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Next-Generation OFDMA-Based Passive Optical Network Architecture Supporting Radio-Over-Fiber

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6, AUGUST 2010 791

Next-Generation OFDMA-Based Passive Optical
Network Architecture Supporting Radio-Over-Fiber
Yu-Min Lin, Member, IEEE, and Po-Lung Tien, Member, IEEE
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a novel architecture for
next-generation orthogonal frequency division multiple access
(OFDMA)-based passive optical networks (PONs), referred to
as ROFPON. Besides carrying local broadband OFDMA data,
ROFPON seamlessly supports radio-over-ber (RoF) transports
between the central ofce and multiple remote antennas at
end users without using costly WDM lasers. We analytically
and experimentally study the receiver sensitivity to OFDMA
signals and the radio frequency (RF) signals performance. By
corroborating simulation results with experimental results, we
discuss the determination of crucial system parameters, such as
the optimal broadband-to-radio power ratio, and the exploitation
of a notch lter for removing RF interference. Experimental
results show that the integrated 10 Gb/s OFDMA and three 20
MHz RF signals are successfully transported both downstream
and upstream over a 20 km single-mode-ber PON. Finally,
experimental results demonstrate that QPSK-encoded WiMAX-
format RF signals are transmitted/relayed upstream with E-O-E
conversion at each optical network unit (ONU), and received
error-free at the optical line terminal after cascading 32 ONUs.
Index Termsorthogonal frequency division multiplexing ac-
cess (OFDMA), passive optical network (PON), radio over ber
(RoF), radio frequency (RF), optical ber communication, optical
CCOMPANYING the growing trend to deploy optical
bers deeper into subscriber premises, is an increased
entry of passive optical networks (PONs) into the wireline ac-
cess market to provide higher data rates for future bandwidth-
hungry real-time applications. Today, the gigabit passive op-
tical network (GPON) offers downstream and upstream bit
rates of 2.5 Gbit/s and 1.25 Gbit/s, respectively. This solution
is based on the non-return-to-zero (NRZ) modulation format,
where more than 32 subscribers share the bandwidth by time
division multiplexing (TDM) [1]. However, with the rapid
growth of high-speed services like Internet protocol television
(IPTV) and high-denition (HD) video, a further increase in
bandwidth over 10 Gb/s in access networks is needed. Directly
using a 10 Gb/s line rate system is indeed a viable solution
[2], but such a systems components may be prohibitively
expensive. Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) PONs
[3] provide dedicated channels to each user by adopting costly
WDM lasers and multiplexers. Therefore, to increase the
bandwidth up to 10 Gbit/s while keeping costs acceptable,
Manuscript received 30 August 2009; revised 20 January 2010. This work
was supported by the NCTU/ICL Joint Research Center, Taiwan, under
Contract 9352BA4112.
Y. Lin is with the Information and Communications Research Labs, Indus-
trial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan (e-mail: ymlin5@yahoo.com).
P. Tien is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Chiao
Tung University, Taiwan (e-mail: polungtien@gmail.com).
Digital Object Identier 10.1109/JSAC.2010.100804.
recent work has turned to orthogonal frequency division mul-
tiplexing (OFDM), envisioning this as a promising modulation
format for next generation PONs [4,5,6,7,8]. Furthermore,
with quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) used for the
subcarriers of OFDM symbols, the bandwidth requirement of
optical and electrical components can be reduced. Addition-
ally, the inherent frequency diversity of OFDM transmission
enables simple equalization of frequency response by means
of baseband digital signal processing. This feature can be used
not only to mitigate the bers dispersion [9], but also to solve
the frequency ripple problem caused by the use of low cost
In parallel with the evolution of PONs, there is an in-
creasing demand of wireless access for greater bandwidth and
longer reach. One of the approaches is to miniaturize the cell
size to increase network capacity. However, it gives rise to a
high-cost backhauling deployment hurdle. To this end, recent
work has focused on integrating radio signals over high ca-
pacity bers, referred to as radio-over-ber (RoF) [10,11,12].
With the increasingly deep penetration of PON infrastructure
into users premises, RoF can be realized by placing low-
power small-size remote antenna ports at the optical network
units (ONUs) of the PONs. Such a design eliminates the
need of allocating base stations for longer reach, thereby
greatly reducing the hardware complexity. Accordingly, this
integration takes advantage of the high capacity of the optical
ber while reducing deployment cost.
