OFDM Versus Single-Carrier Transmission For 100 Gbps Optical Communication
OFDM Versus Single-Carrier Transmission For 100 Gbps Optical Communication
OFDM Versus Single-Carrier Transmission For 100 Gbps Optical Communication
AbstractWe analyze the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) technique in long-haul next generation optical
communication links and compare it with the well-established
single-carrier (SC) data transmission using high-level modulation
formats and coherent detection. The analysis of the two alternative
solutions is carried out in the 100 Gbps scenario, which is commonly considered to be the next upgrade of existing optical links,
with special emphasis on quaternary phase-shift keying (QPSK)
modulations. The comparison between OFDM and SC takes into
account the main linear and nonlinear impairments of the optical
channel, e.g., group velocity dispersion (GVD), polarization mode
dispersion (PMD), self-phase modulation (SPM), cross-phase
modulation (XPM), and four-wave mixing (FWM), as well as
the phase noise due to transmit and receive lasers, their relative
frequency offset, other synchronization aspects, the overall complexity, the power and spectral efficiency, and the technological
Index TermsCross-phase modulation (XPM), four-wave
mixing (FWM), group velocity dispersion (GVD), optical coherent
transmission systems, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), phase-shift keying (PSK), polarization mode
dispersion (PMD), self-phase modulation (SPM), single-carrier
where is a 2 2 identity matrix.3 We will also denote by
the 2 2 channel impulse response matrix accounting not only
for PMD and GVD but also for digital-to-analog and analog-todigital converters (DACs and ADCs), as well as transmit and
receive filters, assumed, as in [18], such that no intersymbol
interference (ISI) arises in the back-to-back (b2b) case.4
The low-pass equivalent of the accumulated ASE noise on
two orthogonal SOPs can be modeled as a couple of independent
complex noise components, each with two-sided power spectral
the vector collecting
density (PSD) equal to . Denoting by
the transmitted samples on the same two orthogonal SOPs at
time and assuming perfect frequency compensation, the received samples can be expressed as [18]
where the two components of
are independent and identically distributed complex Gaussian random variables each with
being the sammean zero and variance
pling interval. In (2), as done in [18], we assumed a finite impulse response of length samples. However, we point out that
the impulse response of a fiber has, in principle, an infinite duration, although, since its energy is obviously finite, it decays
to zero for increasing values of . Hence, is chosen such that
the energy of the impulse response leaking outside the range
is negligible, according to some criterion.
A. Single-Carrier
As mentioned, being a SMF a frequency-flat channel in the
linear regime [see (1)], and for the above mentioned hypothesis on the transmit and receive filters, a two-dimensional linear
taps is able to perfectly compenequalizer with at least
sate for GVD and PMD [18]. This means that, contrary to what
happens in the case of frequency-selective wireless and wired
channels, where an optimal maximum-likelihood sequence detector involves the use of a Viterbi processor, a processing with
complexity linear and not exponential in is required. For the
same reason, there is no need to perform non-uniform power
allocation in order to achieve capacity. Hence, the main advantages of OFDM over SC do not hold in this case.
The straightforward implementation of the two-dimensional
linear equalizer, however, results in a non-parallel and computationally demanding architecture even for a limited number of
3In the following ( 1 ) and ( 1 ) denote transpose and transpose conjugate,
4Rigorously, since PMD is a time-varying phenomenon, the system is linear
but not time-invariant. However, due to its slowly-varying nature [44], in SC systems it will be considered time-invariantthe algorithm for the adjustment of
the equalizer taps will take care of this. In OFDM systems, since the coherence
time of PMD is order of magnitudes larger than any practical OFDM symbol
duration [44], the channel impulse response will be considered invariant at least
over an OFDM symbol and will be denoted by
; m being the symbol index.
equalizer taps. It is known, in fact, that the time-domain straightforward implementation of a linear convolution between the
equalizer impulse response and an input sequence is not computationally convenient with respect to other, more sophisticated, methods even for a relatively short impulse response [21].
However, parallel processing and computational savings can be
achieved as follows.
