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Where Are We in the Big Picture?


Oil Gas Water

pump Compressor
A pump


Oil/Gas Venting Treatment


Flaring Injection

High Level Summary


Types Rotary Awareness


Pipe Loss

Industry Standards for Pumps

No Code Description
1 API 610 (ISO 13709) Centrifugal pumps for general refinery
2 ANSI B71.1/2 Horizontal end suction centrifugal pumps and
vertical inline centrifugal pumps
3 API 674 Reciprocating pump
4 API 675 Metering pumps
5 API 676 Rotary pumps
6 PTS Pump Type Selection and Basic Design
7 PTS Centrifugal Pumps
Amendments/Supplements to ISO 13709
8 PTS Shaft sealing systems for Centrifugal &
Rotary Pumps
Intro : Pumps
A pump is a machine used to move liquid through a piping
system and to raise the pressure of the liquid.

Inlet outlet


Intro : Pumps
The pumping process involves several energy transformations in
order to increase the pressure of a liquid.

Liquid outlet:
At high pressure

Fuel/Energy Shaft:
Sources: Liquid inlet:
Air, Steam, At low pressure
Electricity, Diesel Energy
Hydraulic fluid

Pump Classifications

Reciprocating Plunger


Pumps Screw
Rotary Vane


Radial flow
Dynamic Centrifugal
Mixed Flow

Axial flow
P-D Pump: Reciprocating Pumps

Generally employed in services with small liquid capacity and delivery

pressure is large (high head)
A piston
Inlet and outlet valve
Relief valve
Piston rings
Piston: Generally made of the mild steel
Liner: Made of Mild steel
Similar like IC engine Valves: There are also made of steel but a
little improved form which has the stiffness
and less wear and tear are used and brass
can also be used.
P-D Pump: Reciprocating Pumps
Working principle
The working of the reciprocating pump is very simple and
just like an I.C engine.
1. Piston has the function of providing the suction force, so that the liquid can
be lifted up or can be sucked in with great force.
2. After that comes the compression part which will impart the
required pressure energy to the fluids. In this part of the phase the piston
has to do a great work so that the liquid can be compressed properly and its
pressure can increase to the desired level. The inlet and the outlet valve open
at a certain pressure which is set by the manufacturer.

the piston of a single acting type which

means it can suck from one side and
transmit to the same side only
P-D Pump: Reciprocating Pumps
Double reciprocating pump have the function of the giving suction and discharge
simultaneously in each stroke.

Note: It is to be noted that the reciprocating pump is a positive displacement pump

which means that the fluid can only move in one direction and can never reverse
So due to this the pump is always started with the outlet valve open otherwise the
pressure will keep on building and this will lead to rupture of the pipeline or even
the pump itself. But if relief valve is fitted then this pressure will come down.

Double Acting Piston pump

P-D Pump: Reciprocating Pumps

Uses of reciprocating pump

The lubricating pump is a reciprocating pump and it supplies
the lubrication oil to the main engine.
Vent KO Drum
Sump Pump
The main bilge suction pump is also a reciprocating pump.
For ballast they are sometimes used.
Plunger Pump commonly found in chemical injection
applications because of their controllable metering capability
and leak proof design
P-D Pump: Reciprocating Pumps

Power requirement

Displacement for a single acting pump

(piston cross sectional area)x(no. of pistons)x(stroke length)x(r pm)
Displacement for a double acting pump
(2xpiston cross sectional area - rod area)x(no. of pistons)x(stroke length)x(r pm)

Actual capacity, Q = displacement x vol eff.
Pump efficiency, = mech eff. x vol. eff
P-D Pump: Reciprocating Pumps

Diaphragm Pump
Pumping System: Diaphragm Pumps
When the diaphragm is forced
into reciprocating motion by a
mechanical linkage or pulsating
air/fluid it acts as a limited
motion displacement pump.

Suction and discharge check valves

are needed and this increases the
flow resistance, unlike many of the INLET OUTLET

other p-d pumps. It has limited pressure and flow capabilities. Its
construction removes the possibility of leakage making it very suitable for
toxic or expensive fluids.