Much work has explored the possibility of integrating RoF
into the PON environment. The WDM PON in [13] uses a
dedicated wavelength to support each radio frequency (RF)
channel to transport a narrow band radio signal for each
remote antenna. Such a design results in high cost and
a scalability problem. Specically, to support multiple RF
channels, the approach expensively requires multiple optical
receivers at the optical line terminal (OLT) of the PONs.
Furthermore, the total number of wavelengths increases with
the number of wireless systems cells, rendering the system
not scalable. For supporting single remote antenna, other
approaches [14,15] use high-frequency subcarrier to transport
the RF signal while PON data remains in the baseband. These
methods successfully integrate both signals at the cost of high
frequency components because the guard band between base-
band and RF signals raises the bandwidth requirement. In a
similar line of work, the carrier suppression-based RoF system
[16] provides high-frequency RF-signal generation capabilities
through using a complex Mach-Zehnder modulator.
For supporting multiple remote antenna ports over one trunk
ber, the use of one single optical receiver at the OLT to
detect multiple wavelength channels results in the optical
0733-8716/10/$25.00 c 2010 IEEE
beat interference (OBI) problem [17]. OBI occurs when the
frequencies of two or more laser sources are too close such
that the frequency of undesired product terms (after the square-
law photo detection) falls into the same bandwidth where
signals reside, thereby causing interference. To alleviate this
problem, the work proposed in [18] exploits frequency division
multiplexing (FDM) on RF signals, and multiple upstream
lasers at specially selected wavelengths (spaced widely apart
from each other) for broadband PON data, to prevent elec-
trical interference and OBI, respectively. On the whole, the
problem remains challenging and unresolved. The main goal
of our work is to tackle the problem from an architectural
In this paper, we propose a novel architecture for next-
generation orthogonal frequency division multiple access
(OFDMA)-based PONs, referred to as ROFPON [7,8]. ROF-
PON seamlessly integrates RoF signals with the local broad-
band data without using costly WDM lasers. It supports
multiple remote antenna ports at ONUs with the use of
only one optical receiver at the OLT while completely elim-
inating the OBI problem. Via experimentation and analysis,
we study the receiver sensitivity to OFDMA signals and the
RF signals performance. By corroborating simulation results
with experimental results, we discuss the determination of
crucial system parameters, such as the optimal broadband-
to-radio power ratio, and the exploitation of a notch lter
for removing RF interference. Experimental results show that
ROFPON allows three 20 MHz wireless RF channels at the
2.1 GHz band (from three remote antenna ports) to be overlaid
with a 10 Gb/s OFDMA-PON signal via a single wavelength.
The integrated signals are successfully transported both down-
stream and upstream over a 20 km single-mode-ber PON.
Finally, experimental results demonstrate that QPSK-encoded
WiMAX-format RF signals are transmitted/relayed upstream
with E-O-E conversion at each ONU, and received error-free
at the OLT after cascading 32 ONUs.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2, we present the ROFPON architecture and elaborate
on how broadband and wireless RF signals are integrated. In
Section 3, we delineate the performance for OFDM signal
over ber via analytic and simulation results. In Section 4,
we study the interference between OFDM and RF signals
in ROFPON. Experimental set-up and results are shown in
Section 5. Finally, conclusion remarks are given in Section 6.
ROFPON (see Figure 1) connects multiple ONUs to OLT
through a passive optical distribution node (ODD), which is
connected to the OLT via a long trunk ber. Each ONU has
one short section of feeder ber to the ODD. ROFPON uses
two wavelength channels,
, to convey downstream
and upstream data, respectively. Channels are further divided
into synchronous time slots, called frames. As shown in
Figure 1, within each optical frame, downstream wireless
signal is overlaid with the OFDM signals by occupying a
separate frequency range. For signals passing downstream,
the splitter in ODD generates multiple signal copies from
the OLT and broadcasts the signal to each ONU through a
splitter, a circulator, and a feeder ber. Within each ONU,
Fig. 1. ROFPON architecture.
are separated by a coarse WDM (CWDM),
the downstream wavelength (
) is received by the optical
receiver, which converts the optical signal into the electrical
form. Next, an electrical splitter separates the signal into two
paths. Downstream OFDM data is demodulated in the rst
path, while in the second path, the wireless signal is ltered
by a bandpass lter for wireless downlink communication.
