Womens Essentials
Womens Essentials
Womens Essentials
Haidh Istihaadha Nifaas Istinjaa Menstrual Cycle Buloogh Baaligha Muraahiqa Qadha Mahrams Ghair Mahram Napaak Fardh Mustahab Satr Menstruation / Periods Bleeding due to illness Bleeding after childbirth Washing the private parts Time your Haidh starts and ends each month Puberty Mature Near puberty To make up Fardh Fasts & Salah Those who one cannot marry Those males whom it is permissible to marry as well as non-Muslims Impure Compulsory Preferable The entire body excluding the face, feet and hands
Allah has created in the female body a very special and unique organ called The Womb or Uterus. The womb is about the size of your fist and is shaped like a pear turned upside down. Its walls are made of strong, stretchy muscle. Each month a lining builds up on the walls of the womb. The body then sheds this lining. This shedding is called Menstruation (Haidh / period).
This shedding occurs in the form of a discharge which flows out of the front private part. This discharge is known as menstrual blood and consists mostly of blood, the uterine lining and mucus. This discharge occurs for a few days and may vary according to the individual, depending on her menstrual cycle. For most girls, bleeding is heaviest during the first 2 days after which it becomes lighter.
The colour of this discharge will change during a period. It may be a brownish red at the beginning, then changing to dark red in the middle and back to brownish red at the end. Sometimes, the discharge may consist of dark red clots of blood. This is quite normal and there is nothing to worry about as it is part of the uterine lining and is considered normal. However, if it continues for a long period, a doctor should be consulted. The word period will be referred with the Arabic term Haidh from now
1. A girl is said to be Baaligha (mature) or an adult if she experiences any of the following: The monthly period (Haidh) after the age of 9. If she experiences a wet dream. She falls pregnant without having Haidh. She reaches the age of 14 without experiencing any of the above. 2. On reaching the age of puberty, all the laws of Islam such as Salaah (prayers), Saum (fasting), Hijaab (covering the body) etc become Fardh (compulsory) on her. If she neglects or leaves out any of these laws, she becomes a sinner. 3. Ghusl (bath) becomes fardh (compulsory) after Haidh stops. Neglecting and delaying making ghusl to the extent that a Fardh Salaah is missed becomes a major sin.
4. In order to keep the body and clothes clean from impurities during Haidh, it is Mustahab (preferable) for a girl to use a sanitary pad. Present day sanitary pads consist of several layers of cotton made to absorb liquid. It has an adhesive strip (sticky tape) on one side. 5. As soon as a girl notices blood, she is now in a state of impurity. She is prohibited from performing Salaah, Fasting, reciting and touching the Quraan Shareef.
6. The laws of Hijaab (i.e. to cover the body using loose fitting clothing and covering the face) are compulsory in the presence of Ghair Mahram males (those males whom it is permissible to marry as well as non-Muslims). Therefore, be very particular as to how you dress. Even in the presence of Mahrams (those who one cannot marry) the entire body excluding the hands, face, and feet should not be exposed as this is your Satr . 7. If the Satr (the entire body excluding the face, feet and hands) is exposed, it will lead to sin and the displeasure of Allah. Modesty is half of Imaan, therefore we should be careful as to how we behave around males, especially those who are Ghair Mahram (those males whom we are allowed to marry) whether they are class boys, neighbours, cousins, etc.
8. Our dressing should be of such a style, that if the time of Salaah approaches, we will be able to perform salaah in those very same clothes. Out of modesty, we should dress in this manner at all times even though we may be in the presence of our father, brother, son, etc. 9. While the above laws are compulsory upon Buloogh, a girl must observe all these laws from the time she is a Muraahiqa (near puberty). This is from the age of nine.
Yellow or green:
It may be that you have an infection, especially if it is thick and has a bad odour
This is your bodys way of getting rid of old blood. This usually happens when you are about to start your Haidh or towards the ending of your Haidh. This type of discharge will fall under Haidh or it could be Istihaadha (bleeding due to illness). All discharges are Napaak (impure), it will be advisable to wear a panty liner or a thin pad and make a fresh Wudhu for every salaah.
