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RCS V Oct.a

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1. In reduced visibility, you hear two prolonged blasts of a whistle. This signal is sounded by a: A.

power-driven vessel dead in the water B. vessel not under command C. sailing vessel on the port tack D. vessel fishing with nets

2. A vessel towing where the tow prevents her from changing course shall carry: A. the lights for a towing vessel and the lights for a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver B. only the lights for a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver C. only the lights for a vessel towing D. the lights for a towing vessel and the lights for a vessel not under command

3. Your vessel is underway in reduced visibility. You hear about 20 degrees on the starboard bow, a fog signal of another vessel. Which of the following actions should you take? A. Alter course to starboard to pass around the other vessel B. Slow engines and left him pass ahead of you C. Alter course to port to pass him on his port side D. Reduce your speed to bare steerageway

4. A pilot vessel on pilotage duty at night will show sidelights and stern lights: A. at any time when underway B. only when making way C. when at anchor D. only when identifying lights are not being shown

5. A vessel at anchor shall display between sunrise and sunset on the forward part of the vessel where it can best be seen: A. one red ball B. two black balls C. one black ball D. two orange and white balls

6. Which vessel is a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver under the Rules? A. A vessel mine clearing B. A vessel engaged in fishing C. A vessel not under command D. A vessel at anchor

7. Which statement concerning whistle signals is FALSE? A. When pushing a vessel and a vessel pushed are connected in composite unit, the unit sounds the fog signal of a powerdriven vessel B. A vessel at anchor may sound one short, one prolonged, and one short blast C. A pilot vessel may sound an identity signal on the whistle D. A vessel engaged in towing in fog shall sound a fog signal on the whistle

8. Which statement is true concerning seaplanes on the water? A. A seaplane should show the lights for a vessel constrained by her draft B. A seaplane must exhibit appropriate lights but need not exhibit planes C. A seaplane on the water shall, in general, keep well clear of all vessels D. In situations where a risk of collision exists, a seaplane should always give way

9. What signal shall be used to indicate doubt that sufficient action is being taken by another vessel to avoid collision? A. Three short and rapid blasts of the whistle B. Three long blasts of the whistle C. Five short and rapid blasts of the whistle D. One prolonged blast followed by three short blasts of the whistle

10. Which vessel is, by definition, unable to keep out of the way of another vessel? A. Sailing vessel B. Vessel not underway C. Vessel engaged in fishing D. Vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver

11. In fog, you hear apparently forward of your beam a fog signal of 2 prolonged blasts in succession every two minutes. This signal indicates a: A. power-driven vessel making way through the water B. power-driven underway but stopped and making no way through the water C. vessel being pushed ahead

12. What lights must be shown on a barge being towed astern at night? A. Sidelights and stern lights B. A white light fore and aft C. A white light at each corner D. A stern light only

13. While underway in fog, you hear a vessel ahead sound two blasts on the whistle. You should: A. sound two blasts and change course to the left B. sound whistle signals if you change course to left C. sound only fog signals until the other vessel is sighted D. not sound any whistle signal until the other vessel overtaking

14. Two vessels are in an overtaking situation. Which of the following lights on the overtaken vessel shall be visible to the vessel overtaking? A. One masthead light, sidelight and stern li B. Sidelights only C. Two masthead lights and a stern ight D. Stern light only

15. A power-driven vessel has on her port side a sailing vessel which is on a collision course.The power-driven vessel is required to: A. maintain course and speed B. keep clear C. sound one blast and turn to starboa D. stop her engines

16. According to the Rules, which vessel is NOT restricted in her ability to maneuver? A. vessel mine clearing B. A sailing vessel C. A vessel servicing a navigation marker D. A vessel dredging

17. Which of the following would be a special circumstance under the Rules? A. More than two vessels meeting B. Vessel at anchor C. Speed in fog D. Two vessels crossing

18. A tug is towing three manned barges in line in fog. The first vessel of the tow should sound: A. one short blast B. one prolonged, and here short blasts C. no fog signal D. one prolonged, one short and one prolonged blast

19. A tug is towing three manned barges in line in fog. The third vessel of the tow should sound: A. no fog signal B. one prolonged, one short and one prolonged blast C. one prolonged and three short blast D. one short blast

20. A sailing vessel is meeting a vessel engaged in fishing in a narrow channel. Which statement is true? A. The fishing vessel must sound the dange B. Each vessel should move to the edge of the channel on her port side C. Both vessels should be displaying the signal for a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver D. The fishing vessel shall not impede the passage of the sailing vessel

