UX Vision: A Look at What The UX Team Does, and How It Does It
UX Vision: A Look at What The UX Team Does, and How It Does It
UX Vision: A Look at What The UX Team Does, and How It Does It
Review UX Role and Pro ess Review UX Vision Review hi!h level ASA" UX #on$eren e learnin!s % &eroen UX #on$eren e learnin!s ' Noa
Red- e -nne essar. ste(s, A)", and vis-al l-tter Or!ani/e in$ormation and navi!ation o(tions S(eed -( the sales 0 servi e (athwa.s, and the loadin! times "rain a!ents on *est (ra ti es and (ro esses #onte1t-ali/e in$ormation *ased on relevan e Em(ower a!ents and (rovide $eat-res to s- ess$-ll. resolve -stomer re2-ests and a((ear as the travel e1(erts 3-ild tr-st *. (rovidin! a -rate (ro(ert. 0 $ li!ht details, and in$ormational te1t Resear h and a((l. insi!hts on an on!oin! *asis Intelli!en e 4ake the s.stem more intelli!ent so a!ents an $o -s on the -stomer intera tion instead o$ the tool intera tion e.!. Poli ies are a-tomated to (revent a!ent errors. Vis-al $inesse Users are more $or!ivin! when the (rod- t looks (olished. "hat5s what we are tr.in! to !o thro-!h the st.le !-ide.
a look at the (eo(le we desi!n $or.
-odg$ g *.ped$a.com
*ma uel
Needs a d !a ts
" " " " #$ve me easy access to p%ope%ty $ &o%mat$o &%om a y pa%t o& the sales &low 'elp me commu $cate hotel pol$c$es( %ules( a d %eleva t boo)$ g $ &o%mat$o to the custome%. *mpowe% me to a swe% custome% +uest$o s about hotels( locat$o s( a d la dma%)s 'elp me $ c%ease my sales.
-a guage
:e u%e
5ge t :ype
Ma $la
8 mo ths
5llow9 me9 to9 dec%ease9 my9 5':(9 a d9 $ c%ease9 my9 sales. #$ve9 me9 access9 to9 mo%e9 %eleva t9 $ &o%ma;o 9 so9 I9 do /t9 have9 to9 call9 the9 p%ope%ty9 o%9 chec)9 the$%9 webs$te. #$ve9 me9 mo%e9 $ s$ght9 a d9 co te.t9 a%ou d9 the9 custome%9 so9 I9 ca 9 close9 the9 sale. #$ve9 me9 ways9 to9 o&&e%9 alte% a;ve9 p%ope%;es9 so9 I9 ca 9 upsell(9 o%9 cou te%9 custome%9 ob3ec;o s.9
,a$ ,o$ ts
" " " " " " -oad$ g the sea%ch %esults page( a d %e&$ $ g the sea%ch p%e&e%e ces ta)es too lo g. 'a dl$ g /dead0a$%/ a d hav$ g to ma)e small tal) w$th the custome%. Not ) ow$ g the ame 1a d spell$ gs2 o& hotels( locat$o s o% la dma%)s. 'av$ g to as) the custome% &o% the same $ &o%mat$o mult$ple t$mes. Nav$gat$ g bac) a d &o%th betwee pages ca be t%$c)y( a d ta)es a lot o& t$me. Nav$gat$ g bac) a d &o%th bet
hes$tate cou te%$ g commo custome% ob3ect$o s. 'e %ecog $4es custome% patte% s ea%ly $ the p%ocess a d establ$shes %appo%t w$th the custome% by as)$ g spec$&$c d$scove%y +uest$o s.5lthough he $s %elat$vely com&o%table ma)$ g small tal)( he has establ$shed othe% wo%) a%ou ds &o% /dead a$%/. *ma uel ha dles h$gh call volumes( a d o&te has 3ust a &ew seco ds o& ava$l t$me betwee calls. 'e uses th$s t$me to update h$s sales t%ac)e%.
Avera!e )andle " ime # onversion 3ooked Reven-e Per # all # alls handled (er da.
