Labour Welfare: Factories Act 1948
Labour Welfare: Factories Act 1948
Labour Welfare: Factories Act 1948
Factories Act 1948
1881: Indian
Factories Act
-at the instance of
the Lancashire
pressurised the
Govt to reduce
competition from
Indian Mills
- Protection to
1890- Factory
1891 : definition of
factory amended (50
persons), ltd. hours of
work, interval, power to
1911: Amendment
- hours of work :
12 for adults and 6
for children;
- women and
children prohibited
to work between 7
p.m. and 6 a.m
1934: New
Factories Act
- Hours of work: :
- max. hours of
work: 9
1922: Amendment
to implement ILO
Convention of
1919 on Hours of
- 60 hours in a
- Children under
12 prohibited
Rege Committee
(Labour Party)
1948:Factories Act
- welfare, health,
cleanliness ,
overtime payment
1929: Royal
Commission on
amendments till
1976, Amendment
of 1987 after
Bhopal Gas relating
to hazardous
Constitutional Provisions
O Concurrent List Entries
O Entry 23. Social security and social insurance;
O Black Law' Dictionary: includes all
i. If a premises is using power or working without the
aid of power the number of workers required to
constitute a factory differ as follows
a. With the aid of power- 10 or more workers
b. Without the aid of power- 20 or more workers
i. the area within the walls or perceived boundaries of
a particular building or place
ii. area in a town designated for specific or restricted
use, especially one which is closed to traffic
O Transforming and transmitting electricity (not
O Making of salt from sea water
O Preserving article in cold storage
O Sun cured tobacco leaves: moisture, strips, packed for
transport to main factory manufacturing cigarettes.
O Conversion of raw films into finished products
O Preparation of food stuffs and other eatables in the
kitchen of a restaurant as well as the use of
O Bidi making
O Cutting trees using axe and conversion into logs
O Apprentice
O Payment in kind
O Watchmen
O Independent contractors
O Control & supervision
O Shankar Balaji v. State of
O person who has ultimate control over the affairs of the factory .
Provided thatO (i) in the case of a firm or other association of individuals, any one
of the individual partners or members thereof shall be deemed to
be the occupier;
O (ii) in the case of a company, any one of the directors shall be
deemed to be the occupier;
O (iii) in the case of a factory owned or controlled by the Central
Government or any State Government, or any local authority, the
person or persons appointed to manage the affairs of the factory
by the Central Government, the State Government or the local
authority, as the case may be, shall be deemed to be the occupier;
O Provided further that in the case of a ship which is being repaired,
Hotels: whether a
O Lal Bovta Hotel Bakery Mazdoor Union v. Ritz
S.2(cb) "hazardous process" means any process or
activity in relation to an industry specified in the First
Schedule where, unless special care is taken, raw
materials used therein or the intermediate or
finished products, bye products, wastes or effluents
thereof would-(i) cause material impairment to the health of the
persons engaged in or connected therewith, or
(ii) result in the pollution of the general environment:
Provided that the State Government may, by
notification in the Official Gazette, amend the First
Schedule by way of addition, omission or variation of
any industry specified in the said Schedule;
Welfare of workers
O S.42: Washing facilities for workmen
O S.43: Storing and drying clothing facilities.
O S.44: Facilities for sitting, opp. For rest
O S.45: First aid appliances.
O S.46: Canteens: >250 workers
Working hours
Employment of Young
O S.67: No employment of children
below 14 yrs.
O S.68: For non adults: certificate of
fitness reqd.
O Chp. X: Penalties
O Chief Inspector (app. By State govt.)
O Add. Chief Inspector
O Joint Chief Inspector
O Deputy Chief Inspector
O Inspector: Distt. Magistrate in each
O If more than 1 inspector: powers
defined by state govt.
O Powers: S.9: examination, inquiry,