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R07 Set No - 1

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Code No: 45002


Set No - 1

III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations,Nov/Dec 2009 Concrete Technology Civil Engineering Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) How do you nd the initial setting time of cement. (b) What is the dierence between mineral admixtures and chemical admixtures. List out them separately. [4+12] 2. (a) What is a concrete mixer. Explain dierent types of mixers. (b) What is Shotcrete? (c) What is Revibration of concrete?

3. (a) What are the limitations of Schmidts rebound hammer? (c) What are the tests for strength in compression? 4. (a) What is porosity.

(b) State IS code provisions for stripping time for shuttering?

(b) Explain the inuence of properties of coarse aggregate on strength of concrete. (c) What is micro cracking in concrete. (d) What is the eect of age on strength of concrete.

5. (a) What data is to be collected for concrete mix design? Justify the necessity of that data. (b) Dene mix design. (c) Discuss the eects of curing on the capillary pore system and how this aects durability. [8+2+6] 6. (a) What is ber reinforced concrete and what are the dierent bers used? (b) Dene aspect ratio of bres? (c) Where bre shot concrete is used? Explain. 7. What is Shrinkage of concrete? How can it be classied explain in detail. 8. Explain the signicance of (a) Air permeability test (b) Compacting factor test (c) Vee-Bee test. [16] [8+4+4] [16]

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Code No: 45002


Set No - 2

III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations,Nov/Dec 2009 Concrete Technology Civil Engineering Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Bring out the dierences between normal and high strength concrete with respect to stress strain behaviour. (b) Explain the term curing eciency? (c) What are the dierent types of compaction? [4+4+8] 2. (a) (b) (c) (d) What What What What is soundness of aggregate. is Alkali-silica reaction. is Alkali-carbonate reaction. are special aggregates.

3. (a) What are the advantages of pozzolanas in concrete? (b) Dierentiate between high early strength cement and quick setting cement. [8+8] 4. (a) (b) (c) (d) What are the causes of inadequate durability. What are the eects of carbonation? What are the factors inuencing carbonation? Write about acid attack on concrete.

5. (a) What is hot weather concreting and what are the problems encountered. (b) What is the durability of y ash concrete. [10+6] 6. What is the eect of the following on workability? (a) (b) (c) (d) Surface Texture of Aggregate. Grading of Aggregate Use of Admixtures Shape of Aggregates.

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7. (a) What are the dierent types of NDT tests? (b) Explain about pulse velocity method and factors aecting the measurement. [4+12] 8. (a) What are dierent types of cracking? (b) What is meant by Air entrainment in concrete? (c) What are the factors inuencing air entrainment?


Code No: 45002


Set No - 3

III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations,Nov/Dec 2009 Concrete Technology Civil Engineering Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

1. What are the dierent tests involved in measurement of workability. Explain in detail. [16] 2. (a) Dierentiate design mix from normal mix.

(b) How durability of concrete can be improved with the use of silica fume and y ash. (c) What is ready mix concrete? 3. (a) What is glass bred reinforced concrete? (b) Write in detail about the types of FRC?

(c) What is recycled aggregate concrete; explain various properties of the same? [4+4+8] 4. (a) What is Poissons ratio of concrete. (b) What is Autogenous shrinkage.

(c) What are the factors inuencing shrinkage.

5. (a) Explain the eects of aggregate to cement ratio and cement content on the strength of concrete. (b) Dene Gel-Space ratio in concrete. (c) How does the shape of aggregate particles aect properties of fresh concrete. [10+3+3] 6. How will you determine the tensile strength of concrete? Explain in detail. [16]

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7. (a) What are the various strength theories of concrete? Explain any one in detail. (b) Explain the dierence between water cement ratio and gel space ratio. [8+8] 8. (a) What are the dierent tests that are conducted to know the quality of cement? Explain any one in detail. (b) Dene admixtures? Mention dierent types of admixtures? [10+6]

Code No: 45002


Set No - 4

III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations,Nov/Dec 2009 Concrete Technology Civil Engineering Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

1. Dene: (a) Segregation. (b) Bleeding. (c) What are the dierent methods of batching? Explain in detail. 2. (a) What are the problems of delayed curing.

(b) What happens when unsound materials are used in concrete preparation? (c) What happens when concrete is subjected to high temperature. 3. (a) What is the signicance of Fineness Modulus?

(b) What are the dierent methods of curing concrete. (c) As per Indian standards how many zones of sand are there? Which is the nest and coarsest. [4+4+8] 4. (a) What are the eects of de-icing agents? (b) What is the inuence of blended cement on corrosion? (c) What are the factors inuencing corrosion; how can we stop corrosion?[4+4+8] 5. (a) List out the factors eecting strength of concrete? (b) Explain the short term and long term properties of concrete . (c) What are the eects of hot weather on hardened concrete? 6. Explain in detail the special methods of making high strength concrete. [2+10+4] [16]

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7. (a) What is the compatibility of super plasticizers and cement and what are the eld tests available. (b) What is the Mechanical strength of cement gel. (c) What is the behavior of tricalcium aluminate hydrate in cement. [8+4+4]

8. (a) What are the factors aecting properties of ber reinforced concrete, explain briey. (b) What is polymer concrete and explain about dierent types of polymer concrete? [8+8]

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