By Kanchan Jadhav Guided by Prof. R.N. Phursule Computer Engg Dept. Jspm's Imperial College of Engineering & Research
By Kanchan Jadhav Guided by Prof. R.N. Phursule Computer Engg Dept. Jspm's Imperial College of Engineering & Research
By Kanchan Jadhav Guided by Prof. R.N. Phursule Computer Engg Dept. Jspm's Imperial College of Engineering & Research
Guided by Prof. R.N. Phursule Computer Engg Dept. Jspms Imperial College Of Engineering & Research
Community Mining
Application in Mobile Miner
Mobile Miner, a data mining tool for mobile data analysis and business strategy development. It uses state-of-the-art data mining techniques. Mobile Miner adaptively profiles users' behavior from their calling and moving record streams. In a large mobile communication companies like Idea, Airtel, Reliance, there are many analytical tasks where data mining can help to address the business interests of the company.
Customer records are collected by the mobile communication base stations and fed into Mobile Miner as data streams. In the profile mining part, customers' moving profiles or their frequent moving patterns are constructed based on their moving records continuously.
The mobile user segmentation module clusters customers according to their profiles.
In social community discovery module a social network among customers is constructed. In this application, the connection weights on edges in graphs should is considered. The algorithm using concentric circle model for community mining is used to discover communities.
At the center of the circle there are core objects. Affiliated objects are related to the core objects. With this model, a community is defined as a four-tuple <C, A, F, Va>
C : core object set A : affiliated object Set F : affiliation definition function Va : importance vector for A
Basic Algorithm:
1) Generate 1-itemsets IS1 with minimal support S k 2 2) while k m do //generate up to m-itemsets, m is the length of the longest itemset 3) Generate k-itemsets ISk using (k-1)-itemsets IS(k-1) with S 4) Prun IS(k-1) using ISk k k +1 5) End Put IS1 to ISm to itemsets set IS
1)for every itemset I in IS Put objects in I to community C 2)Do Add objects not in C but having links to objects in C to C Calculate ranking value of new added objects 3)until No more objects could be added Put a copy of C to communities set CS Clear C 4)end
Core Set Merging: Core set merging means to combine two similar core sets.
Community Merging: Communities have different core sets but their affiliated objects are coincident. So they are merged onto one community.
Communities related to Data Mining (no. of papers) Association Rule(33) Clustering (19) Web mining (7)
BIRCH: an efficient data clustering method for very large databases (Core) CURE: an efficient clustering algorithm for large databases (Core) Efficient discovery of errortolerant frequent itemsets in high dimensions Mining association rules between sets of items in large databases (Core) Knowledge Discovery in Databases: An AttributeOriented Approach (Core) Tutorial database mining
1998 1994
The algorithm is used to discover communities in the weighted graph in two steps: 1) Generate a core set and then expand the core set with affiliated customers.
2) To control the granularity of the discovering communities, a merging schema is used to merge similar communities to get coarser results.
Mobile Miner provides an interface for analyzing the social communities found from the social network. A business analyst can interact with the social community formed. The user interface can help business analysts to tune the underlying data mining methods.
Data mining techniques need to be tuned to make business analysis effective. To understand how well the data mining techniques in Mobile Miner work in practice, real mobile communication data sets are used to show interesting mining results.
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[4] Rakesh Agrawal, Tomasz Imielinski, Arun Swami, Mining Association Rules between Sets of Items in Large Databases, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Management of Data (ACM SIGMOD), 1993.
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