1) Time Domain Equalization: Equalization can still be done
in the time domain, but by splitting the received data stream
into overlapping subblocks, thus implementing the overlap-save
technique [21], as shown in Fig. 3. Each subblock of
is processed by one of
identical two-dimensional equalizers and overlaps by a number of samples that depends on the
and the number
of past decisions used
equalizer length
by the asynchronous detection strategy described in [18], when
samples is required for the
employed. In fact, an overlap of
transient of the equalizer (to fill the equalizer tapped-delay-line)
whereas it is possible to show, by computer simulations, that a
symbols, thus
samples, is refurther transient of
quired by the asynchronous detection strategy to provide no performance degradation. Hence, a parallel architecture at a lower
speed is obtained at the expense of hardware redundancy, latency, and a complexity increase, due to the need of a double
processing of the overlapping windows. This complexity in. However,
crease is related to the ratio
and the subblock length
since the degree of parallelism
are degrees of freedom, this ratio can be kept as small as desired. Notice that no overhead in terms of bandwidth or energy
is entailed and that, due to the fact that the channel is slowly
varying, all equalizers can employ the same taps and adaptation can be performed on one equalizer only. In other words,
no hardware redundancy is required for the circuitry necessary
to update the taps. The lower speed allows also to implement
interpolation techniques necessary to work with a non-integer
number of samples per symbol interval (in particular with less
than 2 samples per symbol interval), thus reducing the computational complexity.
2) Frequency Domain Equalization: Equalization can be
performed in the frequency domain (FD) [21], [45], [46],
to recover the
quency-domain complex vectorial samples
corresponding transmitted samples
We remark that, if either one of the conditions above does not
hold, (5) is no longer true and ICI appears among the subcarriers, i.e., some of the energy of each frequency-domain symbol
leaks on the neighbouring subcarriers. In this case, SbS detection is no longer optimal in the maximum likelihood sense, and
a large performance degradation might be expected if such receiver is still used. Interference cancellation algorithms have
been proposed to cope with this situation (see, e.g., [48][51]).
However, the computational complexity of the compensation algorithms is definitely unaffordable in the considered context,
due to the large signaling rate. Hence, these approaches will
not be considered here. Besides ICI, inter-OFDM-symbol interference also arises when the CP is shorter than the impulse
response. This entails a further performance degradation if such
an interference is not taken into account at the receiver.
From the above discussion, it reads clear that CP must be
long enough in order to avoid interference. On the other hand,
we remark that CP represents an overhead, since the time and
energy devoted to the transmission of the CP are wasted information-wise. In particular, the loss in terms of energy and
. In order
spectral efficiency is
to keep the overhead bounded to reasonable levels, it must be
, but since
for avoiding interfer, unless very
ence, we are forced to take large values of
small values of residual dispersions are considered. As we will
clarify in the next sections, there are several reasons to keep the
small. Hence, the choice of the design parameter
value of
is one of the most challenging problems when designing
an OFDM-based communication system. Due to the non-negligible computational complexity they add, we will not consider
here channel shortening equalization algorithms (see [52], [53]
and references therein), whose aim is to reduce the value of
so that
can be reduced as well.
In the overall OFDM channel model (5), channel coefficients
are unknown at the receiver, since they depend on the
random fiber dispersion. Usually, pilot symbols are periodically
introduced in the transmitted signal, and used by the receiver
for channel estimation and tracking. These symbols represent
a further source of overhead. An alternative approach, which
requires the insertion of pilot symbols at the beginning only, is
based on the use of a differential encoding across subcarriers
and the adoption of the detection strategy described in [20],
straightforwardly extended to the two-dimensional channel
model (5), after FFT at the receiver.6 In fact, a preliminary
channel estimation based on pilot symbols will allow to compensate for the contribution to the channel frequency response
due to GVDsince this contribution depends on , where
is the subcarrier index, it cannot be compensated for by the
detection strategy in [20]. On the contrary, the slowly-varying
fluctuations due to PMD can be easily compensated without the
need to resort to additional pilot symbols. Since the adoption
of differential encoding across subcarriers and of the detection
The continuous-time transmitted signal is obtained from the corresponding discrete-time sequence through a continuous-time
pulse, which includes explicit filtering, implicit filtering carried
out by the DAC and the amplifier, etc.5 The transmitted signal
also undergoes linear dispersive effects introduced by the fiber,
as well as all linear effects due to filtering and analog-to-digital
conversion at the receiver. As mentioned, all these effects are
embedded in the time-varying matrix impulse response
(2), which may change from one OFDM symbol to the next.
