Brand Image
Brand Image
Brand Image
Any accomplishment requires the effort of many people and this is no different. As a introduction to any last would be incomplete without the mention of people who have made it possible and whose constant guidance and encourage served as beacon light my effort with success. I like to thank My Family and Friends who have directly or indirectly helped me in successful completion of this project and will remain the source of inspiration for putting my best efforts to ensure the success of this report. I wish to take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude to Mr. Aziz I. Barafwala, owner of the BA AFWALA ! COM"AN#. Bel$a%m, for providing me an opportunity for carry out my Major Concurrent organi!ation. I am "rateful to my Internal "uide Dr. &.G. C'iniwar who has guided me in each and every mode of the project work and helped me to understand more and more. I also like to thank my #xternal "uide $Company "uide% Mr. Asif N. T(dewale who has supported me through out my project. I also express my gratitude to our beloved Dire)*(r Dr. +Mrs., ". M. C'aran*ima*' for her inspiration& advice and support in project work. roject at there esteemed
'hanking you.
I& Inayat +. ,aikwadi hereby declare that the project report entitle -T(*e *'e "er)e/*i(n (f Brand Ima$e and &ales "r(m(*i(n am(n$ e*ailers (f TATA INDICOM in Bel$a%m Ci*y.0 is an independent study carried out by me during my Major Concurrent roject. I als( de)lare 'ere1y *'a* s(me(ne else 'as n(* /re.i(%sly s%1mi**ed *'is /r(2e)* *( any )(m/e*i*i(n (r any f%n)*i(n.
"la)e3 Bel$a%m
E&EA C6.
'his is to certify that Mr. Inaya* F. Nai7wadi has satisfactorily completed his Major roject on -T(*e *'e "er)e/*i(n (f Brand Ima$e and &ales e*ailers (f TATA INDICOM in Bel$a%m Ci*y.0 in the partial "r(m(*i(n am(n$
fulfillment of the requirement of Masters of )usiness Administration& during the academic year 122341225.
-T(*e *'e "er)e/*i(n (f Brand Ima$e and &ales "r(m(*i(n am(n$ e*ailers (f TATA INDICOM in Bel$a%m Ci*y.0 5NDE TAKEN AT BA AFWALA AND COM"AN# &5BMITTED TO KA NATAK 5NI9E &IT#, D6A WAD &5BMITTED B# M . INA#AT F. NAKWADI MBA:;::<:=; KL& IME , Bel$a%m.
In the fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Master7s in )usiness Administration $M)A% awarded by -arnatak .niversity& *harwad for the year 1223425.
TITLE 8'o #valuate the #ffectiveness of )rand Image and 6ales romotion of 'A'A Indicom in )elgaum City9 E&EA C6 OB8ECTI9E& 'o study the 'elecom Industry 'o measure retailers response towards 'A'A Indicom 'o know the )rand ositioning of 'A'A Indicom in the minds of retailers 'o find out the important factor that retailers attach for a cell service 'o know the type of sales promotion that retailers most prefer &AM"LING TEC6NI?5E& opulation( 0etailers situated in )elgaum City 6ample 6i!e( :22 0etailers 6ample Area( )elgaum City 6ampling Method( Convenience 6ampling
?5E&TIONNAI E I am pleased to introduce myself as INA#AT F. NAIKWADI student pursuing my M)A ;th 6em in -<67s Institute of Management #ducation and 0esearch $IM#0%& )elgaum. As part of course curriculum& I have taken up a study on 8'o #valuate the #ffectiveness of )rand Image and 6ales romotion of 'A'A Indicom in )elgaum City9. I would be grateful& if you kindly co4operate with me and fill this questionnaire. ,ame of the =utlet ,ame of 0etailers Address hone ,umber ( >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ( >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ( >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ( >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
:. ?hat kind of business@outlet do you ownA 'eleshop #xclusive outlet Multi brand outlet 6ub dealers
1. 6ince how long you have been in this businessA <ess than : year 1 Bears to C Bears C. ?hat brands do you stock and sellA Dodafone 'A'A Indicom Airtel )6,< 6pice 0eliance : Bear to 1 Bears More than C years
;. ?hat comes to your mind& when you hear the word 8'A'A Indicom9 +actor )rand Image Availability Coverage Dalue Addition 6ervice F. Bour satisfaction level with the different cell service providers... Company Dodafone Airtel 6pice 0eliance 'A'A Indicom )6,< 3. ?hat kind of benefits do you receive from the company by the way of 6ales romotion *iscounts Coupons Any =ther 6pecify>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> H. ?hat additional sales promotional inputs do you feel the company should provideA "ift Item 6lab offers 'our =ffers Certificate from Company 6chemes =ffers Gighly 6atisfied 6atisfied ,eutral *issatisfied Gighly *issatisfied 'ick $ E %
5. According to you which is the best advertising media for cell service providerA 'D Ads ?all ainting Goardings ,ewspapers oster and )anners Any =ther 6pecify >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I. 0ank the factors that you feel are important for cell service Fa)*(rs ,etwork Availability )rand ,ame rice Coverage :2. lease feel free to suggest to the company >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> 'GA,- B=. +=0 B=.0 C=4= #0A'I=, 6i$' Medi%m L(w
