High Efficiency Grinding Using CBN Wheel
High Efficiency Grinding Using CBN Wheel
High Efficiency Grinding Using CBN Wheel
The specific material removal rate in conventional grinding is less than 10 𝑚𝑚3 /𝑚𝑚. 𝑠. It has long been a pursuit in
academic and engineering field to improve grinding efficiency.
Why High Efficiency Grinding?
• One factor behind the innovative process has been the need to increase
productivity for conventional finishing processes.
• In the course of process development it has become evident that high-speed
grinding in combination with preliminary machining processes, close to the finished
contour, enable the configuration of new process sequences with high-
performance capabilities.
• Using the appropriate grinding machines and grinding tools, it is possible to expand
the scope of grinding to high-performance machining of soft materials.
What is High Efficiency Grinding?
Grinding techniques adopting any of the below mentioned methods (one or
multiple at a time) to improve specific material removal rate in comparison
with conventional grinding can be called as high-efficiency grinding.
High Efficiency Deep Grinding (HEDG) Temperature measurement in high efficiency deep grinding
Theoretical basis of high-speed grinding
The mean undeformed chip thickness-> hcu,
the mean chip length-> lcu,
are employed as variables to describe the shape of the chip.
The undeformed chip thickness is dependent on the static density of cutting edges, Cstat, and on
the geometric and kinematic variables
hcu =k1 Cstatα vw vs β ae deqγ
where vw is the workpiece speed,
vs the grinding wheel speed,
ae the depth of cut,
deq the equivalent grinding wheel diameter, and
α, β, γ are greater than zero.
• On the basis of this relationship, it can be established that an increase in the cutting
speed, assuming all other conditions are constant, will result in a reduction in the
undeformed chip thickness.
• The workpiece material is machined with a larger number of abrasive grain contacts.
• At the same time, the number of cutting edges involved in the process decreases.
• This leads to the advantages promised by high-speed grinding which is characterized by
a reduction in grinding forces, grinding wheel wear, and in workpiece surface
• Consequently, increasing the speed of the grinding wheel can lead to an increase in the
quality of the workpiece material, or alternatively, an increase in productivity.
With the increase in cutting speed,
• the quantity of thermal energy that is introduced into the workpiece also
• the tangential grinding force is tangentially reduced, and thus results in an
increase in process power.
Reducing the contact time can reduce the quantity of heat into the workpiece.
An increase in the machining rate of the process is necessary for this to happen
Increasing the cutting speed by a factor of two while maintaining the same metal removal rate leads to a
reduction in the tangential force but, unfortunately, leads to an increase in the amount of work done.
When the material removal rate is also increased the rising tangential force results in a further increase in
grinding power. The quantity of thermal energy introduced into the workpiece is lower than the initial
situation when the same-machined workpiece volume applies despite the higher cutting speed and
increased metal removal rate.
These considerations show that machining productivity can be increased using
high-speed grinding without having to accept undesirable effects on ground
There are three fields of technology that have become established for high-
speed grinding. These are :
• High-speed grinding with CBN grinding wheels.
• High-speed grinding with aluminium oxide grinding wheels.
• Grinding with aluminium oxide grinding wheels in conjunction with
continuous dressing techniques (CD grinding).
Table. cBN abrasive grain selection chart based on camshaft and crankshaft grinding applications
The workpiece material has a significant influence on the type and volume of vitrified bond used in the
grinding wheel. The following table shows the wheel grade required for a variety of workpiece materials
that are based on crankshaft and camshaft grinding operations.
Workpiece material Grinding wheel speed, vs(m s−1) Vitrified CBN wheel specification Application details
Chilled cast iron 120 B181R200VSS High Qw′
B126P200VSS Medium Qw′
B107N200VSS Low Qw′
Another important consideration is the level of drive power required when increases in rotational speed become
considerable. The required total output is composed of the cutting power, Pc, and the power loss, Pl:(2)
Ptotal= Pc + Pl
The cutting power is the product of the tangential grinding force and the cutting speed:
Pc= Ft′ vc
The power loss of the drive is comprised of the idle power of the spindle, PL, and power losses caused by the
coolant, PKSS, and by spray cleaning of the grinding wheel, PSSP, thus
The power measurements shown in figure given below confirm the influence of the effect of cutting
speed on the reduction of cutting power. However, idling power has increased quite significantly. The
grinding power, Pc, increases by a relatively small amount when the cutting speed increases and all
other grinding parameters remain constant. However, this means that the substantial power
requirement that applies at maximum cutting speeds results from a strong increase in power is due to
rotation of the grinding wheel, the supply of coolant, and the cleaning of the wheel.
Fig. Levels of idling power, coolant power supply, and grinding wheel cleaning
power in a machine tool using an electroplated CBN grinding wheel
Factors affecting quality
The aim of high-speed CBN grinding is to substitute conventional machining operations such as milling, turning,
and surface broaching. The high-speed grinding process focuses on machining large volumes of material in the
shortest possible time. This may lead to workpiece quality becoming impaired as the equivalent chip thickness
increases in proportion to grinding forces. The machine tool must be able to absorb such large forces. It is
possible to reduce the amount of heat in the grinding process using high grinding wheel speeds.
Fig. Influence of the equivalent chip thickness on the specific normal force
There is no doubt that the technological
and engineering research and
development carried by the car
manufacturer in conjunction with Toyoda
Machine Works and Unicorn was one of
the greatest influences for new grinding
technology utilising vitrified CBN.
The rewards are self-evident (Fig.) in that
the abrasive cost per cam lobe has
decreased every year since installation.
The use of vitrified CBN provided the car
manufacturer with a viable method of
manufacture for grinding camshafts with a
re-entrant cam lobe profile, and within 5
years reduced abrasive costs to below
those of conventional abrasives.
Fig. Comparison between abrasive costs (cents per cam lobe) using conventional
aluminium oxide and CBN abrasives.
Recent Developments
Recent developments in CBN abrasive research have also led to a variety of
new abrasive grits which are reported to grind with lower power and remain
sharper for a longer period of time than current CBN abrasives.
It has been shown that the development of vitrified CBN grinding technology is a collaborative
partnership between end user, machine tool builder, and abrasive supplier. In this particular case,
the end user has been able to reduce grinding costs to below that incurred using conventional
abrasives. Continued collaboration in addition to new developments in materials technology
associated with abrasive products and camshafts will reduce grinding costs even further.
1. Drake manufacturing
2. Wikipedia
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