# -rrent
6ac)g%ou d
*ma uel g%aduated 7 yea%s ago( a d sta%ted wo%)$ g $ call ce te%s sho%tly a&te%. '$s &$%st call ce te% 3ob was &o% a telecommu $cat$o s compa y whe%e he wo%)ed &o% a yea%. 'e 3o$ ed the 5eg$s call ce te% $ Ma $la 8 mo ths ago as a lodg$ g sales age t. *ma uel $s a +u$c) lea% e%( a compet$t$ve sales age t( a d also ass$sts $ t%a$ $ g / ewb$es/. 'e has a ge e%al u de%sta d$ g o& popula% hotel b%a ds a d locat$o s( but $s st$ll lea% $ g about ew c$t$es a d la dma%)s all the t$me.
-odg$ g
Needs a d !a ts
" " " " <u$c)ly a d accu%ately ha dle custome% %e+uests. =el$able tools that &$ d complete custome% $ &o%mat$o &ast. *asy ways to ca cel( ma)e cha ges( a d do %e&u ds. 5ccess to all case &acts a d otes.
-a guage
:e u%e
5ge t :ype
A yea%
@e%v$ce :$e% A
,a$ ,o$ ts
" " " " " " " " -ate cy 0 spec$ally du%$ g cha g$ g a d ca cel$ g. Copy$ g a d past$ g $ &o%mat$o betwee d$&&e%e t sc%ee s a d &$elds. 5s)$ g custome%s to %epeat $ &o%mat$o mult$ple t$mes. >ead0a$%( a d lo g holds. 6e$ g placed o hold whe call$ g the p%ope%ty. 'av$ g to use mult$ple tools &o% o e call. Not hav$ g access to all the %eleva t custome% $ &o%mat$o . 'av$ g to docume t ce%ta$ cases us$ g tools othe% tha ?oyage%.
wa t to ve%$&y $ &o%mat$o ( ca cel the$% %ese%vat$o ( o% ma)e cha ges to the$% boo)$ gs. @he $s pass$o ate about success&ully %esolv$ g these calls( a d loves ma)$ g custome%s happy. 'e% 5': a d sat$s&act$o goals a%e ve%y $mpo%ta t( a d she $s ve%y adama t about %each$ g them. @he also l$)es to help t%a$ a d me to% the ew %ec%u$ts( a d sha%e he% wo%)0a%ou ds w$th them. @he gets betwee AB0CDseco ds o& ava$l t$me betwee calls.
6ac)g%ou d 7PI
# S" Avera!e )andle " ime # alls handled (er da. # -rrent Desired
Ma%$a g%aduated C yea%s ago &%om the U $ve%s$ty o& Cebu. @he sta%ted wo%)$ g &o% call ce te%s soo a&te% g%aduat$o . Ma%$a ta)es a lot o& p%$de $ he% p%o u c$at$o a d la guage s)$lls.!o%)$ g at call ce te% has helped he% $mp%ove these s)$lls. @he sta%ted wo%)$ g &o% *.ped$a last yea%( a d loves be$ g able to %esolve he% calls sw$&tly. @omet$mes( she has to deal w$th custome%s who wa t the $mposs$ble. 6e$ g stuc) betwee custome% dema ds a d compa y pol$c$es $s he% least &avo%$te pa%t.
,ac)ages *.ped$a.com
Needs a d !a ts
" " <u$c)ly p%ocess $deal calls. *&&$c$e t tools that e able h$m to act as a t%usted t%avel adv$so% a d suppo%t p%oact$ve d$alogue betwee custome% a d age t. ,%ov$de I tell$ge t %ecomme dat$o s a d alte% at$ves. >o Et cha ge the ?oyage% sales p%ocess o me. " "
-a guage
:e u%e
5ge t :ype
Ma $la
F mo ths
,a$ ,o$ ts
" " " " " " " !a$t$ g &o% pages to load( c%eat$ g dead a$% Copy$ g a d ,ast$ g. 5s)$ g custome%s to %epeat $ &o. Ope $ g up mult$ple w$ dows to compa%e opt$o s. No $deal calls whe%e p%ope%ty m$ght be u ) ow ( too e.pe s$ve o% u ava$lable. Not be$ g able to %espo d to custome%s +uest$o +u$c)ly. -o g boo)$ g p%ocess( c%eat$ g lo g ha dl$ g t$me.
