Duplexer Manual
Duplexer Manual
Duplexer Manual
Duplexer, Defined:
Duplexer Applications
EMR Corp 22402 N. 19th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85027 Toll Free: 1-800-796-2875 Tel: (623) 581-2875
Fax: (623) 582-9499 www.emrcorp.com e-mail: info@emrcorp.com
Understanding, Maintaining & Re-Tuning Antenna Duplexers
A band pass duplexer using six band pass type Most duplexers found in land mobile wireless
cavity resonators is shown in schematic form service are pass-reject or pass/notch types,
in Figure 1. Note that each branch has three shown schematically in Figure 3. Note that
cavities connected together with cables. A each cavity has only one coupling loop. The
“tee” junction and two more cables connects loop has a series capacitor, which is adjustable
the two branches with the antenna feed line. to resonate the loop itself, providing a reject
Sufficient selectivity must be provided by the notch when adjusted to a desired frequency.
cavity filters to preclude transmitter carrier
power from desensitizing the relatively broad The loop also couples energy into the cavity
response of the receiver front end and to also at the desired coupling factor, producing a
reduce transmitter wide band noise to a level relatively broad pass band selectivity. The
below the threshold of receiver sensitivity. In notch can be placed either above or below
this example we show a VHF duplexer the resonant frequency of the cavity, as
operating at a 5 MHz. transmit-receive needed. The typical performance is shown
frequency offset. below.
Junction 153.5 154.0 154 .5 155.0 155.5 156.0 156 .5
Figure 4 Pass/Rej ect Duplexer Response Curves
tuned Figure 4 shows responses of a VHF pass-
loops reject duplexer with transmit to receive
spacing of 2 MHz. Note that the pass
responses are quite broad. The overall notch
Branch depths are very sharply defined and sufficient
in depth to equal or exceed the noise and
carrier “desense” requirements.
EMR Corp 22402 N. 19th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85027 Toll Free: 1-800-796-2875 Tel: (623) 581-2875
Fax: (623) 582-9499 www.emrcorp.com e-mail: info@emrcorp.com
Understanding, Maintaining & Re-Tuning Antenna Duplexers
EMR Corp 22402 N. 19th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85027 Toll Free: 1-800-796-2875 Tel: (623) 581-2875
Fax: (623) 582-9499 www.emrcorp.com e-mail: info@emrcorp.com
Understanding, Maintaining & Re-Tuning Antenna Duplexers
Tuning Screws
w ith set nuts
Transmitter Output to
Figure 6
To Ante nna
Input receiver
EMR Corp 22402 N. 19th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85027 Toll Free: 1-800-796-2875 Tel: (623) 581-2875
Fax: (623) 582-9499 www.emrcorp.com e-mail: info@emrcorp.com
Understanding, Maintaining & Re-Tuning Antenna Duplexers
About Cavity Resonators end of the cavity to excite the TEM (transverse
electromagnetic) field and to retrieve power
Duplexers rely on the characteristics of cavity in the case of the band pass cavity. A similar
resonators to provide needed filtering loop with a series capacitor is used for the
performance. Beyond duplexer applications, pass-reject version.
cavity resonators are used as stand alone
filters, in transmitter combiners and various Most loops are formed from heavy copper
other filter applications. strips, silver plated for reduction of skin effect
losses. Loop dimensions, and aspect ratio,
Cut-away views of typical band pass and pass- e.g.: width to depth, size (volume) of the
reject cavities are shown in Figure 7. cavity, operating frequency and degree of
coupling will all contribute to the impedance
The difference between band pass and pass of the loop. For those readers familiar with
reject cavity couplingloops are shown in Figure the use of imaginary number notation, the
8. The band pass loop extend down into the character of the loop is predominately
Adjusting Knob
Adjusting Knob
Inv Tuning Rod
ar Tuning Rod
set nut
Type NConnectors
Type N Connectors
Adjustabl e Coupling Loop
Adjustable Coupling Loop
S izes vary (typical)
ac cor ding to
band varyent
segm according to
involv ed.
band segment involved
FFixed ElementSection
ix ed Element Section
Cav ityBody
Cavity body - May
- May be be
r ound, square or
Round, square or
irr egular i n s hape.
irregular in shape.