By varying the rate of the pulsating air/fluid the rate of delivery is easily
controlled and can be taken down to very low rates.
P-D Pump: Rotary Pumps
Common types: vane, screw and gear
Though the construction, shape and design of gear, vane and globe pumps
are a bit different , they fall under the same category of rotary pumps. The
working of all these pumps are based on the same principle, i.e pumping of
the liquid with the help of rotating elements. The rotating elements can
be gears, screws or vanes

Used for viscous fluids for which centrifugal and reciprocating pumps are
not suitable
Not suitable for low viscosity liquids with poor lubricating properties ie.
P-D Pump: Rotary Pumps
In a rotary moving vane pump there is
a cylindrically bored casing which has a
cylindrical rotor of slightly smaller

The rotor runs eccentrically to the

cylinder so that there is minimal
clearance at the top and a higher
clearance opposite at the bottom.

The rotor carries pivoted vanes that

maintain contact with the cylinder so
that sealed spaces are created between the two.

Liquid is trapped on the suction side and carried through to the discharge
side. In variations the vanes may move in slots rather than being pivoted.
Pumping System: Rotary Pumps - Cam

A rotating cam is mounted eccentrically

in a cylindrical casing and a very small
clearance is maintained between the outer
edge of the cam and the casing. As the cam
rotates it expels liquid from the space
ahead of it and sucks in liquid behind it.
P-D Pump: Rotary Pumps Gear & Lobe
Gear and lobe pumps operate on the principle of using mechanical means
to transfer small elements or "packages" of fluid from the low pressure
(inlet) side to the high pressure (delivery) side.
General characteristics are similar with reciprocating piston pumps,
but the delivery is more even because the fluid stream is broken down
into so much smaller elements.
Capable of delivering to a high pressure, and the pumping rate is
approximately proportional to the speed of the pump and is not
greatly influenced by the pressure against which it is delivering.
The liquid is carried round in the spaces between consecutive gear teeth
and the outer casing of the pump, and the seal between the high and low
pressure sides of the pump is formed as the gears come into mesh and the
elements of fluid are squeezed out.
Gear pumps are extensively used for both high-viscosity Newtonian
liquids and non-Newtonian fluids.
P-D Pump: Rotary Pumps Gear & Lobe
The lobe-pump is similar as gear pump, but the gear teeth are replaced by
two or three lobes and both axles are driven; it is therefore possible to
maintain a small clearance between the lobes, and wear is reduced.

Gear Pump Lobe Pump

P-D Pump: Rotary Pumps Screw Pump
Screw Pump
Very suitable for high viscosity applications with a pulsation free flow.

Two-screw low-pitch Three-screw high-pitch

Dynamic Type: Centrifugal Pump

Centrifugal pumps are the most commonly used kinetic-energy pump.

used to transport fluids by the conversion of rotational kinetic energy to
the hydrodynamic energy of the fluid flow.
The rotational energy typically comes from an engine or electric motor.
Radial, axial and mixed types


Use widely in industry, Relatively low cost, Less maintenance

Less space
Conventionally operated at speeds between speeds of 1200-8000 rpm
Higher speed units (>23000 rpm) are used for low capacity/high head
Commonly operated at constant head over a wide range of capacity
Dynamic Type: Centrifugal Pump
Dynamic Type: Centrifugal Pump
A centrifugal pump consists basically of a fixed casing and
an impeller fixed on a rotating shaft.

Dynamic Type: Centrifugal Pump

Horizontal pumps are more common configuration

Vertical pumps are compact, less installation cost due to requirements for
piping and foundation
Dynamic Type: Centrifugal Pump
Affinity laws: relationship between rotational speed, capacity head and
power for any particular centrifugal pump:

Q2 = (N2/N1)Q1
N = Pump Speed,RPM
H = Head, ft
H2 = (N2/N1)2 H1 Q = Capacity
BHP = Brake HP
BHP2 = (N2/N1)3BHP1

The effects of diameter on capacity, head and power is similar (replace n

with d)
Dynamic Type: Centrifugal Pump
Application :

Oil Export Pump/COTP

Seawater Pump
Drain Pump (Closed/Open)
Condensate Export Pump
Diesel Transfer Pump
Water Injection Booster Pump
Centrifugal vs Reciprocating Pump

Centrifugal Reciprocating
The discharge is continuous and The discharging is fluctuating and
smooth pulsating
It can handle large quantity of liquid handles small quantity of liquid
Cost of centrifugal pump is less as Cost of reciprocating pump is
compared to reciprocating pump. approximately four times the
centrifugal pump.
Runs at high speeds. Runs at low speed
Efficiency is high Efficiency is low
It can be used for lifting highly Used only for lifting pure water or
viscous liquids less viscous fluids
Needs smaller area and cost of Needs large floor area and
installation is less. installation is cost is high
Low maintenance cost Hi maintenance cost
Design Consideration

Flow rate or head

Space availability & locality
Fluid type (liquid, gas, or solid)
Head - That height to which the pump can raise
the water to
The static head of a pump is the maximum
height (pressure) it can deliver.
Head is equal to the fluid's energy per unit
Why head? weight.