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&I N(. : 1 C ; F 3 H 5 I :2 :: :1 :C "A TIC5LA #xecutive 6ummary Company rofile Introduction 'o 'A'A "roup 'A'A 'eleservices $''6<% 'elecom Industry in India Market 6tatus Introduction 'o 'opic 0esearch Methodology *ata Collection Analysis +indings 6uggestions Conclusion "a$e N( :43 H45 I4:2 ::4:1 :C4:; :F4:H :541: 1141; 1F413 1H4F3 FH4F5 FI 32
&I N(. : 1 C ; F 3 H 5 I :2 :: :1 :C "A TIC5LA #xecutive 6ummary Company rofile Introduction 'o 'A'A "roup 'A'A 'eleservices $''6<% 'elecom Industry in India Market 6tatus Introduction 'o 'opic 0esearch Methodology *ata Collection Analysis +indings 6uggestions Conclusion "a$e N( :43 H45 I4:2 ::4:1 :C4:; :F4:H :541: 1141; 1F413 1H4F3 FH4F5 FI 32
In today7s competitive environment most of the organi!ations are aiming at building powerful )rand apart from providing the products at a competitive price& value added services and with best of the quality to their customer. 'hey are using promotional inputs as a tool to create awareness& to inform and attract targeted customer with an objective to maximi!e the sales of products and services. 0etailers and distributors play key role in building powerful brand and achieving promotional objectives by forming an important link between service provider and ultimate customer. .ntil and unless an organi!ation reviews its image in market and the effectiveness of sales promotional inputs by focusing on each retailer and customers view carefully at regular time intervals it becomes difficult to design ways to go ahead in more strategic manner by beating its counterparts. 'he project assigned me was -T(*e *'e "er)e/*i(n (f Brand Ima$e and &ales "r(m(*i(n am(n$ e*ailers (f TATA INDICOM in Bel$a%m Ci*y.0 'his project taken up is a part of academic assignment to find out the brand positioning of 'A'A I,*IC=M in the minds of retailers& to assess the sales promotional effectiveness and finally to come with proposal to enhance brand image and effectiveness of promotion inputs in )elgaum City.
'o know the )rand ositioning of 'A'A Indicom in the minds of 0etailers 'o find out the important factor that retailers attach for a cell service 'o know the type of sales promotion that retailers most prefer.
opulation( 0etail 6hops situated in )elgaum city. 6ampling +rame( 6hops. 6ampling .nit( 0etailers. 6ampling 6i!e( :22. 6ampling Method( Convenient 6ampling
G2( More or equal to F2M of the retailers are 6atisfied with 'A'A Indicom G:( <ess than F2M of the retailers are 6atisfied with 'A'A Indicom
G2( More or equal to 32M of the retailers consider the rice as an important factor G:( <ess than 32M of the retailers consider the rice as an important factor
Most outlets are Multi branded ;:M of the retailers are in business for more than : year which shows that there is a growth in the market. About I2M of 0etailers stock and sell Dodafone& Airtel and 'A'A Indicom ?hen the retailers here the word 'A'A Indicom they recall the <ogo of 'A'A Indicom. About 32M 0etailers are 6A'I6+I#* with the services and offers provided by the 'A'A Indicom 0etailers receive different kinds of discounts from the company. 0etailers prefer 'our =ffers from the company. 0etailers feel that advertising in 'D will be very advantages to 'A'A Indicom. 35M of the retailers give price as the major priority with respect to cell services
'A'A Indicom should improve the service& specially the activation / network so that the retailers can push the products easily in the market. 'here is a huge potential to convert the neutral retailers to satisfied retailers by catering to their specific needs. An effective promotional strategy has to be designed focusing more on Goarding and )anners to obtain the desired results. Goarding has only a few seconds to make the product noticeable. Gence very few words are to be used on a billboard or hoarding.
'A'A Indicom should advertise in those newspapers and maga!ines which has got more circulation. ?ith modern technology digital billboards and tri4faced billboards are moving the market. *igital billboards allow long messages to run continuously across the screen. 'hey also have advantage of attracting better attention. 'he company should provide special offers to retailers to increases the sales. *uring the survey it is found that only ;FM of the retailers recall the <ogo of 'A'A Indicom which is less than F2M so the company has to focus more on )rand )uilding Activities. 'he company should highlight the additional and competitive features which are not provided by other brands through strong media communication. 'he company should advertise on Internet.
