Irene Lapsus Varicose Veins
Irene Lapsus Varicose Veins
Irene Lapsus Varicose Veins
Irene Qitta Pranindita
dr. Setiadi Drajat Kurniawan Sp. BTKV
Varicose Expensive
Veins treatment
Often in
Varicose Veins
• C0 : No visible or palpable sign of venous disease
• C1 : Telangiectasias or reticular veins
• C2 : Visible and palpable varicose veins
• C3 : Venous edema (without tropic changes)
• C4 : Tropic changes of venous origin : atrophie blanche,
pigmented purpuric dermatitis, varicose eczema
• C5 : Healed ulcer with tropic changes
• C6 : Presence of one or more active leg ulcer, often
accompanied by tropic changes
• Congenital
• Pregnancy
• Obstruction
• Degenerative
Clinical Manifestations
• Swelling
• Hyperpigmentation/discoloration
• Heavy legs
• Painful
• Itchy sensation
• Burn sensation
• Bleeding
• History of varicose veins, DVT, superficial thrombophlebitis in patient
and their family
• Onset of the disease and things that can aggravate the disease
• Predisposing factors (heredity, trauma to the legs, or work that requires
standing for a long time)
• Wear tight clothing
• The habit of sitting with legs crossed
• In women, varicose veins get heavier when pregnant
• There is a history of swelling, changes in the skin, ulceration, or pain
• History of other vascular diseases (peripheral artery disease, coronary
artery disease, lymphedema, lymphangitis)
• There is an increase in the size and number of varicose veins
Bartholomew, J. K. (2005). Varicose Veins: Newer, better treatments available. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine, Vol 72, 312-327.
Physical Examination
• Inspection : ulcer, telangiektasis, cyanosis,
discoloration, brown spot, varicose veins, surgery
• Palpation :
from anteromedial (GSV) lateral (GSV
branch) posterior (SSV)
Palpate pulse distal and prox artery. Pain?
• Percussion : distal vein waves traveling to
proximal vein
Perthes test
2nd phase :
the leg lowered or the patient is asked to stand
while the pressure in the groin is maintained
3rd phase :
rubber band release
• Doppler Auscultation
• Imaging (Venografi, MRI, USG, MRV)
General Adequate
Awareness/GCS Alert/E4V5M6
BP 140/90 mmHg
HR 76x/min
RR 18x/min
Temperature 36,8°C
Head :
head: normocephal
eyes: anemis conjunctiva -/-, icteric sclera -/-, pupil reflect +/+
Nose: rhinorrhea (-)
Ears : otorrhea (-)
Neck :
Deviation of the trachea (-), mass (-), enlargement of lympnodes (-)
Thorax :
Inspection : symmetric, retraction (-), no visible IC
Palpasi : normal fremitus tactile
Percussion : sonor
Auscultation :
Cor : S1S2 tunggal, regular, murmur (-), gallop (-)
Pulmo : Vesicular +/+, rhonci -/-, wheezing -/-
• Inspection : Flat, Distended (-), DC (-), DS (-)
• Auscultation : Bowel sounds (+) normal
• Palpation : Soepel, nyeri tekan (-), muscular defans (-)
• Percussion : timpany in all abdomen regio, hepar dullness (+)
ABI dextra 170/140 = 1,2
ABI sinistra 160/140 = 1,1
Right saphenopopliteal junction valve insufficiency.
Vein dilatation in right perforator vein.
Varicose vein in superficial vein in cruris dextra.
No thrombosis / calcification on veins / varicose.
Laboratory test
Item examination 26 Juli 2018 Normal range
Haemoglobin 13,5 12,0-16,0 gr/dL
LED 27/51 0 - 25 mm/h
Leucocytes 9,8 4,5-11,0 109/L
Hitung jenis 2/-/-/67/25/6 0-4/0-1/3-5/54-62/25-
Hematocrit 41,0 33/2-6 %
Thrombocyte 262 36-46 109/L
PTT Patient: 10,6 150-450
Control: 10,2 Difference with control < 2
APTT Patient: 29,1 sec
Control: 28,7 Difference with control < 7
Liver function
SGOT 39 10-31 U/L
SGPT 47 9-36 U/L
Albumin 4,5 3,4-4,8 gr/dL
Blood Sugar Nature 122 <200 mg/dL
Natrium 143,9 135-155 mmol/L
Kalium 4,11 3,5-5,0 mmol/L
Chlorida 106,0 90-110 mmol/L
Renal Function
Creatinin Serum 1,1 0,5-1,1 mg/dL
BUN 16 6-20 mg/dL
Urea 34 12-43 mg/dL
Varicose vein grade II cruris (D)
Pro varicose stripping + ligation D
Inj antrain 3x1 gr
Inj ceftriaxone 1 gr
Ad Vitam : ad bonam
Ad Functionam : dubia ad bonam
Ad Sanationam : dubia ad bonam
Description :
• Preparation of operations : CIE, inj. Ceftriaxone 1 gr
• Patient position : supine
• Desinfection : povidone iodine
• Skin incision and opening of operations field : poplitea region along GSV
• Exploration : dilatation of GSV, perforator incompentence
• Description : ligation in SPJ perforator vein, stripping GSV cruris (D)
• Name of operation : Stripping and varicose ligation
• Post op instruction : Inj. Ceftriaxone 2x1gr
Inj. antrain 3x1gr
Inj. ranitidine 3x1 amp
Drip neurobion 5000
Venosmil tab 3x1
S/ pain in wound post operated
O/ general: cukup BP : 120/80 RR : 22x/menit
awareness: CM HR : 88x/mnt Tax : 36,6 °C
h/n : a/i/c/d -/-/-/-
tho :
cor : S1S2 singular, e/g/m -/-/-
pulmo : symmetric, ves +/+, rh -/-, whe -/-
abd : flat, Bowel sound + normal, soepel, tympani
ext : AH ++/++ , OE --/--
Local status regio cruris dextra
I : dressing (+) elastic bandage, oedem (+) leakage (-), pus (-), bleed (-)
P : pain (+)