Why Head rather than Pressure?

Pressure is dependant upon fluid density.

For the same head salt water will create a higher
pressure than fresh water


Salt Water Fresh Water

Head Vs Pressure

200ft 200ft

Gasoline Water

sg, g = 0.75 sg, g = 1

67.9 PSI 86.6PSI

PSI x 2.31
Head Vs Pressure
Head Vs. Pressure

3.08 ft 2.31 ft

Gasoline Water

sg, g = 0.75 sg, g = 1


PSI x 2.31
System Head

System Head = total static head +(PD-PS) +
entrance loss+ exit loss+ suction line friction +
discharge line friction loss
Head Definitions
Static elevation Static Head (Hs)
Due to elevation
Pressure must be increased to raise the liquid from lower to higher elevation

Velocity Velocity Head (Hv)

Due to fluid flow

Friction Friction Head (Hf)

Due to friction in Pipe - To overcome the friction loss in the piping system.

System Differential Pressure Differential Head (Hsd)

Difference between inlet and outlet pressure at pump

Pumping System: parameters
A pump must provide sufficient pressure to a liquid so that the
liquid will arrive at the required place at the required rate of flow
and pressure. In order to perform its duty, the pump must
overcome a total head, H:

H = Hs + Hv + Hf + Hsd

Differential P Example
Liquid propane, at its bubble point, is to be pumped from a reflux drum to a
depropanizer. The normal and maximum flow rates are expected to be 320 and
360 gpm. The pressures in the vessels are 200 and 220 psia respectively .
Calculate the pump suction head, discharge head and the required system
differential pressure with 10% safety factor. The specific gravity of propane at
the pumping temperature (100oF) is 0.485. The elevations and estimated
frictional pressure losses are shown in the following figure.


Discharge, 15.5 psi 200 psia Liquid level

6 1 Suction head, 15 feet,3.1

2 3 4 5 psi

2 2 2

Depropanzer Discharge friction Suction friction

Piping 3 psi Piping 0.5 psi
Valves 2 psi Valves 0.2 psi
Orifice 1.2 psi
Filter 13 psi
Check valve 1 psi
Control valve 9 psi
Differential Pressure Example
Absolute Pressure at pump suction
PSIG = pressure read from the
Reflux drum 200 psia gauge = reads the different
Elevation 3.1 psi between the P in the Pipe and
P of the ATM
PSIA = total P or abs P
Piping -0.5 psi including the P of the atm
Valves -0.2 psi
PSIG lower than PSIA
202.4 psia
187.7 psig PSIG + 1 ATM = PSIA


200 psia Liquid level 1 ATM = 14.7
1 Suction head, 15 feet,
3.1 psi

Suction friction
Piping 0.5 psi
Valves 0.2 psi
Differential Pressure Example
Absolute Pressure at pump discharge
Depropanizer 220 psia
Elevation 15.5 psi
Piping 3 psi
Valves 2 psi
Orifice 1.2 psi
Discharge friction
Piping 3 psi
Filter 13 psi
2 psi
1.2 psi Check valve 1 psi
Filter 13 psi
Check valve 1 psi Control valve 9 psi
Control valve 9 psi

264.7 psia
2 3 4 5
250 psig
2 2 2

Pumping System: example
Differential pressure = 250-187.7 psi
= 62.3 psi
Differential head, h = (62.3)(2.31) / (0.485)
= 297 ft
10% safety factor = 30 ft
Required differential head = 327 ft


200 psia Liquid level

6 1 Suction head, 15 feet,

2 3 4 5 3.1 psi

2 2 2 1

Pipe frictional losses
L V2
D 2g

HLF = head loss due to friction in the piping

f = friction factor depending on the Reynolds number and the
relative pipe roughness. Values range from 0.009 to 0.080.
Reynolds number, Re, is calculated by Re = 3162 x Q/(DxCS)
L = Length of line in Feet
Q = Flow, US Gallons/Minute
D = Internal pipe diameter
CS = Kinematic Viscosity in Centistokes
V = Flow velocity, ft/sec
g = Gravitational constant, 32.2 ft/sec2
Pipe frictional losses
By substitution and consolidation,