Finger r stock
tofixe d eelement,
fixed lement , pro-
vid ing conta ct w ith t he
viding contact with
movi ng element w hen
tuning element
knob when
is turne d.
tuning knob is turned
A djustabl e El em ent
Adjustable Element
Secti on
Cavity Pass - Reject
Pass Reject Cavity
Figure 7
EMR Corp 22402 N. 19th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85027 Toll Free: 1-800-796-2875 Tel: (623) 581-2875
Fax: (623) 582-9499 www.emrcorp.com e-mail: info@emrcorp.com
Understanding, Maintaining & Re-Tuning Antenna Duplexers
Admittance will vary from +j30 to +j50, sided shapes will work fine if properly
according to how it is adjusted. Since the loop designed. These can be very space efficient
impedance is not purely resistive, all cable compared to round formats.
lengths between cavities are critical. The
lengths of interconnecting cables must be EMR Corp. uses square or rectangular format
selected to yield a suitable match with the designs exclusively, made from heavy gauge
traditional 50 Ω system impedance used in aluminum sheet or extrusions with TIG welded
land mobile systems. end plates to provide a high order of
Figure 8
Loop hold down
Type connector screw
dow n TypeType
N connect or
N Connector Loop hold dow n
Loop hold down
plateofof screw w it h flat
washer screw with
w it h flat
f lat
plate screw
cavity body
cavity body waswas
her her was her
Rotatable Loop t uning capacitor:
Loop Loop tuning capacitor:
plate End
plate Resonat es lo op to
Resonates loop to
ity notchfrequency.
notch frequency .
Band pass body
body Pass-reject
Figure 8, above, shows the two typical loop mechanical integrity. Some of the reasons for
configurations. Note that the “loop plate” can using this design concept include:
be rotated to adjust the coupling factor into
and out of the cavity. For pass-reject 1. Square or rectangular shapes fit better in
application, either a “T” adapter or a specially cabinets, racks and other enclosures than do
constructed loop plate arrangement with a round or irregular shapes. We secure a higher
variable capacitor is placed in series with the “Q” per cubic foot of occupied space using
“grounded” end of the loop. This capacitor is our “Square Q” cavities, yielding better
adjusted to position the resulting notch performance vs: site rack or cabinet space
frequency as needed. Cavity tuning as well occupancy. As an example, a 7” square cavity
as notch frequency responses are somewhat has performance equal to an 8” round cavity
interactive, usually requiring several tuning and uses 20% less rack or cabinet space.
steps, each step bringing the cavity closer to
an optimized tuning condition. 2. The square format for our cavities lends
itself to a variety of packaging and mounting
Cavity Comparisons methods. Many round cavities must use large
hose clamps on support rails to mount them.
Some points of comparison between cavities Our UHF and 800-960 MHz square cavities
are as follows: can be panel mounted using their sturdy 1/4”
thick bottom plates.
Many manufacturers build round cavities
because round forms of aluminum and copper 3. The EMR Corp. line of “economical”
pipe are plentiful or can readily be roll formed integrated cavity duplexer bodies employ
from sheet stock. Rectangular, square or heavy aluminum parts that are “dip-brazed”
EMR Corp 22402 N. 19th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85027 Toll Free: 1-800-796-2875 Tel: (623) 581-2875
Fax: (623) 582-9499 www.emrcorp.com e-mail: info@emrcorp.com
Understanding, Maintaining & Re-Tuning Antenna Duplexers
together to insure absolute mechanical is degraded sharply, you will probably need
integrity. to modify cable lengths to get proper
These duplexers use “capacitive probe” tuned
resonator elements. They provide outstanding Question: What type of duplexer is it? Band
performance, stability and reliability at a very pass or pass/reject? A rule of thumb
attractive cost to the site owner. suggestion as to probable performance of
various sizes and types of duplexers according
4. High power handling cavities for continuous to operating band will be found in Appendix
duty operation at 250, 500, 1,000 watts and #1 of this bulletin. These examples can be
higher power levels are most often equipped used as guide lines to determine whether they
with heat sinks and thermostatically actuated can be successfully re-tuned and used for a
cooling fans to maintain thermal balance. particular application.
