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Mechanics 1, Week 13 Notes What Is Mechanics and What Framework Will We Use To Under-Stand It?

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Mechanics 1, Week 13 Notes What is Mechanics and What Framework Will We Use to Understand it?

We begin by rst setting the stage for what these lectures are about. What is mechanics? Very simply, it is the study of motion. Motion of what? Well, just about anything. There are mechanical theories or descriptions for such diverse systems (another word to dene, at some point) as the internet, DNA molecules, and the stockmarket, just to name three. So the study of mechanics will prove useful in just about every eld of science, engineering, and technology, and should be viewed as essential. But lets go back to the beginning. With our denition of mechanics we have raised the obvious question, what is motion? Answering this question will tell us a great deal about how we are going to study mechanics. Suppose I throw a ball across the room. In this case it should be clear what I mean by the motion of the ball; I am merely referring to the path the ball takes as it moves through the air on its way across the room. Describing the motion may mean providing a description of the balls location at each instant of time as it moves across the room. But what do we mean by time and location? This may seem obvious, but what is obvious to you, may not be so to someone else, and one of our goals will be to understand just what we can take as obvious, and what does require more careful consideration. Time. We will make no attempts to dene time in this course. It is a notion that we can all reach some level of agreement upon based on our common experience. Most importantly, we can provide a way of measuring it with clocks that we can all agree upon. Time is an example of a quantity referred to as a dimension, and dimensions have dierent units (e.g., seconds, minutes, hours). There are some deep issues lurking behind the scenes here, issues that led Einstein to develop the theory of special relativity, but you will learn about them in other courses later in your studies. Space. The ball is moving through space. What is space? Like time, for us space will be an undened notion. However, again like time, it will achieve meaning and utility for us by providing a way to measure it, and this will involve the notion of length or distance. So how do we describe the balls location in space at a xed instant of time? This can be done by specifying a coordinate system, and by specifying the location of the ball with respect to a chosen coordinate system. This last phrase is signicant, because there is a great deal of freedom in choosing a coordinate system. Convenience is often the most signicant motivating factor for the choice of a coordinate system. However, it should be clear that some aspects of the motion of the ball should be independent of the choice of coordinates used to quantitatively describe its motion. Understanding what aspects of motion are coordinate dependent versus coordinate free is important. Length is another example of a dimension, and you should be familiar with many units of length (e.g., meters, inches, or miles). The location of the ball at each instant in time is referred to as the kinematics of the ball. The subject of mechanics is usually broken into two parts. Kinematics, which is the study of the description of motion, and dynamics, which is the study of the cause of motion. Dynamics would be concerned with what caused the particular kinematics of the ball. That is, why did it take a certain path with a certain speed (among other things that we dont have the language to discuss yet). The beginning point for the study of dynamics is Newtons Laws. What is a law? Its something we cannot prove mathematically. Rather, it is the distillation of years of experience (or experiment) that we take as the truth until something better comes along (as a result of more experience and experiment). Newtons laws were laid down by him in his book The Principia (the title is actually longer, but you can look that up, it is usually just referred to as The Principia), published in 1687. Heres the rst law. (It happens that Newtons rst law was arrived at many years earlier by Galileo (see the references below), but thats just the way science works sometimes. ) Newtons First Law. Every material body remains in its state of rest or of uniform rectilinear motion unless compelled by forces acting on it to change its state. 1