After CP removal, the discrete-time sequence is fed to an OFDM
demodulator, whose frequency-domain complex output symbols are
In order for OFDM to be effective in removing the intersymbol interference stemming from the dispersion (see (2)), in
addition to the above mentioned hypothesis that the impulse response must vary slowly enough so that it can be assumed constant over the duration of an OFDM symbol, CP must be longer
). In this case,
than the impulse response (i.e.,
combining (3), (2), and (4) it turns out that
are the frequency-domain additive noise samples
(still a white Gaussian process), whereas the frequency-domain
matrix channel response corresponding to the -th subcarrier
From (5), it reads clear that the interference has been perfectly
removed, and a SbS detection can be carried out on the fre5The effect of quantization of the ADC and the DAC is not included in this
In the presence of a time-varying impairment, OFDM fails to
decompose the channel into parallel and independent subchannels. In particular, a time-varying channel impulse response7
destroys the orthogonality among the subcarriers, thus ICI
arises [55][57]. In such a scenario, if countermeasures are
not adopted, as discussed later, a performance degradation is
unavoidable. In fact, interference acts as a further source of
random noise, which, in certain circumstances, can be even
dominant with respect to the additive white Gaussian noise. On
the other hand, if the channel impulse response is almost constant over an OFDM symbol, ICI is certainly negligible. A well
known rule of thumb, widely employed to assess the potential
impact of ICI, is to evaluate the ratio between the channel coherence time, namely the time over which the channel impulse
response is almost constant (according to some criterion), and
the OFDM symbol duration. Larger values of this ratio entail
reduced impact of the ICI.
In a high-speed optical communication system, as the one
considered in this paper, there are mainly three linear timevarying distortions, namely PMD, phase noise, and CFO. While
PMD usually varies slowly enough so that the resulting ICI is
negligible, since its coherence time is orders of magnitude larger
than any reasonable OFDM symbol duration (see Section III.B),
phase noise and CFO might entail remarkable ICI due to their
relatively fast speed. In this case, the received vectorial sample
corresponding to the -th subcarrier can be written as
is the time-varying phase noise, which follows a
In (8),
denote a sequence of i.i.d. zeroWiener model (namely,
mean Gaussian samples, whose standard deviation depends on
is the residual CFO, which
the laser linewidth). Moreover,
is usually normalized with respect to the sampling frequency
A. Single-Carrier
The effects of phase noise and an uncompensated CFO on SC
optical coherent systems have been addressed in many works in
the latest 20 years. We recently proposed a receiver architecture for 100 Gbps intradyne coherent optical systems [18]. The
adoption of asynchronous strategies for SbS detection and for
the adjustment of the coefficients of the two-dimensional equalizer, not only significantly increases the robustness to phase
noise, but has also the convenient side effect of increasing the
robustness to an uncompensated frequency offseterrors up
are tolerated. Hence, before the two-dimensional
equalizer, a simple automatic frequency control (AFC) loop is
sufficient to guarantee the reduction of the residual frequency
offset to the desired values [18]. As shown in [18], this architecture is the most convenient one in terms of robustness to strong
phase noise and computational load. Other more robust and performing algorithms could be employed [54], but at the expense
of a non-negligible complexity increase. For this reason, the receiver architecture in [18] is considered here except that equalization is performed in the frequency domain for the above mentioned implementation advantages.
having omitted the OFDM symbol index for the sake of notation simplicity, since we assume that the CP is longer than the
impulse response duration, and assumed that no estimation and
compensation of phase noise and frequency offset is performed.
-periodic sequence of complex scalars , which deThe
, determines
pends on the sequence of phases
the amount of ICI. In particular, it turns out that
From (10) it reads clear that, in order to ensure absence of
ICI, namely
the Kronecker delta), the
must be constant. On the contrary, (9) can be
phase process
rewritten as
represents the interference.
The impact of a residual CFO on the ICI can be easily characterized analytically from (10). In the absence of phase noise,
is constant in (8), it turns out that (we show
namely when
only the magnitude of the ICI coefficients)
7In this Section we assume a linear channel, thus neglecting possible nonlinear time-varying effects which will be taken into account in Section V.
9 , for N
Fig. 6. Cdf of j
Fig. 7. Cdf of j
and j
is automatically taken into account without further processing.