Lesson 3
We should be very particular about keeping ourselves clean especially during our Haidh otherwise an unpleasant odour will emit from us.
HOW CAN I PREVENT THIS ODOUR FROM EMINATING? Change your pad often. Take a bath or shower daily. Change your underwear daily. Change blood stained underwear immediately. Remember to wash your underwear yourself. You may use some kind of fragrance after taking your ghusl (bath), but keep in mind the following points: 1. The fragrance should be Halaal (Non-Alcoholic). 2. Fragrance should only be used within your home, because Nabi (s.a.w) has forbidden females from using perfume outside the home. HOW DO I KNOW WHEN MY HAIDH HAS STOPPED? Your pad has to be absolutely white, there should be no coloured discharge on it.
Lesson 4
HOW SOON SHOULD I MAKE GHUSL AFTER MY HAIDH HAS STOPPED? Ghusl has to be made as soon as possible. Difficulty in washing long hair, especially when it is cold, cannot be used as an excuse for delaying Ghusl. One should make it a point of noting down ones habit (monthly cycle) and learn the correct times of salaah so that ones salaah may not be delayed Unnecessarily.
(compulsory acts)
1. Gargling the entire mouth. 2. Rinsing the nostrils until the bone.
Make niyyah: I am making Ghusl to purify myself from hadathe-akbar (major impurity). Wash both hands up to the wrists thrice. Wash off any impurities that may be on your body. Make Istinjaa (wash the private parts). Those who are using a shower should be extra careful. Not being particular about this will result in the Ghusl being invalid. Nabi (s.a.w) advised the females during this time to use a piece of cloth for washing themselves so that no trace of impurity is left. Make a complete Sunnah Wudhu. Pour water over the entire head, thereafter over the right side of the body and then over the left side, this should be done three times. Ensure that you rub the entire body thoroughly. This would include inside and behind the ears, nose-ring and ear-ring holes, navel, armpits, behind the knees and under the feet.
The roots of the hair must be wet and water should penetrate. If the root of even one strand of hair is left dry, then the Ghusl will not be accepted.
Any food particles stuck in-between the teeth should be removed, otherwise the Ghusl will remain incomplete. Take extra care to remove substances that stick to your skin and do not allow water to penetrate, e.g. tippex, glue, dough, hair gel, makeup, etc. REMOVAL OF UNWANTED HAIR AT THE TIME OF GHUSL It is Mustahab to remove unwanted hair (hair from under the arms and pubic area) once a week. If one does not remove this hair weekly, one should at least remove them every two weeks. If a person leaves this hair for more than 40 days, she will be sinning.
During the state of hadath-e-akbar, one should not remove unwanted hair or clip the nails. Therefore, the unwanted hair should be removed only after the Ghusl is made.
If the hair or nails are overgrown due to Nifaas (bleeding after childbirth) which may be for 40 days then the hair and nails may be removed and clipped before the completion of Nifaas. Hair removing creams as well as razors may be used to remove unwanted hair
Lesson 5
Every female has a different Menstrual Cycle (the time your Haidh starts and ends each month). You will calculate the first day of your cycle from the moment you notice a bloody discharge.
Example: Fatimahs Haidh started at Zuhr time on Monday 5th Ramadhaan. She continued bleeding for 7 days (till the 12th Ramadhaan). This is how she will calculate her cycle....
Ramadhaan Day / Date Monday 5th Tuesday 6th Wednesday 7th Thursday 8th Friday 9th Haidh Began (Salah Time) Zuhr Salah Haidh Day Number Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Qadha (Missed) Fasts Fast 1 Fats 2 Fast 3 Fast 4 Fast 5
Saturday 10th
Sunday 11th Monday 12th
Day 5
Day 6 Day 7
Fast 6
Fast 7 ** Fast 8/Keep Qadha
IMPORTANT!!! *As soon as you stop bleeding, you should IMMEDIATELY take a Ghusl and perform the Salaah of that time (in this case Zuhr), if there is still enough time left for you to perform it. **Qadha fasts will have to be kept for the missed fasts before the next Ramadhaan.
