: I declare that this assignment is my individual work. I have not copied from any other students work or from any other source except where due acknowledgment is made explicitly in the text, nor has any part been written for me by another person. Students Signature : __Himanshu Gautam___ Evaluators comments: _____________________________________________________________________ Marks obtained : ___________ out of ______________________


1. You are marketing Director for an advertisement company. You are considering using Multimedia to market your companys growth. Put together an outline detailing the benefits and draw backs of using a CD-ROM presentation, a Multimedia website, or a Television advertisement. Answer:Benefits:

No need of an Internet connection. Being on a CD-ROM, it is portable and can be easily distributed. No problem with slow download speeds. Large files such as music and compression free images can be used. Help expand your corporate Identity beyond your website & business card. Animation, audio, video we can apply on a multimedia web site. TV gives you an opportunity to be creative and attach a personality to your business, which can be particularly effective for small businesses that rely on repeat customers. TV reaches a much larger audience than local newspapers and radio stations, and it does so during a short period of time.

Draw Backs: Difficulty in updating. Once CD-Roms have been produced it is not possible to update them. This may mean that they can become dated relatively quickly. Can be expensive. multimedia websites lies in its planning, production and maintenance stages. Establishing multimedia websites are costly and time-consuming. TV does have some disadvantages. Barring late night spots on your local cable television network, no other advertising medium is as likely to eat up your budget as quickly as TV will.

2. Discuss why the Multimedia skill set is different from other project skill sets. How Multimedia Skills affect the overall performance of the project. Answer:- the ideal candidate has solid experience in interface design, product prototyping and
marketing communication, knowledge of image manipulation is critical as well as proven skills in Lingo scripting and the use of digital time based authoring tools. We seek a team player with excellent communication skills and grace under pressure. - Must have experience designing large information and entertainment systems. - Must have experience creating system flows and program architectures. - Must have solid organizational skills and attention to detail.

Multimedia skills also affect the overall project performance. if the multimedia skills applied perfectly the project performance will be better.

3. Team work is considered good for any project and its effectiveness. Why are Multimedia projects most frequently performed by teams? Whose responsibility is it to ensure that the team operates effectively? Answer:- Successful multimedia projects begin with selecting team players. But selection is
only the beginning of a team-building process that must continue through a projects duration. Team building refers to activities that help a group and its members function at optimum levels of performance by creating a work culture that incorporates the styles of its members. You should encourage communication styles that are fluid and inclusive, and you should develop models for decision making that respect individual talents, expertise and personalities. This isnt easy but repeated studies have shown that workgroup managers with well-developed team skills are more successful than managers who dive headlong into projects without attention to tram dynamics. Although its usually a project manager who initiates team building, all team members should recognize their role, gentle collaboration is a key element of successful projects.

PART B 4. Create a document implementing both hypertext and hypermedia. Discuss the differences among multimedia, interactive Multimedia, hypertext and hypermedia in context to this. Answer:- The terms "hypermedia" and "hypertext" were coined by Ted Nelson in the mid-1960s
as new, non-static ways of disseminating information.The use of hyperlinks, regular text, audio and video to provide an interactive, multimedia presentation....Hypermedia, a term derived from hypertext, extends the notion of the hypertext link to include links among any set of multimedia. A hypertext document basically consists of TOPICS and LINKS connecting them. A TOPIC can be any piece of information that can be described in digital form (text, image, sound, video). The LINK reflects the nature of the relationship between two topics like, for example, explanation, refutation, illustration or clarification.

Multimedia is usually recorded and played, displayed or accessed by information content processing devices, such as computerized and electronic devices, but can also be part of a live performance. Multimedia (as an adjective) also describes electronic media devices used to store and experience multimedia content. Multimedia is distinguished from mixed media in fine art; by including audio, for example, it has a broader scope. The term "rich media" is synonymous for interactive multimedia. Hypermedia can be considered one particular multimedia application. Multimedia is defined as the combination of different media elements such as text, pictures, sound and movie etc...

Interactive media normally refers to products and services on digital computer-based systems which respond to the users actions by presenting content such as text, graphics, animation, video, audio etc. Interactive multimedia is related to the concepts interaction design, new media, interactivity, human computer interaction, cyberculture, digital culture, and includes specific cases such as, for example, interactive television, interactive narrative, interactive advertising, algorithmic art, videogames, social media, ambient intelligence, virtual reality and augmented reality. In interactive multimedia, the user or operator is able to interact with the computer directly. (Eg: computer games, interactive websites, multimedia presentations or interactive Cd's etc..)

5. Quality of presentation is very important. What is the role of testing and feedback stages in improving the quality of presentation and what effect does it have on the performance. Answer: - Helps improve application performance, perform better capacity planning, and
develop more scalable applications. Extends performance and scalability testing of Rational Performance Tester to Citrix Presentation Server. Emulates and tests the performance and scalability of applications deployed through Citrix-based server environments. Reduces cost and improves test system scalability and performance by reusing test scenarios that emulate hundreds or thousands of users. Feedback to instructors and preventing foreseeable problems dealing with content availability, non-participants and/or technical issues.

6. Discuss in detail the elements that are used to design a multimedia project.? Use any example and illustrate with examples. Answer: - Text
Text is perhaps the most fundamental element of any multimedia project. Students can use applications such as AppleWorks and HyperStudio compose and edit their own text. Text-

basedinformation can also be gathered from resource CDs and the Internet. Applications such as Photoshop LE can be used to add visual effects to text to create a more appealing presentation.

Graphics Graphics can be incorporated into a multimedia project in the form of photographs or designs. Graphic images can be imported from a variety of resources such as the Internet, a digital camera, a scanner, or resource CDs such as Art Mania 12,000. Original graphic designs can be created with applications such as HyperStudio, MovieWorks, and Photoshop LE. Sound Sound can be added to a multimedia presentation from a variety of sources. Original sounds can be recorded using a microphone and programs such as HyperStudio, MovieWorks, or SmartSound. These applications, as well as QuickTime Pro, can also be used to import sounds from an audio CD or the Internet. Sound resource files that can be used in multimedia projects are also included on the HyperStudio, MovieWorks, and SmartSound CDs. Video Moving images or video can be incorporated into a multimedia project as QuickTime movies. QuickTime Pro, HyperStudio, and MovieWorks can be used with a camcorder or VCR to create and edit QuickTime movies. These programs can also import movies from the Internet and from resource CDs such as The Archives of History. Movies that can depict a 360-degree panorama or a movable object can also be incorporated into a multimedia project. These virtual reality movies, often referred to as QuickTime VR movies, can be created with QuickTime VR Authoring Studiofor playback and be incorporated into programs such as HyperStudio, MovieWorks, and QuickTime Pro. Animation Graphics that contain movement are often referred to as animation. Animation files can be downloaded from the Internet in the form of animated GIF files and viewed with QuickTime Pro, HyperStudio, and MovieWorks. HyperStudio and MovieWorks can also be used to create and edit both frame and path animation.

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