High Speed 1.6 Tbps Hybrid TWDM-OfD
High Speed 1.6 Tbps Hybrid TWDM-OfD
High Speed 1.6 Tbps Hybrid TWDM-OfD
Abstract: The hybrid time and wavelength division multiplexing passive optical network (TWDM-PON) with a
1:128 split ratio and 16- quadrature amplitude modulation orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (QAM-
OFDM) modulation system using optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) code results in high
transmission security, channel capacity and robustness against interference. Thus in this paper, a bidirectional
symmetric 1.6 Tbps hybrid TWDM-OFDM PON system using two-dimensional spectral/spatial-single weight
zero cross-correlation (2D-S/S SWZCC) code supporting a large number of users for long-reach as well as high-
speed applications has been proposed and analysed considering fiber impairments and noise. Numerically
calculated receiver sensitivity (RS) and splitter power budget (SPB) are -36dBm and 23dB for downstream as
well as RS and SPB for upstream transmission of -33dBm and 10dB respectively showing the supremacy of using
2D-S/S SWZCC code in the system than other OCDMA codes. Also, the simulation results show that the proposed
system using 2D-SS SWZCC code provides a faithful 120km transmission distance as well as a high transmission
rate of 16×15/20Gbps with a maximum received power of -32.8dBm supporting more than 190 simultaneous
users. The designed PON system offers the best performance over other conventional PONs. The number of users
can be increased up to 250 with an optical signal-to-noise ratio of 110 dB and -30 dBm received power.
Keywords: optical code division multiple access (OCDMA); orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
(OFDM); passive optical network (PON); time and wavelength division multiplexing (TWDM); single weight
zero cross-correlation (SWZCC)
1. Introduction
In the recent few years, network operators have encountered the exponential growth of data traffic carried over
their networks and they still confronted the increasing bandwidth demand, bulldozed by higher-bandwidth
consuming services and applications. For the past thirty years, fiber-to-the-x (FTTx) systems have been
recommended as the bonanza of the broadband access technology. In access networks, the technology hurdles to
fiber deployment are steadily evacuated by permeate advancement in technology. The recent situations of the
broadband access networks are anticipated to change considerably across the following years. Moreover, new
services and applications like high-speed Ethernet and mobile backhaul/front-haul cause demand for the extended
fiber architectures. Hence, by 2035, certainly FTTx will become the prominent broadband technology, making
the approach toward all-optical infrastructure. For now, a passive optical network (PON), a point-to-multipoint
technology is composed to play a significant role in realizing FTTx networks in urban areas with a cost-effective
and eco-friendly deployment. PON exceeds wireless access solutions concerning the least energy consumption
per bit for broadband access and it also offers lower cost, longer lifespan, less attenuation loss, large capacity, and
a highly developed network [1].
In the last couple of years, the full-service access network (FSAN) group has successfully developed a
new standard i.e. time and wavelength division multiplexing (TWDM) PON on basis of next-generation PON
stage 2 (NG-PON2), in order to obtain the definite end goal of fulfilling a flexible network operation in the
incoming future access network and preserving the multiple service capability and high capacity transmission
advantages [1]. Several TWDM-PON has been realized to 40km transmission distances at 40Gbps data rate in the
previous work. Since the growth of end users’ demand, the primary target of future-based high-capacity PON
systems is to offer a high transmission rate, long reach, and a greater number of users. To achieve TWDM
architecture at ≥100Gbps data rate, various solutions for downstream (D/S) as well as upstream (U/S) modulation
formats such as on-off keying (OOK)[2–5], four-level pulse amplitude modulation (4-PAM) [6,7] and duobinary
[8,9] have been considered. But these modulation formats are not feasible because of the presence of fiber
dispersion, chromatic dispersion (CD), and expensive 40GHz trans-receiver. For the future ≥100Gbps TWDM-
PON, to acquire a cost-effective higher transmission rate, the high spectral efficiency-based quadrature amplitude
modulation incorporated orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (QAM-OFDM) modulation would be mostly
utilized [10,11]. Moreover, generally, the recent PON based on data distribution can be categorized into three
major categories: a) time division multiplexing (TDM) based utilizing single carrier modulation e.g. gigabit PON
(GPON) and ethernet PON (EPON), where both GPON and EPON are the mature and most deployed PON
architectures; b) frequency division multiplexing (FDM) based which is an extendible solution for TDM PON
system and has the capability to transmit data at distinct data rates on each subcarrier with high spectral efficiency;
c) time and frequency division multiplexing utilizing OFDM scheme. OFDM has been regarded as a promising
candidate for future high-bandwidth PON technology. It is a multicarrier transmission technology that transfers
high-speed information by splitting it into several parallel low-speed orthogonal channels. Thus, OFDM has the
maximum spectral efficiency and permits dynamic bandwidth allocation within several applications both in
frequency and time domain dimensions. Besides this, the digital signal processing (DSP)-based OFDM-PON can
offer highly suitable features like resistance to CD, non-linear distortion, and polarization mode dispersion (PMD)
Further, the optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) technique is mostly utilized multiplexing
technique in optical communication systems that permit various transmitters to send data synchronically over a
single communication channel. In OCDMA, the users share the corresponding physical resources by utilizing the
spread-spectrum technique means a coding method where a specific code is allocated to each transmitter. It is a
significant candidate for NG-PONs networks. But OCDMA also undergoes some shortcomings like inter-symbol-
interference (ISI) which causes multiple access interference (MAI), reduced spectral efficiency, and low
transmission rate as the number of users increases. OFDM has been identified as an effective scheme for
information transmission in multipath, multiuser, and fading channels. Therefore, using the OFDM method with
OCDMA can enable better spectrum, and increased data rate as well as generates higher no. of subcarriers
employing lost cost optical components using QAM modulation [13]. Here, a hybrid TWDM-OFDM PON system
using OCDMA for high-speed long-reach applications has been proposed and analyzed.