Lesson 6
Minimum period of Haidh (3 days and 3 nights or 72 hours) Maximum period of Haidh (10 days and 10 nights or 240 hours) 1. Any bleeding that is less than 3 days and 3 nights or more than10 days and 10 nights will not be regarded as Haidh, it will regarded as ISTIHAADHA. Ghusl is not necessary if you bleed for less than 72 hours. Therefore Qadhaa will have to be made for any Salaah missed during this time. If bleeding continues after 10 days and 10 nights, one should make a Fardh Ghusl and begin reading Salaah or keeping Fardh Fasts, even though one may be still bleeding. An important point to remember is that before every Salaah, a fresh Wudhu will have to be made, and a clean pad will have to be used. The minimum period of cleanliness between two Haidh is 15 days. There is no maximum, one can stay clean for months before another Haidh starts.
4. 5. 6.
Examples: 1. Minimum period of haidh: Fatimah started bleeding on Monday 12th Muharram at Zuhr time (1 pm), and stopped bleeding on Wednesday 14th Muharram at Asr time (5 pm).
Date / Day Haidh Began Monday 12th Time Zuhr 1pm 24 Hours Hours
Tuesday 13th
Haidh Stopped Wednesday 14th
Fatimahs bleeding time adds up to 52 hours. This will not be Haidh because it does not fall under the minimum duration of Haidh (72 hours). This will be regarded as Istihaadha.
Maximum period of Haidh: Maryam started bleeding on Monday 1st Safar, Asr time and continued bleeding until Friday 11th Safar Esha time.
Date / Day Time Hours 24 Hours 48 Hours 72 Hours
Haidh Began
Monday 1st
Tuesday 2nd Wednesday 3rd Thursday 4th
Asr 5pm
Friday 5th
Saturday 6th Sunday 7th Monday 8th
96 Hours
120 Hours 144 Hours 168 Hours
Tuesday 9th
Wednesday 10th Haidh Stopped Thursday 11th
Isha 8pm
192 Hours
216 Hours 243 Hours
Thursday Safar 11th, ASR time, will be 240 hours for Maryam (i.e. she has completed her maximum duration of Haidh). The bleeding after this (3 hours), will not be regarded as Haidh, but Istihaadha.
N.B. If Maryam has experienced Haidh before, her previous Haidh is her habit. Therefore if she bled for seven days last month and for eleven days this month, seven days will be Haidh and the remaining four days will be Istihaadha. She will have a Ghusl on the tenth day and perform Qadha of all the Salaah from the seventh day.
Lesson 7
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
DO NOT touch the Quraan-e-Kareem with bare hands. If one needs to carry a Quraan, then always do so by using a Juzdaan or a separate piece of cloth which is not attached to your body, e.g. a scarf. If you are reading a Kitaab which has Quraanic aayaat in it, make sure you do not touch the Arabic text. You cannot perform Salaah or enter a Massjid. If you are in Masjid-e-Haram in Makkah or Masjidun Nabawi in Madinah, you should leave immediately. Do not feel shy to ask your teacher for any guidance, help, or a sanitary pad when you need one. Inform your teacher that your Haidh has begun so that she will not call you for Quraan sabaq. It is absolutely important to come to Madrasah during your Haidh. Do not stay absent from Madrasah. You may continue with all other subjects such as Duas, Hadeeth & Fiqh etc.
Lesson 8
During our Haidh, we are prohibited from reading Salaah or Fasting. We do not have to make Qadhaa for our Salaah missed during Haidh. Qadha means to perform a Salaah after the time of the Salaah has elapsed or after having missed it. However we will have to keep Qadha for the Fasts we missed. The reason for being excused from Salaah and Fasting is that during Haidh we are in a state of impurity.
