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Atoms and Bonding: - The Periodic Table - Ionic Bonding - Covalent Bonding - Metallic Bonding - Van Der Waals Bonding

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Atoms and bonding

• The periodic table

• Ionic bonding
• Covalent bonding
• Metallic bonding
• van der Waals bonding
Atoms and bonding
• In order to understand the physics of semiconductor (s/c) devices,
we should first learn how atoms bond together to form the solids.
• Atom is composed of a nucleus which contains protons and
neutrons; surrounding the nucleus are the electrons.
• Atoms can combine with themselves or other atoms. The valence
electrons, i.e. the outermost shell electrons govern the chemistry of
• Atoms come together and form gases, liquids or solids depending on
the strength of the attractive forces between them.
• The atomic bonding can be classified as ionic, covalent, metallic, van
der Waals,etc.
• In all types of bonding the electrostatic force acts between
charged particles.
The periodic table
1A 2A 8A

Li Be 3A 4A 5A 6A He
Na Mg B C N O F Ne
K Ca 2B Al Si P S Cl Ar
Rb Sr Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Cs Ba Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Fr Rd Hg Ti Pb Bi Po At Rn

Groups 3B,4B,5B,6B
7B,8B,1B lie in here

A section of the periodic table

The periodic table
• Ionic solids
Group 1A (alkali metals) contains lithium (Li), sodium (Na), potassium
(K),..and these combine easily with group 7A (halogens) of fluorine (F),
chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br),.. and produce ionic solids of NaCl, KCl, KBr, etc.

• Rare (noble) gases

Group 8A elements of noble gases of helium(He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar),…
have a full complement of valence electrons and so do not combine easily
with other elements.

• Elemental semiconductors
Silicon(Si) and germanium (Ge) belong to group 4A.

• Compound semiconductors

1) III-V compound s/c’s; GaP, InAs, AlGaAs (group 3A-5A)

2) II-VI compound s/c’s; ZnS, CdS, etc. (group 2B-6A)
Covalent bonding

• Elemental semiconductors of Si, Ge and diamond are

bonded by this mechanism and these are purely covalent.
• The bonding is due to the sharing of electrons.
• Covalently bonded solids are hard, high melting points,
and insoluble in all ordinary solids.
• Compound s/c’s exhibit a mixture of both ionic and
covalent bonding.
Ionic bonding
 Ionic bonding is due to the electrostatic force of attraction between
positively and negatively charged ions (between 1A and 7A).

 This process leads to electron transfer and formation of charged

ions; a positively charged ion for the atom that has lost the
electron and a negatively charged ion for the atom that has gained
an electron.

 All ionic compounds are crystalline solids at room temperature.

 NaCl and CsCl are typical examples of ionic bonding.

 Ionic crystals are hard, high melting point, brittle and can be
dissolved in ordinary liquids.
Ionic bonding
The metallic elements have only up to the valence
electrons in their outer shell will lose their electrons and
become positive ions, whereas electronegative elements
tend to acquire additional electrons to complete their octed
and become negative ions, or anions.

Na Cl
Comparison of Ionic and Covalent Bonding
Potential energy diagram for molecules
• This typical curve has a
minimum at equilibrium
distance R0
• R > R0 ;
– the potential increases Repulsive
gradually, approaching 0
as R∞
0 R0
– the force is attractive R
• R < R0;
– the potential increases r
very rapidly,
approaching ∞ at small
– the force is repulsive
Metallic bonding
 Valance electrons are relatively bound to the nucleus
and therefore they move freely through the metal and
they are spread out among the atoms in the form of a
low-density electron cloud.

 A metallic bond result from

the sharing of a variable number + + +
of electrons by a variable

number of atoms. A metal may
+ + +
be described as a cloud of free
+ + +
 Therefore, metals have high
electrical and thermal
Metallic bonding
• All valence electrons in a metal combine to form a “sea” of
electrons that move freely between the atom cores. The
more electrons, the stronger the attraction. This means the
melting and boiling points are higher, and the metal is
stronger and harder.
• The positively charged cores are held together by these
negatively charged electrons.
• The free electrons act as the bond (or as a “glue”) between
the positively charged ions.
• This type of bonding is nondirectional and is rather
insensitive to structure.
• As a result we have a high ductility of metals - the “bonds” do
not “break” when atoms are rearranged – metals can
experience a significant degree of plastic deformation.
van der Waals bonding

• It is the weakest bonding mechanism.

• It occurs between neutral atoms and molecules.

• The explanation of these weak forces of attraction is that

there are natural fluctuation in the electron density of all
molecules and these cause small temporary dipoles within
the molecules. It is these temporary dipoles that attract one
molecule to another. They are as called van der Waals'

• Such a weak bonding results low melting and boiling points

and little mechanical strength.
van der Waals bonding
The dipoles can be formed as a result of unbalanced
distribution of electrons in asymettrical molecules. This is
caused by the instantaneous location of a few more electrons on
one side of the nucleus than on the other.

symmetric asymmetric

Therefore atoms or molecules containing dipoles are attracted

to each other by electrostatic forces.
Classification of solids



Single Crystal

Crystal Structure 14
Crystalline Solid

• Crystalline Solid is the solid form of a substance in

which the atoms or molecules are arranged in a
definite, repeating pattern in three dimension.

Crystal Structure 15
Crystalline Solid

• Single crystal has an atomic structure that repeats

periodically across its whole volume. Even at infinite length
scales, each atom is related to every other equivalent
atom in the structure by translational symmetry

Single Pyrite

Single Crystal

Crystal Structure 16
Polycrystalline Solid

• Polycrystal is a material made up of an aggregate

of many small single crystals (also called
crystallites or grains).
• The grains are usually 100 nm - 100 microns in
diameter. Polycrystals with grains that are <10 nm
in diameter are called nanocrystalline

Pyrite form

Crystal Structure 17
Amorphous Solid

• Amorphous (non-crystalline) Solid is composed of

randomly orientated atoms, ions, or molecules that
do not form defined patterns or lattice structures.

Crystal Structure 18

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