For signals passing upstream on wavelength
, ONU-1
rst sends its upstream data and control information to ONU-
2 through ODDs circulators and coupler. Notice that due to
the use of OFDMA-based modulation, control information can
be placed in pre-allocated subcarriers. Once the data/control
is received by the upstream receiver module at ONU-2, its
upstream medium access controller (MAC) performs band-
width allocation to determine the subcarrier(s) for carrying the
local upstream data. The MAC then regenerates the combined
OFDMA signal by the upstream transmitter module and sends
it to the next node, ONU-3. By the same token, the upstream
signal is relayed point-to-point with an electrical-optical-
electrical (E-O-E) conversion mechanism from ONU-3 until
ONU-N. Note that dynamic bandwidth allocation must be used
to govern the fair sharing of upstream bandwidth among all
ONUs. Finally, at ONU-N, the upstream wavelength is passed
to the OLT through the ODD and ber. It is worth noting that,
to prevent signal loss in the event of an accidental blackout or
a shutdown of any ONUs, each ONU is additionally equipped
with a protection switch for the upstream signal. If an ONU
is inactive, its optical switch (see Figure 1) is set to being
an optical mirror (i.e., the default state), reecting incoming
upstream wavelengths from the previous ONU back to the
Recall that the ROFPON system has been designed to
accommodate multiple wireless signals received from different
distributed antennas [19] located at different ONUs. Figure 2
illustrates how the multiple wireless RF signals are integrated
and overlaid with the broadband OFDMA signals. In this
example, two RF signals are received by two remote antennas
(located at ONU-1 and ONU-2), respectively. In Figure 2,
we show the spectra of both OFDM data and RF signal at
Fig. 2. Integration of OFDMA PON data and wireless RF signals.
four stages, (i) through (iv), at ONU-1 and ONU-2. First, as
shown at ONU-1s stage (ii), the wireless signal received by
an antenna is frequency-shifted to the allocated band by a
mixer, an oscillator, and a bandpass lter (BPF) called BPF1.
Note that we intentionally keep the band clear by inserting
zeros on corresponding IFFT points. The shifted signal is then
combined with the upstream OFDMA signal (see ONU-1s
stage (iv)), which is sent together by the directed modulated
laser to ONU-2. Note that because there are no subcarriers in
the allocated band, interference between the wireless signal
and upstream OFDMA signal is controllable.
After having received the upstream wavelength from ONU-
1, ONU-2 rst splits the received signal into two paths. In the
rst path, the upstream OFDMA PON signal is regenerated
by the upstream data processor. The entire process involves an
analog to digital conversion, original OFDMA demodulation,
control-channel identication, the addition of local data, the
modulation of OFDMA signal regeneration, and nally, a
digital to analog conversion. For the second path, the system
uses a bandpass lter BPF2 on the allocated radio band to
remove the OFDMA signal, while preserving all previous
wireless signals, as shown in ONU-2s stage (iii). The RF
combiner then combines the local antennas signal from BPF1
with the previous ONUs wireless signals from BPF2. Finally,
the system integrates the radio signal with the upstream
OFDMA PON signal (see ONU-2s stage (iv)) via an RF
directional coupler before driving the upstream laser. With this
mechanism, multiple remote antennas signals can be carried
from ONU-1 to ONU-N and nally back to the OLT.
The proposed architecture has two main advantages. With
the ring-based signal ow for upstream trafc, ROFPON
eliminates the use of expensive upstream WDM lasers, and
is free from the aforementioned OBI problem. It is worth
noting that such advantages are achieved at the expense of
two minor drawbacks. First, such a ring-based signal ow
inherently induces additional propagation and OEO processing
delays for upstream trafc. The propagation delay through
many drop bers (between ONUs) in the distribution cable
Fig. 3. OFDM over the IM-DD system.
section is only limited to several tens of microseconds. On the
processing part, since there is no buffering delay, the OEO
processing delay takes less than a microsecond under the 10-
Gb/s line rate. Therefore, such xed and short delay as a
whole is irrelevant to the support of real time applications.