We should remember to be punctual in making Ghusl as soon as the Haidh is over and perform the Salaah of that prescribed time. Delaying the Salaah unnecessarily is a major sin.
MASALA ONE: If Haidh stopped just before the expiry time of a Salaah e.g. 15 minutes before the time of Zuhr expires, then you should immediately take Ghusl and perform the Zuhr Salaah. In the case of Fajr salaah, we should be very careful not to delay our Salaah too close to the expiry time, because you could be reading your Salaah at a forbidden time (i.e. sunrise).
MASALA TWO: Maryam puts on a pad at Zuhr time on the last day of her Haidh. At Asr time, she noticed that the pad was clean (totally white, no discharges). In such an instance we will say that her Haidh finished at the time she put on her pad (which was at Zuhr time). She will now have to make Ghusl immediately and perform Qadha for Zuhr salaah. MASALA THREE: If Haidh starts during a Salaah time, and the Salaah was not performed as yet, it is forgiven and Qadha is not necessary.
Lesson 9
Fasting during Haidh is not allowed, but it is not forgiven. This means that you should make a note of the number of days which you have not Fasted, and keep Qadha of it after the month of Ramadhaan.
During Ramadhaan, Maryams haidh started at 10 am, on the 6th Fast. She became Paak on the 12th Fast, at 9 am. She should now take Ghusl and perform her Salaah and appear as those who are Fasting (i.e. she should not eat or drink anything). In total, she will have to keep 7 Qadhaa Fasts after Ramadhaan. If Haidh commences 5 minutes before Iftaar (fast ends), her fast will be broken and Qadhaa will have to be kept. During Haidh, one should not eat in public. To do so is a sin. However, one can eat in private.
If you become Paak before Sehri (Fast begins) time ends, but you do not have enough time to make Ghusl, then make Niyyah for Fasting and have a Ghusl after Sehri ends. This fast will be valid.
It is important to remember that even though we may not be able to fast during Ramadhaan due to Haidh, we should still wake up for Sehri. This is so that it does not become obvious to everybody in the house, especially our men folk (fathers, brothers, etc.) that we have our Haidh. As a young woman, we must adopt Adab (respect) and modesty. Other advantages of this is that you get the thawaab of fulfilling a Sunnah and after the completion of your Haidh, when you have to start Fasting again, your routine will not change. Waking up for Sehri wont be a burden. Sehri A meal which a muslim eats before early dawn. Iftaar To break ones fast at the time of sunset.
Lesson 10
HAIDH AND ZIKR (Remembrance of Allah)
Nabi (s.a.w) has mentioned in a Hadith, that when the people will enter Jannah to enjoy the ever-lasting bounties, they will have only one regret, and that will be concerning those moments in their lives which they allowed to go by without making the Zikr of Allah.
We have already read earlier that during Haidh we cannot make certain Ibadaat (acts of worship) like Fasting, Salaah, Tilaawat (reciting the Quraan).
We are, however, allowed to make the Zikr of Allah. In fact, when we are experiencing Haidh, we should use this opportunity to increase our Zikr. In this way, even though we are in a Napaak state, we will be earning for ourselves great reward and the pleasure of Allah.
ISTIHAADHA Istihaadha means bleeding due to an illness. E.g. If you bleed for less than 3 days and 3 nights (72 hours) or more than 10 days and 10 nights (240 hours), then this type of bleeding will be known as Istihaadha.
A woman who experiences this must perform Salaah and Fast in Ramadhaan. She can also touch and recite the Quraan. NIFAAS Nifaas is the blood that flows after child-birth. The maximum period for Nifaas is 40 days. (One does not have to wait for 40 days in order to become Paak / clean. Bleeding could stop in a few days also.) The bleeding after 40 days will be Istihaadha. There is no minimum period for nifaas.
End Of Course