5llow9 me9 to9 ha dle9 calls9 mo%e9 +u$c)ly9 so9 that9 I9 ca 9 ta)e9 mo%e9 calls9 a d9 close9 mo%e9 sales. I9 would9 l$)e9 mo%e9 +ual$&$ed9 1G$dealH29 sales9 calls.9 9 :hese9 a%e9 eas$e%9 &o%9 me9 to9 close.9 ,%ov$de9 me9 mo%e9 sales9 tools(9 d$scou t9 leve%age9 a d9 payme t9 op>o s9 to9 close9 mo%e9 sales. #$ve9 me9 mo%e9 co te.tual9 $ &o%ma>o 9 o 9 pac)ages9 to9 bu$ld9 up9 %appo%t.
# -rrent 89 min-tes 8:%8;< =>;?? >8%>@ Desired >: min-tes BB%B9< Do No )arm >@%8A
call ce t%e help to &$ al$4e the boo)$ g. 'e eeds %obust suppo%t to se se a custome%Es d%$v$ g eed a d del$ve% the $deal vacat$o pac)age w$th$ the custome%Es %e+u$%eme ts( espec$ally budget. 5ct$ g as a t%usted t%avel adv$so% &eels ove%whelm$ g. @ o&t spo)e a d t$m$d( M$chael $s depe de t o sc%$pt$ g to )eep the co ve%sat$o go$ g.
Avera!e )andle " ime # onversion 3ooked Reven-e Per # all # alls handled (er da.
6ac)g%ou d
M$chael has bee w$th 5eg$s &o% the last 7 yea%s( wo%)$ g &o% d$&&e%e t compa $es w$th d$&&e%e t suppo%t tools. 'e has bee wo%)$ g as a *.ped$a lodg$ g age t &o% the last F mo ths a d has wo%)ed w$th ?oyage% a d Co ecto%. 'e/s also sell$ g &l$ghts a d lodg$ g $ u de%&low s$tuat$o s. =ece tly he sta%ted sell$ g pac)ages( but $s st%uggl$ g.
,ac)ages *.ped$a.com
5 a
Needs a d !a ts
" " " " Mo%e +ual$&$ed pac)age calls. M$ $m$4e the hoops the tool ma)es me 3ump th%ough. Ma)e mo%e sales tha yeste%day. ,%ov$de a a%se al o& sales tools 1e.g. 0 age t &e ce p%$c$ g( de&e%%ed payme t opt$o s2.
-a guage
:e u%e
5ge t :ype
Ma $la
8 mo ths
,a$ ,o$ ts
" " " " " :ed$ous a d t$me co sum$ g steps to o&&e%/ compa%e v$able opt$o s. 'av$ g to wa$t &o% the &ull @ea%ch =esults page to load 1$ $t$al a d %e0+ue% y2. 5s)$ g custome%s to %epeat t%$p $ &o. Not hav$ g %obust pac)age $ &o 1e.g. supe% set o& e.com( th$%d pa%ty s$tes2. Copy$ g a d past$ g data.
5llow9 me9 to9 ha dle9 calls9 mo%e9 +u$c)ly9 so9 that9 I9 ca 9 close9 mo%e9 sales. I9 wa t9 mo%e9 pac)age9 sales9 calls(9 they9 ma)e9 me9 %each9 my9 $ ce J ve9 &aste%. ,%ov$de9 mo%e9 sales9 tools(9 d$scou t9 leve%age9 a d9 payme t9 opJ o s9 to9 close9 mo%e9 sales. #$ve9 me9 accu%ate9 pac)age9 deta$ls9 that9 a%e9 sy ch%o $4ed9 w$th9 the9 o l$ e9 custome%s9 e.pe%$e ce.
o $ the sales &low a d ca act app%op%$ately to %espo d to custome% cues a d by tu $ g $ ( she ut$l$4es these s$g als $ the d$scove%y a d shopp$ g phases. @ he $s able to e gage w$th the custome% a d )eep the co ve%sat$o go$ g eve whe sheEs wa$t$ g &o% a page to load. @ heEs able to e.ped$te a h$gh call volume a d d$sl$)es lo g calls w$th casual shoppe%s that do Et co ve%t a d clog he% p$pel$ e.
Avera!e )andle " ime # onversion 3ooked Reven-e Per # all # alls handled (er da.