The second drawback is the extra cost and insertion loss due
to using more passive components in the ODD. Despite the
fact that the ODD contributes several decibels of insertion loss
between adjacent ONUs, in the following sections, we will
demonstrate that the performance of upstream transport can
accommodate such a power loss.
Via analysis and simulations, in this section we study
the bit-error-rate (BER) performance of OFDM signal over
ber under an intensity modulation-direct detection (IM-DD)
system [20]. As shown in Figure 3, at the transmission end,
broadband data is modulated with OFDM technology and
converted to the optical domain by intensity modulation. (Note
that intensity modulation can be performed using either a
direct modulated laser or an external modulator integrated
transmitter.) Specically, the transmitter converts the incoming
serial data into parallel M-QAM symbols. A subcarrier map-
ping is then used to distribute the symbols to the subcarrier
locations for an N-point inverse discrete Fourier transform
(IDFT). Note that in order to directly generate real-value
waveforms for intensity modulation, symbols on the negative
frequency points of IDFT are complex conjugates of the
positive counterparts. Additionally, in the proposed OFDMA
PON system, we intentionally skip several frequency points
during the subcarrier mapping so that a relatively clear band
is created for the RF signal. With IDFT, the symbols on the
frequency domain are converted to time-domain waveform
samples. The cyclic prex is inserted to protect the inter-
symbol-interference from the transmission link. Finally, the
bias current is combined with the analog waveform from
the digital to analog converter (DAC) to drive the optical
At the receiving end, we adopt a cost effective form of
direct detection that requires only one photodiode to reduce the
complexity. Basically, the analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
converts the waveform from the optical receiver to digital
samples, in preparation for demodulation. The synchronizer
is also used to extract the OFDM symbol boundary. After
cyclic prex (CP) is removed and the time-domain samples
are converted to frequency-domain samples by DFT, the
demodulator makes the nal decisions on the data subcarrier
We now analyze the performance of OFDM signal with
respect to the received OFDM signal power, P
. Given X
that denotes the complex number representing a particular
QAM constellation point carried on the n
subcarrier, P
can be expressed as
= P
1 +mRe

exp (j2f
, (1)
where P
is the received average optical power, N
is the
number of subcarriers, m is the modulation depth per subcar-
rier, and f
is the n
subcarriers frequency. OFDM mod-
ulation is essentially a summation of single subcarrier multi-
plexing, except that they can be partially overlaid in frequency.
Due to orthogonal properties during DSP de/modulation, every
subcarriers performance can be calculated separately. Thus,
the average signal power (S) of a single subcarrier can be
given by
S = (P
m R)
/2, (2)
where R is the responsivity of a photodiode. In an unamplied
system like PON, the receiver noise is the greatest obstacle to
system performance. The receiver noise includes both thermal
and shot noise. The total powers of the thermal and shot noise
are given by
B and
= 2q R P

B, respectively, where K is the Boltzmanns constant, T is
the absolute temperature, R
is the load resistance, F
is the
receiver noise gure, B is the receiver bandwidth, and q is the
electron charge. Note that in the OFDM signal, each subcarrier
occupies twice the space as the subcarrier spacing, i.e., B =
2f = 2 F
/N, where F
and N represent the sampling
rate and the fast Fourier transform (FFT) size of the OFDM
DSP processor, respectively. (In the analytic computation and
simulations, we adopt the following values: Responsivity R =
0.9, load resistance R
= 50 Ohm, receiver noise gure F
2 dB, and T = 300

K.) Given the signal and noise powers,

the signal-to-noise ratio for the OFDM signal, SNR
, can
be expressed as
B + 2q R P
. (3)
If the receivers white noise is the main source of signal
degradation, the BER of the Gray-coded M-QAM can be
derived from the SNR and given by [26]

. (4)
In addition to analytic results, we also use simulation results to
demonstrate the BER performance of the OFDM signal. The
individual subcarriers performance can be measured from the
error vector magnitude (EVM) of the receiver constellation as
EV M =

, (5)
where N
is the total number of transmitted symbols per
subcarrier, D
and r
are transmitted and received symbols,
respectively, and D
represents the average amplitude of
symbol points in the constellation diagram. With the EVM,
one can estimate [21] the BER of each subchannel.