Countermeasures to CFO and phase noise in OFDM systems
can be conceived either before or after the FFT block at the receiver (in the time or in the frequency domain). A compensation before FFT must be preferred since it allows (when perfect) to remove ICI. As an example, this can be accomplished by
sacrificing some of the data subcarriers to transmit an unmodulated pilot tone that, properly filtered, provides the required
reference for phase estimation and compensation [12]. In this
case, the power allocated to the unmodulated subcarrier must
be optimized. In fact, the higher its power, the more reliable
the carrier estimate, but also the higher the energy not associated to data (and hence wasted). In the numerical results related
to the performance of OFDM in the presence of phase noise
(Section VII.B), we will extract the pilot tone with the best possible filter, i.e., a PLL whose equivalent bandwidth is optimized
for the phase noise at hand.
Alternatively, one could work after the FFT block at the
receiver. Compensation of phase noise and CFO in this case
means ICI compensation through one of the algorithms proposed in the literature for such a purpose (e.g., see [48][51]).
However, the computational complexity of these ICI compensation algorithms is definitely unaffordable in the considered
context, due to the large signaling rates.
Another important source of impairment for high-speed
optical transmissions are fiber nonlinear effects. The impact of
nonlinearities is more relevant for increasing signalling rates,
as it depends on the transmitted signal power. Basically, wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) communications suffer
from distortions caused by the signal itself, like self-phase modulation (SPM), and by other adjacent channels, like cross-phase
modulation (XPM) and four-wave mixing (FWM) [60]. As
the impact of nonlinear effects increases with the transmitted
power, a trade-off must be found between the penalty given
by the ASE noise and the penalty given by nonlinear effects.
The transmitted power can be raised if techniques to mitigate
nonlinear effects are employed. Many works have been carried
out in this field; it is worth noting that unlike other optical
channel impairments which do not entail main differences from
wireless or wired channels, this effect is typical of fiber-optic
communications, and so are the derived mitigation techniques.
Most of these solutions, moreover, can be applied to both
OFDM and SC systems: optical conjugation [61], [62], backward propagation [63], nonlinear phase noise compensation
[39]. Each technique has its own merits and drawbacks, but,
since the scope of this work is a comparison between OFDM
and SC systems, the attention will be focused on their different
behavior in the nonlinear regime.
A. Single-Carrier
Nonlinear effects on SC modulations have been deeply investigated as a major source of impairment in WDM transmissions.
Since, as shown, linear effects in coherent optical systems can
be completely compensated for, nonlinear effects become one of
the most severe limiting factors in long-haul optical systems. As
mentioned above, we just focus the attention on the performance
of the proposed receiver for SC modulations, disregarding compensation methods common to both SC and OFDM systems.
A well known drawback of OFDM, which has been widely
analyzed in the context of wireless communications, is its large
PAR, as opposed to SC modulations [64]. In other words, for
a given average transmitted power, the continuous-time OFDM
signal has a much larger dynamic range than any single-carrier
signal. While in a linear regime this characteristic does not affect system performance, in the presence of nonlinear fiber effects, which depend on the instantaneous power of the transmitted signal, a large performance degradation is unavoidable.
A trivial but usually ineffective way to overcome this problem
is the clipping of the transmitted signal [65], so as to reduce its
dynamic range. Besides the peak regrowth phenomenon which
arises when clipping is carried out on the discrete-time signal,
this approach has several severe drawbacks. First of all, the
power spectra of the transmitted signal may dramatically change
after clipping, an issue that in certain circumstances is unacceptable. For instance, in a multichannel communication system,
A. Single-Carrier
The main difficulties for 100 Gbps SC transmissions reside at
the receiver, since at the transmit end a simple MachZehnder
modulator is sufficient, at least in the QPSK case. The received
signal must be oversampled to obtain a sufficient statistics, allowing for an effective signal processing. In a 100 Gbps polarization-multiplexed QPSK transmission, adopting the described
parallel architecture to implement the two-dimensional equalizer in time or frequency domain, using, as an example, an oversampling factor of 1.2 samples per symbol and neglecting the
unavoidable overhead due to forward error correction, only the
first receiver block, i.e., the automatic frequency control loop,
must process 30 Gsamples per second, whereas the remaining
blocks can work at a much lower speed due to parallelization. As
mentioned, the degree of parallelism is completely a degree of
freedom and can be chosen according to the implementation requirements only. Regarding the ADC resolution, 6 bits are sufficient to represent each (real or imaginary) component of the
received sample on each polarization [18]. A lower number of
bits can be adopted at a price of a performance degradation.