21. In the daytime, you see a large sailing vessel on the beam. You know that she is also propelled by machinery if she shows: A. a black cone B. a black ball C. a basket D. two black cones

22. Day shapes shall be displayed: A. during daylight hours in restricted visibility B. between 8 AM and 4 PM daily C. between sunset and sunrise D. during daylight hours only

23. What is the minimum vessel length which must show two white masthead lights when underway at night? A. 50 meters B. 7 meters C. 20 meters D. 100 meters

24. Which statement is true concerning risk of collision? A. Proper use shall be made of radar equipment to determine risk of collision B. Risk of collision must be determined before any action can be taken by a vessel C. Risk of collision does not exist if the compass bearing of the other vessel is changing D. Risk of collision shall exist if the vessel will pass within the half a mile of each other

25. A vessel which is fishing is required to show sidelights and a sternlight only when: A. anchored B. underway and making way C. underway and not making way D. dead in the water

26. The white masthead light required for a power-driven vessel under the Rules is visible over how many degrees of the horizon? A. 022.5 degrees B. 112.5 degrees C. 225.0 degrees D. 360.0 degrees

27. Which vessel is underway according to the Rules? A. A vessel made fast to a single point mooring buoy B. A vessel which run aground C. A vessel engaged in towing, not making way D. A pilot vessel at anchor

28. While under way in fog, you hear the fog signal of another vessel ahead. If a risk of collision exists, you must: A. sound three short blasts and back your engines B. stop your engines and navigate with caution C. slow to bare steerageway and navigate with caution D. continue on your course and speed until the other vessel is sighted

29. You are crossing a narrow channel in an 18-meter tug when you sight a loaded tankship off your port bow coming up the channel. Which statement is correct? A. You cannot impede the safe passage of the of the tankship B. Neither vessel has the right of way because the tankship is crossing C. The tankship has the right of way because it is the channel D. The tankship has the right of way because it is the larger of the two vessels

30. Which vessel is to be regarded as a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver? A. A vessel fishing with trawls B. A vessel which lost the use of her steering gear C. A vessel with draft of such depth that she cannot change her course D. A vessel engaged in mine clearing

31. If two sailing vessels are running free with the wind on the same side, which one is must keep clear of the other? A. The one with the wind closest abeam B. The one to leeward C. The one to windward D. The one that sounds the first whistle signal

32. When two power-driven vessel are crossing, which vessel is the stand-vessel? A. The vessel which is to starboard of the other vessel B. The larger vessel C. The vessel which is to port of the other vessel D. The vessel that sounds the first whistle signal

33. A towing vessel is towing barges astern. The length of the tow from the astern of the tug to the astern of the last barge is 250 meters. How many forward white masthead lights should be displayed on the towboat at night? A. 3 B. 1 C. 2 D. 4

34. A 95-meter vessel aground shall sound which fog signal? A. A long blast of the whistle at intervals not to exceed one minute B. A rapid ringing of a bell for 5 seconds every two minutes C. A whistle signal of one short, one prolonged, and one short blast D. A rapid ringing of a bell for 5 seconds, preceded and followed by three separate and distinct stroke on the bell

35. Which requirement must be met in order for a stand-on vessel to take action to avoid collision in accordance with Rule 17? A. There are no requirements to be met. The stand-on vessel may take action anytime B. Risk of collision must have been deemed to exist C. The give-way vessel must have taken no action D. The vessel must be within half a mile of each other

36. Which vessel would have no white lights visible when meeting her head-on? A. A vessel mine clearing B. A vessel trawling C. A vessel not under command D. A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver

37. To be considered engaged in fishing according to the Rules of the Road, a vessel must be: A. power-driven B. using trolling lines C. using fishing apparatus with restricts to maneuverability D. showing lights or shapes for a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver

38. A power-driven vessel shows the same lights as a: A. sailing vessel B. vessel towing astern C. vessel engaged in towing, when not underway D. pushing vessel and a vessel being pushed, when they are rigidly connected in a composite unit

39. A power-driven vessel not under command at night must show her sidelights when: A. making no headway B. moored to a buoy C. making headway D. at anchor

40. At night, a vessel shall indicate that she is restricted in her ability to maneuver by showing in a vertical line two: A. red lights B. white lights with a red light in between C. red lights and two white lights D. red lights with a white light in between

41. The arc of visibility for sidelights is from right ahead to: A. 22.5 degrees abaft the beam B. abeam C. 22.3 degrees forward of the beam D. 135 degrees abaft the beam

42. You are in charge of a power-driven vessel navigating at night. You sight the red light of another vessel on your port bow. Its after masthead light is of the forward masthead light. You should: A. stop engines B. hold course speed C. sound the danger signal D. alter course to port

