Week 5 B
Week 5 B
Week 5 B
Every µP-based system has a memory system. All systems contain two types of memories.
Read-Only Memory (Volatile Memory)
Random Access Memory (Read/Write Memory or Non-volatile Memory)
ROM contains system software and permanent system data.
RAM contains system temporary data and system application software.
Memory Devices:
Read-Only Memory Static Random Access Memory (SRAM)
Flash Memory (EEPROM) Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM)
Memory Pin Connections:
Pin connections common to all memory devices are:
Address Inputs
Data Outputs or Input(s)/Output(s)
Selection Input
Control input to selects READ or Write
Address Connections: Address inputs selects a memory location within the memory device.
Labeled from A0, least significant address input
AN, ‘N’ labeled, ‘N-1’then the total number of address pins
Address Pins Address Memory
(N) Connections Locations (2N)
1K 10 A0-A9 1024
2K 11 A0-A10 2048
4K 12 A0-A11 4096
8K 13 A0-A12 8192
1M 20 A0-A19 1,048,576
Memory Device Memory Sys. Section Decoded Starting Address Last Location Address
1K 400H (1024) 10000H 103FFH (10000H+400H-1H)
4K 1000H (4096) 14000H 14FFFH (14000H+1000H-1H)
64K 10,000H 30000H 3FFFFH
1M 100,000H - -
Data Connections:
All memory deices has a set of data outputs or input(s)/output(s).
Today, many devices have bi-directional common IO pins.
Data pins are labeled with D7-D0 for an 8-bit-wide memory
(Means memory device stores 8-bit of data in each of its
Memory locations).
8-bit-wide memory device is often called byte-wide memory
Mostly devices are 8-bit-wide, some devices are 16-bits,
4-bits or just 1-bit-wide
If CS, CE or S input is active (Logic 0), memory device performs a read or write operation
If CS, CE or S input is inactive (Logic 1), memory device do not performs a read or write
operation b/c it is turned OFF or Disabled.
Control Connections:
Memory devices have control input (s).
ROM has only one control input RAM has one or two control inputs
Static RAM (SRAM):
TMS4016 is a 2K x 8 read/write memory
11 address inputs
8 data input/output
Address Decoding:
Its is necessary to decode the address sent from the µP
Without address decoder only one memory can be connected
The decoder corrects the mismatch by decoding the address pins that do not connect to
the memory device.
Steps to Memory Interface Design (Decode)
• Design Questions
1. How many memory chips required?
2. How many address lines are required?
3. Determine Address range of each memory device.
4. Complete interface design using decoder.
If the 20-bit binary address is decoded by the NAND gate
Leftmost 9 bits are 1’s
Rightmost 11 bits are X’s
By this actual address range of EPROM can be determined
• Design Questions
1. How many memory chips required?
2. How many address lines are required?
3. Determine Address range of each memory device.
4. Complete interface design using decoder.
Starting Address 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 = F0000H
Ending Address 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 = FFFFFH (its 64K-byte span of memory)
8086 must be able to write data to any 16-bit location or any 8-bit location
16-bit bus must be divided into 2 separate sections (banks)
Low Bank
High Bank
Bank Selection is accomplish in two ways:
Separate Bank Decoders
Separate Bank Write Strobes