Action Plan - Top Illnesses
Action Plan - Top Illnesses
Action Plan - Top Illnesses
Floor walk every 8:30 PM, 12:00 MN and 4:00 AM to promote the
Activity Details
Illnesses to be featured
1. Upper Respiratory Tract Infection
2. Urinary Tract Infection
3. Gastro
4. Asthma
5. Gall stones
6. Colds
7. Flu
8. Allergic Reaction
9. LBM
10. Headaches
Samples and Ideas
Criteria For Judging for Health Awareness Board
20 Creativity
20 Originality of Work
20 Clarity
• 10 for clarity display
• 10 for clarity presentation
Was the presentation easy to understand? Were difficult concepts explained
clearly? Was sufficient background information provided?
35 Knowledge
• 10 for overall content knowledge (Can the presenter think beyond the work
• 10 for ability to answer questions
5 Aesthetics of Display
1. An Upper Respiratory Tract Infection1. WHAT CAUSES URI or URTI?> There are
are conditions that are caused by an over 200 variations of different viruses
acute infection that involves parts of that have been identified as causing URIS
the body’s URT. These parts include in patients. The most common virus is
the nose, sinuses, pharynx or larynx. called the RHINOVIRUS. Coronavirus,
These illnesses include tonsilitis, Parainfluenza Virus, Adenovirus,
laryngitis, sinusitis, otitis media. Enterovirus and respiratory syncytial virus,
2. Most are viral and will resolve which is the leading cause of lower
without antibiotics. respiratory tract infections.
3. May take up to 3 weeks to resolve. 2. HOW TO PREVENT URTIs> Probiotics can
4. Symptomatic relief with paracetamol be help in preventing URTIS. It is also
or ibuprofen should be encouraged. recommended that people receive
5. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: sore cough vaccinations against URTI.
throats, nasal congestion, runny nose.3. ALTERNATIVE TREATMENTS> The use of
Sneezing, facial pressure, and low- Vit. C can help improve the defense of
grade fever. The symptoms usually people who are exposed to cold
begin one to three days after a environment of brief periods of severe
person has been exposed to the physical exercise.
virus. The illness usually last 7- 10
1. Asthma attacks all age groups but 1. Exposure to tobacco smoke and
often starts in childhood. It is a exposure to chemical irritants in the
disease characterized by recurrent workplace are additional risk factors.
attacks of breathlessness and Other risk factors include certain
wheezing, which vary in severity and drugs (aspirin and other non-steroid
frequency from person to person. In anti-inflammatory drugs), low birth
an individual, they may occur from weight and respiratory infection. The
hour to hour and day to day. weather (cold air), extreme
2. This condition is due to inflammation emotional expression and physical
of the air passages in the lungs and exercise can exacerbate asthma.
affects the sensitivity of the nerve 2. SIGNS and SYMPTOMS: increase
endings in the airways so they respiratory rate, consistent
become easily irritated. sneezing, rapid heart beat, chest
3. CAUSES: Asthma cannot be cured, tightness, and aough of thick phlegm
but could be controlled. The 3. TREATMENT: Medication is not
strongest risk factors for developing the only way to control asthma.
asthma are exposure, especially in It is also important to avoid
infancy, to indoor allergens (such as asthma triggers -- stimuli that
domestic mites in bedding, carpets irritate and inflame the airways.
and stuffed furniture, cats and Each person must learn what
cockroaches) and a family history of triggers he or she should avoid.
asthma or allergy.
What Is Flu?
Influenza, or flu for short, is an extremely contagious viral illness that attacks your
respiratory system (nose, throat, and lungs). It shares many of its symptoms, such as a stuffy 10 HOME REMEDIES FOR FLU SYMPTOMS:
nose and sore throat, with the common cold, but tends to be more serious. 1.Drink up
2.Sip some soups
Cold symptoms arrive more slowly than their flu counterparts, developing gradually over 3.Be a couch potato- listen to your body
one or two days. These symptoms can include: 4.Humidify
1. Sneezing
5.Make a tent- Bring a pot of water to a boil and remove it
2. Runny or stuffy nose
3. Sore throat
from the heat. Drape a towel over your head, close your
4. Cough eyes, and lean over the water under the “tent,” breathing
Flu symptoms tend to develop around 24 to 48 hours after you’ve been exposed to the deeply through your nose for 30 seconds.
infection. These symptoms can include: 6.Try a warm compress- on the forehead and nose, a warm
1. A sudden fever cloth is a great way to relieve headache or sinus pain.
2. Shivering
3. Headache 7.Be a sucker- cough drops, throat lozenges, and hard candy can
4. Dry, chesty cough be surprisingly effective at easing a cough or sore throat.
5. Aching muscles
6. Fatigue
7. Sore throat
Any question?