1.1 Related work
Hybrid TWDM-PON and OFDM system has been reported recently to develop better receiver sensitivity (RS),
transmission distance as well as data rate for different end users considering fiber impairments. Yufeng Shao
proposed experimentally a 16QAM-OFDM radio over fiber (RoF) system utilizing superior over Nyquist pulse
shaping (BTN-PS) and discrete multi-tone (DMT) modulation technique to lessen the peak-to-average power ratio
(PAPR) as well as to strengthen the RS. The results demonstrated that the proposed system offers a faithful 42km
and 0.4m over fiber and wireless channel respectively at a 5Gbps D/S data rate [14]. Cheng Ju et al. introduced
an OFDM-PON U/S system based on various modulation format conversion schemes. The experimental results
show that the proposed system offers 10Gbps and 20Gbps data rates for binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) to
quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK) and QPSK to 16-QAM conversion techniques respectively [12]. Chien-
Hung Yeh et al. proposed a symmetric ≥67Gbps per wavelength OFDM-intensity modulation and direct detection
(IMDD) based wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) PON network to minimize the Rayleigh backscattering
noise. The results show that the fiber length of 20km can be achieved with minimum CD in fiber and radio
frequency (RF) fading [15]. Reginaldo B. Nunes et al. proposed a medium access control (MAC) layer protocol
for a bandwidth scalable OFDM-PON system over 20km fiber length for 32 optical network units (ONUs) at a
data rate of 33Gbps per wavelength [19]. C.H. Yeh et al. proposed and investigated an asymmetric 115/10Gbps
TWDM-PON using QAM-OFDM modulation at 11.25Gbps. The results show that the proposed system provides
a 20km transmission range at a threshold bit error rate (BER) of 3.8×10-3[10]. Bangjiang Lin et al. proposed and
experimentally demonstrated a 4×25/10 Gbps TWDM-PON system using double-sideband (DSB) OFDM D/S
and OOK U/S modulations. The results indicate that the proposed system offers a power budget (PB) of 35.5dB
over a 20km fiber range [4]. Iwa Kartiwa et al. experimentally demonstrated a WDM-OFDM-PON over a 20km
fiber link at 20Gbps using a reflective semiconductor optical amplifier (RSOA) in uplink transmission
successfully [16]. Cheng Ju et al. proposed a 16QAM-OFDM system at 40Gbps over a 100km fiber range using
a rectangular filter [17]. Xiaosong Fu et al. realized the OFDM-PON using a modified-discrete Fourier transform
(DFT) encryption method at 10Gbps over a 20km transmission range [18]. Lognquanchen et al. realized a WDM-
PON using OFDM U/S and inverse-duo binary-return to zero (RZ) D/S schemes. The results show that the
centralized-light source proposed system offers a 50km fiber range at a symmetric 10Gbps data rate [8]. Chang-
Hun Kin et al. proposed an OFDM-PON using an all-optic virtual private network (AOVPN) over 20km range at
6Gbsp data rate [12]. Hui yang et al. proposed an OFDM/offset QAM (OQAM) PON using direct detection (DD)
scheme over 80km fiber and 20Gbps data rate [19]. Siyuan Liang et al. demonstrated imaginary interference
(IM)/DD-OFDM/OQAM-PON using an artificial neural network (ANN)-based channel estimation algorithm at
20Gbsp over a transmission distance of 110km successfully [20]. Yaoquiang Xiao et al. demonstrated a 16QAM-
OFDM modulation-based WDM-RoF-PON over a 40km fiber range at a 10Gbps transmission rate [21]. Amber
sultan et al. proposed and demonstrated an OFDM-PON using chaotic distribution QAM symbols at a data rate of
9.4Gbps and the transmission range of 25km [22]. Avnnet Kaur et al. demonstrated a TWDM-OFDM PON using
a re-modulation technique for U/S. The results show that the transmission range of 60km with a 4×25/10Gbps
data rate can be obtained in the proposed system [23]. Pallab K. Chaudhary et al. proposed and analyzed a 10Gbps
full-duplex cross-wavelength reuse WDM-PON using spectral shaped 16QAM-OFDM signals. The results
demonstrated that transmission distance of 25km can be obtained with OFDM signals at acceptable RS against
the CD and Rayleigh backscattering noises [24]. XuweiXue et al. demonstrated a single-sideband modulation
based OFDM-RoF-PON system 2.5Gbps transmission rate. Results indicate that the proposed system offer
transmission range of 40km below forward error correction (FEC) limit of 10-3 with error vector magnitude (EVM)
less than 0.1 [25]. Rong Tang et al. experimentally demonstrated an OFDM-PON on the basis of fourth
dimensional (4D) joint encryption and cascading chaotic model. Results indicate that the system can offer 25km
transmission length at 16.48Gbps data rate [26]. Vishal Sharma et al. demonstrated an OFDM-dense wavelength
division multiplexing (DWDM)-EPON system over 27km transmission distance with split ratio of 16 at 2.5Gbps
data rate [27]. Chang-Hun Kim et al. proposed a multi-band OFDM-PON utilizing raised-cosine window over
20km transmission range. The results show that the system shows optimum performance by minimising side lobes
at 10Gbps data rate [28]. Cheng Ju et al. demonstrated a DD based 16QAM-OFDM-PON system for U/S
transmission over 100km fiber length at 20Gbps data rate successfully [29]. Yufeng Shao et al. demonstrated a
WDM-RoF system employing D/S OFDM-continuous phase modulation (CPM) and U/S OOK modulation
techniques. The results show that OFDM-CPM 10Gbps signals can be transmitted over 25km fiber length
faithfully [30]. Paulo Almeida et al. investigated the performance of a WDM-OFDM-PON using optical single
sideband (OSSB) modulation over 130km distance [31]. Jing Zhang et al. introduced a digital coherent
superposition (DCS)-OFDM-PON at 40Gbps over 25km distance[32]. A.O. Aldhaibani et al. proposed a flexible
cross-correlation (FCC) based OCDMA system using OFDM modulation. Results demonstrated that the system
can provide 2.5Gbps transmission rate for 100 users at 10-9 BER [13].
1.2 Motivation and Contribution
From the comprehensive study, it is noticed that the prior researchers mostly focused on individual TWDM-PON
and OFDM modulation methods for the communication systems. In these works, except a couple of [13,33],
researchers don’t consider OFDM and TWDM-PON using two-dimension (2D) spectral/special (S/S) SWZCC
code for NG-PON2 based systems. In short, the hybrid TWDM-OFDM PON system using 2D-SWZCC code is a
superb system as it has the potential to transfer high-speed continuous coded information signals considering fiber
non-linearities and impairments. The development of the proposed system allows attractive advantages of high
transmission rate, bandwidth, support a huge number of users, cost-effectiveness, flexibility, scalability, and ease
of upgradation to NG-PON3.
