Natriuretic Peptide System
Natriuretic Peptide System
Natriuretic Peptide System
Ri 黃敬淳/P 柯文哲
1981, de Bold et al. first reported a potent
diuretic and natriuretic factor in rat atrial
1984, Kangawa et al. identified atrial natriuretic
peptide (ANP)
1988, B-type or brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)
1990, C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP)
Natriuretic peptide family: ANP, BNP, CNP,
DNP(dendroaspis), Urodilatin
Shares a common 17-amino acid disulfide ring
Molecular biology - ANP
28 a.a peptide hormone
Produced primarily in the cardiac
Some is produced by ventricular
tissue of fetus, neonate and
Increased atrial-wall tension,
increased intravascular volume, is
the dominant stimulus for its
Several hormons and
neurotransmitters directly stimulate
the secretion of ANP
Molecular biology - BNP
32 a.a peptide hormone
Initially isolated from
porcine brain
Primarily derived from the
cardiac ventricle
Secreted primarily in
response to increasing
cardiac wall tension
ANP- burst- acute change of atrial pressure
BNP- gene- chronically increased pressure
Curr Probl Cardiol, December 2004
Molecular biology - CNP
22 a.a peptide hormone
Predominates in the central
nervous system, anterior
pituitary, kidney, vascular ,
and endothelial cells
Believed to be an
endothelial derived peptide
participating in an
autocrine/paracrine role to
regulate vascular
structure and tone
Molecular biology – DNP, Urodilatin
DNP: 38 a.a peptide hormone
First isolated from the venom of
the green mamba snake
Physiologic role in unclear
Reflex tachycardia
Lower the activation threshold and vasocontriction
of vagal afferent
Myocardial performace ↑
110±225 pg/ml
346±390 pg/ml
675±450 pg/ml
1. Total of 1586 p’t from seven sites enrolled from April 1999 ~ December 2000
2. Came to the emergency department with acute dyspnea
3. Exclude patient under 18 y/o, those whose dyspnea was clearly not
secondary to CHF, and those with AMI or renal failure
4. BNP was measured
5. The CHF was diagnosed by two independent cardiologists who were blind to
the result of BNP
The New England Journal of medicine Volume 347 July 18, 2002
The New England Journal of medicine Volume 347 July 18, 2002
Predictors of Congestive Heart Failure
A major challenge of heart failure is timely and
accurate diagnosis
The best clinical predictor of congestive heart
failure was as increased heart size on chest X-
ray (accuracy, 81%)
Followed by a history of congestive
What heart
about failure
(accuracy, 75%)
What is the best
Rales found on physical examination (accuracy,
69%) cut-point?
History of paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
(accuracy, 60%)
The New England Journal of medicine Volume 347 July 18, 2002
The New England Journal of medicine Volume 347 July 18, 2002
Cardiovasc Rev Rep 25(3):100-104, 2004
Thank You For Your Attension!!
B-type natriuretic peptide levels by
themselves were more accurate than any
other finding in the history, physical
finding, or laboratory value in delineating
the cause of dyspnea
Heart failure When dose BNP
Pulmonary hypertension increase?
Atherosclertic vascular disease
• Women
• Obese BNP level ↓