'he study is limited to )elgaum city only 'he responses given by the retailers cannot be considered as totally perfect because of various personal and other limitations. As retailer7s views and experience include more of psychological aspects& the survey made during a particular time period will give information about the retailers during that particular time period.
'o conclude& it is very less time to study about brand image and sales promotional strategies apart for this we need to focus on each retailers view carefully in regular time
intervals so that the best possible is presented here& still there is a lot of scope for developing on this subject& as excellence is not limited always. 'ata 'eleservice is one of the leading player in the telecommunication sector. 'A'A Indicom has to focus more on proper advertising strategies through which it can reach its future customers& while 32M of the retailers are very much satisfied by the services provided. Although there is a need to build more confidence in its retailers. 'his will be possible only through effective communication. 'hus& the company should take necessary steps to satisfy the retailers by providing them with the necessary facilities required to promote brand as a whole.
'he 'A'A "roup is one of IndiaOs largest and most respected business conglomerates& with revenues in 122F423 of P1:.I billion $0s I3H&11I million%& the equivalent of about 1.5 per cent of the countryOs "* & and a market capitali!ation of PF:.C billion. 'A'A companies together employ some 1& ;3&222 people. 'he "roupOs 15 publicly listed enterprises among them stand out names such as 'A'A 6teel& 'A'A Consultancy 6ervices& 'A'A Motors and 'A'A 'ea Q have a combined market capitali!ation that is the highest among Indian business houses in the private sector& and a shareholder base of over 1 million. 'he 'A'A "roup has operations in more than F; countries across six continents& and its companies export products and services to :12 nations.
'he 'A'A family of companies shares a set of five core values( Integrity& .nderstanding& #xcellence& .nity and 0esponsibility. 'hese values& which have been part of the "roupOs beliefs and convictions from its earliest days& continue to guide and drive the business decisions of 'A'A companies. 'he "roup and its enterprises have been steadfast and distinctive in their adherence to business ethics and their commitment to corporate social responsibility. 'his is a legacy that has earned the "roup the trust of many millions of stakeholders in a measure few business houses anywhere in the world can match.
5NDE &TANDING3 "e must be caring, show respect, compassion and humanity for our
colleagues and customers around the world, and always wor$ for the benefit of the communities we serve.
E@CELLENCE3 "e must constantly strive to achieve the highest possible standards in
our day%to%day wor$ and in the quality of the goods and services we provide.
5NIT#3 "e must wor$ cohesively with our colleagues across the
understanding and mutual cooperation.
customers and partners around the world, building strong relationships based on tolerance,
112&222 employees are working in this "roup and more than 1.5 million shareholders. 'ata 'eleservices spearheads the "roup7s presence in the telecom sector. 'ata 'eleservice was incorporated in :II3N It was the first to launch C*MA mobile services in India with the Andhra radesh circle.
?ith the acquisition of Gughes ' $India%& now 'ata 'eleservices $Maharashtra%& in *ecember 1221& the company swung into expansion mode. ''6< currently offers services under the brand name O'ata IndicomO in 12 circles in India( Andhra radesh& Chennai& "ujarat& -arnataka& *elhi& Maharashtra& Mumbai& 'amil ,adu& =rissa& )ihar& 0ajasthan& unjab& Garyana& Gimachal radesh& .ttar radesh $#ast%& .ttar radesh $?est%& -erala& -olkata& Madhya radesh and ?est )engal.
'he company& which heralded convergence technologies in the Indian telecom sector& is today the second market leader in the fixed wireless telephony market with a total customer base of over more than C.5 million. 'elephony 'ata 'eleservices has a strong workforce of 3222. In addition& ''6< has created more than 12&222 jobs& which will include :2&222 indirect jobs through outsourcing of its manpower needs. 'ata 'eleservices7 bouquet of hones& ublic )ooth telephony services includes Mobile services& ?ireless *esktop
'oday& 'ata 'eleservices <imited along with its subsidiary 'ata 'eleservices $Maharashtra% <imited serves over :C million customers in over C:22 towns. ?ith an ambitious rollout plan both within existing circles and across new circles
E9ENT& +irst 'elephones in India ,ationali!ation of 'elephone companies *ot was created
Creation of M',< /D6,< 'elecom equipped liberali!ed <icenses for paging 'elecom policy announced "uidelines for private sector participation in basic services Cellular licenses issued for metros 'enders for 1nd operator in basic services apart form *ot on
circle basis D6,< launches internet services '0AI formed Internet policy announced ,ew telecom policy announced
In :III& the "overnment of India authored a very forward looking ,ational 'elecom olicy :III $,' 4:III%& which acknowledged that access to telecommunications is of utmost importance for the achievement of the country7s social and economic goals. Availability of affordable and effective communication for the citi!ens was the core vision and goal of this telecom policy. 6ince the announcement of the olicy& the "overnment has undertaken various concrete steps to achieve the policy objectives.