One of the main issues when dealing with optical OFDM
is the availability of the required devices needed to effectively
implement both transmitter and receiver [24]. High-resolution DACs at the transmitter and ADCs at the receiver are in
general required, due to the fact that the transmitted OFDM
signal usually exhibits a very high dynamic range for a given
average power, and the quantization noise power must be kept
below other noise sources. DACs with at least
bits at the
transmitter [40] and ADCs with 8-bit resolution at the receiver
[6] are claimed to be necessary to have no performance loss, at
least in systems with inline dispersion compensation.8 Instead,
the requirement on the speed of ADCs is the same as in SC
transmissions, as using 20% of virtual subcarriers is equivalent
to an oversampling factor of 1.2 samples per symbol. These
converters are now becoming commercially available. The main
technological problem turns out to be the speed of the required
DACs at the transmitter. As a matter of fact, nowadays, implementing a clean OFDM modulation with a single IFFT/FFT
pair turns out to be not feasible, due to the unavailability of
DACs with the required speed and resolution. A 100 Gbps
OFDM transmission is rather implemented through some alternative solutions, like orthogonal band multiplexing (OBM) [33]
or subcarrier multiplexing (SCM) [30]. Here, the overall data
stream is split into several orthogonal sub-blocks for separate
OFDM modulations, each centered at different wavelengths,
with a proper choice of frequency offsets in order to exploit the
orthogonality of subcarriers across different sub-blocks. These
techniques clearly weigh on the cost and on the complexity
of the system, both at the transmitter and at the receiver, depending on the choice of multiplexing the sub-bands directly
8In systems without inline dispersion compensation, the effect of PAR reduction due to GVD can reduce the requirements on the ADC resolution [11].
ps/nm (corresponding to 1200 km of stan, and
ps and the corresponding
dard fiber),
results are reported in Fig. 9. In all cases, the performance
increase and reaches the optimal
improves when
value, corresponding to a b2b transmission (excepting, in the
OFDM case, the energy loss due to the CP insertion), when
. For OFDM transmissions, an increase
in the number of subcarriers has also the beneficial effect of a
reduced ICI when the CP length is not sufficiently large. For
the link without in-line dispersion compensation we considered
since otherwise the overhead due to the
larger values for
CP would be significant.
B. Phase Noise and CFO
In Fig. 10 we consider, for the system with dispersion compensation mentioned above, the sensitivity of SC and OFDM
to an uncompensated CFO. In other words, the AFC of the SC
scheme is turned off and no pilot tones are transmitted in the
OFDM system to perform frequency estimation. No phase noise
has been added, i.e., a very narrow laser linewidth has been considered. Moreover, nonlinear effects are absent. Different values
are considered all with
. The value of
Fig. 11. Performance degradation in the presence of phase noise (link with
dispersion compensation).
Fig. 12. Performance degradation in the presence of phase noise (link without
dispersion compensation).
towards short symbols lengths, at least when the pilot tone is absent. Regarding the SC scheme, for both links the robustness is
higher than that observed in OFDM.
C. Nonlinear Distortions
We now compare SC and OFDM over an existing dispersion-compensated WDM link of about 1200 km, taking into account nonlinear effects. The link is composed of 14 spans of different length of standard SMF (dispersion of 16.46 ps/nm/km)
with, at the end of each span, a dispersion compensating fiber
ps/nm/km) and an inline single or
(DCF) (dispersion
dual stage optical amplifier (as reported in Table I). A fifteenth
span made up by just a postcompensation DCF is present. The
dispersion map is designed in order to leave a residual disperps/nm. In Fig. 13, we considered a SC
sion of about
Fig. 13. BER versus input power per channel of OFDM and SC systems in
a WDM scenario. The interfering channels are standard 10 Gbps on-off keying
(OOK) with 50 GHz spacing. Link length equal to 1200 Km, residual dispersion
equal to 100 ps/nm.
Fig. 14. BER versus input power per channel of OFDM and SC systems in an
uncompensated WDM scenario. The interfering channels are standard 10 Gbps
on-off keying (OOK) with 50 GHz spacing. Link length equal to 1200 Km,
residual dispersion equal to 20000 ps/nm.
