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Lusas Basics

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The document provides an overview of how to use LUSAS for finite element analysis including defining geometry, meshing, applying loads, performing analysis, and viewing results.

The document discusses various beam and surface element types available in LUSAS including linear and quadratic elements for beams and plates/shells with different numbers of nodes and thickness assumptions.

The document explains that loads in LUSAS can be defined as structural, prescribed, discrete, or body forces and various loadcases and combinations can be created and applied with load factors.

Introduction to LUSAS

Basics Geometry Mesh Attributes Loading Analysis Viewing Results

Opening Lusas:

10806 Linear

10805 Nonlinear
10804 Time History

.mdl the model file

.mys the results file

Basics Attributes Loadcases Groups Utilities Reports Layers

Basics Units

Basics Geometry Mesh Attributes Loading Analysis Viewing Results

Creates the basic shape of the model

Points Lines Surfaces Volumes

Points defined using
Point> Coordinates.


To create new entry fields press Tab. When the Z-ordinate is omitted, it is recognised as 0.

Lines are created between points by selecting 2 points and using :

Surfaces are created between lines by selecting lines and using:

Volumes are created by selecting surfaces and using:

Points, lines, surfaces and volumes can all be copied, moved or swept.





Basics Geometry Mesh Attributes Loading Analysis Viewing Results

Meshing The Geometry defines the shape of the model only the mesh is what is actually analysed To create the mesh: - Chose element type(s) - Assign the elements to the geometry

Meshing - Elements
Beam Elements 2 or 3 Dimensional Straight or Curved Thick or Thin (Shear Flexibility)

Other linear elements :

Bars or Cables

Meshing - Elements
Beam Elements GRILL 2D linear BEAM Thick 2D linear BMS3 Thick 3D linear BTS3 Thick nonlinear 3D linear BM3 Thin 2D quadratic BS4 Thin 3D quadratic BMX3 Cross Section Thin 2D quadratic BSX4 Cross Section Thin 3D quadratic Quadratic = more nodes = curved

Meshing - Elements
Surface Elements
More analytically expensive than Beams Triangular or Quadrilateral

Number of nodes / gauss point

Thick or Thin Elements Thin no shear flexibility simpler but only use if all plates are very thin Thick include shear flexibility

required for most analysis

Meshing - Elements
Surface Elements Plates For flat models Shells Thin TS3 Triangles TSL6 QSI4 Quadrilaterals QSL8 Thick TTS4 TTS6 QTS4 QTS8

Meshing - Elements
Joint (spring element) Joint elements are used to connect two or more nodes by springs, with translational and rotational stiffness. They may have an associated mass and damping.

Mass only joints can be defined

Meshing - Elements
To select the element types: Use Attributes> Mesh...
The number of elements in a regular mesh are controlled by defining line meshes on the boundary lines with no element type.
To assign the mesh to

the surface, select the surface to be meshed, then use the treeview and drag the appropriate mesh name from it onto the surface.

Meshing - Elements

Meshing - Layout
Balance between accuracy and effort Ideal value depends on what model is for

Use sensitivity tests to get right

set up part / all of model identify key result areas vary mesh density and compare results use lowest density that gives consistent results Consider varying mesh density through model.

Meshing - Layout

Meshing - Layout Mesh Aspect Ratios High aspect ratios can cause numerical problems in the analysis General guideline keep ratio less than 10

Basics Geometry Mesh Attributes Loading Analysis Viewing Results





Attributes - Geometric
Geometric Attributes not to be confused with Geometry... For line elements need to enter the cross sectional properties For surface elements need to enter the thickness

Attributes - Geometric
Attributes> Geometric>
Cross section properties can be obtained from a library or entered directly.

New cross section properties can be defined and imported into a model by creating a separate 2d lusas model with the cross section shape.

Attributes - Material
Use Attributes> Material> Material Library/Composite Library and select a material.

Or, material properties can be entered directly

To check where any attribute is assigned, as well as having a coloured beside it, use rightclick on the attribute in the treeview, then Select Assignments to see which parts have that particular attribute.

Attributes - Supports
Supports can be assigned to points, lines or surfaces. They can be rigid or springs
When a support is assigned, it will be visualised by a green arrow on the point or line. Use the icon to turn this on/off.

If several load cases are created the supports are only applied in the first loadcase, and can only be manipulated when that loadcase is active.

Basics Geometry Mesh Attributes Loading Analysis Viewing Results

A load is defined as an attribute, and applied to the geometry.

A self weight can be added to the model by selecting Body Force and then entering a linear acceleration of -9.81

The arrows can be turned on and off using:

Load Types:

Structural Applied to Structure

Prescribed - Moves structure

Discrete defined on local coordinate system and projected onto structure

Any number of loadcases can be created. When a load is assigned to the model it must be assigned to a loadcase. Basic Combinations

Smart Combinations
Envelopes When loads are assigned to the geometry a load factor can be applied. Supports are defined in first Loadcase

Traffic Loading - AUTOLOADER

Attributes > Influence
Displace or rotate elements.

Bridge > Run Influence Analysis...

Traffic Loading - AUTOLOADER

Bridge > Vehicle Load Optimisation

Doesnt cover Eurocodes yet.

Basics Geometry Mesh Attributes Loading Analysis Viewing Results


or File> LUSAS Datafile gives more advanced options

Basics Geometry Mesh Attributes Loading Analysis Viewing Results

Visualisation of a Model
Geometry Mesh


Vectors Deformed Mesh Diagrams Values The order of the layers on display is shown by the order in the treeview, bottom being most visible

Viewing Assignments
In the layers treeview right click on geometry and select properties

Viewing Model Groups:

Different parts of the model can be made visible and invisible at any stage. The groups function assigns geometry features to different named groups so they can be made visible and invisible easily


Viewing Results
To view the results of the analysis, the loadcase used needs to be set active.

Utilities >

Print Results Wizard ...

Gives tables of results for the visible model

Viewing Results
Used to plot deflections, diagrams and contours

Other things Lusas can do: Frequency analysis Buckling analysis Non-linear analysis Automation using Visual Basic Scripts

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Lusas Technical Support


1. Check the reactions 2. Check the deformed shape 3. Check the value of the deformations. 4. Check your LUSAS Solver text output file (*.OUT) for any warning messages. 5. Check mesh refinement 6. Check element axis

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