43. Your vessel is underway but stopped and making no way through the water when fog sets in. What fog signal would you sound? A. One prolonged, blast on the whistle B. Two prolonged blasts on the whistle C. One short, one prolonged, and one short, blast on the whistle D. One prolonged blast and two short blasts on the whistle

44. A vessel showing a green light over a white light in a vertical line above the level of the sidelights is: A. under sail and power B. a pilot vessel C engaged in underwater construction D. trawling

45. You are approaching another vessel on a crossing courses. She is about one mile distant and is on your starboard bow. You believe she will cross ahead of you but she sounds a whistle signal of five short blasts. You should: A. answer the signal and hold course and speed B. initiate a passing signal that will allow for a half mile clearance C. make large course change, and slow down if necessary D. reduced speed liability

46. You are approaching another vessel on crossing courses. She is approximately half a mile distant and is presently on your starboard bow. You believe she will cross ahead of you but she sounds a whistle signal of five short blasts. You should : A. make a large course change B. sound signal of one prolonged blast C. reduce speed slightly to make sure she will have room to pass D. wait for another whistle signal from the other vessel

47. Which vessel is considered to be a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver under the Navigational Rules? A. A vessel fishing B. A vessel dredging C. A vessel at anchor D. A vessel towing

48. Which statement is true concerning a vessel equipped with operational radar? A. The radar equipment is only required to be used in restricted visibility B. She must use this equipment to be obtain early warning of risk of collision C. The use of radar excuses a vessel from the need of a look-out D. The safe speed of such a vessel will likely be greater than that of vessels without radar

49. The towing light is defined as a(n): A. all-around yellow light B. flashing amber light C. yellow light having the same characteristics as the stern light D. yellow light having the same characteristics as the masthead light

50. Which statement is true concerning a vessel engaged in fishing? A. The vessel may be using nets, lines, or trawls B. Her gear will not affect the vessels maneuverability C. The vessel is classified as restricted in her ability to maneuver D. She sounds the same fog signal as a vessel underway but stopped and making no way

51. What is the minimum sound signaling equipment required aboard a vessel 14meters in length? A. a whistle only B. a bell only C. a bell and a whistle D. any means of making an efficient sound signal

52. According to the Rules, to what does the word length refer? A. Length overall B. Length along waterline C. Length between the perpendiculars D. Registered length

53. Which vessel does NOT sound a fog of one prolonged signal followed by two short blasts? A. A vessel being towed B. A vessel dredging C. A vessel engaged in fishing D. A sailing vessel

54. A vessel nearing a bend or an area of a channel or a fairway where other vessels may be obscures by intervening obstruction shall sound: A. One long blast B. One prolonged blast C. Two short blast D. The danger signal

55. A lantern combining the two sidelights of a vessels running lights may be shown on a: A. 20-meter vessel engaged in fishing and making way B. 25-meter power-driven vessel engaged in trolling C. sailing vessel of 25 meters in length D. 6-meter vessel under oars

56. A head-on situation at night would be one in which you see: A. one sidelight of a vessel ahead of you B. one sidelight and a masthead and a range light of a vessel ahead of you C. one sidelight, a masthead and a range light of a vessel ahead of you D. both sidelights of a vessel ahead of you

57. Every vessel should at all times proceed at a safe speed. Safe speeds is defined as that speed where: A. you can take proper and effective action to avoid collision B. you can traveling slower than surrounding vessels C. you can stop within your visibility range D. no wake comes from your vessel

58. Underway at night you see the red sidelight of a vessel well of your port bow. Which statement is true? A. You are required to alter course to the right B. You may maintain course and speed C. You must stop engines D. You are on a collision course with the other vessel

59. While underway in fog, you hear a signal of one prolonged blast followed by three short blasts. This is fog signal for a vessel: A. unmanned being towed B. manned being towed C. towing D. at anchor

60. When should the fog signal of a vessel being towed be sounded? A. When the vessel being towed is manned B. All towed vessels, manned or unmanned, must sound fog signals C. When the vessel being towed is unmanned D. Towed vessel are never required to sound fog signal

61. The lights required by the Rules must be shown: A. only from sunset to sunrise B. at all time C. from sunrise to sunset in restricted visibility D. whenever a look-out is posted

62. While underway in fog, you hear a short blast, a prolonged blast and a short blast of a whistle. This signal indicates a: A. vessel being towed in fog B. sailboat underway in fog C. vessel towing in fog D. vessel anchored in fog