The four significant contributions of this proposed work are as below:
1. Propose a symmetric 1.6Tbps hybrid TWDM-OFDM PON using 2D S/S SWZCC code with a 1:128
split ratio.
2. Mathematically analyse system performance in respect of BER, EVM, receiver noise, RS, PB, and
splitter ratio for downlink/uplink channels. Also, to analyse the system performance considering
inter-symbol interference (ISI), CD, four-wave mixing (FWM), and different OCDMA codes.
3. Analyse system performance for varying fiber lengths, number of users, and transmission rate for
downlink/uplink channels through simulation.
4. Proposed work comparison w.r.t. previous recent literature work for distant codes and systems
This work is organized as: Section 2 presents the system design. Section 3 defines system numerical analysis.
Section 4 defines the results with analysis. Lastly, a conclusion is drawn in Section 5. The structure of the paper
is illustrated in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1 Structure of the proposed work in paper
2. System design
Fig. 2 depicts the system design of a full-duplex and symmetric 16×10Gbps hybrid TWDM-OFDM PON utilizing
2D S/S SWZCC code. This system is designed and analysed using OptiSystem v.18 software by considering a
number of samples=32768 and symbol rate=2.5×109 symbols/sec. In this system, sixteen pairs of D/S wavelengths
(λDN=1596) and U/S wavelengths (λUP) i.e. 1596nm to 1602nm and 1527nm to 1533nm having ITU-T channel
spacing of 0.4nm are utilized. TWDM-PON employs a 16-QAM OFDM modulation technique for both U/S and
D/S transmission.
Transmitter 1dn
CW Laser (5)
OFDM Modulation LP Cosine Electrical Gain
Power Combiner
(3) (4) Roll-off Modulator
QAM Filter
FBG1 Sequence
Laser Generator Modulator
Generator LP Cosine (6)
Roll-off MZM
(2) Filter Electrical Gain Modulator (7)
Ideal Mux
Transmitter 16dn
Receiver 1up
BER Buffer
OFDM Demodulation
Ideal Demux
Analyzer Selector (8)
Receiver 16up
(9) SMFDownstream
SMF Upstream
ONUs Receiver 1dn
(16) Analyzer
Ideal Demux
Receiver 16dn
Bidirectional Splitter
Transmitter 1up
Transmitter 16up
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Adaptive Equalizer
CD Compensation
QI Compensation
Bessel Filter
Fig. 2 Schematic of (a) symmetric 16×10Gbps hybrid TWDM-OFDM PON using 2D S/S SWZCC code, (b)
spectra, constellation diagrams, eye diagram of D/S signals, and (c) DSP unit in conjunction with constellation
2.1 Downstream section
At the central office (CO), sixteen pairs of D/S wavelengths (λDN) ranging from 1596nm to 1602nm are emanated
by utilizing sixteen continuous waves (CW) lasers (input power, Pin=10dBm, and linewidth=0.15MHz). As shown
in Fig. 2(a), in each D/S transmitter section, the binary data bits from the pseudo-random bit sequence generator
at a 10Gbps data rate are fed into a 16-QAM (4-bits/symbol) sequence generator. Then, the 16-QAM output signal
is modulated through an OFDM modulator possessing 512 subcarriers, 1024 fast Fourier transform points along
with 64 cyclic prefixes [34,35] to generate in-phase (𝐼) means and quadrature (𝑄) components of the OFDM signal
to move forward in 𝐼/𝑄 optical modulator. After filtering these 𝐼/𝑄 signals through a couple of low pass cosine
roll-off filters (roll-off factor=0.2), I/Q optical modulator components is used to modulate the incoming CW laser
signal with fiber Bragg grating (FBG1) component by a pair of Mach-Zehnder modulators (MZMs) to be
spectrally encoded in 2D-SWZCC code as given in Table 1.
Two pairs of electrical gain components with MZMs (extinction ratio=60dB) and a 2×1 power combiner (PC) are
also utilized for spectrally encoded OFDM signal [38]. Like so, sixteen D/STWDM-OFDM signals are
multiplexed through an ideal multiplexer (MUX). It is forwarded towards a single mode fiber (SMF)as well as a
1×2 bidirectional power splitter (PS). An optical amplifier (gain, G=13dB and noise figure, NF=4dB) is also used
over fiber link to improve the RS considering fiber non-linearities, dispersion, and attenuation.
For coherent orthogonal reception, the incoming coded signal from an ideal demultiplexer (DEMUX) is
transferred to the two X couplers pairs followed by local oscillators as well as phase shift (phase difference=900)
components, which are used. Further, a combination of two pairs of PIN photodetectors (PD) along with FBG1
component having the same grating number accompanied by a pair of electrical subtractors, a couple of electrical
amplifiers (=20dB), and then OFDM demodulator is utilized to obtain the desired electrical signals at ONU side.
Single polarized DSP module, decision module, and QAM sequence decoder are used consecutively to
compensate nonlinearities losses, to the normalized amplitude of electrical 𝐼 and 𝑄 channel to 16-QAM grid and
to demodulate the coherent OFDM signal respectively. At the receiver, the performance parameters of the OFDM
demodulator should be matched with a transmitter to restore the QAM symbols at the end user side as shown in
Fig. 2(a). Quality (Q)-factor and eye diagrams are measured in the BER analyzer [34,39]. Fig. 2(b) shows the
spectra, constellation diagrams, and BER curves of D/S signals.