The main reasons that drive the interest in OFDM are the
simple compensation of linear impairments and the implicit parallelization given by the IFFT/FFT operations, which lowers the
processing speed at the receiver. As demonstrated, a proper design of a SC transmission system can provide the same benefits
without incurring in the tight constraints of OFDM in terms of
frequency and phase errors, in its penalty due to nonlinear effects, in its lack of spectral and energy efficiency, in its difficult
implementation due to technological limits.
A possible advantage of OFDM could be its scalability with
higher bit rates, but, as shown, it is almost impossible nowadays to implement a convenient OFDM system even for 100
Gbps. As a conclusion, there are nowadays significant technological limits to a cheap and convenient implementation of
OFDM, whereas SC modulations take advantage of a consolidated know-how and technology, relegating the efforts for realtime implementations only to the progress in the speed of optical and electronic devices.
Fig. 15. BER versus input power per channel of an existing OOK systems in a
WDM scenario. The interfering channels are 100 Gbps OFDM and SC QPSK
with 50 GHz spacing. Link length equal to 1200 Km, residual dispersion equal
to 100 ps/nm.
Giulio Colavolpe was born in Cosenza, Italy, in 1969. He received the Dr. Ing.
degree in telecommunications engineering (cum laude) from the University of
Pisa, Italy, in 1994 and the Ph.D. degree in information technologies from the
University of Parma, Italy, in 1998.
Since 1997, he has been at the University of Parma, Italy, where he is now
an Associate Professor of Telecommunications. In 2000, he was Visiting Scientist at the Institut Eurcom, Valbonne, France. His main research interests
include digital transmission theory, adaptive signal processing, channel coding
and information theory. His research activity has led to several scientific publications in leading international journals and conference proceedings and a few
industrial patents. He is also coauthor of the book Detection Algorithms for
Wireless Communications, with Applications to Wired and Storage Systems
(New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2004). He is currently serving as an Editor for
Editor for the European Transactions on Telecommunications. He received the
best paper award at the 13th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM05), Split, Croatia, September
2005 and the best paper award for Optical Networks and Systems at the IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC 2008), Beijing, China, May
2008. He is also the principal investigator of several research projects funded by
the European Space Agency (ESA-ESTEC) and important telecommunications
Giancarlo Prati (M81F03) was born in Rome, Italy, on November 13, 1946.
He received the Dr. Ing. degree in electronics engineering (cum laude) from the
University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy, in 1972.
From 1975 to 1978 he was Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at
the University of Pisa. From 1978 to 1979 he was on a NATO-supported Fellowship Leave in the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Southern
California, Los Angeles working in optical communications. In 1982 he was
Visiting Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. From 1976 to 1986 he was a
Research Scientist of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) at the Centro
di Studio per Metodi e Dispositivi di Radiotrasmissione, Pisa. From 1986 to
1988 he was Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Genoa,
Italy. From 1988 to 2000 he was Professor of Telecommunications Engineering
at the University of Parma, Italy, where he served as Dean of the Engineering
Faculty from 1992 to 1998. He is now Professor of Telecommunications at the
Scuola Superiore S. Anna in Pisa, Italy. Currently he is President of CNIT,
Italian Interuniversity Consortium for Telecommunications, incorporating 35
Universities. From 1997 to 2006 he was a Member of the Technical Program
Committee of the European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC).
His professional and academic interests are in telecommunication systems and
digital signal processing in communications. The activity has focused on optical
communications and radiofrequency communications, with application to satellite communications, high-capacity terrestrial digital radio links, mobile radio,
modems for switched telephone lines, fiber communications.
Tommaso Foggi was born in Parma, Italy, on May 7, 1978. He received the
Dr. Ing. degree in telecommunications Engineering and the Ph.D. in information technology from the University of Parma, Parma, Italy, in 2003 and 2008,
From July 2003 to July 2004 he was granted a CNIT scholarship at Photonic
Networks National Laboratory, Pisa, and another CNIT scholarship from July
2005 to July 2006 at Dipartimento di Ingegneria dellInformazione (DII), Universit Degli Studi di Parma, Parma. Since June 2009 he is now a research fellow
of National Inter-university Consortium for Telecommunications (CNIT), after
holding post-doc collaboration contracts with University of Parma, CNIT and
Scuola Superiore SantAnna in 2008 and 2009.
His main research interests include digital signal processing for optical communications, i.e., equalization, estimation and compensation techniques, advanced modulation formats, detection algorithms and receiver design. His activity also contributed to several research projects funded by the Italian Ministry
of Education, University and Research (MIUR) or by International companies.