Stress Management
Stress Management
Stress Management
Stress is an adaptive response, mediated by individual characteristics and/or psychological processes, that is consequence of any external action, situation, or event that places special physical and /or psychological demands upon a person. JOB STRESS : Job stress is a condition arising from the interaction of people and their jobs and characterised by changes within people that force them to deviate from their normal functioning.
PHYSIOLOGICAL SYMPTOMS: Heart diseases, breathing rates, high BP, headache, heart attack. PSYCHOLOGICAL SYMPTOMS: Tension, anxiety, irritability, boredom. BEHAVIOURAL SYMPTOMS: Changes in productivity, absenteeism, turnover, eating habit, high smoking and drinking, rapid speech, sleep disorders.
1. Individual Approach
Manage Stress
Take personal responsibility for reduce stress level Strategies include Time Management: Scheduling activities according to priorities. Knowing daily cycle and handling most demand part it increases part of cycle. Be alert and productive. Making daily list of activity accomplished Prioritizing activities, importance, and urgency.
Techniques Physical exercise, relaxation training, expands social supports and network.
PHYSICAL EXERCISE- Cycling, swimming, jogging, riding bicycle. RELAXATION TRAINING- Do meditation daily 15-20 minutes. Deep relaxation it keep your mind relax and also physically relaxed. EXPAND SOCIAL SUPPORT AND NETWORK-Keep good relationship with family members, peers group, neighbourhood.
ORGANISATIONAL APPROACH-Task and role demand can be controlled by management and it can be modify and change in organisation.
Recruitment and personnel sections: Organisation doesnt give importance to experience candidate. Some candidates will be external locus of control. Goal setting: Get feedback from employees it will motivate to employees. Redesigning job: Make less dependence, more responsibility to employees, more meaningful work. It reduces employee stress related to managerial control and power.
Manage Stress
Organization Culture
Organizational culture can be considered as the shared assumptions people and groups learn to follow as they attempt to address opportunities and problems facing the organization.
Socialisation of employees
Establishing Values:
Definition of values- value is define as what is right and what is wrong what is desirable and what is undesirable and so on. It depends upon the founders and other key personnels values. Bajaj auto limited is an example. He is Gandhi ideology. More opportunity in business he selected trading in auto parts. Values also determine how organisational activities will be carried out.
Vision represents imagination of future event and prepares the organisation for the same. Visionary companies hold distinct set of values. Vision derived from values. A good vision helps several ways to organisational members. It inspires them. It helps in the creation of a common identity and a shared sense of purpose. It creates competitiveness originality uniqueness. It fosters risk-taking and experimentation. It fosters long term thinking.
Operationalsing values & vision: These are not put into action. For putting values & vision in action, the organisation can unfertile full activities. Organisation prepares a written statement containing its value & vision & communicates these to organisation members through hand books. Special care should be takes while selecting an employees, that their values match organisational values. Reward system put enough provisions in the reward system.
Socialization of employees
It means process that adopts employees to the organisation cultures. For that training programme where they learn ways of doing everything. From how to speak to superiors to proper grooming & dress. Company considered it is entered for transforming young employees fresh out of school into dedicated corporate warriors.
Organizational climate
Organizational culture is concerned with beliefs where as the climate is concerned fulfillment of those beliefs. Climate is concerned with the perception of the employees towards the organization. Factors included in the climate are job descriptions , job evaluations, performance.
Developing a sound organizational climate. 1. Linking rewards with performance. 2. Developing high standards of excellence in every operation and evaluations. 3. Encouragement for participative methods of decision making. 4. Encouragement for innovation and freedom to act upon ideas.
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Developing a sound organizational climate 5. Reduction of political environment. 6. Reduction of conflict among the employees. 7. Develop better social relationship among the employees.