'he migration from a fixed to a revenue share license regime provided the desired relief to the private operators 4 earlier burdened by huge debts that they had to service owing to their license fee commitments. 'his was the starting point of the cellular revolution being witnessed in the country today& wherein almost 1 million lines are getting added to the network every month.
=ne of the fastest growing sectors in the country& telecommunications has been !ooming up the growth curve at a feverish pace in the past few years. Indian telecommunication firms added 3.C million new subscribers in +ebruary 122H& taking the total user base above 12C million. India has the sixth largest ,etwork in the world. 'elecommunication has helped in developing India a leading ,ation in the world.
telecommunications services. 'he country has suffered from decades of economic protectionism and nationali!ed industry. 'ill a few years back Indians had to wait for several years to get even a basic telephone line. +igure : shows that the telecom infrastructure in India continues to be a long way behind other developing nations. 'his trend is about to change. As mentioned earlier liberali!ation of the telecom market in India is gathering speed& driven by the impressive growth in the software industry. According to ,A66C=M $,ational Association of 6oftware and 6ervices Companies%& the growth rate over the period :IIF 41222 has been close to F2 M. 'he Indian government sees the I' industry as IndiaOs links to the wider world. Although this market continues to be dominated by state run companies 4 )harat 6anchar ,igam <td $)6,<% and Mahanagar 'elephone ,igam <td.& private companies like )harti #nterprises& the 0eliance "roup& and 'ata 'ele services& ) <& )irla& A' / ' and Gughes / 'ele& are entering this market. 6ome of these private companies recently decided to merge making a strong mark.
?ith further market liberali!ation& opening up of the international telephony market and increase in competition& the pace of development is going to intensify more. erhaps the best indicator of the potential for growth is a comparison with the other
Asian giant china. 'he dramatic difference in the side other two 4 telecom markets created by ChinaOs early liberali!ation and pro 4 market reforms as shown in figure 1 is much greater compared to the 12 4 1FM difference in their populations.
telecommunications infrastructure and information is the key to rapid economic and social development of the country. It is critical not only for the development of the Information 'echnology Industry& but also has wide spread ramifications on the entire economy of the country. It is also anticipated that going forward& a major part of the "* of the country would be contributed by this sector. Accordingly& it is of vital importance to the country that there be a comprehensive and forward looking telecommunications policy which creates an enabling framework for development of this industry. New Tele)(m "(li)y ABBB 'elecommunication is now universally recogni!ed as one of the prime movers of the modern economyN hence it7s vital importance for developing country like India. 'he availability of adequate infrastructure facilities is critical for acceleration of the economic development of any country. According& the government of India has accorded the highest priority to investment and development of telecommunications sector. 'elecom requires a huge investment and it was not possible for the Indian government to organi!e public funding of this sector on such a massive scale. In fact the national telecom policy :II;& estimated a resource gap of 0s 1C222 crores to meet the telecom targets of the 5 th five year plan of the government of India $:II14:IIH%. Cellular mobile services were one of the first areas to be opened up to private competition.
'he whole country was divided into ; metropolitan cities of and :I telecom circles& which were roughly analogous with the states of India. Cellular <icenses were awarded to
the private sector first in the metropolitan cities of *elhi& Mumbai& Calcutta and Chennai in :II; and then in the :I telecom circles in :IIF. 'he cellular companies come with the lower tariffs and increased coverageN there was also a consultant increase in the number of cellular subscribers from :.1 million subscribers in April :III to almost 1 million by April 1222& the number of cellular subscribes have now grown to almost 3.F million by the end of March 1221. 'he year 122: saw the entry of )6,< and M',< as the C rd cellular operators& in the same year cellular licenses were awarded to the ;th cellular operations in different telecom circles. As of march 1221& the Indian cellular mobile industry had ;1 network s on air& serving over :;22 towns and cities covering thousands of villages and servicing almost 3.F million subscribers across the country. 'he cellular industry has been growing at a rapid rate and it is been predicted that the industry will be able to sustain this growth in the coming year.
RAA, 6i$' &*ree* Cam/ Bel$a%mCDB: ::A 'ype of Concern( ,ature of the Industry( +actory( A%*'(rized Dealer (f TATA Indi)(m Tele)(m Ind%s*ry R E<BF=, Ma'a*ma "'%le (ad &'a'a/%r, Bel$a%m *epartments( =bjective( MI&, &ales, C(m/lain* 6andlin$. T( 1e *'e Mar7e* Leader and &/read *'e /r(d%)*s in en*ire Bel$a%m Ci*y. Competitors( elian)e B&NL Air*el 9(daf(ne &/i)e Main Management =f the Co( Mr. AGIG .I. BA AFWALA +Owner, Mr. Asif N. T(dewale +MI& E>e)%*i.e,
A%*'(rized Dealer 'el/s )%s*(mers *( $e* 1es* &er.i)e f(r *'eir "r(d%)*s
)uilding and maintaining brand equity is an important area of ongoing brand marketing. If brand awareness and brand recall are not kept fresh and strong& a lot of time and expense will be wasted.