63. Which of the following is NOT a distress signal? A. Five or more shorts on the whistle B. Firing a gun every minute C. A continuous sounding on the fog horn D. A square flag and ball flown from the mast

64. Which statement is true concerning a vessel equipped with operational radar? A. The Master of the vessel must be on the bridge when the radar is in use B. This equipment must be used to obtain early warning of risk of collision C. The radar equipment is only required to be used in restricted visibility D. The use radar excuses a vessel from the need of a look-out

65. What is the minimum sound signaling equipment required aboard a vessel 10 meters in length? A. Any means of making an efficient sound signal B. A bell and a whistle C. A bell only D. A whistle only

66. You are underway in low visibility and sounding fog signals. What changes would you make in the fog signal immediately upon losing propulsion? A. begin sounding two prolonged blasts at twominute intervals B. Begin sounding one prolonged blast followed by three short blasts every two minute interval C. No change should be made in the fog signal D. Begin sounding one prolonged blast followed by two short blasts at two minute intervals

67. Vessel engaged in fishing may show additional signals described in Annex II to the Rules when they are: A. in close proximity to other vessels engaged in fishing B. trolling C. fishing in a traffic separation zone D. in a narrow channel

68. What lights are shown by a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver to indicate that he vessel is making way? A. Masthead lights, sidelights and stern light B. Sidelight only C. Sidelights and stern light only D. Masthead lights and sidelights only

69. Which of the following would be a special circumstance under the Rules? A. Speed in fog B. Two vessels meeting C. Vessel at anchor D. More than two vessels crossing

70. A sailing vessel underway at night may show: A. two white lights in a vertical line at the stern B. a green light over a red light at the masthead C. a red light over a green light at the masthead D. an all-round white light at the bow

71.A pilot vessel on pilotage duty at night will show sidelights and a stern light: A. At any time when underway B. When at anchor C. Only when making way D. Only when identifying lights that are not being shown

72.Your vessel is underway but stopped and making no way through the water. You sight another vessel approaching, and her compass bearing and range does not appreciably change. This would indicate that: A. You are the stand-on vessel B. Risk of collision exists C. The other vessel is dead in the water D. You must alter course and speed to avoid collision

73. You are under sail making 5 knots; the apparent wind is broad on the starboard beam at 10 knots. Another sailing vessel is sighted dead ahead but you cannot determine if you are meeting of overtaking. What action is correct? A. You must keep out of the way only if you determine that you are overtaking the other vessel B. You must keep clear because you are to windward of the other vessel C. The other vessel must keep clear of you because you have to wind on the starboard side D. Both vessels are required to maneuver to keep out of the way

74.Risk of collision may be deemed to exist: A. All of these B. If the compass bearing of an approaching vessel does NOT appreciably change C. Even when an appreciable bearing change is evident, particularly when approaching a vessel at close range D. If you observe both sidelights of a vessel ahead for an extended period of time

75.If two sailing vessels are running free with the wind on the same side, which one must keep clear of the other? A. The one with the wind closest abeam B. The one to windward C. The one that sounds the first whistle signal D. The one to leeward

76.When two vessels are in immediate danger of collision, the stand-on vessel must: A. Assist in taking whatever action is necessary to avoid collision B. Abandon ship C. Sound distress signal D. Hold course and speed

77.Which vessel would exhibit sidelights when underway and not making way? A. A pilot vessel B. A vessel not under commands C. A vessel engaged in dredging D. A vessel trawling

78.You are the watch officer on a powerdriven vessel and noticed a large sailing vessel approaching from astern. You should: A. Sound one short blast and change course to starboard B. Hold your course and speed C. Slow down D. Sound two short blasts and change course to port

79.Lightning requirements in inland waters are different from those for international waters for: A. Vessel pushing ahead B. Barges being towed astern C. All of these D. Vessel under command

80.Which statement is TRUE concerning the danger signal? A. Vessel must be insight of each other in order to use the danger signal B. The danger signal consists of 4 or shorter blasts of the whistle C. Distress signals may be used in place of the danger signal D. Only stand-on vessel can sound the danger signal

81.You are under sail at 5 knots with the wind from astern. Another sailing vessel is broad on your port beam with a steady bearing and decreasing range. What action is correct? A. Both vessels must keep out of the way to avoid collision B. You must maneuver to avoid collision only if your mainsail is set to port C. You must maneuver to avoid the other vessel D. You are being overtaken and must maintain course and speed

82.Rules state that certain factors are to be taken account when determining safe speed. One of the factors stated is the: A. Proximity of navigational hazards B. Experience of the vessels crew C. Maximum rpm of your main engine D. Competency of the watch-keeping officer

