Introduction GTE
Introduction GTE
Introduction GTE
Table of Contents
Newton's Laws of Motion
Convergent and Divergent Ducts
The "Choked" Nozzle
The Rocket and the Ram Jet
The Rocket Engine
The Ram Jet
The Turbojet Engine
The Constant Pressure Cycle
Constructional Arrangements
Single Spool Axial Flow Engine
Multi-Spool Design
Twin Spool Axial Flow Turbo Fan
By-Pass Engines
Turbo Prop Engines
Summary of Engine Types
Potential energy, kinetic energy, Newton’s
laws of motion, Brayton cycle
The relationship between force, work, power,
energy, velocity, acceleration
Constructional arrangement and operation of
turbojet, turbofan, turboshaft, turboprop
• Second Law :
“The acceleration of a
body is directly
proportional to the force
causing it and inversely
proportional to the mass
of the body”
Newton's Laws of Motion
• Third Law :
“For every action there is an equal and
opposite reaction”
Convergent – Divergent
The "Choked" Nozzle
An exception to the above rules
There is one, and only one, exception to the above rule, and that is
when the gas is at the speed of sound (Sonic Velocity) just before it
enters the DIVERGENT part of the duct. It is extremely difficult to
accelerate a gas to supersonic speed - the only way to do it is to have a
very high pressure to begin with and increase its speed in a
Once it has reached sonic speed, it is impossible to increase its speed
any further - the duct (or nozzle) is then said to be CHOKED
If this procedure is carried out in a CONVERGENT-DIVERGENT duct, an
additional form of thrust (additional to Newton's Third Law) can be
The "Choked" Nozzle
The Rocket
The Rocket Engine
Although the rocket engine is a jet engine, it has
one major difference in that it does not use
atmospheric air as the propulsive fluid stream.
Instead, it produces its own propelling fluid by
the combustion of liquid or chemically
decomposed fuel with oxygen, which it carries,
thus enabling it to operate outside the earth's
atmosphere. It is therefore, only suitable for
operating over short periods.
The Rocket
The fuel or propellant is carried in one
tank and an oxidizer in another tank.
These are typically pumped to and
mixed in the combustion chamber
where the fuel is burned.
As the gases rush out of the nozzle at
the back of the engine, thrust is
produced. This nozzle has a definite
shape and is known as a converging-
diverging nozzle. This type of nozzle is
required in rockets because of the
desire for extremely high velocity
(highly accelerated) exhaust gases.
The Ramjet
The Ram Jet ,The Ram Jet requires initial forward motion to get it started. It's operation is then as follows :
Intake : The intake is convergent / divergent in shape and therefore the air flowing through it will decrease/increase
in pressure.
Combustion : At a certain pressure, the air is mixed with fuel and ignited. Its temperature will increase and it will
expand. This expansion takes the form of an increase in velocity. If the gas increases in velocity inside the jet, it will
obey Newton's 2nd Law, which is that:
Force = Mass x Change in Velocity through the duct
Exhaust Before entering the exhaust nozzle, the gas may be of high enough pressure to be accelerated to supersonic
speed. The exhaust nozzle would then be choked. The force produced as a result of the acceleration is known as
momentum or kinetic thrust. A second type of thrust is produced in the divergent part of the exhaust nozzle and is
called pressure thrust.
The total force produced will, according to Newton's 3rd Law, produce an equal and opposite reaction on the inner
workings of the engine. This is known as Thrust
The Turbojet Engine
In 1931 Sir Frank Whittle patented the self sustaining Gas Turbine Engine. It consists of a
single rotating spool comprising of a compressor and turbine. The advantage of this engine
over the ram jet is that it is self sustaining without the need for forward speed.
In other words it can be started whilst stationary on the ground The engine is started by
spinning the compressor. This establishes a rearward flow of air into the combustion zone
where fuel is added and ignited.
The Turbojet Engine
The turbine wheel also originates a drive to a
gearbox that provides external drives for items
such as:
Fuel pumps
Hydraulic pumps
Electrical generators
Other engine accessories
The Constant Pressure Cycle
The Constant Pressure Cycle
or Brayton Cycle is so called
because the heat is added
within the combustion
chamber where a theoretical
constant pressure is
(In fact there is always a very
slight - less than 3% - pressure
drop due to friction between
the gases and the combustion
Constructional Arrangements
Single Spool Axial Flow Engine
A modern single spool axial flow turbojet engine produces its
thrust from the acceleration of the flow of the hot gases. Air
enters the engine inlet and flows into the compressor where
its pressure is increased
Constructional Arrangements
Multi-Spool Design
Dual and triple spool axial compressors
were developed for the operational
flexibility they provide to the engine in the
form of high compression ratios, quick
acceleration, and better control of stall
This operational flexibility is not possible
with single spool axial flow engines.
Constructional Arrangements
• Twin Spool Axial Flow Turbo Fan
Constructional Arrangements
The advent of the twin spool engine enabled easier starting (only the small
HP compressor needs to be rotated by the starter) and better surge
resistance as the two spools run at their own optimum speeds. This type
was used as a pure thrust engine, but the example shown above drove a
propeller on the end of the LP compressor shaft via a reduction gear
TurboProp Engines
All types invariably use a multi-stage turbine and an
epicyclic reduction gear.
Multi-stage turbines with small diameter discs can run at
higher rev/min and thus absorb more energy from the gas
stream than a single large disc that must necessarily be
restricted in rev/min because of high centrifugal loading.
Epicyclic gearing is selected for the reduction gear because:
(a) A high degree of speed reduction can be obtained.
(b)The propeller shaft and thrust lines remain on the same
centre line as the compressor and turbine shafts, thus
causing little interference with the entry of air into the air
intake. Streamlining of the whole unit is, therefore, an
easier task.
TurboProp Engines
This type of gas turbine engine is used wherever
the direct thrust from the engine is not required.
All the energy in the gasses is absorbed by the
turbines and transformed into a rotational force
or TORQUE. There is usually little or no thrust
produced in the exhaust.
The reduction gearbox is required because the
gas turbine engine is most efficient at high RPM,
but the device which it drives (propeller,
helicopter rotor etc.) becomes inefficient at such
high speed.
TurboProp Engines