We would like to make this law a bit more mathematical. In the Principia Newton included a series of denitions in order to clarify this. Denition II. The quantity of motion is the measure of the same, arising from the velocity and the quantity of matter conjunctly. The notion of velocity should be intuitively evident from our earlier discussion, once weve chosen a coordinate system, that is. Quantity of matter is a dierent issue. Mass. Physical objects are made up of stu, or matter. For us, this will be another primitive concept that we will make no eort to dene. Mass is another example of a dimension, and you are probably familiar with many units of mass (e.g., grams and kilograms). Newton did make an eort to dene mass in his Denition 1, quoted below. Denition I. The quantity of matter is the measure of the same, arising from its density and bulk conjunctly. Thus air of double density, in a double space, is quadruple in quantity; in a triple space, sextuple in quantity. The same thing is to be understood of snow, and ne dust or powders, that are condensed by compression or liquefaction; and of all bodies that are by any caused whatever dierently condensed. I have no regard in this place to a medium, if any such there is, that freely pervades the interstices between the parts of bodies. It is this quantity that I mean hereafter everywhere under the name of body or mass. And the same is known by the weight of each body; for it is proportional to the weight, as I have found by experiments on pendulums, very accurately made, which shall be shewn hereafter. This is a good example of circular reasoning (Sommerfeld refers to it as a mock denition), see if you can gure out why. It should give you hope to see geniuses making the same types of mistakes that you may make (but its no excuse!). So for Newton, quantity of matter and mass are synonyms. According to Newtons First Law, the quantity of motion is the product of the mass and velocity. Now we quantify the notion of mass with just a number (e.g., 6 kilograms, 600 kilograms, etc.), but velocity is not just quantied by a number, but also by a direction (think about it, it makes a dierence which way you are going). Such directed quantities are referred to as vectors, and they will be the main subject of the lectures for the next few weeks. Now lets refer to the mass of the material body by m and the velocity by v, we make the velocity boldface to denote that it is a directed quantity (in our context, we want to distinguish it from m). We shall refer to the quantity of motion of the material body as its momentum, and denote it by p (the phrase quantity of motion is not very good as it does not reect the directional quality of the motion. The idea of a vector was not fully formed in Newtons time, though he doubtless would have understood the concept). Then we can write the equation: p = mv, and Newtons rst law becomes: p = constant in the absence of forces, (yes, we have not said what a force is). Sometimes this is referred to as the Law of Inertia. Referring to the motivating example from above, the ball started from rest in my hand, then it moved across the room. Its quantity of motion changed. Therefore a force, or forces, must have acted on it (of course, I threw it with my arm, but there were other forces too, right? What were they?). We cant predict the motion without knowing the forces. Knowing the forces acting on a body is the key issue in solving any mechanics problem. But lets return to this phrase material body. In our thought experiment of tossing a ball across the room and describing its motion would it have made a dierence if the ball was small, round and hard or 2

a large plastic bag lled with water or four balls connected by springs? Probably. The point here is the the structure and composition of the material body will probably have an eect on the path it takes as it is thrown across the room. This is a level of complexity that we will not consider at this point. Our material bodies will consist of all of the mass being concentrated in a point, sometimes referred to as a point mass or mass point. Surprisingly, this approximation works well in many situations. For example, we can get a pretty good idea of the dynamics of the solar system by considering the sun, planets, and some of the moons, as point masses (but for detailed calculations of trajectories of objects in the solar system this approximation would not be adequate). Now lets turn to the real law of dynamics; Newtons second law (if the second law is the real law, then why isnt it the rst law? There is a logical answer. Try to gure it out.). Newtons Second Law. The change in motion is proportional to the force acting and takes place in the direction of the straight line along which the force acts. Now we cannot avoid saying something about this term force any longer. Intuitively, you should have some idea of this notion just from using your muscles in daily life. From this, it should also seem reasonable that force is another directed quantity or vector. We can measure these forces that we generate with our muscles, or other machines, by comparing them against the standard force of gravity. Once we specied a way of measuring a quantity, it achieves physical meaningfulness. Now lets write out Newtons second law as an equation: d p = F. dt The change of motion is written as the time derivative of the momentum, and this is equal to the force. What about the phrase . . . direction of the straight line along which the force acts? How is that manifested in this equation? You will learn that when we learn about the properties of vectors during the next few lectures. For completeness, we write down Newtons third law. Newtons Third Law. Action always equals reaction, or, the forces two bodies exert on each other are always equal and opposite in direction. This says that forces always occur in pairs in Nature. You attract the earth just as much as the earth attracts you. The third law will play a central role when we couple (or, attach together) many point masses to form more complicated bodies. Physical measurement is the notion that gives meaning to many of the quantities in Newtons three laws, hence the laws themselves. But if you look back at our discussion of the dierent physical measurements that we described in order to quantify time, space, and mass underlying them all was the notion of a chosen coordinate system. Are Newtons law dependent on the coordinate system? We will learn later that, for a certain class of coordinate systems, the answer is no. This is the end of the general introduction. Now we will get down to developing the nuts and bolts of mechanics and, for the most part, forget about much of the issues that were raised here. We will merely take Newtons Laws as axioms, and once weve determined the forces, derive the mathematical consequences. Newtons laws will be taken up in more detail after weve developed some tools to study kinematics.

