Its a physical process for separating a liquid mixture into two or more of its components
by partial vaporization and condensation.
But, when, the vapor and liquid have the same composition
=> the liquid mixture is k/as an azeotrope or azeotropic mixture.
However, true equilibrium may not be reached and a newer approach so called rate
based operations taken into account and thus an efficiency term.
It concerns with the relations between vapor and liquid compositions over a range of
temperature and pressure.
Functionally, the mol fractions yi of component i in the vapor phase depends on as,
yi = Ki xi
Pi o
yi xi Pi o
=> Ki ideal
A number of correlations for VER have been developed for hydrocarbon systems.
Approximate forms:
Rigorous Form:
f iV f i L
Activity Coefficient Deducted from experimental data of VLE
If the molecules repel each other, they exert a higher partial pressure
than if they were ideal. In this case the activity coefficients are
greater than unity (called a positive deviation from Raoults law).
If the molecules attract each other, they exert a lower partial pressure
than if they were ideal. Activity coefficients are less than unity
(negative deviations).
At next.
The problem of interest are finding the conditions for onset of vaporization,
the bubble point, for the onset of condensation, the dewpoint and the composition
And the relative amount of vapor and liquid phases at equilibrium under specified
Temp., C yA xA AB
64.5 1 1
66 0.958 0.900
69.3 0.870 0.700
73.1 0.779 0.500
78 0.665 0.300
84.4 0.517 0.150
89.3 0.365 0.080
93.5 0.230 0.040
100 0.000 0.000
VLE Data for Methanol (A) Water (B) System at P = 101.3 kPa
These results are conveniently presented in graphic form using several types
of phase diagram. Such T-xy, P-xy and x-y.
Bubble-Point Temperuture Calculations:
1. Guess a temperature T.
2. Calculate vapor pressures of all components at T.
3. Calculate:
PTCal T xi Pi o T
i 1
One of the most widely used correlations of saturated vapour pressure is that proposed
Then, the relative volatility of the ith component with respect to rth is given as,
yi yi
yr xi Ki
xi yr Kr
xr xr
n n
K i K r ir y i K r ir xi y
i 1
i K r ir xi
i 1
K xi 1
i i 1
Or Ki can be directly obtained from DePriester Chart for ith component
At a given temperature and pressure.
Then, K x
i 1
i i 1
1. Guess a temperature T.
2. Calculate vapor pressures of all components at T.
3. Calculate:
yi PT T
Pi o
i 1
i 1
Ex. 1: The constants in the Antoine equation,are:
For benzene: k1 = 6.90565 k2 = 1211.033 k3 = 220.79
For toluene: k1 = 6.95334 k2 = 1343.943 k3 = 219.377
Determine the bubble point of 0.5 mole fraction benzene and 0.5 mole
fraction of toluene.
Schematic of Continuous
fractionating column
On each tray the system tends to reach equilibrium:
1. Some of the less volatile component condenses from the rising vapour into the
liquid thus increasing the concentration of the more volatile component (MVC) in
the vapour. (Absorption => M.T. from Vapor to Liquid)
2. Some of the MVC is vaporised from the liquid on the tray thus decreasing the
concentration of the MVC in the liquid. (Desorption => from Liquid to Vapor)
The number of molecules passing in each direction from vapour to liquid and in reverse
is approximately the same.
The above blue text can be only possible, when the two components have
equal and approximately constant molar Heat of vaporization.
Therefore, the flows of liquid and vapour in each part of the column will
not vary from tray to tray and will REMAIN CONSTANT, in such case.
Conditions of varying molar overflow can also arise from unequal molar latent
heats of the components that means when the system tends to..
Designing Distillation Column
Material Balance:
Vn1 Ln1 Vn Ln
material balance above plate n, indicated
by the loop I
Vn = Ln+1 +D 1
for the more volatile component gives:
Ln 1 D
yn xn 1 xd
Vn Vn
as we know,
L1 = L2 = L3 = Ln+1 = const. = Ln
Ln D
yn xn 1 xd 3
Vn Vn
is called as Top Operating Line or Rectifying Section Line
taking a material balance,
from the bottom to above plate m,
as indicated by the loop II
Lm+1 = Vm +W
As we know, Lm = Lm+1
Lm W
ym xm 1 xw
Vm Vm
is called as Bottom Operating Line
or Stripping Section Line
Overall Material Balance:
0 1
The intersection of the operating lines and Feed Stage Condition:
If the two operating lines intersect at a point with coordinates (xq, yq ), the
from equations of TOL and BOL,
Vn yq Ln xq Dxd .I
Vm yq Lm xq Wxw II
yq Vm Vn xq Lm Ln Dxd Wxw
=> Vm Vn Lm Ln F
Vm Lm
Vm Vn Lm Ln F
If the feed is a liquid at a temperature Tf , that is less than the boiling point,
then some vapour rising from the plate below will condense to provide
sufficient heat to bring the feed liquor to the boiling point.
L= L+F V
(B) Saturated liquid feed (C) Partially vaporized feed
L < L V
F H fs H f
Lm Ln F
F H fs H f
Lm Ln F
H fs H f
Lm Ln F
If, q is defined as,
heat to vaporize 1 mol of feed
molar latent heat of feed
H fs H f
Lm Ln Fq
Vm Vn Fq F
F q 1 yq Fqxq Fx f
q 1
yq xq x f
q 1 q 1
The ratio of the top overflow to the quantity of product is called the reflux ratio.
