Lab 9
Lab 9
Lab 9
Laboratory Session 6
Computer Simulation III
The objective of this session is to learn how to use Matlab to carry out the analysis of feedback control systems using the root-locus and frequency response methods..
Example 1.1 Consider a unity-feedback system with the following open-loop transfer function 20(s2 + s + 0.5 G(s) = s(s + 1)(s + 10) Draw a Nyquist plot with MATLAB and examine the stability of the closed-loop system. Solution. The following MATLAB program can be used to produce a Nyquist plot, from which we see that the plot does not encircle the 1 + j0 point, i.e., N = 0. Note that no open-loop poles lie in the right-half plane, i.e., P = 0, implying that Z = N + P = 0. So the closed-loop system is stable. num=[0 20 20 10]; den=[1 11 10 0]; sys=tf(num, den); nyquist(sys); v=[-2 -3 3 3]; axis(v); grid
1 (s + 1)2 (s2 + s + 4)
and use it to nd the gain margin and phase margin. Exercise 2. In this exercise you will study the Bode plots of normalized second-order systems with an additional pole described by G(s) = 1 [(s/p) + 1](s2 + s + 1)
(a) Draw Bode plots of G(s) with p = /2 for = 0.1, 1. Do the plots lead you to expect additional rise times? (b) Draw the Bode plots for several (at least seven) other values of . Exercise 3. Obtain a Nyquist plot for the open-loop transfer function G(s) = K (s + 1)(s + 2)(s + 3)
with K = 20 in the unity-feedback system and determine whether the closed-loop system is stable using the Nyquist stability criterion. Repeat for K = 50. Exercise 4. For a unity feedback system with the open-loop transfer function G(s) = K s2 (s (s + 1)(s + 2) , + 3)(s2 + 2s + 25)
use Bode and root-locus plots to determine the gain and frequency at which a closed-loop pole falls on the imaginary axis. What gain (or gains) gives a PM of 20 ? What is the gain margin when PM= 20 . Exercise 5. Suppose you are given the plant transfer function G(s) = s+ s(s + 1)(s2 + 8 + 52)
in the unity feedback control system. Study the behavior of the locus of closedloop poles as the parameter is varied from 0 to 10, paying particular attention to the region between 2.5 and 3.5. Determine the value of such that a multiple closed-loop pole occurs.
Lab Report
A brief lab report for the above exercises is required for assessment purposes at the end of the session and should contain the following: 1. Principal working steps. 2. Matlab programs with proper documentation. 3. Results and simulation plots with correct labels. 4. Observations and conclusions wherever applicable. Although the transfer function given in the exercises may have no unspecied parameter, a Matlab program should be written in such a way that it can work in as general a situation as possible and can easily be adapted to changes to coe cients of a transfer function or some other parameters. How well your programs can cope with any such changes will be taken into account as well during the assessment.