Avnrt Avrt
Avnrt Avrt
Avnrt Avrt
Atrial Tachycardia
Atrial activity is most prominent in lead V1. Note that the P wave is closer to the next QRS
complex than the previous QRS complex; a socalled “long-RP tachycardia.
Atrial Fibrilation
Characteristic findings are the absence of P waves, with disorganized electrical activity in
their place, and irregular R-R intervals due to irregular conduction of impulses to the
ventricles.[1] At very fast heart rates (400- 600 bpm) atrial fibrillation may look more
regular which may make it more difficult to separate from SVT or ventricular tachycardia
ECG in a patient with WPW. Note the short PR interval and delta wave reflective of ventricular
pre-excitation. In this case, the pathway is right septal.
Antidromic AVRT
QRS morphology is wide and bizarre, an exaggeration of the delta wave seen during sinus
rhythm. Retrograde atrial activation is via the AV node, and is not evident in this tracing.
ECG in a patient with WPW who presented after a syncopal spell. AF is present, with
extremely rapid pre-excited QRS complexes. Cardiac arrest occurred moments after this
ECG was recorded. The patient was successfully resuscitated, and underwent successful
catheter ablation of a left septal pathway.
Atypical AVNRT
Note the deeply inverted P waves relatively close to the next QRS complex, a so-called
“long RP” tachycardia
Typical Atrial Flutter
Common atrial flutter with characteristic negative “sawtooth” flutter waves in leads II, III,
and AVF and positive flutter waves in V1. Atrial rate is 280/min with variable conduction
to the ventricle
Ventricle Premature Contraction
Torsades de pointes PVT in a patient with acquired LQTS caused by quinidine therapy. Note
the recurrent paroxysms of NSVT following “long-short” sequences
Monomorphic VT
Monomorphic NSVT in a patient with underlying nonischemic cardiomyopathy and AF. Note
that the PVC that initiates NSVT has a different morphology than the subsequent salvo of NSVT
Polymorphic VT
Polymorphic NSVT in a patient with acute MI. Although the morphology is suggestive of
torsades, marked QT prolongation is absent. The etiology was believed to be acute ischemia.
Brugada syndrome
STEMI Inferior + VF
VT during Exercise
Young athlete with palpitations during exercise. Work-up was negative for structural heart
disease. During a treadmill exercise test, this rhythm was recorded. VT seemed to be triggered
by sinus rates above 160 BPM. The patient was treated with a beta-blocker, and was unable to
achieve this sinus rate. He has done well, without symptomatic VT recurrences
Accessory Pathway