Ex 1
Ex 1
Ex 1
Problem: Consider the balcony truss as shown below with dimensions. It is required to determine the deflection of each joint under the loading. All members are made from Douglas-fire wood with a modulus of elasticity of E = 1.9x10 lb/in and a cross-sectional area of 8 in . It is also required to calculate the average stresses in each member. Solve the problem using ANSYS.
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GUI Solution: 1. Starting: Click start ANSYS ANSYS product launcher: Launch ANSYS Multiphysics File management browse the directory for saving and retrieving the files. Click run
2. Preferences tick structural select h-method ok 3. Title: Utility menu File Change title Balcony Truss ok. Utility menu plot replot
4. Element: Main menu Preprocessor element type add add structural Link 2D spar 1 (LINK1) ok
5. Real Constant: Main menu Preprocessor real constant add ok enter the c/s area
6. Material Properties: Main menu Preprocessor material prop material models structural linear elastic isotropic enter EX = 1.9e+05 & NUXY = 0.3 ok
7. Modeling: (a) Main menu Preprocessor Modeling create nodes in active CS. (b) Enter node number as 1 and its location (x,y,z values) apply & continue for other nodes ok N1 0,0 ; N2 36,0 ; N3 0,36 ; N4 36,36; N5 72,36 Note: ensure that no duplicate of node numbers are entered (c) Utility menu plot ctrls numbering node numbers ok Utility menu plot nodes (d) Main menu Preprocessor Modeling create elements auto numbered through nodes select by cursor node 1& 2 apply select node 2 & 3 apply select node 3 & 4 apply select node 2 & 4 apply select node 2 & 5 apply select node 4 & 5 ok. (e) Utility menu plotctrls numbering element numbers ok Utility menu plot elements 8. Boundary Conditions and Loads: (a) Main menu solution define loads apply structural displacement on nodes select by mouse node 1 & 3 select all DOF ok (b) Main menu solution define loads apply structural force/moment on nodes select by mouse node 4 & 5 apply enter FY = -500 ok 9. Solution: Main menu Solution solve current LS 10. Post Processing: Gen. post processor element table define table add enter ETABLE as axforce select by sequ/num select SMISC and enter 1 apply enter ETABLE as axstress select by sequ/num select LS and enter 1 apply Main menu Gen. post processor element table plot elem table select axsress ok ( for plotting the axial stress in the members) Main menu Gen. post processor element table plot elem table select axforce ok ( for plotting the axial force in the members) Main menu Gen. post processor element table list elem table select axsress, axstress ok ( for listing the axial stress & force in the members)