A Radio-On-Hybrid WDM Transport System Based On Mutually Injection-Locked FP Lds
A Radio-On-Hybrid WDM Transport System Based On Mutually Injection-Locked FP Lds
A Radio-On-Hybrid WDM Transport System Based On Mutually Injection-Locked FP Lds
Radio-on-fiber (ROF) has many advantages in the field of fiber optics and wireless radio communication systems. It
has provided a promising technique in broadband services such as local area network (LAN) and intelligent
transport system (ITS) due to its large bandwidth and low attenuation [1]. Hybrid wavelength-division-multiplexing
(WDM) transport systems are very useful in OC-48/OC-192, M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (M-QAM),
and CATV [2]. ROF and hybrid WDM were linked together to build up a radio-on-hybrid WDM transport system
which can interoperate with broadband ROF distribution networks [3]. Such a system has multiple number of
distributed feedback laser diodes (DFB LDs) which are wavelength selected for each channel and controlled to
operate at a specific wavelength, this process will increase the cost and complexity of system. As the number of
WDM channels increase, both reducing the cost of light sources and controlling the wavelength of all channels are
required. Fabry-Perot (F-P) LDs light sources are proposed for cost-effective solution to reduce the installation and
management cost [4]. In this paper, a four-wavelength radio-on-hybrid WDM transport system based on mutually
injection-locked F-P LDs is proposed and demonstrated. Two wavelengths are employed for CATV channels
transmission, one wavelength is employed for 2.4GHz/LAN signal transmission, and one wavelength is employed
for 5.8GHz/ITS signal transmission. The characteristic of this proposed system is the use of mutually injection-
locked F-P LDs [5], which are relatively simple and cost-effective compared with other demonstrated scheme. F-P
LDs have been used as broadband light source (BLS) with fifteen modes (15321544 nm) and with a flatness of <4
dB. System performances were studied over an 80-km standard single-mode fiber (SMF) transport. Good
performances of carrier to noise ratio (CNR), composite second order (CSO), composite triple beat (CTB) for CATV
signal; bit error rate (BER) values for 2.4GHz/LAN and 5.8GHz/ITS signals were obtained in our proposed systems.
The experimental configuration of our proposed radio-on-hybrid WDM transport systems based on mutually
injection-locked F-P LDs is shown in Fig. 1. The transmitting site comprises of one BLS, four optical band-pass
filters (BPFs), and four external modulators. The BLS is split into four optical channels using four optical BPFs with
3-dB bandwidth of 0.4 nm. Four wavelengths of 1535.6 (1), 1537.2 (2), 1538.8 (3), 1540.4 (4) nm are filtered out
and fed into four separate external modulator. CATV signals (channels 2-40 and 41-78) generated from a multiple
signal generator are fed into two external modulators with wavelengths of 1 and 2. A data rate of 11 Mbps is mixed
with 2.4 GHz microwave carrier, and a data rate of 20 Mbps is mixed with 5.8 GHz microwave carrier to generate
data signals. The resulting data signals are supplied to two external modulators with wavelengths of 3 and 4. The
all modulated signals are coupled with an optical coupler and transmitted through two 40 km SMF spans with the
help of two erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) and two variable optical attenuators (VOAs). After transmission
over a fiber link of 80 km, the combined optical signal is passed through an optical tunable BPF to select the
appropriate wavelength and detected by a broadband photodiode (PD). The output of PD is applied to an HP-8591C
CATV analyzer, demodulator, and spectrum analyzer for system performance evaluation. CNR, CSO, and CTB
CATV RF parameters are measured using an HP-8591C CATV analyzer. 11 and 20 Mbps data signals are
demodulated and fed into a BER tester for BER analysis after demodulation.
The BLS is realized by the mutual injection between two F-P LDs with flatness and multiple longitudinal modes
output spectrum. The setup to generate BLS with flat and multiple longitudinal modes spectrum using two F-P LDs
associated with mutual injection is illustrated in Fig. 2. System consists of two F-P LDs, a 50:50 optical coupler, two
optical isolators, two polarization controllers (PCs), and a polarizing beam combiner (PBC). The F-P LDs are set for
continuous wave (CW) mode, with a threshold current of 10 mA. F-P LD1 (F-P LD2) injects light into the injection-
locked F-P LD2 (F-P LD1) via a 22 optical coupler. The output of each F-P LD is passed through an optical
isolator, with a-50 dB isolation. Randomly polarized BLS has been realized by polarization multiplexing with PCs
and PBC. The output spectra of F-P LDs are measured using an optical spectrum analyzer.
Fig. 2. The setup to generate BLS with flat and multiple longitudinal modes spectrum.
Fig. 3. Flat spectrum due to mutually injection-locked F-P LDs after PBC. Fig. 4. The measured CNR, CSO and CTB values for CATV
The measured BER curves as a function of the received optical power level for 2.42GHz/11Mbps and
5.82GHz/20Mbps data channel are presented in the Fig. 5. At a BER of 10-9, the received optical power levels are
-20.2 (3) and -16.5 (4) dBm, respectively. The sufficient low BER (<10 -9) is leading to an improvement of receiver
sensitivity. Mutual injection locking will reduce the threshold current of F-P LD, thus, increase the optical output
power of F-P LD. The higher optical power is launched into the fiber, the higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) value is
obtained. SNR value increases will lead to better BER performance, and results in receiver sensitivity improvement.
Fig. 5. Measured BER curves as a function of the received optical power level.
4. Conclusion
We proposed and demonstrated a radio-on-hybrid WDM transport system based on mutually injection-locked F-P
LDs. Good performances of CNR/CSO/CTB for CATV band, as well as BER for 2.4GHz/LAN and 5.8GHz/ITS
microwave bands were obtained. Signal qualities meet the CATV/LAN/ITS demands; this proposed that such a
radio-on-hybrid WDM transport system has been successfully demonstrated which can inter-operate with CATV,
LAN and ITS applications.
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