Igneous Rocks
Igneous Rocks
Igneous Rocks
Group 4
What is an Igneous rock?
• The name 'igneous' comes from the Latin word 'ignis' which
means fire.
• In that notion, igneous rocks occur “when molten rock turns into
solid either below the earth's crust to create intrusive igneous
rocks” or “on the earth's surface to create extrusive igneous
• Igneous rocks are formed from the cooling of magma (a very hot
liquid found underneath the Earth's surface).
An extrusive type of Igneous rock that solidifies
above Earth’s surface, it can also form in
different type of cooling environment.
A type of extrusive rock that is normally light in
color. It is a rock type usually found on
continental crust above subduction zones.
An example of intrusive rock that is a light-
colored Igneous rock with grains large enough to
be visible with the unaided eye. Granite is
composed mainly of quartz and feldspar with
minor amounts of mica, amphiboles, and
other minerals.
A type of intrusive rock it is usually black or dark
green in color. It is the most abundant rock in the
deep oceanic crust. It has a variety of uses in the
construction industry. It is used for everything
from crushed stone base materials at construction
sites to polished stone counter tops and floor tiles.
How is Igneous Rock formed?
Just Facts # 2
There are over 700 different types of Igneous
Just Facts # 3