Before attempting to tune a given duplexer to The following test equipment is considered
suit a particular transmit and receive frequency necessary to successful duplexer re-tuning:
pair, you must make several important
determinations. ♦ Preferred: A Dynamic Wave Analyzer with
dual trace display, 100 dB (or more) in 10
Question: What specifications did the duplexer dB steps of vertical log display resolution,
manufacturer place on the particular model 1 dB per division (or less) fine resolution,
involved? Such as: (A) Input power rating, with integral transmission - reflection
(B) Minimum T-R spacing, (C) Branch bridge or “S parameter” test set.
insertion loss vs: T-R spacing.
♦ Acceptable: A dual trace spectrum
Answer: Often old catalogs of the duplexer analyzer with integral swept generator and
manufacturer will disclose the expected transmission - reflection bridge, having at
performance capabilities. If this can’t be least 80 dB of vertical resolution in 10 dB
found, measuring performance “as-is” can and 1 dB steps.
result in a good opinion as to operating
capabilities. ♦ Minimum: A spectrum analyzer with 80 dB
or greater dynamic range and a stable well
Question: What frequencies were the calibrated signal generator. If possible,
duplexer factory tuned for? Are these more an R. F. bridge should be available.
than 4 to 5% higher or lower than the
frequency pair that you want to tune to? ♦ It is possible to retune duplexers using two
Example: Originally factory tuned for 452.250 typical service monitors, one having
TX and 457.250 RX. You need a duplexer to spectrum display. Generate a calibrated
work on TX 464.925 TX and 469.925 RX signal with one and use the other to
channels. Can the duplexer perform indicate signal amplitude. Usually the
acceptably at the new frequencies? accuracy of readings provided are
somewhat lacking, making truly accurate
Answer: Measure and record performance adjustments difficult or impossible.
at the old frequencies, then retune. If the T-
R split is the same as before and performance ♦ Duplexer manufacturers and well equipped
EMR Corp 22402 N. 19th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85027 Toll Free: 1-800-796-2875 Tel: (623) 581-2875
Fax: (623) 582-9499 www.emrcorp.com e-mail: info@emrcorp.com
Understanding, Maintaining & Re-Tuning Antenna Duplexers
EMR Corp 22402 N. 19th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85027 Toll Free: 1-800-796-2875 Tel: (623) 581-2875
Fax: (623) 582-9499 www.emrcorp.com e-mail: info@emrcorp.com
Understanding, Maintaining & Re-Tuning Antenna Duplexers
Example: The constant: 5,616 Next, connect the cables to the cavity under
Frequency (MHz) 155 =
½ electrical wavelength = 36.23”
test. If no notch pattern is seen, expand the
To correct for cable velocity factor: horizontal sweep to 20, 50 or 100 MHz until
36.23 x .82 = 29.7” cable length the notch pattern is identified. It will probably
look like a distorted “W” response. Adjust the
Be sure to use the cable and connector manufacturer’s
instructions to determine how much to shorten the cable
cavity tuning rod position to bring the pattern
to account for connector electrical lengths. to screen center. Reduce sweep width to 10
MHz (1 MHz per division).
You can verify your cable lengths by
connecting one end directly to the analyzer If your analyzer has markers, place Marker
bridge output and terminating the other end #1 at the pass frequency, in this case 154.0
with a known high quality test load termination. MHz and set Marker #2 at 157 MHz.
If the cable is good for your purpose, a return Alternately adjust the cavity tuning and the
loss of more than 30 dB (40 dB or better loop notch tuning until minimum insertion loss
preferred) will be indicated at the desired test and maximum notch depth are obtained.
If markers are not available, you can
Tuning or Re-tuning Cavities interpolate between the screen divisions to
arrive at the desired frequencies with about
Figure 10 shows how a wave analyzer can be 100 KHz resolution if you use care. By
used to tune either band pass or pass/reject reducing the resolution of Trace (B) to 0.50,
cavities. Prior to doing any tuning, you must 0.25 or 0.10 dB you can now accurately see
set up the analyzer and calibrate it to insure the insertion loss with high definition. The
that your measurements will be meaningful. response patterns should be similar to those
shown in Figure 10.
Suppose that you wish to tune a pass/reject
cavity to pass 154.0 MHz and reject 157.0 Tuning band pass cavities is more or less
MHz. First set the center of the instrument similar. Depending on the particular need,
swept range to 155.0 MHz and the sweep these cavities are tuned for 0.5 dB to 0.75 dB
width to 20 MHz wide. of insertion loss each for duplexer service,
although some are tuned for up to 3 dB of
With the channel “A” reference line set to the loss as stand alone filters. You must be sure
vertical center line of the display and channel that the loop coupling factors are balanced.