In the simulation, a total of 1 M data bits are generated and
transmitted. At the receiver, the system BER is obtained by
averaging the BER of all subchannels. The parameters for both
analytical computation and simulation are given as follows.
The ADC/DACs sampling rate is 12 GHz, the FFT size is
2048, and the CP overhead is 1.56%. Random data is encoded
in a 16-QAM format and placed in the subcarriers indexed
from 8 to 485. The resulting signal occupies the spectral range
from 46 MHz to 2841 MHz. To reserve the frequency band for
a wireless signal, we skip 21 subcarriers during the subcarrier
assignments to create a 123 MHz clear spectrum centered
at 2130 MHz. Therefore, the total data subcarrier number is
457, and the total bit rate of the OFDM signal is 10.71 Gb/s
(=12 G/2048 (subchannel symbol rate) 457 (subcarriers)
4 (bits/symbol in 16-QAM)). After considering 7% FEC
[22] and 1.56% CP as overhead, the effective data throughput
becomes 10 Gb/s.
Because the OFDM signal has an inherent high peak-to-
average power ratio (PAPR), one needs a careful modulation
index design when the signal is modulated on the laser diode.
Under deep modulation index, the signal can occasionally be
lower than the laser threshold and become clipped. On the
other hand, reducing the driving power prevents clipping but
causes the system to suffer from poor power efciency, which
is a crucial system performance index in an un-amplied
optical link. We dene the effective modulation index () to
be = m

, where m is the peak modulation depth of one
subcarrier, and N
is the number of data subcarriers. In Figure
4(a), we plot the back-to-back receiver sensitivity subject
to achieving a BER of 10
under different values. The
gure clearly shows that the optimum performance is achieved
when is between 28% and 36%. Note that this result is
only applied to the case with only broadband OFDM signal.
When wireless signals are integrated with the OFDM signal,
the modulation index of OFDM needs to be backed off to
prevent the clipping problem described above. In Figure 4(b),
we display both analytic and simulation results of the BER
performance of the OFDM signal as a function of received
optical power, under two values, 28.77% and 22.88% (2
dB back off). The gure shows that the simulation results
are in agreement with analytic results. The gure serves as
a guideline for the setting of the required optical power for
OFDM signal. For example, since the state-of-the-art forward-
error-correction (FEC) limit is 210
, to have an operational
margin, we choose BER=10
as a performance criterion.
We observe that the required optical power to achieve a
for OFDM signal with =22.88% is -15 dBm.
This power value will be used in the experiment described
For the integrated-signal system, the performance pro-
foundly hinges on a crucial parameter- signal power ratio. In
the following, we rst give the denition, which is followed
by the discussion on the interference. Recall that the RF signal
is superimposed on the broadband OFDM signal, thereby
(a) (b)
Fig. 4. Performance of OFDM signals under the IM-DD system. (a) Receiver sensitivity under different s; (b) BER for the OFDM system.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 5. Notch lters impact on OFDM signal performance. (a) Suppressed subcarriers side-lobes by notch lter; (b) Subcarriers SNR under k=400 notch
lter; (c) OFDM BER under different lter orders; (d) Receiver sensitivity of OFDM signal.
Fig. 6. Spectrum illustration on PON to RF interference.
yielding the driving power distribution to affect both signals.
We dene broadband-to-radio power ratio (BRPR) as
. (6)
In the experiment on the integrated-signal system, three 20
MHz RF signals following the WiMAX physical format [23]
are added to the OFDM signal before the laser diode is biased
(see Figure 3). Because the WiMAX subcarriers are encoded
in QPSK, the bit rate of each RF channel is 40 Mbps.
A. RF Signal Interference to OFDM-PON Signal
After the combined signal is received by the optical receiver,
the OFDM receiver needs a notch lter after the ADC to
remove the RF signal. However, introducing the notch lter at
the radio band itself affects the orthogonality of nearby OFDM
subcarriers. This phenomenon and impact is illustrated in
Figure 5. In Figure 5(a) we show that the neighbor subcarriers
side-lobes are suppressed by the notch lter and that these
subcarriers have already lost orthogonality to other subcarriers.
