Greek Latin Roots Revised For 4th
Greek Latin Roots Revised For 4th
Greek Latin Roots Revised For 4th
Prefixes Suffixes
Prefix Meaning Example Suffix Meaning Example
How do word parts like prefixes and suffixes help us _______? (P/S, NV)
A root is a set of letters that have
meaning. It is the most basic form .
Affixes are added to the root to create a
new word. Teacher reads; Track with Me
The Latin root ject means “throw”
So project can mean “to throw forward”
• A root can be at the front, middle or end of a word.
• Many words in the English language are based on
Greek & Latin word roots.
English words can have all three parts:
prefix + root + suffix
ab + duct + ed
away from + to lead/pull + verb: past tense
abducted means ”pulled or lead away from”
i.e. The general was abducted by masked gunmen.
Roots can appear more than once,
and anywhere in the word.
Word Meaning
geology earth study / study of the earth
1.bicycle 2. hippopotamus
root + suffix
• I Do • We Do
astrology biology
astro = stars bio = life
-logy = study of -logy = study of
So it means: So it means:
"the study of stars” “the study of life”
How did I determine the meaning of How did we know biology meant ‘the study of life’?
astrology? Frame: “We knew that biology meant ‘the study of life’
Frame: “We determined the meaning of because _______________________.”
astrology by ______________.”
prefix + root
• I Do • We Do
empathy enamor
en- = having
em- = having
amor = love
pathy = feeling What does enamor mean?
So it means: “having love”
“having feeling” How do you know that?
retrospective carnivore
carni = meat
retro = backwards vor = eat
spect = look -e = one who
“one who eats meat”
-ive = having quality of What does carnivore mean?
“quality of looking How did you know?
History is a retrospective way of
looking at life.
• What do we call the most basic form of a word that
has meaning?
tele distance spect look, see auto self a-, un-, not, without
graph write, draw aque, aqua water rupt break em-. en-, -y, having,
-ful marked by
bio life astr, aster stars scope see, watch retro- backwards
geo earth logy, ology study of pseudo false -ive, -ic having quality
rium house cycle wheel dynam power -al result of
trans across nym, nom name ject throw -able, -ible ability
struc, struct build cent hundred con, com together, with tri- three