Database Security
Database Security
Database Security
Two-Factor Authentication
As the name suggests, it’s a two-step verification process which not only requires a
username and password, but also something only the user knows, to ensure an
additional level of security, such as an ATM pin, which only the user knows. Using a
username and password along with an additional piece of confidential information
makes it virtually impossible for fraudsters to steal valuable data.
Authentication Factor con…
Multi-Factor Authentication :
It’s the most advanced method of authentication which uses two or more levels of
security from independent categories of authentication to grant user access to the
system. All the factors should be independent of each other to eliminate any
vulnerability in the system. Financial organizations, banks, and law enforcement
agencies use multiple-factor authentication to safeguard their data and applications from
potential threats.
Authentication Factor con…
For example, when you enter your ATM card into the ATM machine, the machine
asks you to enter your pin. After you enter the pin correctly, the bank then confirms
your identity that the card really belongs to you and you’re the rightful owner of the
card. By validating your ATM card pin, the bank actually verifies your identity, which
is called authentication. It merely identifies who you are, nothing else.
Example :
For example, a user X wants to access a particular file from the server. The user
will send a request to the server. The server will verify the user identity. Then, it
finds the corresponding privileges the authenticated user have or whether
he/she is allowed to access that particular file or not. In the following case, the
access rights could include viewing, modifying or deleting the file if the user has
authority to perform the following operations.
Difference between Authorization and
Difference con…
Performance tuning: Since database is huge and it will have lots of tables,
data, constraints and indices, there will be variations in the performance from time to
time. Also, because of some designing issues or data growth, the database will not
work as expected. It is responsibility of the DBA to tune the database performance.
He is responsible to make sure all the queries and programs works in fraction of
Administration con…