)rand equity is the accumulated value of the brand image or identity in the consumer7s mind. 'he brand equity can be estimated by calculating the sales of a comparable brand with the same features and benefits and subtracting those from your brand7s sales. 'he difference then& is the true value of your brand equity. 'here is an intangible value to brand equity and some suggest it can7t be converted into a dollar value. 'he whole point of brand marketing is that everything does actually convert to a dollar value. In reality& that type of intangible is branding that perhaps missed the mark. Intangibles such as goodwill do have some sales4oriented value that might be harvested at some point. ublic relations are often considered an intangible yet it does help a business solve some brand communications needs and strengthen the brand7s value and hence contribute ultimately to sales. A brand is unlikely to have one brand image& but several& though one or many may predominate. 'he key in brand image research is to identify or develop the most powerful images and reinforce them through subsequent brand communications.
'he term 8brand image9 gained popularity as evidence began to grow that the feelings and images associated with a brand were powerful purchase influencers& through brand recognition& recall and brand identity. It is based on the proposition that consumers buy not only a product $commodity@goods%& but also the image associations of the product& such as power& wealth& style and most importantly identification and association with other users of the brand. In a consumer led world& people tend to define themselves and their Lungian 8 ersonality9 by their possessions. 'he ego and superego control to a large extent the image and personality that people would like others to have of them.
"ood brand image are instantly reminding& are positive and are almost always unique among competitive brands. It can be reinforced by brand communications such as packaging& advertising& sales promotion& customer service& word of mouth& and other aspects of the brand experience. )rand Images are usually evoked by asking consumers the first words@images that come to their mind when a certain brand is mentioned $sometimes called 8top of mind9%. ?hen responses are highly variable& non4forthcoming& or refer to non4image attributes such as cost& it is an indicator of a weak brand image.
subject pool. It often occurs when brand is a product rather than consumer driven. It is often important therefore for research aimed at 8uncovering9 the silent attributes of the product according to the consumer. In brand& where attributes are often related to brand personality& brand image and brand identification related variables these can often by done by uncovering qualitative and depth interview techniques. Consumer becomes familiar with the category within a short time& especially when prices come down rapidly.
)esides& such quick diffusion is also enhanced by the fact that the category is a necessity item rather than a luxury. 'here is also the element of social visibility associated with the category. Gence for a national brand& mass advertising is a pre4requisite& provided it is supported by the other elements of the marketing mix.
Advertisements convey brand differentiation and this may be important in several categories& which consist of several brands. *ifferentiation Awareness can be created by television advertising& but in certain categories there may be a need to demonstrate the effectiveness of brands. *ifferentiation with which consumers cannot 8connect9 may have a negative implication and if a brand 8connects9 consumers with its differentiation& it is likely to also differentiate itself in terms of getting identified with the consumers. In certain situation& the company may have two offerings in a product4line and there is a need to differentiate them clearly depending on the target segments involved. 'his is a complex situation where differentiation decides the growth of the brand and the perceived difference between the offerings. An added layer to the complexity is the same brand name being used for the offerings.
Ti*le (f *'e "r(2e)* -T(*e *'e "er)e/*i(n (f Brand Ima$e and &ales "r(m(*i(n am(n$ (f TATA INDICOM in Bel$a%m Ci*y.0 O12e)* (f *'e esear)' 'o study the 'elecom Industry 'o measure retailers response towards 'A'A Indicom 'o know the )rand ositioning of 'A'A Indicom in the minds of 0etailers 'o find out the important factor that retailers attach for a cell service 'o know the type of sales promotion that retailers most prefer &ele)*i(n (f &am/le opulation( 0etail 6hops situated in )elgaum city 6ampling +rame( 6hops 6ampling .nit( 0etailers 6ampling 6i!e( :22 6ampling Method( Convenient 6ampling e*ailers
'he information necessary for this research study is collected by tapping primary and secondary sources. 'he sources are as follows( "rimary &(%r)es3 a. Kuestionnaire b. ersonal interaction c. =bservation &e)(ndary &(%r)es3 a. b. c. 0elated Information from Internet $?ebsites% Darious 'ext )ooks Lournals and Maga!ines
Limi*a*i(n (f *'e &*%dy 'he study is limited to )elgaum city only 'he responses given by the retailers cannot be considered as totally perfect because of various personal and other limitations. As retailer7s views and experience include more of psychological aspects& the survey made during a particular time period will give information about the retailers during that particular time period.
