Smart Card Technology
Smart Card Technology
Smart Card Technology
& Features
Smart Card ??
The first smart card was developed
in 1974, by “Roland Moreno”
A smart card is a plastic card that is
embedded with either a microprocessor
or a memory chip.
These smarts cards have the
mechanism for storing and/or
processing information.
Different kinds of smart cards
1. Integrated Circuit
(IC) Microprocessor
2. Integrated Circuit
(IC) Memory Cards
3. Optical Memory
(IC) Microprocessor Cards.
Also called as "chip cards“
The current generation of chip cards
affinity cards
M8K 8 KB 13.56 10 cm
RF-ID .125-13.56 100 mm-
50 cm s
Gem Easy 8 kb 13.56 Read 2.5 10 cm Hardware
8000 series Write 9 Cryptographi
c algorithms
Hitachi 32-64 1.3 kb 2.25- Sub/add
Semiconduct kb 32.5 kb 0.2
ors Mul/dev
Benefits of Smart Cards
A smart card can be used as a highly secure
storage for all kind of confidential information.
It can be used as a electronic purse.
The information on smart card cannot be
copied where as credit card ‘s magnetic stripe
can easily be copied and then be misused.
It can be used as a secure token to
authenticate over the user’s computer and
bank system.
Pay Phone, Health care, Identity Access, Pay
TV, Gaming.
Intelligent Tokens
Intelligent Tokens have their own battery as a
power supply .These batteries may last for 10
they also have stainless steel surrounding the
This shell protects the chip against