Again, the single polarized DSP module shown in Fig. 2(c) is used to recover the decoded OFDM
demodulated signal. In the DSP module, different components are used such as the Bessel filter (samples per
symbol=8×samples/bit and bandwidth=0.75×symbol rate), re-sampling (rate=4samples/symbol), I/Q
compensation, CD, adaptive equalizer, frequency offset estimation (FOE) and carrier phase estimation (CPE)
[40].Mathematically, the received signal at the input of the DSP module is expressed as [40]:
𝑅(𝑘) = 𝐷(𝑘). 𝑒 𝑗(2𝜋𝑓𝑜 𝑘𝑇+𝜑𝑘 ) + 𝐺(𝑘) (1)
where 𝐷(𝑘) is data symbol, 𝑓𝑜 is offset carrier frequency, 𝑇 is symbol period and 𝜑𝑘 carrier phase respectively;
𝐺(𝑘) mean zero-mean Gaussian random variable. Further, the signal in the fourth power is defined as [40]:
𝑅4 (𝑘) = 𝐴. 𝑒 4𝑗(2𝜋𝑓𝑜𝑘𝑇+𝜑𝑘 ) + 𝑃(𝑘) (2)
where 𝐴 depicts constant amplitude and 𝑃(𝑘)means noise process having mean equal to zero. Here, Frequency
offset can be measured based on spectral density of signal as [40]:
1 (3)
𝑅4 (𝑘) = 𝑎𝑟𝑔{max[|𝐽(𝑓𝑜 )|]}
1 (4)
|𝐽(𝑓𝑜 )| = ∑ 𝑅4 (𝑘). 𝑒 −𝑗(2𝜋𝑓𝑜 𝑘𝑇)
where 𝑛 means the block length. In the 2D complex the decision component normalizes the desired space |𝑑𝑘,𝑏 | to
the closest constellation point plane as follows[40]:
2 2 (5)
|𝑑𝑘,𝑏 | = |𝐽𝑘 𝑒 −𝑗𝜑𝑏 − 𝑋𝑘,𝑏 |
where 𝑋𝑘,𝑏 depicts the decision 𝐽𝑘 𝑒 . Finally, after decoding the received sequences for single polarization
followed by a parallel to serial converted to get the output bits.
2.2 Upstream section
For uplink transmission, 16×10Gbps OFDM signals are generated at sixteen uplink wavelengths (λUP). The U/P
data is transmitted from the different ONUs and then detected at the CO side. Like D/S transmission, the U/S
transmission 2D-SWZCC coded OFDM signals are generated and passed through two cascaded dynamic selects
Y components having different switching time (𝑇𝑠1 =0 to0.71×10-06 s and 𝑇𝑠2 =0.10×10-06 to 0.81×10-06 s) and time
slots (0 to 15s) [41]. For U/S signal reception at the CO side, each λUP is detected. Buffer selector is employed to
choose the recent simulation iteration. Fig. 3 indicates the simulation diagram of the hybrid TWDM-OFDM PON
system using 2D S/S SWZCC code in OptiSystem simulation software. Table 2 shows the various components’
parameters used in the proposed design.
Fig. 3 Simulative model of hybrid TWDM-OFDM PON using 2D S/S SWZCC code
3. Numerical analysis
In this section, the system incorporating 2D-SWZCC code is numerically analysed w.r.t. BER, EVM, receiver
noise, RS, PB, and splitter ratio for downlink/uplink channels. Also, the impact of ISI, CD, FWM, and different
OCDMA codes on the system design is calculated.
𝐸𝐴 = 𝜇1 − 𝜇0 (21)
𝐸𝑐 = min(𝑉1 ) − max(𝑉0 ) (22)
wheremin(𝑉1 ) and max(𝑉0 ) mean the minimum value of the amplitude for the marks and maximum value for
the amplitude of the space respectively. Hence, BER in terms of SNR can be defined as [44][48]:
𝐵𝐸𝑅 = 𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑐 √ (23)
2 8
where erfc (.) means complementary error function.
3.2 Symbol error rate (SER) as well as error vector magnitude (EVM)
SER is basically to test for modulation systems of higher order in the system. After the decision when received
signals are compared with the original transmitted symbols to count the symbol errors as SER (𝑃𝑒 ) as [49]:
𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟𝑠 (24)
𝑃𝑒 =
𝑆𝑦𝑚𝑏𝑜𝑙𝑆𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒𝐿𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ − 𝑃𝑖𝑙𝑜𝑡𝑆𝑦𝑚𝑏𝑜𝑙𝑠 − 𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑆𝑦𝑚𝑏𝑜𝑙𝑠
Further, for SER calculation, symbol error is given as[49]:
𝑥 𝑥
1 𝑄𝑧𝑙 (25)
𝑃𝑒 = ∑ 𝑃𝑚 [𝑧] [ ∑ 𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑐 ( )]
2 √2
𝑧−1 𝑙=1,𝑙≠𝑧
where 𝑥 is the number of received symbols, 𝑃𝑚 [𝑧] is the probability of occurrence of symbol 𝑧 and 𝑄𝑧𝑙 is given
as [49]:
𝑑𝑧𝑙 (26)
𝑄𝑧𝑙 =
𝜎𝑧𝑙 + 𝜎𝑙𝑧
𝑑𝑧𝑙 = √[𝐼𝑎𝑣 , 𝑄𝑎𝑣 ]2𝑧 + [𝐼𝑎𝑣 , 𝑄𝑎𝑣 ]2𝑙
𝜎𝑙𝑧 = √[𝜎(𝐼)]2𝑙 + [𝜎(𝑄)]2𝑙
where𝐼𝑎𝑣 and 𝑄𝑎𝑣 mean the average values of all received 𝐼 amplitudes and 𝑄 amplitudes respectively. Standard
deviations of amplitudes 𝐼 or 𝑄 are given as [49]:
𝜎(𝐼) = √(𝐼 − 𝐼𝑎𝑣 )2 (30)
𝜎(𝑄) = √(𝑄 − 𝑄𝑎𝑣 )2 (31)
where 𝑑𝑦 is the reference distance of region 𝑦. In order words, after performing a decision on each symbol in the
decision block, EVM% can be measured as [49]:
√|𝑆𝑠 − |𝑆𝐷 ||
𝐸𝑉𝑀% = × 100%
|𝑆 𝐷|
where 𝑆𝑠 , ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
(… . ) and |𝑆𝐷 | are symbol sequence, mean value, and decision of 𝑆𝑠 respectively. In terms of EVM, the
BER for the 16-QAM modulation format is calculated as [50]:
3 1 1
𝐵𝐸𝑅16−𝑄𝐴𝑀 = 𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑐 (√ × )
8 2 𝐸𝑉𝑀2 (34)
where 𝐼𝐿𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 and 𝑃𝑃 represent total insertion loss as well as power penalty respectively. Also, the insertion loss
for downlink/uplink channels i.e. 𝐼𝐿𝑑𝑛 and 𝐼𝐿𝑢𝑝 are defined as [51]:
𝐼𝐿𝑑𝑛 (𝑑𝐵) = 𝐼𝐿(𝑀𝑍𝑀 + 𝑀𝑈𝑋 + 𝐶𝑖𝑟𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟 + 𝐷𝐸𝑀𝑈𝑋) (36)
𝐼𝐿𝑢𝑝 (𝑑𝐵) = 𝐼𝐿(𝐷𝑦𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑌𝑠𝑤𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ + 𝑀𝑈𝑋 + 𝐶𝑖𝑟𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟) (37)
Thus, the calculated𝑅𝑆𝑑𝑛 and 𝑅𝑆𝑢𝑝 for downlink/uplink channels transmission respectively, over 10km in
16×10/10Gbps TWDM-PON is given as [51]:
𝐼𝐿𝑑𝑛 (𝑑𝐵) = 3 + 2 + 1 + 3 = 9𝑑𝐵 (38)
Table 3 Measured performance parameters for D/S and U/S TWDM-OFDM PON for varied transmission
Transmission DN UP
Distance (km) 10 40 70 100 130 10 40 70 100 130
Transmitted power (dBm) 10 10 10 10 10 0 0 0 0 0
Received power(dBm) -20 -24 -28 -33 -38 -16 -20 -23 -26 -30
RS(dBm) -36 -40 -44 -49 -54 -33 -37 -40 -44 -47
OSNR(dB) 74 69 64 59 54 89 84 79 74 69
log(BER) -24 -16 -12 -4 1 -29 -24 -17 -11 -4
Q-Factor 11.5 9.5 8.5 3.5 0 16.5 12.5 10.5 8.5 3.5
Table 3 summarizes the system performance of TWDM-OFDM PON at 1596nm for downlink and 1527nm for
uplink channels at 10/10Gbsp data rate per channel at -9 log(BER) [36,51].