We mentioned that there are many textbooks on mechanics that cover the basic material dealt with in this course. At some point you may want to purchase a particular text for reference purposes. The particular text that you purchase may depend upon your tastes, interests, and needs that you develop after a few years study of mathematics. In this course you will be provide with notes that cover the material. However, we mention below a few books that go somewhat beyond the course and whose study will yield deep insights. Truesdell, C. [1968] Essays in the History of Mechanics. Springer-Verlag: New York.

The book by Truesdell is a scholarly and entertainingly written work on the history of mechanics. In it you will learn of some of the intellectual struggles of some of the greatest scientic minds as they developed some of the concepts that we now almost take for granted. This is an excellent book to learn about how mathematics is applied to describe and predict physical phenomena. Mach, E. . [1919] The Science of Mechanics. The Open Court Publishing Company: Chicago. Mach was one of the deepest thinkers about what mechanics really means. It is said that Einstein studied this book throughly in the time leading up to his development of relativity. It is easy to dip in and out of the book depending on your interests, and thinking about what Mach writes will certainly give much insight into mechanics. This book is now available for free download at: http://www.archive.org/details/scienceofmechani005860mbp

Sommerfeld, A. [1952] Mechanics. Academic Press: New York. The book of Sommerfeld is a personal favorite of mine. Sommerfeld was one of the greatest theoretical physicists of the 20th century, and also one of the greatest teachers. It is probably fair to say that this book is a bit obscure. However, the topics, problems, and insights are simply unequalled in any modern textbook, and I still use it regularly as a reference.

KinematicsScalars, Vectors, and Vector Algebra

Broadly speaking, mechanical systems will be described by a combination of scalar and vector quantities. A scalar is just a (real) number. For example, mass or weight is characterized by a (real and nonnegative) number. A vector is characterized by a nonnegative real number (referred to as a magnitude), and a direction. For example, momentum and force are examples of vector quantities, since it is not only the magnitude of these quantities that is important, but they also have a directional nature (for the moment, we are just appealing to your intuition here). We assume that you are familiar with the algebraic rules associated with manipulating numbers. Similar algebraic rules exist for manipulating vectors, and that is what we want to develop now (for example, it is important to know how to deal with several dierent forces acting on a body in dierent directions). However, we are getting a bit ahead of ourselves. First, we need to give a mathematical denition of a vector. The rules of vector algebra are then derived from the properties ascribed to vectors through the denition (the axiomatic way of reasoning). As you progress in your studies of mathematics you will see that the notion of a vector is fundamental in many areas of studies. This is possible because the fundamental idea has been generalized by virtue of its being abstracted and axiomatized. However, the abstraction and axiomatization sprang from a fundamental, and fairly simple, idea (its always insightful to look for the motivation behind the abstraction), and this is how we will develop the denition of a vector.

The Denition of a Vector

We now dene the notion of a vector that is sucient for the purposes of this course. In other courses you will generalize the notion of a vector, but the fundamental properties will remain the same. It is important to realize that our denition of a vector does not require reference to a spcic coordinate system. It is coordinate free. This is important to realize because later we will represent vectors in dierent coordinate systems. Our idea of the three dimensional space in which we live we are taking as a basic, undened concept. We consider two points in space, labelled P and Q, and the line segment connecting them, starting at P and ending at Q see Fig. 1.

Figure 1: The denition of a vector as a directed line segment between the points P and Q. Hence, a vector is a directed line segment, in the sense that its direction is from P to Q. This is denoted in the gure by the arrow on the line segment. The magnitude of the vector is just the length of the vector.
Our denition of a vector is valid in ordinary (three-dimensional) space. Do not let the fact that the paper on which Fig. 1 is drawn fool you. Work out in your mind that the denition is perfectly valid in three dimensions. Geometrical reasoning is very powerful in mathematics. Many complicated ideas can be conveyed (and, allegedly, understood) with a simple sketch. However, if the limitations of the sketch are not well understood from the beginning, then false ideas can also be conveyed. There is a bit of art work involved here; something that is gained with experience and careful thought. Some mathematicians may give you the impression that mathematics is a very cut-and-dried subject; that it ows logically through an orderly current of successive theorems, proofs, lemmas, propositions, and denitions. This is nonsense! Many important areas of mathematics were originally formulated in a very confused, illogical, and messy state, and its only through many years of thought and renement that they are brought into the perfectly crisp and logical state that they are presented in today (which is also often dry and uninspiring).