83.The Rules state the risk of collision shall be deemed to exist: A. Whenever two vessels are on opposite courses B. Whenever a vessel crosses ahead of the intended track of another vessel C. If the bearing of an approaching vessel does not appreciably change D. If one of the vessel approaches another so as to be overtaking

84.Within the context of Rule 3 (I) a vessel is underway when: A. She is dragging her anchor B. Her anchor is down and holding C. She is riding to her anchor D. She is riding to her anchor with chains shackled

85.You are in-charge of a 120-meter power-driven vessel at anchor in fog, sounding the required anchor signals. You hear the fog signal of a vessel underway off your port bow. You may sound: A. One short, one prolonged, and one short blast B. Two short blasts C. At least five short and rapid blasts D. Three short blasts

86.A power-driven vessel shows the same lights as a: A. Vessel towing astern B. Vessel engaged in towing, when not underway C. Pushing vessel and a vessel being pushed, when they are rigidly connected in a composite unit D. Sailing vessel

87.Which vessel shall turn off sidelights? A. Any fishing vessel that is not making way B. Any vessel that is not under command C. Any sailing vessel when becalmed D. Any vessel engaged in underwater operations

88.The October 1972 International Conference on the regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea was convened primarily to take into consideration the: A. Widespread acceptance and use of radar B. Diminishing number of sailing vessels C. Increasing number of auxiliary engines D. Increasing number of power-driven vessels

89.Within the context of the Rules what factor other than the depth of the water in relation to the draft of the vessel be used to determine whether a vessel is constrained by her draft? A. Available navigable water width B. Crowded waters C. Size of the vessel D. Displacement of the vessel

90.Within the context of the Rules which of the following factors must be taken into account when considering a vessel to be constrained by her draft? A. Draft of the vessel B. Depth of water beneath the keel C. Space available for maneuver D. Length and draft of the vessel

91.Which statement concerning whistle signal is FALSE? A. A vessel engaged in towing fog shall sound a fog signal at intervals of one minute B. A vessel at anchor may sound one short, one prolonged, and one short blast C. A pilot vessel may sound an identity on the whistle D. When pushing vessel and a vessel pushed are connected in a composite unit, the unit sounds the fog signal of a power-driven vessel

92.Which situation must be present in order for Rule 14 to apply? A. Both vessels are meeting head-on and the situation must involve risk of collision B. One vessel is passing ahead of the other and the situation may result to a collision C. One vessel is overtaking the other and the situation must involve risk of collision D. Both vessels must be crossing and the situation must involve risk of collision

93. Which statement applies to Rule 8 (c) of the Colregs? To allow more time to assess the situation, a vessel shall slacken her speed or stop or reverse her means of propulsion B. Any action to avoid a collision with another vessel shall be such as to result in passing at a safe distance C. If there is sufficient sea room, alteration of course alone may be the most effective action to avoid a close quarters situation provided it is made in good time D. Any alteration of course to avoid collision shall be large enough to be readily apparent to another vessel

94. If a towing vessel and a tow are severely restricted in their ability to deviate from their course. They may show lights in addition to their towing identification lights.These addition lights may be shown if the tow is: A. Any of these B. Pushed ahead C. Towed alongside D. Towed astern

95.A power-driven vessel not under command at night must show her sidelights when: A. Making headway B. At anchor C. Making no headway D. Moored to a buoy

96.Which statement applies to Rule 8 (a) of the 1972 Colregs? A. Any action to avoid a close-quarter situation should not result in another close-quarter situation B. Any alteration of course or speed should be large enough to be readily apparent of good seamanship C. Any action taken to avoid collision must be done with due regard to the observance of good seamanship D. Any action taken to avoid collision must include a speed change

97.Which of the following vessels, when anchored at night, would NOT be required to show anchor lights? A. A vessel engaged on pilotage duty B. A power-driven vessel C. A vessel dredging D. A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver

98.Within the context of Rule 3 (f) which of the following vessels would qualify as a vessel not under command? A. A vessel with her anchor down but not holding and with her main propulsion machinery in operation B. A vessel affected by heavy weather C. A vessel riding to anchor chains with anchors unshackled D. A vessel having an accident in her machinery forcing her to reduce her speed drastically

99.An open anchorage generally protected by shoals is called a (an): A. Harbor B. Roadstead C. Inland waterway D. Waterway

100. A vessel engaged in a towing operation, which severely restricts the towing vessel and her tow in their ability to deviate from their course, shall, when making way, shows: A. All of these B. The lights for a vessel restricted in its ability to maneuver C. Sidelights and stern lights D. The lights for a towing vessel

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