The Five Generic Competing Strategies
The Five Generic Competing Strategies
The Five Generic Competing Strategies
Thompson, Peteraf, Gamble, Strickland, Jain
LO 1 What distinguishes each of the five generic
strategies and why some of these strategies
work better in certain kinds of competitive
conditions than in others.
LO 2 The major avenues for achieving a competitive advantage
based on lower costs.
LO 3 The major avenues to a competitive advantage based on
differentiating a company’s product or service offering from the
offerings of rivals.
LO 4 The attributes of a best-cost provider strategy—a hybrid of
low-cost provider and differentiation strategies.
A firm’s competitive strategy deals exclusively with the
specifics of its efforts to position itself in the market-place,
please customers, ward off competitive threats, and achieve a
particular kind of competitive advantage.
FIGURE 5.1 The Five Generic Competitive Strategies
Effective Low-Cost Approaches:
◦ Pursue cost-savings that are difficult imitate.
◦ Avoid reducing product quality to unacceptable levels.
Competitive Advantages and Risks:
◦ Greater total profits and increased market share gained
from underpricing competitors.
◦ Larger profit margins when selling products at prices
comparable to and competitive with rivals.
◦ Low pricing does not attract enough new buyers.
◦ Rival’s retaliatory price cutting set off a price war.
Major Avenues for Achieving a Cost Advantage
Low-Cost Advantage
◦ A firm’s cumulative costs for its overall value chain
must be lower than its rival’s cumulative costs.
How to Gain a Low-cost Advantage:
◦ Do a better job than rivals of performing value chain
activities more cost-effectively.
◦ Revamp the firm’s overall value chain to eliminate or
bypass cost-producing activities.
Cost-Efficient Management of Value Chain Activities
Cost Driver
◦ Is a factor with a strong influence on a firm’s costs.
◦ Can be asset- or activity-based.
Ways to Secure a Cost Advantage:
◦ Use lower-cost inputs and hold minimal assets
◦ Offer only “essential” product features or services
◦ Offer only limited product lines
◦ Use low-cost distribution channels
◦ Use the most economical delivery methods
FIGURE 5.2 Cost Drivers: The Keys to Driving Down Company Costs
1. Striving to capture all available economies of scale.
2. Taking full advantage of experience and learning-curve effects.
3. Operating facilities at full or near-full capacity.
4. Improving supply chain efficiency.
5. Substituting lower-cost inputs wherever there is little or no sacrifice in
product quality or performance..
6. Using the firm’s bargaining power vis-à-vis suppliers or others in the value
chain system to gain concessions.
7. Using online systems and sophisticated software to achieve operating
8. Improving process design and employing advanced production technology..
9. Being alert to the cost advantages of outsourcing or vertical integration.
10. Motivating employees through incentives and company culture.
Revamping the Value Chain System to Lower Costs
Market Circumstances
Favoring Differentiation
Focused Strategy
Focused Focused
Low-Cost Market Niche
Strategy Strategy
When a Focused Low-Cost or Focused
Differentiation Strategy Is Attractive
The target market niche is big enough to be profitable and
offers good growth potential.
Industry leaders do not see that having a presence in the
niche is crucial to their own success.
Itis costly or difficult for multisegment competitors to meet
the needs of target market niche buyers.
The industry has many different niches and segments.
Rivals have little or no interest in the target segment.
The focuser has a reservoir of buyer goodwill and long-term
The Risks of a Focused Low-Cost or
Focused Differentiation Strategy
Competitors will find ways to match the focused
firm’s capabilities in serving the target niche.
The specialized preferences and needs of niche
members to shift over time toward the product
attributes desired by the majority of buyers.
As attractiveness of the segment increases, it draws
in more competitors, intensifying rivalry and
splintering segment profits.
Best-Cost Provider
Hybrid Approach
Value-Conscious Buyer
Market Characteristics Favoring
a Best-Cost Provider Strategy
Product differentiation is the market norm.
There are a large number of value-conscious buyers who
prefer midrange products.
There is competitive space near the middle of the market for
a competitor with either a medium-quality product at a
below-average price or a high-quality product at an average
or slightly higher price.
Economic conditions have caused more buyers to become
The Big Risk of a Best-Cost Provider Strategy—Getting
Squeezed on Both Sides
Low-Cost High-End
Providers Differentiators
Each Generic Strategy:
◦ Positions the firm differently in its market.
◦ Establishes a central theme for how the firm intends to
outcompete rivals.
◦ Creates boundaries or guidelines for strategic change
as market circumstances unfold.
◦ Points to different ways of experimenting and tinkering
with the basic strategy.
5.1 Distinguishing Features of the Five Generic Competitive Strategies
5.1 Distinguishing Features of the Generic Competitive Strategies (cont’d)
5.1 Distinguishing Features of the Generic Competitive Strategies (cont’d)
Successful Competitive Strategies
Are Resource-Based
A firm’s competitive strategy is unlikely to succeed
unless it is predicated on leveraging a
competitively valuable collection of resources and
capabilities that match the strategy.
Sustaining a firm’s competitive advantage depends
on its resources, capabilities, and competences that
are difficult for rivals to duplicate and have no
good substitutes.