Bharat Chandramouli
February 5, 2002
Activity Coefficient
The activity coefficient is a measure of
the non-ideality of mixing
Gs RT ln x w RT ln w
Gmix ideal Gse nonideal
Enthalpy Entropy
The Size Effect Term
i,omd is a measure of the effect of
differing sizes of i and om on their
entropy of mixing
This was derived by Flory and Huggins
using statistical thermodynamics
For an infinitely dilute solution
i ,om i i
d ln( V /V ) 1 V /V
Cohesive Energy (Ecoh)
Closely linked to the heat of evaporation
It is a measure of a the ability of a liquid
molecule to stay together
i i i i
Ecoh Ed ( ispersive) E p( olar ) Eh( ydrogen)
Theory of cohesive energy developed by
Hildebrand for dispersive systems and
extended by Hansen for polar and hydrogen
Solubility parameter
Solubility parameters are measures of
cohesive energy
1/ 2 i 1/ 2
( e coh ) ( Ecoh / V )
solubility parameter cohesive energy
coh. energy density
Calculating solubility
Hansen and others compiled molar
attraction constants for functional
groups, which are additive contributions
to the solubility parameter
d Fd ,k / iV
p ( Fp2,k )1/ 2 / iV
h ( Eh , k / V )
i i 1/ 2
Attraction Constants (F)
The product of V was found to vary
linearly across homologous series
Additivity of structural sub-groups
F = V values compiled for dispersion
and polar components of
Hansen later compiled additive
contributions to Eh
Multi-component Mixtures
How are om parameters calculated?
Parameters weighted using component
mole fraction and molar volume to get
average om
d ( i x Fd ,k ) /Vom
p [( x
i 2 1/ 2
F p ,k )] /Vom
h [ ( i x Eh ,k ) /Vom ]1/ 2
Cohesive Energy Density
i,omA can be derived as
om i 2 i om i 2 i om i 2
( d d ) b( p p ) b( h h )
i b is a weighting factor based on
dispersive forces, has been tabulated
for a variety of compounds
ib corrects for the fact that polar and H
bonding forces are localized
Activity Coefficient
Putting the two components together
ln iom =
i om i 2 i om i 2 i om i 2
V [( d d ) b( p p ) b( h h ) ]/ RT
ln( i V / om V ) 1 i V / om V
First, calculate group contributions for
each component in the mixture
Calculate om parameters by weighting
with mole fraction and molar volume
Calculate parameters for compound of
Calculate activity coefficient
Hansen or UNIFAC?
UNIFAC more powerful interaction
UNIFAC not universalmissing parameters
Hansen has certain inconsistencies as certain
parameters have to be culled from different
sources. Very sensitive to parameter choice
ib not widely available for many compounds,
Cgas particle C part