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DC and AC Analysis - Application of Superposition

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DC and AC Analysis -- Application of

• DC analysis:
– Find the DC equivalent circuit by replacing all capacitors by open
circuits and inductors (if any) by short circuits.
– Find the DC Q-point from the equivalent circuit by using the
appropriate large-signal transistor model.
• AC analysis:
– Find the AC equivalent circuit by replacing all capacitors by short
circuits, inductors (if any) by open circuits, dc voltage sources by
ground connections and dc current sources by open circuits.
– Replace the transistor by its small-signal model (to be developed).
– Use this equivalent circuit to analyze the AC characteristics of the
– Combine the results of dc and ac analysis (superposition) to yield the
total voltages and currents in the circuit.

- by FaaDoOEngineers.com
DC Equivalent for the BJT Amplifier

DC Equivalent Circuit

• All capacitors in the original amplifier circuit are replaced by open

circuits, disconnecting vI, RI, and R3 from the circuit and leaving RE
intact. The the transistor Q will be replaced by its DC model.

- by FaaDoOEngineers.com
AC Equivalent for the BJT Amplifier

• The coupling and bypass capacitors are replaced by short circuits. The DC
voltage supplies are replaced with short circuits, which in this case connect
to ground.

- by FaaDoOEngineers.com
AC Equivalent for the BJT Amplifier

R  R R 10k 30k
B 1 2
R R R  4.3k100k
C 3

• By combining parallel resistors 

into equivalent RB and R, the equivalent AC
circuit above is constructed. Here, the transistor will be replaced by its
equivalent small-signal AC model (to be developed).

- by FaaDoOEngineers.com
Hybrid-Pi Small-signal AC Model for
the BJT
gm  C  40I
Input resistance:
 oV o
• The hybrid-pi small-signal model r  T 
is the intrinsic low-frequency I gm
representation of the BJT.
Output resistance:
• The small-signal parameters are 
V V
controlled by the Q-point and ro  A CE
are independent of the I
geometry of the BJT.
- by FaaDoOEngineers.com
Small-signal Current Gain and
Amplification Factor of the BJT
The amplification factor is given by:
v ce
mF  ,v ce  ro gmv be
v be
I V V V V
 m  gmro  C A CE  A CE
o  gmr   F
 T C T

1  
 

1 I 
 F   V
 C   i   
 For VCE << VA, m  A  40V

  F C Q  po int  F V A
o > F for iC < IM, and o < F for
iC > IM, however, o and F are mF represents
the maximum voltage
usually assumed to be about gain an individual BJT can provide,
equal. independent of the operating point.
- by FaaDoOEngineers.com
Example o Calculation for 2N2222A

Choose the Q-point at about (5 V, 5 mA) for this analysis. Notice the slope of the
DC current gain characteristic in this region. Ideally, the slope would be zero.
- by FaaDoOEngineers.com
From Figure 3 for the 2N2222A BJT at the chosen Q-point…

 
o  gmr   F o   F
     
 
1     
1   
1 I 
 F  
1 I 
 F  
 C  i    C  I  
  F C Q  po int  
  F C Q  po int 

 F  200100  5.6x103 
at about IC = 5 mA and 25 °C
I 102 103
180 180
 o    
  212 for F = 180
5.6x10 3 
 
 3  10.15
 180 
 

Given the tolerances usually encountered in forward current gain, the

assumption of F = o seems reasonable for preliminary analysis and
initial designs.

- by FaaDoOEngineers.com

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