Now we need to introduce some notation for vectors. That is, a way of representing them on a piece of paper, or a black or whiteboard. This is important. Notation forms the language of mathematics, so you must get this right from the start. In the history of mathematics many battles have been fought over the best notation for a subject (a notable such battle was the one between Newton and Leibniz (and their respective followers) for the notation of the calculus that you are learning this year). The vector shown in Fig. 1 can be denoted in several ways: P Q,




The rst notation, P Q, probably makes a lot of sense from the point of view of the denition of a vector that we gave (and good mathematical notation should be intuitive in the sense that it conveys the aspects of the quantity that is being represented). Unfortunately, we will rarely use such notation. Now you are probably wondering where the A came from. Its certainly not shown in Fig. 1. It is at this point that we perform a bit of abstraction with respect to our original denition of a vector. A vector is dened by a length and direction. So the beginning point (P in the gure) and the end point (Q in the gure) are not crucial for dening a vector; any two points will do provided that the segment between those two points has the same length and direction. Or, to put it another way, we can move the line segment all over space and, so long as we maintain its length and direction, it always denes the same vector (this will be important shortly when we talk about addition of two vectors). This makes sense because, thinking ahead, we want to use vectors to represent quantities such as momentum and force (yes, things we have not dened yet). The force acting on a body has a characteristic that is independent of the particular location in space that it is being applied. 5

For example, you can apply the same force to lifting an object whether that object is in Bristol or in London. But back to notation. Since the two particular endpoints are not essential we economize the notation and use a single character, in this case A to denote a vector. On the printed page it is denoted in boldface, A. This doesnt work so well on a black or whiteboard. In that case either an underline is used, A, or an overarrow, A. Key point: A vector has two characteristics: length (or magnitude) and direction.

Vector Algebra
Consistent with our denition of a vector, we now dene how vectors are added, multiplied by scalars (numbers), and subtracted. With the denition of a vector in hand we can now develop rules for adding vectors, subtracting vectors, and multiplying vectors by scalars (the idea of multiplying two vectors will be considered a bit later). But rst, we need to establish two important properties. Equality of Two Vectors. Given two vectors, say A and B, what does it mean for these two vectors to be equal. Since a vector is dened by its direction and length, we say that A and B are equal if they have the same direction and length, and we write this as A = B. Note that equality of two vectors does not depend at all on their beginning and end points in space. The Negative of a Vector. Consider a vector A. The vector having the same length as A, but with opposite direction, is denoted by A. The Sum of Two Vectors. Now lets move on to the subject of adding two vectors. Suppose we are given two vectors A and B. What meaning could we give to the sum of A and B? We rst place the beginning point of B at the ending point of A, as shown in Fig. 2b. The the sum of A and B, denoted A + B, is dened to be the vector, which we will call C, from the beginning point of A to the ending point of B, see Fig. 2b. Sometimes the word resultant is used for sum. This denition is equivalent to the parallelogram law for vector addition, which we illustrate in Fig. 2c. It should be clear that this denition for vector addition can be easily extended to more that two vectors. We illustrate this in Fig. 3.



B A C =A +B


A C =A +B

B (c)
Figure 2: a) Two vectors A and B. b) The sum of A and B. c) Illustration of the parallelogram law for vector addition.


