Developing and Practicing Negotiation Skill S
Developing and Practicing Negotiation Skill S
Developing and Practicing Negotiation Skill S
Consider this situation:
What is
Conflict is the process that begins when
one party perceives that another party
has negatively affected, or is about to
negatively affect, something that the first
party cares about.
Transitions in Conflict Thoughts
the mixed-motive
(both can win, both
can lose, one can win
and the other can
Negotiation facilitates agreement
when some of your interests
are shared and some are opposed .
“in good deal making, 90% of the
real negotiation happens before
you sit down to negotiate’”
The Art of
Effective Know yourself
Know your own organization
Basic Negotiation Concepts
Best Alternative to a
Bottom Line – The bottom
Negotiated Agreement
line or reservation price is the
(BATNA) – position at which the
represents the best result that
BATNA negotiator will walk away from
a negotiator can get the negotiation. Relative to a
somewhere else if an purchaser, it is the highest
agreement cannot be price a purchaser is willing
reached with the to pay for goods or services.
other In other words, a Relative to a seller, it is the
BATNA is the alternative that lowest price at which a seller
the party will select if they is willing to sell the goods or
must walk away from the services. The bottom line is
negotiation. If the negotiation
involves finalizing a deal, the also known as
BATNA is to walk away to “reservation price.” If
another party who can offer negotiator cannot get at least
you a better deal. If, however, their bottom line in the
the negotiation involves a negotiation, they will vote with
lawsuit, the BATNA is to go to their feet and walk away from
court. the deal.
Negotiation Style
Style is a consistent pattern of behaviors emanating from
an individual and recognized by others
negotiating for a price of a project, then the negotiators should know the price
2.Time and place of negotiation. This must be agreed upon by both parties, in
which both will be comfortable and prepared. It does not have to be a neutral
* The information that will be gathered must be documented and brought in the
Build Rapport - This pertains to getting in touch with the other party. It may be
helpful if both sides are aware and want to get best out of discussion.
Active Listening – The skis means paying attention to the listener and capturing important
details in the process. Missing out on vital information may have an impact in the outcome of
the negotiation.
Questioning Techniques – In order to classify issues, participants need to ask right questions.
Remember to employ different question such as open0ended questions (to expand the
discussion further) or close-ended (to clarify details.)
Closing the Negotiation