To study the notch lter effect, we assess the OFDM signal
performance by applying different lter orders, denoted as k.
Note that the Keiser window method [24] is used to design the
lter, while the lters 100 MHz stopband depth is determined
by the lter order. Figure 5(b) shows the subchannels SNR
after the lter of k = 400 is applied under an ideal electrical
back to back case. It is clear that the subchannels around the
radio band encounter signicant penalty. Figure 5(c) shows
the simulation results of the overall BER performance of the
OFDM signal with different notch lter orders applied. From
these results, we observe that using deeper notch lters results
in higher error oors. However, a shallow notch lter cannot
completely remove the RF signal.
There is also a trade-off between using different BRPR
values and notch lter orders. Figure 5(d) shows the receiver
sensitivity of the OFDM signal at BER=10
for different
BRPR values, as a function of the notch lter order. When
the RF signal is relatively weak, i.e. BRPR=9 dB, there is
only a 1.5 dB difference of sensitivity between a k = 100
and a k = 400. However, when the RF signal is strong, we
need a deeper notch lter to remove the interference from
Fig. 7. RF signals SNR under different received powers.
the RF signal. In the unique case that BRPR=0 dB, a notch
lter with 400 taps can control the penalty within 0.7 dB (-15
dBm to -14.3 dBm), albeit at the cost of hardware complexity.
Note that we also need to consider having a proper BRPR
value to control the interference from the OFDM to the RF
signal. Therefore, the selection of lter order also depends
on the RF signals requirements. We then add the RF signal
into the system with k = 400, under three BRPR values, and
observe the OFDM signal performance. The simulation results
are shown in Figure 5(c). The gure shows that when BRPR
is 10 dB, the BER curves are dominated by the notch lter.
When BRPR=0 dB, the error oor is lifted slightly, but the
negligible power penalty is also observed (with BER=10
B. OFDM-PON Signal Interference to RF Signal
The existing of side lobes of neighboring OFDM subcarriers
will interfere with the RF signal. The simulation results are
shown in Figure 6. We present in the gure the RF spectrum
under different BRPR values. It is clear that the BRPR
value directly affects the signal to interference ratio (SIR) of
RF signal. We also carried out a simulation to predict the
performance of the RF signal in a point to point optical link.
As shown in Figure 7, the results show that the recovered
signals SNR depends almost linearly on the BRPR value.
When BRPR is increased from 0 dB to 6 dB, the wireless
signals SNR decreases from 34.5 dB to 28.5 dB at -10 dBm
receiver power. In this case, the OFDM signal interference is
a major factor in RF signals performance.
C. Cascading Effect on the Upstream RF Signal
Recall that ROFPON adopts E-O-E conversion for relaying
the upstream RF signal from ONU-1 to ONU-N, and from
ONU-N to OLT through the splitter and trunk ber. Therefore,
the upstream link of a RF signal can be modeled as a chain
of hops, as shown in Figure 8(a). Because the RF signal is
re-transmitted without demodulation at each hop, as the signal
propagates, the interference from the OFDM signal causes
noise to accumulate along the ONUs. At each ONU, the RF
signal passes through a coupler, an E-O-E conversion, and
a BPF. The coupler combines the OFDM signal with the RF
(a) (b)
Fig. 8. RF signal performance with respect to the number of cascading ONUs. (a) RF signal E-O-E relaying illustration; (b) Simulation result for the system
model in (a).
signal and introduces interference, as described in the previous
subsection. The BPF eliminates the OFDM signal outside the
radio band, so it imposes no signicant penalty to the RF sig-
nal. Therefore, as shown in Figure 8(a), we can re-model the
blocks in one ONU as two noise sources, which are essentially
the interference from the OFDM signal (N
), and noise
originating from the E-O-E conversion process (N
). Note
that in every ONU, besides being multiplexed with the local
upstream OFDM-PON data, the upstream OFDM signal is also
regenerated, so that the OFDM signal becomes uncorrelated
with other ONUs OFDM signals. Provided that the OFDM
signals interference is also uncorrelated with the RF signal,
we can actually treat the OFDMs interference as white noise
and combine it with the N
, the optical transceiver induced
noise, to predict the RF signals performance after cascading
ONUs. Assuming that the back-to-back wireless electrical
transceiver is SNR
= S/N
. If only ONU-1 is presented,
the received signals SNR
can be expressed as
, (7)
where S is the received signal power and N
= N
is the noise from ONU-1. In this architecture, we
assume the received optical power and BRPR are kept the
same for all ONUs, yielding N
= N
= = N
Hence, after the wireless signal travels through u ONUs, its
performance becomes
+u N
. (8)
By substituting N
with SNR
and SNR
is given

1 +u
. (9)
With Equation (9), we can now apply the SNR
result from
Figure 7 to predict SNR performance after cascading ONUs.