D (a)

D E C A B F=A+B+C+D+E (b)

Figure 3: a) Five vectors, A, B, C, D, and E. b) The sum of the ve vectors, F = A + B + C + D + E. The Dierence of Two Vectors. The dierence of two vectors A and B, denoted A B, is the vector C which when added to B gives A. This denition, along with the denition of the negative of a vector given above, implies that we can write A B as A + (B) (it would be very instructive if you drew a picture of this denition using the denitions given already). If A = B then A B is dened as the zero vector, and denoted by 0. The length of the zero vector is zero, but its direction is undened. The Product of a Vector and a Scalar. The product of a vector A with a scalar c is the vector cA (or Ac) with magnitude |c| times the magnitude of A and the direction the same as A if c is positive, or the direction opposite to A if c is negative. If c = 0 then cA = 0, the zero vector. Unit Vector. This is an important notion that will arise many times. For this reason we choose to highlight the idea. A unit vector is simply a vector having length one (unit length). Given any vector A, with length A > 0, we can construct a unit vector from it, as follows: A a, A then we can also write A = Aa. For a given vector A we will often denote its magnitude by: A = |A|. Note that the only thing distinguishing two unit vectors is their respective directions. Key point: Vectors are added using the parallelogram law. This rule for addition of vectors does not require coordinates.

KinematicsMultiplication of Vectors
There are two ways to multiply two vectors: the dot (or scalar) product and the cross (or vector product. Now we come to the subject of muliplication of vectors. If you think of our purely geometrical denition of a vector given previously, it may seem rather strange to think of multiplying two arrows in space. However, our notion of multiplication will also be based on geometry. There are two ways in which we will multiply vectors. They arise naturally in dierent settings in mechanics. They are the dot, or scalar product and the cross, or vector product. This should already seem a bit novel. After all, there is only one way to multiply numbers, and when you multiply two numbers, you get a number. The terminology here seems to indicate that, besides there being two ways to multiply vectors, if you do it one way you get a number and if you do it the other way you get a vector. This is indeed the case, but lets get to the denitions. Dot, or Scalar Product. A B, is dened by: Key point: A B |A| |B| cos , 0 , Let A and B be vectors. Then the dot, or scalar product of A and B, denoted

where is the angle between A and B when we give A and B the same starting points, see Fig. 4.


Figure 4: We say that two vectors are perpendicular, if their dot product is zero. An equivalent term is orthogonal. Two vectors are said to be orthogonal if their dot product is zero. A related term is orthonormal, but this tends to be applied exclusively to unit vectors. Two unit vectors are said to be orthonormal if their dot product is zero.
We noted earlier that we will assume certain basic knowledge and take some ideas as evident, e.g. the notions of space, time, and mass. Concerning space, the notion that two points determine a straight line, is also something that most of you should accept based on your experience with Euclidean geometry. In the hierarchy of Euclidean geometrical objects, the next most complicated object (beyond a line) would be a plane. You should understand completely, and make sure you are comfortable with, the statements three points determine a plane and two vectors determine a plane. If you have doubts about these statements, bring them up in your tutorial.

With the dot product of two vectors dened we can discuss the notion of the projection of one vector on another.

The Projection of a Vector onto Another Vector. What do we mean by the projection of A on B?

Consider the vectors A and B as shown in Fig. 5.

.b A B

Figure 5: Let b =
B |B|

denote the unit vector in the direction of B. Then the projection of A on B is given by: A b = |A| cos .

Why didnt we dene the projection of A on B as just A B? Cross, or Vector Product. denoted A B, is dened by: Key point: A B |A| |B| sin n, 0 , Let A and B be vectors. Then the cross, or vector product of A and B,

where is the angle between A and B and n is a unit vector perpendicular to the plane formed by A and B. However, n is not uniquely dened in this way. There are two possibilities, and we will have to make a choice of one so that we are all speaking the same language. Heres how to understand the possibilities. Take your right hand, and point the thumb in the direction of A with the ngers in the direction of B, when you do this consider Fig. 6. Then n could be chosen to either point upward out of your hand (Fig. 6a), or downward, through your hand (Fig. 6b). We make the rst choice, i.e. that shown in Fig. 6a.


A (a) B

A n


Figure 6: If A = B, or A and B are collinear (parallel), then we dene A B = 0, the zero vector. A Final Remark: Dimensions. We have been taking the notions of two and three dimensional space as primitive concepts since most peoples experience makes them comfortable with these notions. However, many applications of mechanics involve the consideration of higher dimensional space. How do we dene vectors in higher dimensions? The graphical constructions weve utilized here dont appear to generalize easily. This is where abstraction comes in, and you will learn about it in detail later in your studies. Key point: The dot product of two vectors is a scalar. The cross product of two vectors is a vector. The denitions of dot product and cross product do not require coordinates.


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