:. 'eleshop
#xclusive outlet
6ub dealers
What kind of business/outlet do you own? 1requency &' )' ,) ,( ,(( 2ercent &'.( )'.( ,).( ,(.( ,((.( 0alid 2ercent &'.( )'.( ,).( ,(.( ,((.( Cumulative 2ercent &'.( *+.( -(.( ,((.(
In*er/re*a*i(n About ;5M of retailers own a multi brand outlet were as 15M own a 'eleshop business and :;M of them possesses exclusive outlet and :2M of them are sub dealers
6ince how long you have been in this businessA <ess than : year 1 Bears to C Bears : Bear to 1 Bears More than C years
Since how long you ha e been in this business? 1requency &* ), &* 5 ,(( 2ercent &*.( ),.( &*.( 5.( ,((.( 0alid 2ercent &*.( ),.( &*.( 5.( ,((.( Cumulative 2ercent &*.( +'.( -5.( ,((.(
6ess than , year , 7ear to & 7ears & 7ears to 8 7ears .ore than 8 7ears Total
In*er/re*a*i(n 'he above pie chart indicates that about ;:M of the retailers are in business for more than : year. 'he retailers who have set up the business newly i.e less than : year is also 1HM which shows that the market is growing to potential.
C. Dodafone
?hat brands do you stock and sellA Airtel )6,< 6pice 0eliance 'A'A Indicom
In*er/re*a*i(n =ut of :22 retailers I5M& I3M& IFM stock 'A'A Indicom& Dodafone and Airtel respectively and H3M& HCM& F3M stock 6pice& )6,< and 0eliance respectively. 'his shows that the retailers are not dependent on any specific brand& but Dodafone& Airtel and 'A'A Indicom are more in demand when compared to other brands which are available in market.
;. <ogo
?hat comes to your mind& when you hear the word 8'A'A Indicom9 +actor 'ick $ E %
"hat comes
Brand 9mbas sador -.(4 0alue 9ddition :ervi ,8.(4 6ogo )5.(4 Coverage ,&.(4
9vailability &,.(4
In*er/re*a*i(n About ;FM of 0etailers recall the <ogo of 'A'A when asked what comes to your mind when you hear the name 'A'A IndicomN some retailers also recall Availability and Coverage.
Bour satisfaction level with the different cell service providers. Company Gighly 6atisfied 6atisfied ,eutral *issatisfied Gighly *issatisfied
In*er/re*a*i(n +9ODAFONE, 'he above graph shows that ;IM of 0etailers are satisfied with services provided by DodafoneN there is more opportunity for the Dodafone Company to convert this ;IM of satisfied retailers into Gighly 6atisfied retailers because it will help the company in return
to increase the sales. 'he company should also concentrate on the dissatisfied retailers and try to convert them into satisfied retailers.
Satisfaction le el of %i"tel 1requency 8)+ ,5 ,(( 2ercent 8-.( )+.( ,5.( ,((.( 0alid 2ercent 8-.( )+.( ,5.( ,((.( Cumulative 2ercent 8-.( '5.( ,((.(
:atisfied )+.(4
In*er/re*a*i(n 'he above graph shows that ;3M of 0etailers are satisfied with services provided by AirtelN there is more chance for Airtel to convert this ;3M of satisfied retailers into Gighly 6atisfied retailers which in turn helps the company to increase the sales. It should also convert the ,eutral retailers to satisfied retailers.
Satisfaction le el of S'ice 1requency 85 )) ' ) ,(( 2ercent -.( 85.( )).( '.( ).( ,((.( 0alid 2ercent -.( 85.( )).( '.( ).( ,((.( Cumulative 2ercent -.( )).( ''.( -+.( ,((.(
In*er/re*a*i(n 'he above graph shows that only CFM of the retailers are satisfied with the services provided by 6pice& but on the other hand about ;;M of the retailers say that they are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with the service of spice& the company has to work towards converting this neutral retailers to satisfied and also the dissatisfied and highly dissatisfied retailers to satisfied which will be more beneficial to the spice company.
Satisfaction le el of Reliance 1requency ,( &* 8&& & ,(( 2ercent ,(.( &*.( 8-.( &&.( &.( ,((.( 0alid 2ercent ,(.( &*.( 8-.( &&.( &.( ,((.( Cumulative 2ercent ,(.( 8*.( *+.( -'.( ,((.(
=eutral 8-.(4
In*er/re*a*i(n 'he above graph shows that only 1HM of the retailers are satisfied with the services provided by 0eliance& but on the other hand about CIM of the retailers say that they are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with the service provided by 0eliance& the company has to work towards converting this neutral retailers to satisfied and also the dissatisfied $11M% and highly dissatisfied retailers to satisfied which will be more advantageous to the 0eliance
Satisfaction le el of T%T% Indico! 1requency 5, &+ ' + ,(( 2ercent -.( 5,.( &+.( '.( +.( ,((.( 0alid 2ercent -.( 5,.( &+.( '.( +.( ,((.( Cumulative 2ercent -.( +(.( '+.( -).( ,((.(
In*er/re*a*i(n 'he above graphs shows that about 32M of the retailers are satisfied with the services provided by 'A'A Indicom& 13M of them are neutral were as :;M of the retailers are dissatisfied with 'A'A Indicom. 'herefore the company must take necessary steps to achieve the expectations of the dissatisfied retailers.