Simulation results are shown in Figure 8(b). Note that because
the transceiver back to back SNR
is usually very high, we
can assume SNR
= 45 dB (according to the experimental
results). If the BRPR value is smaller than 2 dB and the optical
Fig. 9. Experimental setup.
received power is greater than -12 dBm, the wireless signal
after 32 ONUs can maintain an SNR of 16 dB, which is the
boundary for a QPSK encoded wireless signal.
A. Experimental Setup
We carried out an experiment to test the performance and
viability of the ROFPON architecture. The experimental set-
up is illustrated in Figure 9. The experiment is divided into
two parts. First, we evaluate the performance of both the
OFDM and wireless RF signals when they are combined and
transported over a 20 km optical link. The second part of the
experiment assesses how the upstream RF signal is affected
by the accumulated interference from the OFDMA signal. The
OFDM signal, which occupies 0.05 2.8 GHz of bandwidth,
is generated ofine with a DSP program. The IFFT size is
2048, from which 457 16-QAM encoded subcarriers are used
for data transmissions. The raw data rate is 10.7 Gb/s, which
includes 7% FEC overhead, yielding a network throughput of
10 Gb/s. To accommodate multiple RF signals, the allocated
radio band is 123 MHz wide and centered at a frequency of
2130 MHz. The analog waveform consists of 1000 OFDM
symbols, and is generated by an arbitrary waveform generator
Fig. 10. Experimental results.
(AWG1). To generate the wireless signal, we follow WiMAXs
format and use another AWG (AWG2) to produce three 20
MHz bandwidth RF signals at 2100 MHz, 2130 MHz, and
2160 MHz, respectively.
To evaluate downstream performance and ber impairment,
OFDM and RF signals are combined by a directional coupler
to drive an intensity modulation optical transmitter that is of
5 dBm output power, 2.5 GHz bandwidth, and 1550 nm. Note
that two electrical attenuators are applied to set the BRPR
value. The spectrum density of the combined signal is shown
in the right inset of Figure 9. For the direct link test, the
combined signal reaches the PIN-based photoreceiver after
traveling a 20 km single mode ber and passing through an
optical attenuator, which emulates the component loss and
tests the receiver sensitivity. The received signal is split into
two paths. For OFDM demodulation, a 50 GHz sampling rate
real-time scope captures the signal for ofine DSP processing,
which is described in Section 3. On the other path, an 80
MHz bandwidth bandpass lter at 2130 MHz is implemented
to extract the wireless signal for ofine demodulation.
To assess the performance of the RF signal after it has
cascaded through O-E-O conversions and also accumulated
interference from the OFDM signal, an ofine recirculating-
loop experiment is executed. As shown in the lower part
of Figure 9, a tap coupler, an optical photoreceiver, and a
bandpass lter are used to extract RF signals. Using a 12.5
GHz sampling rate, a real-time scope then captures and stores
a 20M section of the waveform in a le. After the waveform
is stored, it is re-sampled to 12 GHz by a DSP program and
fed to the AWG2 for the next hop transmission. For each
hop, we load different OFDM signals to AWG1 so that the
hops interferences would not be correlated. In this way, we
could emulate the accumulated interference imposed on the
RF signal from ONU-1 to ONU-32.
B. Experimental Results
In Figure 10, we plot the BER curves of the OFDM signal
under different BRPR values both before and after 20 km
ber transmissions. The notch lter order is set to k = 400.