where 𝛼 is fiber attenuation, 𝛼𝑠 is splices’ attenuation and 𝛼𝑐 represent connectors’ attenuation. 𝐿 is the fiber
length, 𝑛𝑠 present no. of splices and 𝑛𝑐 represent no. of connectors.
Thus, 𝐴(𝑑𝐵) of the system without splices loss is evaluated as [51]:
𝐴(𝑑𝐵) = (0.2)50 + 10 = 20𝑑𝐵 (43)
𝑃𝐵𝑢𝑝 (𝑑𝐵) = 0 − (−33) = 33𝑑𝐵 (46)
Also, insertion loss produced due to splitter because of𝑛𝑠𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 , number of splitters is measured as [51]:
𝑃𝐿𝑠𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟 = 10log(1⁄𝑛𝑠𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ) (47)
Thus splitter power budget (𝑆𝑃𝐵) with Link Margin, 𝐿𝑚 (𝑑𝐵) = 3𝑑𝐵 is given as below [51]:
𝑆𝑃𝐵 = 𝑃𝐵 − 𝐴𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 − 𝐿𝑚 (49)
For downlink/uplink channels, the 𝑆𝑃𝐵𝑑𝑛 and 𝑆𝑃𝐵𝑢𝑝 are given in equations (49) and (50) respectively, as [51]:
𝑆𝑃𝐵𝑑𝑛 = 𝑃𝐵𝑑𝑛 − 𝐴𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 − 𝐿𝑚 = 46 − 20 − 3 = 23𝑑𝐵 (50)
𝑆𝑃𝐵𝑢𝑝 = 𝑃𝐵𝑢𝑝 − 𝐴𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 − 𝐿𝑚 = 33 − 20 − 3 = 10𝑑𝐵 (51)
where 𝜆(=0.4nm) is the pulse spectral line width with dispersion coefficient (𝐷). For symmetric TWDM-PON,
the 𝜆for varied fiber distance from 10km to 130km is given below in Table 4.
Table 4 Calculated pulse spreading in the hybrid TWDM-OFDM PON system for different fiber lengths
l (km) 𝜆 (ps)
10 22
40 38
70 44
100 55
130 66
Here, as it is observed that as distance (𝐿) increases, the value of 𝜆 increases correspondingly results in ISI
3.6 Impact of CD
CD is defined as a linear effect which cumulates on an optical fiber channel with link distance and causes
restriction in bandwidth. In the proposed system at the reference wavelength of 1550 nm, the dispersion(𝐷𝐹𝑖𝑏𝑒𝑟 )at
specific wavelength (𝜆)is presented as below[52]:
𝐷𝐹𝑖𝑏𝑒𝑟 = 𝐿[𝐷 + 𝑐(𝜆 − 1550)] (53)
where 𝑐is a slope coefficient of different wavelengths of the fiber. The calculated CD over 100km fiber at
symmetric 1.6Tbps transmission rate for D/S (1596nm) and U/S (1527nm) wavelengths is 1120ps/nm and
990ps/nm respectively. Thus, the maximum acceptable distance for D/S and U/S wavelengths under CD having
tolerance range of 1176ps/nm and 18817ps/nm respectively is 100km D/S and >100km U/Sin the proposed
Thus, the hybrid TWDM-OFDM PON using 2D-SWZCC code generates approximately eight FWM wavelengths.
Besides this, with an increase in transmission rate, the FWM side lobes too increase and hence result in
degradation of the system performance.
𝑁𝐹 = 10𝑙𝑜𝑔10 ( ) 𝑑𝐵 = 𝑆𝑁𝑅𝑖 (𝑑𝐵) − 𝑆𝑁𝑅𝑜 (𝑑𝐵) (56)
where SNRi and SNRo mean input and output SNR respectively. The tabulated values in Table 5 reveal that the
2D-SWZCC code performs best in the proposed system over 10km fiber for both D/S and U/S wavelengths.
