Industrial Ethics and Legal Issues
Industrial Ethics and Legal Issues
Industrial Ethics and Legal Issues
CSE 332
Course details
LTP – 2 0 0 [Two lectures/week]
1. >=90% -- 5 marks
2. >=85% and <90% -- 4 marks
3. >=80% and <85% -- 3 marks Each CA would be of 30 marks.
4. >=75% and <80% -- 2 marks Best 2 would be taken at the end
(60 marks) which would be
prorated out of 25
MTE would be of 40 marks
and it would be prorated to
20 at the end ETE would be of 70 marks
and it would be prorated to
50 at the end
What is an Industry ethics and
legal issues
What is an Industry?
• Any type of Economic Activity producing products or
• It is part of a chain –from raw materials to finished
product, finished product to service sector, and service
sector to research and development.
• Eg:-Google Assistant(product) launched by Google
• Again
ETHIC! a big question mark
• Computer ethics is a system of moral standards or
values used as a guideline for computer users.