The back-to-back receiver sensitivity of OFDM for BER=10
is -14.6 dBm for u=22.88%. With these settings, when the
RF signal is added to the link at BRPR=0 dB, only a 0.3
Fig. 11. Recirculating-loop experimental results of RF performance.
dB penalty is observed. After 20 km ber transmissions,
the receiver sensitivity is degraded by an additional 0.3 dB
to -14 dBm. The OFDM constellation diagram (at BRPR=0
dB and receiver power=-10 dBm), is shown in the inset of
Figure 10. The experimental results of the back-to-back SNR
curves of the RF signal with respect to BRPR and optical
receiver power are displayed and compared side-by-side with
simulation results in Figure 7. We observe that experimental
results are in agreement with the simulation results.
The results for the RF signal upstream based on the
recirculating-loop experiment are shown in Figure 11. The
optical received power is xed at -12 dBm. As the node
number increases, the SNR of the RF signal degrades due
to the interference from the OFDM signals side lobes. As
expected from the analysis results in Section 4, if BRPR is
equal to 2 dB, the SNR of the RF signal at the OLT can still
remain above 16 dB after passing through 32 ONUs and a 20
km single mode ber. We also show in the insets of Figure 11
the constellation diagrams of a QPSK-encoded wireless signal
before and at the end of the recirculating loop, respectively.
We observe from the above results that the system per-
formance is profoundly dependent on the receiver power,
BRPR, and notch lter order. To protect the RF signal against
accumulated interference from OFDM after 32 ONUs, the
BRPR is required to be less than 2 dB and the upstream
receiver power of each ONU must be greater than -12 dBm.
Because the link loss between ONUs mainly comes from
the two short feeder bers, two circulators, and one coupler.
Assuming a 1 dB insertion loss for feeder ber and circulator,
a 3 dB coupler is adopted in the ODD. The link loss between
adjacent ONUs is 7 dB. Therefore, with over 5 dBm power
for the optical transmitter, -12 dBm of receiver power in the
upstream wavelength will provide a 17 dB power budget,
which is sufcient to cover a 7 dB link loss. If we set the
BRPR to 0 2 dB, the order of OFDM receivers notch lter
needs to be greater than 400 to prevent a large power penalty
from being imparted by the residual RF signals interference.
Experimental results show that when BRPR=0 dB, k=400, and
20 km ber transmissions, the receiver sensitivity at 10
-14 dBm. With a 6 dBm OLT transmitter power, there is a
20 dB optical power budget for ODD and ber loss, which
just meets the requirements of a 16-node system. The split
ratio can be further improved by employing an avalanche
photo diode receiver (APD) receiver or a higher power optical
transmitter [25].
We have presented a novel OFDMA-PON architecture,
ROFPON, which successfully integrates local broadband
OFDM data and wireless RF signals from multiple remote
antennas. In ROFPON, only two wavelengths, one for down-
stream and the other for upstream trafc, are required. Three
20 MHz WiMAX-format signals are overlaid on the 10 Gb/s
broadband OFDMA signal. Furthermore, with the OFDMs
high spectral efciency, the combined signal occupies only
2.8 GHz. Experimental results show that after-coding direct-
detection receiver sensitivity of OFDMA over a 20 km ber
is -14 dBm. The RF signals robustness against OFDMA
interference from ONUs is analyzed and demonstrated by
running an ofine recirculating loop experiment. Under a
BRPR of 2 dB, the RF signal can be relayed in a 32 ONUs
chain and recovered successfully.
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Yu-Min Lin received the B.S. degree in electrical
engineering from National Tsing-Hua University,
Taiwan, R.O.C., in 1996 and the Ph.D. degree in
communication engineering from National Chiao-
Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C., in 2003.
He joined the Department of Optical Communi-
cations and Networks, Industrial Technology Re-
search Institute (ITRI), Taiwan, R.O.C., in 2004.
His research interests include broad-band optical
networking and advanced modulation format for
optical ber communications.
Po-Lung Tien received the B.S. degree in ap-
plied mathematics, the M.S. degree in computer
and information science, and the Ph.D. degree in
computer and information engineering, from the
National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, in 1992,
1995, and 2000, respectively. In 2005, he joined
National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, where he
is currently an assistant professor of the department
of communication engineering. His current research
interests include optical networking, wireless net-
working, multimedia communications, performance
modeling and analysis, and applications of soft computing.

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