Table 5 Hybrid TWDM-OFDM PON system performance utilizing distinct codes over 10km distance for 100
users at 10/10Gbps data rate for downlink/uplink wavelengths
D/S (1596nm) U/S (1527nm)
OCDMA Noise Input Input Output Output Noise Input Input Output Output
Gain Gain
Code figure power OSNR power OSNR figure power OSNR power OSNR
(dB) (dB)
(dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB)
-1.5 2 10 108 5 105 -1 1.5 0 108 -5 105
Hadamard 10 0
-3 2.5 107 5 105 -3 2 107 -5 105
SZCC 10 0
-2 2 106 4 104 -2 2 107 -5 105
ZCC -2 2 10 106 4 104 -2 2 0 107 -5 105
Without 2D-SWZCC
20 15%EVM
12.5% EVM
15 4%EVM
(d) (e)
U/S, L: 10km 120km
BER: 10-24 10-4
10 Q-Factor: 10 4
10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150
Fiber Length [km]
Fig. 4(a) EVM (%) vs. fiber length for downlink/uplink channels 2D-SWZCC code and without it, (b) to (e) eye
diagrams for D/S and U/S channels for different fiber distance
Fig. 4(a) illustrates the EVM (%) versus fiber distance of the proposed system at 10dBm (for D/S) and 0dBm (for
U/S) input power (𝑃𝑖 )at symmetric 10Gbps per channel transmission link with and without 2D-SWZCC code for
both D/S (1596nm) and uplink (1527nm) transmission channels. EVM is generally used to measure the vector
signal performance and can be obtained from the constellation diagram by the equation (33) [58]. It is depicted
that as fiber range increases, EVM (%) too increases due to the occurrence in the inflated error level over fiber
link. Without 2D-SWZCC code, EVM (%) for the downlink channel and the uplink channel is measured as 17%
and 15%over 10km fiber length, whereas over 150km the measured EVM (%) is 34% and 32% for 1596nm and
1527nm channels respectively. Again, with the 2D-SWZCC code, the measured EVM (%) over 10km and 150km
for DN/UP channels are 14%/12% and 20%/18% respectively. It is also noted that the U/S channel shows better
performance than D/S channel using the 2D-SWZCC code than without the 2D-SWZCC code. For D/S and uplink
channels, the increment in EVM (%) is 4% and 6% respectively over 10km, while it is 10% and 15% for downlink
and uplink channels over 150km corresponding with and without 2D-SWZCC code. Thus, the faithful fiber
distance with a 12.5% EVM limit (for 16-QAM) is 100km (at 1596nm) and 120km (at 1527nm) with 2D-SWZCC
code. This is because 2D-SWZCC code required lower bandwidth and zero-cross correlation permits cardinality
with single weight which will enhance the system capacity [13].
Also, Fig. 4(b) to 4(e) show the eye diagrams for both D/S and U/S channels at error-free performance
FEC limit of 3.8×10-3 BER. Respective values of log (BER) and Q-factor are too stated under the eye diagrams.
The eye diagrams at a 10km fiber distance for DN and UP channels are widely open with very little distortion.
While for both D/S and U/S channels when eye lips turn wider, the height of the eye becomes narrower as fiber
length increases from 10 to 150km. For D/S and uplink channels using SWZCC code, the eye diagrams continue
to maintain open even if the optical fiber range reaches 100km and 120km respectively, which indicates that the
system performance is acceptable [58].
Fig. 5 Measured BER performance of proposed PON for D/S and U/S transmission; Insets: corresponding eye
Fig. 5 depicts the measured BER performance of the proposed TWDM-OFDM PON system for both downstream
and upstream transmission over 50, 100, and 150km fiber range. It is depicted that the BER value increases as
received optical power increases and hence system performance diminishes. Also, the system performance
decreases as transmission ranges increase from 50 to 150km. For upstream transmission, the received power
obtained of the system over 50, 100, and 150km distance is -16, -15, and -12dBm respectively, at BER threshold
limit of 10-3. While for downstream transmission, -8, -6, and -5dBm received power is obtained over 50, 100, and
150km distance respectively, at the BER threshold. Therefore, upstream transmission shows better performance
than downstream over 50km followed by 100 and 150km. The obtained eye patterns at -8dBm received power
over 50km distance for D/S and U/S transmission strength in the above statements.
Downstream Upstream
Downstream Upstream
Fig. 6 Measured BER performance comparisons of hybrid TWDM-OFDM PON with other systems for (a)
16QAM and (b) 32QAM modulation format for D/S and U/S transmission; Inserts: corresponding constellation
diagrams of hybrid TWDM-OFDM PON at -12dBm received power
Fig. 6 depicts the measured BER analysis comparisons of hybrid TWDM-OFDM PON, TWDM-PON, and GPON
systems for both D/S and U/S transmission over a 50km distance. Fig. 6(a) and 6(b) indicate the proposed system
comparisons with other systems for 16QAM and 32QAM modulation formats respectively. However, the 16QAM
modulation-based proposed system offers better performance than the 32QAM modulation-based system. Fig.
6(a) indicates that hybrid 16QAM- based TWDM-OFDM PON offers better performance than TWDM-PON and
GPON systems. Received optical power of >-24 and -12dBm for hybrid TWDM-OFDM PON, >-24 and -9dBm
for TWDM-PON and -24 and 4dBm for GPON for U/S and D/S transmission at BER threshold. Again, Fig. 6(b)
depicts that hybrid 32QAM based TWDM-OFDM PON offers better performance than TWDM-PON and GPON
systems. The received optical power of >-24 and -8dBm for hybrid TWDM-OFDM PON, -23 and -4dBm for
TWDM-PON, and -16 and 0dBm for GPON for U/S and D/S transmission at BER threshold. It is due to the reason
that the system incorporating a lower modulation format offers better noise immunity than a higher one. The
constellation diagram at -12dBm received power for both downstream and upstream transmissions indicate the
superiority of the proposed system over other existing systems.
Table 6 Performance analysis of TWDM-OFDM-PON using 2D-SWZCC code for varying fiber length
for D/S and U/S transmission
<12.5% EVM =12.5% EVM >12.5% EVM <12.5% EVM =12.5% EVM >12.5% EVM
SNR RP (in SNR RP (in SNR RP (in SNR RP (in SNR RP (in SNR RP (in
(in dB) dBm) (in dB) dBm) (in dB) dBm) (in dB) dBm) (in dB) dBm) (in dB) dBm)
30 34 4 32 2 29 2 36 5 34 3 33 3
70 31 1 28 -2 26 -2 34 3 30 1 28 0
110 30 -3 25 -7 23 -7 32 -1 28 -3 24 -3
150 30 -6 26 -11 24 -11 32 -5 28 -9 25 -10
The above-mentioned results in Table 6 summarized that the proposed PON system is most significant for both
D/S and U/S transmission in terms of SNR and ROP for varied fiber distances under acceptable EVM.