HLF f ( feet )
D5 32 .18
Pumping System: calculating procedures
Sketch system

Identify and indicate the elevation and head losses on sketch

Convert to consistent units

Add static head and pressure in suction side vessel and subtract piping
frictional components

Add discharge head, pressure and piping frictional components

Calculate required pump head considering the suction and discharge head

Use safety factors for contingencies

Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)
Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) of a pump is the net pressure above the
vapor pressure of the liquid being pump. Each pump requires a min
pressure at its suction flange to ensure that no vapor is flashed between
the pump suction and the cylinder or entrance to the impeller vane to
prevent cavitation.

cavitation is the formation of bubbles or

cavities in liquid, developed in areas of relatively
low pressure around an impeller. The imploding
or collapsing of these bubbles trigger intense
shockwaves inside the pump, causing
significant damage to the impeller and/or
the pump housing
Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)
Pump cavitation occurs when the pressure in the pump inlet drops <
below the vapor pressure of the liquid.

Vapor bubbles form at the inlet of the pump and are moved to the
discharge of the pump where they collapse, often taking small pieces of
the pump with them.

Cavitation is often characterized by:

Loud noise often described as a grinding or marbles in the pump
Loss of capacity (bubbles are now taking up space where liquid should
Pitting damage to parts as material is removed by the collapsing
Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)
Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)

NPSH can be defined as two parts:

NPSH Available (NPSHA): The absolute pressure at the suction port of

the pump.
NPSH Required (NPSHR): The minimum pressure required at the
suction port of the pump to keep the pump from cavitating.

NPSHA is a function of your system and must be calculated, whereas

NPSHR is a function of the pump and must be provided by the pump
manufacturer. NPSHA MUST be greater than NPSHR for the pump
system to operate without cavitating. Put another way, you must
have more suction side pressure available than the pump requires.
Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)

No engineer wants to be responsible for installing a noisy,

slow, damaged pump. Its critical to get the NPSHR value
from the pump manufacturer AND to insure that your
NPSHA pressure will be adequate to cover that
Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)

( Psv Pvp) NPSHA = total suction head absolute

NPSHA 2.31 z hf vapour pressure
Pump Control Methods
Throttling control
Artificially adding friction to reduce flow/capacity

Bypass control
Bypassing a portion of the discharge flow back to the suction

Speed Control
Adjustment of the pump rotational speeds
Centrifugal Pumps
Hydraulic Power

HHP = (Q x H x g)/3960, Q = Max Flow Rate, H = Differenntial Head)

Actual Horsepower

Pumping System: example (cont)
Liquid propane, at its bubble point, is to be pumped from a reflux drum to a
depropanizer. The normal and maximum flow rates are expected to be 320 and
360 gpm. The pressures in the vessels are 200 and 220 psia respectively . The
specific gravity of propane at the pumping temperature (100oF) is 0.485. The
elevations and estimated frictional pressure losses are shown in the following
figure. Calculate the NPSHA assuming the vapour pressure is 200 psia.
Assume the pump efficiency to be 0.62.

200 psia Liquid level

6 1 Suction head, 15 feet,

2 3 4 5 3.1 psi

2 2 2 1

Depropanzer Discharge friction Suction friction

Piping 3 psi Piping 0.5 psi
Valves 2 psi Valves 0.2 psi
Orifice 1.2 psi
Filter 13 psi
Check valve 1 psi
Control valve 9 psi
Pumping System: example

Reflux drum 200 psia
Elevation 3.1 psi
Piping -0.5 psi
Valves -0.2 psi
Fluid vapour pressure -200 psia
2.4 psia

( Psv Pvp) 11.4 ft

NPSHA 2.31 z hf
Pumping System: example
HHP = (Q x H x g)/3960
= (360) x (327) x (0.485) / 3960
= 14.4 hp
= 23.2 hp

HP Req = 25-30 hp
Pumping System: Centrifugal Pumps

RPM 3560 NPSHR(water) 9
Eff. 62% BHP rated 23.2
Max. BHP rated 26.2
Max. head rated 390
Impeller dia. Rated 9.75 Max 11.5

Motor Driver
HP 30 RPM 3600
Backup Slides
Operating Principles

A pump must provide sufficient P to a liquid so that

the liquid will arrive at the required place at the required
rate of flow and pressure its duty requires.

We must consider

the friction of the system the pump is working with to

deliver the fluid,
the pressure to overcome this friction and the pressure
required for the duty, and
the flow rate of the fluid to satisfy the requirement.