EMR Corp 22402 N. 19th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85027 Toll Free: 1-800-796-2875 Tel: (623) 581-2875
Fax: (623) 582-9499 www.emrcorp.com e-mail: info@emrcorp.com
Understanding, Maintaining & Re-Tuning Antenna Duplexers
Some manufactures place calibration marks exact coupling factors. Your cavity is properly
on rotatable loops. Beware: They are simply tuned when you can reverse the cables to it
for guidance and not intended to result in and both the insertion loss and the return loss
are the same in either direction.
Wave A nalyzer
Pass/ Reject
Cavity Under Test
Respo nse
Return Loss
Band Pass
Cavity Under Test
Return Loss
Expected display
t races
(See text)
0 Reference
Line"A" 50 ohm
Loss 10
dB Test
20 Terminat ion
e la
ul p
ic is
Type N
et D
R zer
40 Reference Bullet
50 10
Type N
60 20 Return
70 30
Adapt or
80 40
Tuning & Calibration
Wave analyzer calibration settings Accessories
tuning under dynamicwave
under dynamic waveanalysis
analysis metho d
Figure 10 See text for purpose, set- up, calibration and adj ustments.
EMR Corp 22402 N. 19th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85027 Toll Free: 1-800-796-2875 Tel: (623) 581-2875
Fax: (623) 582-9499 www.emrcorp.com e-mail: info@emrcorp.com
Understanding, Maintaining & Re-Tuning Antenna Duplexers
This makes the loop couplings equal through Note that through critical coupling, the desired
the cavity. Usually this will take several cable pass band is essentially flat over a 1 MHz.
reversals and “touch ups” of loop orientation range and the return loss is about 28 dB over
to arrive at the desired insertion loss with the range. Careful cable length adjustments
acceptable return loss at both ports. Most and considerable tuning time is required to
cavities will show a return loss from 17 to 25 accomplish superior filter performance. This
dB when optimized. Remember, the cavity is insures protection for a group of closely
presenting a predominately inductive spaced multicoupled receivers at a high
characteristic to an inherently resistive leg of density site.
the bridge.
0 Reference
Tuning Multiple Cavities, Tuning Duplexers 10
Line "B"
Insertion 20
It is possible to develop a filter to pass a range Loss
dB 30
of frequencies and having steep sloped
40 Reference
responses above and below the desired pass 0
Line "A""
band. The curves shown in Figure 11 displays 10
EMR Corp 22402 N. 19th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85027 Toll Free: 1-800-796-2875 Tel: (623) 581-2875
Fax: (623) 582-9499 www.emrcorp.com e-mail: info@emrcorp.com
Understanding, Maintaining & Re-Tuning Antenna Duplexers
lengths to connect cavities together. Often, We will be pleased to assist you with any
the user will be trying to make a filter or duplexer problem. Call, FAX or E-mail us with
duplexer out of a set of mis-matched cavities your duplexer type(s) and operating frequency
as a duplexer or filter. Unfortunately, we can information.
only guess at the lengths, drawing from past
experience. EMR Corporation
22402 North 19th Avenue
We trust that this bulletin will be the basis for Phoenix, AZ 85027
a better understanding of antenna duplexers,
and bring out the reasons why care must be Telephone: (623) 581-2875
used in tuning them if acceptable performance Toll Free: (800) 796-2875
FAX: (623) 582-9499
is to be secured. EMR Web Page: www.emrcorp.com
E-mail: info@emrcorp.com
Hopefully, this discussion of duplexers has
provided enough insight to be of assistance
to you.
Appendix #1
Cavity Types vs: Performance in Duplexers
Duplexer B an d No. Cavities Cavity Siz e Minimum T-R
Type MHz . Per Branch & Format Spacing, MHz .
Band Pass 150-170 3 4" Sq., 5" Round 4.0
EMR Corp 22402 N. 19th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85027 Toll Free: 1-800-796-2875 Tel: (623) 581-2875
Fax: (623) 582-9499 www.emrcorp.com e-mail: info@emrcorp.com