FEC limit @ 3.8×10-3 BER D/S 1596nm
U/S 1527nm
U/S, ROP:-8dB -32dBm
BER: 10-50 10-4
Q-Factor: 18 4
(d) (e)
-33 -30 -27 -24 -21 -18 -15 -12 -9 -6
Received optical power [dBm]
Fig. 7(a) log(BER) versus ROP of downlink/uplink channels, (b) to (e) eye diagrams for downlink/uplink
channels at -8 and -32dBm ROP
The BER performance of symmetric 1.6Tbps hybrid TWDM-OFDM PON using 2D-SWZCC code for 1596nm
D/S and 1527 uplink channels, is shown in Fig. 7(a) as log (BER) versus ROP over a 10km distance. It is observed
that 1596nm D/S and 1527nm U/S channel wavelengths offer error-free transmission performance with ROP
ranges from -8 to -32.5dBm and -8 to -32.8dBm respectively. Uplink channel offers better performance than D/S
channel with 0.3dBm advantage ROP due to less ISI and fiber nonlinearities. Also, the receiver sensitivities are
detected at -32.5 and -32.8 dBm for downlink and uplink channels respectively resulting in a 0.3dB power penalty
over a 10km fiber range. Thus, the effective received power for hybrid TWDM-OFDM PON system using 2D-
SWZCC code is optimum in a manner that it is the minimum received power that can be achieved at photo detector
at FEC limit (BER of 3.8×10-3). Also, Fig. 7(b) to 7(e) show the eye diagrams for both D/S and U/S channels at
error-free performance FEC limit. The eye curves with large eye opening at ROP of -8dBm proved that the
proposed system has superb transmission performance with not many errors like attenuation, dispersion, ISI,
FWM, and receiver noise as compared to eye diagrams at -32dBm ROP [40]. Respective values of log (BER) and
Q-factor are too stated under the eye diagrams. The comparative performance analysis of downlink/uplink
transmission of hybrid TWDM-OFDM-PON using 2D-SWZCC code for varying fiber length is tabulated in Table
The above-mentioned results in Table 7 summarized that the proposed PON system is most desirable in both
downlink/uplink transmission in terms of minimum log (BER), OSNR, and ROP till 100km fiber length.
Fig. 8 log (BER) performance for varied number of users for (a) D/S and (b) U/S channels
Fig. 8(a) and 8(b) illustrate the BER performance of symmetric 1.6Tbps hybrid TWDM-OFDM PON using
different OCDMA codes over a 10km transmission distance as a function of different numbers of active users for
D/S and U/S transmission respectively. Fig. 8(a) it is depicted that 2D-SWZCC code can enhance the system
performance with minimum log (BER) values less than 3.8×10-3 for 190 users for the D/S 1596nm channel. While
OCDMA codes i.e. Hadamard, multi-diagonal (MD), shift zero cross-correlation (SZCC), modified new ZCC
(MNZCC), flexible cross-correlation (FCC) as well as a modified quadratic congruence (MQC) degrade the
system performance in terms of increasing BER from 10-26 to 10-2 for 190 simultaneous users. The highest number
of end users supported by the proposed system using 2D-SWZCC code is 190 followed by less than 190 by MD,
MQC, SZCC, FCC, MNZCC, and Hadamard for D/S transmission. Also, as depicted from Fig. 8(b), 2D-SWZCC
code upgrade the proposed system for U/S channel 1527nm with BER values less than 10-3 for 190 users. Likewise,
considering 190 users for MD, Hadamard, SZCC, MNZCC, FCC, and MQC codes decreases the system
performance from 10-29 to 10-19. Therefore, more than 190 users can be supported by the system using 2D-SWZCC
code followed by MD, MQC, SZCC, FCC, MNZCC, and Hadamard for uplink transmission.
Table 8 Comparative performance analysis of hybrid TWDM-OFDM-PON using different OCDMA codes for
D/S and U/S users
No. of users
10 90 190 10 90 190
SNR RP ( in SNR RP ( in SNR RP ( in SNR RP ( in SNR RP ( in SNR RP ( in
(in dB) dBm) (in dB) dBm) (in dB) dBm) (in dB) dBm) (in dB) dBm) (in dB) dBm)
2D-SWZCC 29 4 28 -4 20 -11 31 6 29 -1 25 -8
MD 25 0 27 -7 21 -16 28 1 28 -4 22 -13
MQC 22 -19 25 -27 21 -38 24 -17 26 -23 20 -33
SZCC 24 -8 23 -15 15 -26 26 -6 25 -12 18 -21
FCC 25 -16 24 -23 19 -34 26 -14 25 -20 22 -29
MNZCC 23 -12 24 -19 13 -31 27 -11 25 -16 14 -25
Hadamard 17 -4 16 -11 08 -21 19 -3 18 -8 10 -17
The above-mentioned results in Table 8 summarized that the proposed PON system using 2D-SWZCC code is
most desirable in both downlink/uplink transmission in terms of minimum SNR and ROP for a varied number of
Fig. 9 No. of users and ROP versus OSNR for (a) D/S and (b) U/S channels
Fig. 9(a) and 9(b) depict the number of users and OSNR with a resolution of a 0.1nm as a function of ROP for
symmetric 1.6Tbps hybrid TWDM-OFDM PON using 2D-SWZCC code over a 10km fiber link at launch power
of 15dBm. It is noted that as the no. of meanwhile users increases, the OSNR value decreases and ROP decreases
causing degradation in system performance for D/Sand U/P channels. It is the reason that at high ROP and high
OSNR, users can be supported by the TWDM-OFDM receiver. The maximum OSNR and ROP at the minimum
acceptable 3.8×10−3 BER under 7% FEC for D/S is 90dB and -30dBm respectively for 250 users as shown in Fig.
9(a). Also, the U/S channel presents better performance than the D/S channel with a maximum obtained OSNR
and ROP values for 250 users is 110dB and -30dBm respectively under the FEC limit as shown in Fig. 9(b).
As the network capacity is measured by the maximum number of end users multiplied by the data rate
per user. Fig. 10(a) and 10(b) show the DN and UP output graphs of the four no. of users respectively, in the form
of received spectra, eye diagrams, and constellation diagrams for different data rates.