Operating Principles

The basic types of pumps are dynamics types centrifugal

and positive displacement (p-d). There are numerous
variations of each
Design requirements common to both types are that
there needs to be an adequate constant suction
volume to deliver their designed flow rate and
pressure to their associated system,
they are affected by variations in the fluids physical

properties (viscosity, specific gravity) and flow

characteristics through the pump

Operating Principles

Put simply, a pumps operating envelope is

determined by either
a hydraulic curve (Total Dynamic Head v Flow

Rate) for a centrifugal pump, or

a pressure-volume diagram for a positive
displacement pump.

Pumping System: Net Positive Suction Head
Pumping System: NPSH solutions

Elevate supply vessel Use vertical pumps

Use a larger pump

Booster pump

Parallel operatio Jet booster pump

Pumping System: Multiple Pump Operation
Series Pumping

Flowrate for each pump

equals the system flow

Sum of the pump head

must equal the system
head requirement

Basis behind a multi-stage

Pumping System: Multiple Pump Operation
Parallel pumping

Sum of flowrates for both

pumps at constant head
equals total flow

Discharge head for both

pumps are equal
Pumping System: Centrifugal Pumps

62 %
327 ft

55 %
240 ft

360 gpm

500 gpm
Pumping System: Centrifugal Pumps
Pumping System: Centrifugal Pumps
Pumping System: Centrifugal Pumps
Shut-off head
Shut-off head
It is the Total Head corresponding to zero flow on the pump
performance curve.

Net Positive Suction Head
A sufficient NPSHA is required for pumping operations without cavitation

Cavitation occurs when the absolute pressure at the impeller eye drops
below the vapour pressure of the liquid, causing bubbles to form and pit
the impeller blades

Cavitation cause noise, impeller damage and impaired pump performance


NPSHR increase with capacity

NPSHA = total suction head absolute vapour pressure

( Psv Pvp)
NPSHA 2.31 z hf
Net Positive Suction Head

( Ps Patm Pvp)
NPSHA 2.31 z hf
z g
Power, Work & Efficiency

From Bernoullis Equation

p1 v12 p v 2
z1 h 2 2 z2

g 2g g 2g
Power, Work & Efficiency
Actual Head Rise :
p v 2
h ha
g 2g
Hydraulic Power Gain:

P g Q ha
Efficiency :

Power gained, P
Efficiency, =
Shaft power,Wshaft
Power, Work & Efficiency
Temperature effects
During operation, the inefficiencies of the pump represents itself as heat
energy in the flow

An estimate of the temperature increase is given using the following

h( 1)
p u mp
778 Cp

During shut-off, the heat energy trapped within the pump can cause a
significant temperature rise which may result in vaporisation

Catastrophic failures can easily effect multistage pumps

A minimum flow bypass is often used to provide make up to ensure

adequate flow
Dynamic Type: Centrifugal Pump
Pumping theory

Increase pressure of the pumped fluid by action of centrifugal forces on

the fluid

Due to the dependence on density of the fluid, the pressure increase is

best represented in feet of head of fluid pumped

The operating characteristics are described through a pump curve the

impeller design dictates the type of operation ie. Drooping, flat or steep
P-D Pump: Reciprocating Pumps

Three different categories of p-d pumps; Reciprocating& Rotary and all

work on the same basic principle which can best be demonstrated using
the reciprocating pump
Performance Curve A p-d pump delivers a defined volume of fluid for
each cycle; it is not effected by the system flow resistance.
In practice there will be some leakage from the discharge side back to
the suction, as shown by the dotted line, and often known as slippage.
Pumping System: Centrifugal Pumps
Head Vs Pressure
Relationship between system and pump heads
R/Ship between system & pump heads

25 Operating head
Shut off head

Head, m


10 Friction head

Pump head

Elevation head System head

0 2 4 6 8 10
The Shutoff Head is the head produced Volumetric flow rate, kL/min
when the pump operates with fluid but
with no flow rate.
Shut-off " head is a condition, when a centrifugal pump runs with discharge
valve closed.
-When a serviced pump is to be tested for its performance , we are running
pump with different discharge condition to ensure that the pump is capable of
performing as designed.
-Shut-off head is the maximum head generated by a centrifugal pump with zero
flow and relatively less power.
Because it has to overcome very small head[upto discharge valve],less frictional
losses and inertia loads.
-So, shut off head is a part of the characteristic curves.
Once this point is determined, brake
power, efficiency, and net positive suction
head required for the pump can be
system and pump head obtained from the set of pump curves.(pm


Curve Static +


Pump Curve

Op. point

System Curve


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