In*er/re*a*i(n 'he above graphs shows that about ;;M of the retailers are satisfied with the services provided by )6,<& ;CM of them are neutral were as :CM of the retailers are dissatisfied with )6,<. 'herefore the company must take essential steps to achieve the expectations of the dissatisfied retailers.
3. *iscounts Coupons
?hat kind of benefits do you receive from the company by the way of 6ales romotion 6chemes =ffers
what kind of (enefits do you "ecei e f"o! the co!'any 1requency 8) &* ,( &,(( 2ercent 8).( &*.( ,(.( &-.( ,((.( 0alid 2ercent 8).( &*.( ,(.( &-.( ,((.( Cumulative 2ercent 8).( +,.( *,.( ,((.(
Coupons ,(.(4
:chemes &*.(4
In*er/re*a*i(n About C;M of the retailers receive benefits in the form of discounts and 1IM of retailers are provided with different offers& were as 1HM of retailers are offered different schemes.
?hat additional sales promotional inputs do you feel the company should 'our =ffers Certificate from Company
6lab =ffers
ift Items Tour offers :lab ?ffers Certificate from company Total
"hat 9dditional sales promotional inputs do you feel the company should
About CIM of the retailers expect 'our =ffers from the company in the form of sales promotion inputs. 1HM of the retailers expect gift items from the company& where as 11M :lab ?ffers and ,&.(4 :1M of retailers expect Certificate from company and 6lab offers in form of additional sales promotions
Tour ?ffers 8-.(4
According to you which is the best advertising media for cell service ,ewspapers oster and )anners Any =ther 6pecify >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
%cco"ding to you which is the best ad e"tising !edia fo" cell se" ice '"o ide" 1requency )* ' && ,8 ,( ,(( 2ercent )*.( '.( &&.( ,8.( ,(.( ,((.( 0alid 2ercent )*.( '.( &&.( ,8.( ,(.( ,((.( Cumulative 2ercent )*.( 55.( **.( -(.( ,((.(
according to you which is the best advertising media for cell service pr
<oardings ,(.(4 2oster and Banners ,8.(4 T0 )*.(4
In*er/re*a*i(n About ;HM of retailers consider 'D Ads as most effective advertising medium& where as 11M of the retailers prefer ?all ainting and only :CM of them consider posters and banners and :2M prefer hoarding where as only 5M of them prefer newspaper as the best advertising media. 'hus 'D Ads are the most desirable and preferred medium for advertisement. I. 0ank the factors that you feel are important for cell service Fa)*(rs ,etwork Availability )rand ,ame rice Coverage NETWO K 6i$' Medi%m L(w
Netwo"k 1requency 55 8& ,8 ,(( 2ercent 55.( 8&.( ,8.( ,((.( =etwor$
6ow ,8.(4
. edium 8&.(4
<igh 55.(4
In*er/re*a*i(n About FFM of the retailers give ,etwork as the major priority with respect to cell services were as C1M of them consider it as not so important $Medium% and :CM have rated network as low from the point of view of cell services. A9AILABILIT#
% ailability 1requency 8* 5& ,, ,(( 2ercent 8*.( 5&.( ,,.( ,((.( 0alid 2ercent 8*.( 5&.( ,,.( ,((.( Cumulative 2ercent 8*.( '-.( ,((.(
6ow ,,.(4
<igh 8*.(4
.edium 5&.(4
In*er/re*a*i(n About CHM of the retailers give Availability as the major priority with respect to cell services were as F1M of them consider it as not so important $Medium% and ::M have rated Availability as low from the point of view of cell services.
("and Na!e 1requency 5) 8& ,) ,(( 2ercent 5).( 8&.( ,).( ,((.( 0alid 2ercent 5).( 8&.( ,).( ,((.( Cumulative 2ercent 5).( '+.( ,((.(
Brand =ame
6ow ,).(4
In*er/re*a*i(n About F;M of the retailers give )rand ,ame as the major priority with respect to cell services were as C1M of them consider it as not so important $Medium% and :;M have rated )rand ,ame as low from the point of view of cell services.
)"ice 1requency +' &+ + ,(( 2ercent +'.( &+.( +.( ,((.( 0alid 2ercent +'.( &+.( +.( ,((.( Cumulative 2ercent +'.( -).( ,((.(
6ow +.(4 .edium &+.(4
<igh +'.(4
In*er/re*a*i(n About 35M of the retailers give rice as the major priority with respect to cell services were as 13M of them consider it as not so important $Medium% and 3M have rated rice as low from the point of view of cell services.