Data rate
Spectrum Eye diagram Constellation diagram
Data rate
Spectrum Eye diagram Constellation diagram
Fig. 10 Performance analysis of hybrid TWDM-OFDM-PON using 2D-SWZCC code for (a) D/S and (b) U/S
transmission for different data rate
From Fig. 10(a) and 10(b) it is noted that when the data rate increases from 2.5Gbps to 20Gbps, the power in the
received power decreases from -85 to -95dBm for D/S and -75 to -85dBmfor U/P with respective eye-opening to
closing and clear to distorted constellation diagrams under FEC level. These constellation diagrams present the
received power for 16-QAM OFDM symbols which are transmitted over a 120km fiber range. The clear scatter-
plot is obtained from 2.5 to 15Gbps and 2.5 to 20Gbps for the downlink and uplink channels respectively at the
BER limit of 3.8×10-3, which is undistorted and well detected, signifying little deterioration because of the
transmission of fiber considering real environment conditions. This is also because of increase in bandwidth
spectrum due to increase in data rate and thus proposed system can attain 15Gbps (for D/S) and 20Gbps (for U/S)
for four users [13,59]. Tables 9 as well as 10 depict the comparisons of the proposed system with respect to (w.r.t.)
latest existing work for various codes and system designs respectively.
Table 9 Analysis of the hybrid TWDM-OFDM PON system utilizing 2D-SWZCC code with other codes
Code Code Number of Cross- Length
Reference OCDMA code (Low/High)
Dimension(D) Weight Subscribers correlation of code
Dynamic cyclic shift
[60] 1 Low 4 30 ≤1 30
Modified double
[61] 1 Low 16 9 1 30
weight (MDW)
[62] Hadamard 1 Low 16 30 ≤1 32
Enhanced double
[63] 1 Low 4 10 ≤1 30
weight (EDW)
Not Not
[33] 2D-HC 2 High 1 920
discussed discussed
2D-SWZCC 2 High 1 250 0 57
From Table 9, it is depicted that, the proposed system using 2D-SWZCC code outperforms other codes in terms
of high security, less code weight, and the moderate number of subscribers, negligible cross-correlation except
for the code length. Although the code length is more it also further enhances the security of the system.
Table 10 Comparisons of TWDM-OFDM-PON system with existing works
Ref. & No. of Modulation Code Symmetric/ Split Fiber length Data rate Obtained
Year channels format used Asymmetric ratio (km) (Gbps) BER
[21], RoF-PON Not
16-QAM Not used Symmetric 3 40 10 10-4
2013 with discussed
[8], Not
PON using QPSK Not used Symmetric 2 50 10 10-3
2013 discussed
[16], Not 32-/16-/8-/ Not Not
OFDM- Not used 20 20 (UP) 2×10-3
2013 discussed 4-QAM discussed discussed
[27], Hybrid
2014 OFDM- Not
2 OSSB Not used 16 27 1.25 10-9
DWDM- discussed
Hybrid PON: 15
[10], TWDM- Not OFDM:
4 16-QAM Not used Asymmetric 20 3.8×10-3
2014 OFDMA- discussed 11.25
10 (U/S)
[4], TWDM- Not
4 16-QAM Not used Asymmetric 20 100/40 3.8×10-3
2015 OFDMA- discussed
[13], Not Not
with QAM FCC discussed discussed 2.5 10-9
2015 discussed discussed
[34], TWDM-
4 4-QAM Not used Asymmetric 2 60 25/10 10-12
2017 OFDMA-
[64], OFDMA- Not
16-QAM Not used Symmetric 32 20 33 3.8×10-3
2017 PON discussed
[12], OFDMA- Not Not
2 16-QAM Not used 100 20 (U/S) 3.8×10-3
2017 PON discussed discussed
[33], Not Not
LR-PON 16 Not used 2D-HC 190 40 10-9
2019 discussed discussed
[51], TWDM- Not used Not used
8 Symmetric 640 60 80 10-9
2021 PON
Proposed 2D-
PON 16 16-QAM Symmetric 128 120 320 3.8×10-3
work SWZCC
From the comparative analysis of the proposed symmetric TWDM-OFDM PON system w.r.t. recent previous
work in Table 10 it is clear that the proposed work describes best performance than other system designs in terms
of a higher number of channels (=16), modulation format (16-QAM), code (2D-SWZCC), split ratio (=128), fiber
length (=120) and data rate (=20Gbps per channel) at respective BER values. In the previous literature work,
except [33] uses code with a maximum fiber range of 190km at a maximum 40Gbps data rate, and shows limited
performance than the proposed TWDM-OFDM PON system. Fig. 11 shows the flowchart for designing of hybrid
TWDM-OFDM-PON using 2D S/S-SWZCC code [65], [66].
Fig. 11 Flowchart for designing of hybrid TWDM-OFDM-PON using 2D S/S SWZCC code
5. Conclusion
NG-PON2-based hybrid TWDM-OFDM-PON is a point-to-multipoint optical high-speed access network,
adapting full existing consequence access network architecture as well as a multi-wavelength network utilizing
16-QAM OFDM modulation technique. A full-duplex symmetric 1.6Tbps hybrid TWDM-16QAM-OFDM-PON
using 2D-SWZCC code with a 1:128 split ratio has been demonstrated and analysed to enable high bandwidth
access network and to meet the forthcoming high-speed application as well as services such as fifth generation
(5G), artificial intelligence (AI), internet of things (IoT), etc. Based on the numerical calculations, the hybrid
system provides optimal performance in terms of good receiver sensitivity of -36dBm and -33dBm for D/S and
U/S transmission respectively, under the impact of fiber dispersion, attenuation, ISI, FWM, and receiver noise.
Also, the system using 2D-SWZCC code offers better performance in terms of adequate splitter power budget of
23dB for downlink and 10dB for uplink transmission with a high gain of -1dB, low noise figure of 1.5dB and high
OSNR of 105dB than MD, MQC, SZCC, FCC, MNZCC, and Hadamard codes. The hybrid TWDM-16QAM-
OFDM-PON offers the best performance than other existing networks based on TWDM and GPON. Moreover,
the simulation results show that the proposed system provides a 100km D/S and 120km U/S transmission distance,
a high data rate of 15/20Gbps for every sixteen channels, minimum received power of -32.8dBm at an input power
of 10dBm supporting 190 users. At a high input power of 15dBm, 250 simultaneous users can be handled by the
TWDM-OFDM PON using SWZCC code with OSNR of 110dB, -30dBm received power and clear constellation
along with eye diagrams successfully. Additionally, a comparison of the proposed work with existing recent past
work shows the supremacy of the proposed system w.r.t. different OCDMA codes as well as system designs.
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