6ac)g%ou d
5 a g%aduated 7 yea%s ago( a d sta%ted wo%)$ g $ call ce te%s sho%tly a&te%. 'e% &$%st call ce te% 3ob was &o% a telecommu $cat$o s compa y whe%e he wo%)ed &o% a yea%. @he 3o$ ed the 5eg$s call ce te% $ Ma $la 8 mo ths ago as a lodg$ g sales age t by ta)$ g pa%t $ the p$t0stop $ te%v$ews.5 a $s a +u$c) lea% e%( a compet$t$ve sales age t( a d also ass$sts $ t%a$ $ g / ewb$es/. @ he has a ge e%al u de%sta d$ g o& popula% hotel b%a ds(
#US"O4ER 0 ,OCA,"C
a look at how we -nderstand o-r a!ents. o-t
)ere are some resear h methods that we have -sed to test Vo.a!er Desi!ns Do -s Gro-(s Usa*ilit. St-dies #o!nitive 6alkthro-!hs Interviews S-rve.s #onte1t-al In2-iries General Deed*a k
Wed love to focus more on Scenarios 5 plaus$ble &utu%e sto%y about a pe%so aK us$ g the p%oduct o% se%v$ce &%om sta%t to &$ $sh
Ko% %eal pe%so
No wa. to navi!ate to the *e!innin! o$ a servi e $ low witho-t losin! in$ormation "oo m- h re a((in! with the -stomer. (100% of the time in the sales and service flow) 4issin! amenit. in$ormation (30% of telesales call have an attached outbound call to the property. While we dont know e actly why the a!ents are callin! all of the time" we do know that a fair amount of the time it is to answer #uestions re!ardin! amenities) )ard to dete t i$ the (a!e is $ro/en or doin! somethin! in the *a k!ro-nd. (Amongst top 3 reasons for
DSAT according to the survey)
Unne essar. ste(s in the sales and servi e (aths. Im(rove a-to s-!!est Dilterin! and re$inin! the sear h res-lts witho-t doin! the new sear h -sin! smart $ilters e.!. $ilter hotels with (ool. (This should impact all TS calls) Givin! -stomers *etter alternatives $or (ro(erties (over 80% of the call are for boo ing properties yet !e
are converting only 3"%)
ESear h near*.5 and Edistan e radi-s5 o(tions are ins-$$i ient ,a k o$ em(owerment to $eel and a t as Ee1(erts5 (#0% of agents said in a $ac ages survey that customers
are calling to get travel advice on pac ages)
A*ilit. to $ind -stomer5s itinerar. 2-i kl. (Ta es % seconds to f ind and !e are successful only 8&% of the
a look at what we have *een (lottin!.
>.> Pro*lem No wa. to navi!ate at the *e!innin! o$ the $ low Sol-tion Add navi!ation *-ttons in the $ lows, or make *read r-m*s more $-n tional
>.8 Pro*lem "oo m- h re a((in! with the -stomer Sol-tion Revisit work$ low, om*ine art and re a( (a!es
* Concept
* Concept
>.B Pro*lem Ina -rate or missin! amenities in$ormation Sol-tion Redesi!n room and (ro(ert. level amenitiesF
* Designs in Progress
>.A Pro*lem )ard to tra k i$ the (a!e is $ro/en Sol-tion Re(la e s(inners with *etter o(tions showin! (ro!ressG(a!e renderin!
* Concept
* Concept
* Concept
>.I Pro*lem Dilterin! and re$inin! sear hes Sol-tion 3etter and more s(e i$i $ilterin! o(tions *ased on data.
* Concept
* Concept
* Concept
>.: Pro*lem ,a k o$ (ro(ert. alternatives Sol-tion Desi!n alternatives to sear hed res-lts to im(rove onversion
* Concept
* Concept
>.9 Pro*lem Sear h near*. o(tions Sol-tion Solve -rrent (ain(oints *. (rovidin! radi-s o(tions in the dro( down
* Concept
>.; Pro*lem A*ilit. to $ind itinerar. 2-i kl. Sol-tion #reate advan ed itinerar. sear h o(tions
* Concept
>.@ Pro*lem A!ents sho-ld *e travel e1(erts Sol-tion Em(owerin! a!ents and in reasin! their knowled!e *. o$$erin! them ti(s a*o-t lo ations, landmarks, and events
* Concept
"hank .o-.