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Introduction To Computer

Science & Programming

Lecture 4

Communication system connecting two or more computers.

A network is simply two or more computers that are linked together.

 LAN: Local Area Network

 MAN: Metropolitan Area Network
 WAN: Wide Area Network

The primary difference between the two is that a LAN is generally

confined to a limited geographical area, whereas a WAN covers a
large geographical area. Most WANs are made up of several
connected LANs.
Local Area Network connects, usually by cable, a group of
desktop PCs and other devices, such as printers, in an office or a
LAN is maintained inside a building or small campus.

Metropolitan Area Network A data network intended to serve
an area the size of a large city. Such networks are being
implemented by innovative techniques, such as running optical
fiber through subway tunnels.
MAN’s connect LAN’s together within a city.
Wide Area Network A communications network that uses such
devices as telephone lines, satellite dishes, or radio waves to
span a larger geographic area than can be covered by a LAN.
WAN’s connects LAN’s together across the country.

 Encompasses not only the online world and the Internet in

particular, but also the whole wired and wireless world of
communications in general.
 Two most important aspects of cyberspace include:
• Internet
• World Wide Web
Worldwide network that connects up to 400,000 smaller
networks in more than 200 countries.

World Wide Web:

Interconnected system of computers all over the world that
store information in Multimedia(Technology that presents
information in more than one medium, such as text, still images,
moving images, and sound) form.
Client Server Architecture

A network architecture in which each computer or processor on

the network is either a Client or a Server.

Client/Server network = Server + Clients linked together

A server, central computer, holds collections of data and
programs for connecting PCs, workstations, and other devices,
which are called clients.

Clients = PCs, workstations, & other devices.
Clients are PC’s or Workstations on which users run applications.
Clients rely on servers for resources, such as files, devices, and
even processing power.
Intranet & Extranet

An intranet is a “Private network” with a limited number of

computers interconnected and controlled in a defined manner.
Intranet is setup and controlled by an organization, to ensure
secure and uninterrupted connection between members to
exchange information more efficiently. Organization
requirements may include sharing latest news updates,
management information, organization changes, new policies
and procedures etc.
Extranet is part of an Intranet, which is also categorized as a
“Private Network”. It is controlled and managed by an
organization, to provide secure access to Intranet from the
outside world. Many business organizations need their business
partners and customers to connect to Intranet to enhance
communication and efficiency. Since the Intranet permits only
internal members to gain access, external members (partners
and customers) use Extranet to access the network. System
administration/management can decide which users should
allow through Extranet. Generally, external users are given
limited access over the Intranet.
 Internet is a public network. Intranet and Extranet are private
 Users should have valid username/password to access
Intranet and Extranet.
 Generally, Internet is unregulated and uncensored. But
Intranet/Extranet is regulated by the organization policies.
 In the nature of users, Internet has unlimited number of
anonymous users. Intranet keeps limited number of
predefined users who are internal members of the
organization. Extranet users are mostly non-organizational

 In computing, a firewall is a network security system that

monitors and controls the incoming and outgoing network
traffic based on predetermined security rules.
Benefits Of A Network

Information sharing:
Authorized users can use other computers on the network to
access and share information and data. This could include
special group projects, databases, etc.

Hardware sharing:
One device connected to a network, such as a printer or
scanner, can be shared by many users.
Software sharing:
Instead of purchasing and installing a software program on
each computer, it can be installed on the server. All of the users
can then access the program from a single location.

Collaborative environment:
Users can work together on group projects by combining the
power and capabilities of diverse equipment.
Risk In Network Computer

The security of a computer network is challenged everyday by:

 Equipment malfunctions
 System failures
Note: equipment malfunctions and system failures may be
caused by natural disasters such as floods, storms, or fires, and
electrical disturbances
 Computer hackers
 Virus attacks
Communication Media

Communications Channel:

To transfer data from one computer to another requires some

type of link through which the data can be transmitted. This link
is known as the communications channel.
To send data through the channel requires some type of
transmission media, which may be either physical or wireless.
Physical Media
Coaxial cable
Wireless Media

Satellite system – receive transmitted signals, amplify them, and

then transmit the signals to the appropriate locations.

Cellular technology – uses antenna resembling telephone

towers to pick up radio signals within a specific area (cell).

Infrared technology – transmits data as infrared light waves from

one device to another, providing wireless links between PCs and
Network Categorization

Networks are usually classified using three properties:

Network Topologies

Network Topology (or layout) – refers to the way computers and

peripherals are configured to form networks:
 Bus topology – all computers are linked by a single line of
 Star topology – multiple computers and peripheral devices
are linked to a central computer, called a host
 Ring topology – each computer or workstation is
connected to two other computers, with the entire network
forming a circle
 Hybrid topology – combine network layout
types to meet their needs
Network Protocols

A protocol is simply an agreed-on set of rules and procedures

for transmitting data between two or more devices.
Features determined by the protocol are:
How the sending device indicates it has finished
sending the message.
How the receiving device indicates it has received
the message.
The type of error checking to be used.
On the Internet, the major protocol is TCP/IP (Transmission
Control Protocol/Internet Protocol).
Network Hardware & Software

 Hub – electronic device (with a number of ports) used in a

LAN to link groups of computers.

 Repeaters (also called amplifiers) – electronic devices that

receive signals and amplify and send them along the

 Routers - electronic devices used to ensure messages are

sent to their intended destinations.

 Bridge – consists of hardware and/or software that allows

communication between two similar networks.
The original Ethernet LANs relied on certain physical
characteristics of the cable carrying the network data
(usually coaxial cable). New Ethernet technologies
introduced new cable types that we unable to fulfill the
original physical requirements. New devices - hubs - were
introduced to simulate those characteristics.
Simply put, the hub's major function is to replicate data it
receives from one device attached to it to all others.
A common problem in the networking world is that of
weakening electrical signals. Electrical signals traveling
through wires (such as copper wires used in most networks),
weaken due to the wire's electrical resistance. This effect
limits the lengths of the cable that can be used. A repeater
will overcome this limit, when there is a need to connect two
computers at a larger distance.
A repeater is connected to two cable segments. Any
electrical signal reaching the repeater from one segment, will
be amplified and retransmitted to the other segment.
An illustration of a repeater at work
The electrical signal entering the repeater at
one end is weakened.
The repeater amplifies the electrical signals and
resends the data.

Routers connect two or more networks and forward

data packets between them. When data arrives
from one of the segments, the router decides,
according to it's routing table, to which segment to
forward that data.
Network Architecture

Network architecture defines the way a network is designed

and built. The two major types are:

Peer-to-peer architecture – Computers connect with each other

in a workgroup to share files, printers, and Internet access. This
is used to connect a small number of computers.

Client/server architecture – sends information from a client

computer to a server, which then relays the information back to
the client computer, or to other computers on the network
Communication Protocols

File transfer protocol (FTP) – used to transmit files.

Simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) – used to transmit e-mail
Post office protocol (POP) – allows the recipient to retrieve
Wireless application protocol – enables wireless devices to
access and use the Internet using a client/server network.
802.11 – protocol for wireless LAN technology.

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