It is denoted by R.
i.e. R
This enables the equation of the operating line to be expressed in another way as,
Ln D
TOL => yn xn1 xd
Ln D Ln D
R xd
yn xn 1
R 1 R 1
Any change in the reflux ratio R will therefore modify the slope of the operating line.
Thus, This will affect the number of equilibrium stages required for a given separation.
Mole fraction in vapor y
R 1
q - line
Rmin 1
1. Graphical Method
2. Analytical Method:
Underwoods Equation for minimum Reflux Ratio.
1 xd 1 xd
1 x f 1 x f
1 . xd 1 xd
Rm 1
1 y f 1 y f
For any feed condition (for any value of q)
Rm z f qxd xd q 1 z f Rm 1
Rm 1 z f q1 xd Rm 11 z f q 11 xd
Determine the minimum reflux ratio for the binary distillation at standard atmospheric
presssure when,
i) Feed is saturated liquid
ii) Feed is at room temperature (say at 30oC)
Rm Reflux Ratio
There is no simple relation between Rm and the optimum value, although practical values are generally 1.21.5
times the minimum.
Determination of Theoretical Stages
Short Cut Method: Fenskes Equation, Smokers equation, Kremser Equation etc.
1. The two components have equal and constant molar enthalpies
of vaporization.
1. Draw the vapor liquid equilibrium curve from the VLE data available at the operating
pressure of distillation column.
Or VLE data can be obtained by using following correlation, when relative volatility at
operating temp. and pressure is known.
1 1x
2. Make a material balance over the column to determine the top and bottom compositions,
xd and xw from the data given.
If the operating and equilibrium lines are straight, and they usually can be taken as such when
the concentrations are small.
The number of stages required can be calculated using the equations given by Robinson and
Ns number of ideal stages required from xw to some reference point xr in stripping section.
Ks = equilibrium constant (VER) for the more volatile component in stripping section.
1 R
1 K R
NR 1
It is usually cheaper than the separate reboiler system as it avoids fixed cost and cleaning cost
of reboiler.
But, for the same value of reflux ratio and the given extent of separation, use of open steam
requires more number of equilibrium stages.
F zf = D xd+ W xw
In this case the striping line starts at from (x = xw, y=0) point and has a slope Lm/S
H s H sat
S S s 1
For a non-ideal system, where the molar latent heat is no longer constant and where
there is a substantial heat of mixing, the calculations become much more tedious.
For binary mixtures of this kind a graphical model has been developed by RUHEMANN,
PONCHON, and SAVARIT, based on the use of an enthalpy-composition chart.
hi x i hio (2)
mix x A A xB B (6)
Devise an enthalpy-concentration diagram for the
heptane-ethyl benzene system at 760 mm Hg, using the
pure liquid at 0C as the reference state and assuming
zero heat of mixing.
10,000 2 Phase
Liquid Saturated liquid
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Stepwise procedure to determine the number of theoretical trays
by Ponchon Savarit :
Step 1: Draw the equilibrium curve and the enthalpy concentration diagram for
the mixture to be separated.
Step 2: Calculate the compositions of the feed, distillate and bottom products.
Locate these compositions on the enthalpy-concentration diagram.
Step 3: Estimate the reflux rate for the separation and locate the rectifying section
difference point as R Point y1 is the intersection point of line joining point xD and
R and HV-y curve.
Step 4: Locate the stripping section difference point s. The point s is to be located
at a point where the line from R through xF intersects the xB composition coordinate.
Step 5: Step off the trays graphically for the rectifying section. Then the point of
composition x1 of liquid of top tray is to be determined from the equilibrium relation
with y1 of vapor which is leaving the tray and locate it to the HL-x curve. Then the
composition y2 is to be located at the point where the line of points R and x1
intersects HV-y curve. This procedure is to be continued until the feed plate is reached.
Step 6: Similarly follow the same rule for stripping section. In the stripping section, the
vapor composition yB leaving the reboiler is to be estimated from the equilibrium
relation. Then join the yB and S to find the xN. The vapor composition yN is to be
determined by extending a tie line to saturated vapor curve HV-y. The procedure is to
be continued until the feed tray is attained.
The reflux rate can be calculated from the energy balance around the condenser,
L QC' HV 1
D HV 1 H D
The Smoker equation:
An analytical equation that can be used to determine the number of stages when the relative
volatility is constant.
It can be used for any problem for which the relative volatilities in the rectifying and
stripping sections can be taken as constant.
Smoker shows that the number of stages required is given by the equation:
N = is the number of stages required to effect the separation represented by the concentration
change from x0* to xn*.
k = is the value of the x-ordinate at the point where the extended operating lines intersect the
vapour-liquid equilibrium curve
y = sx +b .. 1
For any particular distillation problem equation (3) will have only one real root k,
between 0 and 1
.. 4
Rectifying Section:
Stripping section:
Note : If the feed stream is not at its bubble point, zf is replaced by the value of x at the intersection of operating lines.
Ex.5. A column is to be designed to separate a mixture of ethylbenzene and styrene. The feed will
contain 0.5 mol fraction styrene, and a styrene purity of 99.5 per cent is required, with a recovery
of 85 per cent. Estimate the number of equilibrium stages required at a reflux ratio of 8. Maximum
column bottom pressure 0.20 bar.