*o e"age 1requency 5' 8) ' ,(( 2ercent 5'.( 8).( '.( ,((.( 0alid 2ercent 5'.( 8).( '.( ,((.( Cumulative 2ercent 5'.( -&.( ,((.(
6ow '.(4
In*er/re*a*i(n About F5M of the retailers give Clarity as the major priority with respect to cell services were as C;M of them consider it as not so important $Medium% and 5M have rated Clarity as low from the point of view of cell services.
6:3 M(re (r eJ%al *( D:K (f *'e re*ailers are &a*isfied wi*' TATA Indi)(m 6A3 Less *'an D:K (f *'e re*ailers are &a*isfied wi*' TATA Indi)(m .sing G Tes* can prove this Computation of G .al%e ST 4 @ sigma T2.F2 $:4 % T2.F2 ,T:22 ,4:T :224:TII ?here T J@, T 0espondents favoring Go 'otal sample si!e "L;:FA::L:.; &i$ma "L " +AC",F +NCA, ST 2.342.F2@2.2F21F G L A.BB KLCA.;= C(n)l%si(n3 6ince critical value $-T 4:.3;% is less than calculated S value $:.II% null hypothesis is accepted. es%l*3 More than F2M of the retailers are satisfied with 'A'A Indicom L :.:D:ED
6:3 M(re (r eJ%al *( ;:K (f *'e re*ailers )(nsider *'e "ri)e as an im/(r*an* fa)*(r 6A3 Less *'an ;:K (f *'e re*ailers )(nsider *'e "ri)e as an im/(r*an* fa)*(r
.sing G Tes* can prove this Computation of S value ST 4 @ sigma T2.32 $:4 % T2.;2 ,T:22 ,4:T :224:TII ?here T J@, T 0espondents favoring Go 'otal sample si!e T35@:22T2.35 6igma T SL G L A.;< KLCA.;= C(n)l%si(nM 6ince critical value $KL CA.;=% is less than calculated S value +A.;<, null hypothesis is accepted. es%l*3 More than 32M of the retailers consider the rice as an important factor $:4 %@ $,4:% T :.:=B
Most outlets are Multi branded ;:M of the retailers are in business for than : year. which shows that there is a growth in the market. About I2M of 0etailers stock and sell Dodafone& Airtel and 'A'A Indicom ?hen the retailers here the word 'A'A Indicom they recall the <ogo of 'A'A Indicom. About 32M 0etailers are 6A'I6+I#* with the services and offers provided by the 'A'A Indicom 0etailers receive different kinds of discounts from the company. 0etailers prefer 'our =ffers from the company. 0etailers feel that advertising in 'D will be very advantages to 'A'A Indicom. 35M of the retailers give price as the major priority with respect to cell services
'A'A Indicom should improve the service& specially the activation / network so that the retailers can push the products easily in the market. 'here is a huge potential to convert the neutral retailers to satisfied retailers by catering to their specific needs. An effective promotional strategy has to be designed focusing more on Goarding and )anners to obtain the desired results. Goarding has only a few seconds to make the product noticeable. Gence very few words are to be used on a billboard or hoarding. 'A'A Indicom should advertise in those newspapers and maga!ines which has got more circulation. ?ith modern technology digital billboards and tri4faced billboards are moving the market. *igital billboards allow long messages to run continuously across the screen. 'hey also have advantage of attracting better attention. 'he company should provide special offers to retailers to increases the sales. *uring the survey it is found that only ;FM of the retailers recall the <ogo of 'A'A Indicom which is less than F2M so the company has to focus more on )rand )uilding Activities. 'he company should highlight the additional and competitive features which are not provided by other brands through strong media communication. 'he company should advertise on Internet
'o conclude& it is very less time to study about brand image and sales promotional strategies apart for this we need to focus on each retailers view carefully in regular time intervals so that the best possible is presented here& still there is a lot of scope for developing on this subject& as excellence is not limited always.
'ata 'eleservice is one of the leading player in the telecommunication sector. 'A'A Indicom has to focus more on proper advertising strategies through which it can reach its future customers& while 32M of the retailers are very much satisfied by the services provided. Although there is a need to build more confidence in its retailers. 'his will be possible only through effective communication. 'hus& the company should take necessary steps to satisfy the retailers by providing them with the necessary facilities required to promote brand as a whole.
B((7s3 Marketing Management by hilip -otler and -evin <ane -eller :1th edition& age ,o 153& C;2& FFF&FF3&FFI 6ales and *istribution Management by 'apan -. anda and 6unil 6ahadev& age ,o 15I&1I:&1I; In*erne*FWe1si*e3