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Dynamic Analysis of Structures

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Dynamic Analysis of


By. Ana Fatima Godinho.,B.Eng(Honors).,M.T

Degree of Freedom System
Without Damping
1.1. Degree of freedom
Strutura nebe kontinua iha degree of freedom. Picture
1.1. hatudu strutura nebe sei sai simples ba degree of
freedom no modelu matematika sei hatudu iha picture
1.2. Modelu karakterisku sei asumi hodi fahe ho ketak
ketak (Model characteristics that are assumed to be
separate from each other). So Mass (m)
Ho nunee Massa, m, sei sai hanesan hahalok inertia,
Spring (pegas), k (Stiffness), to state (menyatakan)
elasticity and Damping.
Picture 1.1. Examples of structures modeled as one-degree-of-freedom
systems (Struktur Dimodelkan Sebagai Satu Derajat Kebebasan)
Where :
1. A mass element m representing the mass and
inertial characteristic of the structure.
2. A spring element k representing the elastic
restoring force and potential energy storage of the
3. A damping element c representing the frictional
characteristics and energy dissipation of the
4. An excitation force F(t) representing the external
forces acting on the structural system.
Picture 1.2 Analytical model for one-degree-of-freedom system (Model Matematic
Untuk Sistem Satu Derajat Kebebasan)
1.2. The system without damping
In free vibration and it is in
motion governed only by the
influence of the so calledinitial
conditions, that is, the given
displacement and velocity at time
t = 0 when the study of the system
is initiated. This undamped, one-
degree-of-freedom system is often
referred to as thesimpleundamped
oscillator. It is usually represented
as shown in Fig.1.3aor Fig.1.3bor Gambar 1.3 Alternate representations of
any other similar arrangement analytical models for one-degree-of-freedom
systems (Model Matematis Sistem Satu
Derajat Kebebasan Tanpa Redaman)
1.4. Force displacement relationship

Where :
(a) Is Hard spring
(b) is Linear spring
(c) is soft spring .
Consequently, we may write the relationship between force
and displacement for a linear spring as :
Fs = ku
Springs in Parallel or in Series
Sometimes it is necessary to determine the equivalent spring
constant for a system in which two or more springs are arranged
in parallel as shown in Fig.1.5a or in series as in Fig.1.5b.

1.5. Combination of springs: (a) Springs in parallel (b) Springs in series

For two springs in parallel the total force required to
produce a relative displacement of their ends of one
unit is equal to the sum of their spring constants.
This total force is by definition the equivalent
spring constant ke and is given by:
K e = k1 + k 2

In general for n springs in parallel

For two springs assembled in series as shown in Fig.1.5b, the
force P produces the relative displacements in the springs


Then, the total displacement u of the free end of the spring

assembly is equal to u = Δu1 + Δu2, or
Substituting Δu1 and Δu2
Consequently, the forcekenecessary to produce one unit
displacement (equivalent spring constant) is given by

Substituting u from this last relation into Eq. (1.4), we may

conveniently express the reciprocal value
of the equivalent spring constant as
In general for n springs in series the equivalent spring constant
may be obtained from
Newton’s Law of Motion
We continue with the study of the simple oscillator
depicted in Fig.1.3. The objective is to describe its
motion, that is, to predict the displacement or velocity
of the mass m at any time t, for a given set of initial
conditions at time t = 0. The analytical relation between
the displacement u, and time t, is given by Newton’s
Second Law of Motion, which in modern notation may
be expressed as

F = ma
Free Body Diagram
For the case at hand, Fig.1.6b depicts the FBD of
the mass m of the oscillator, displaced in the
positive direction with reference to coordinate u and
acted upon by the spring force Fs = ku (assuming a
linear spring). The weight of the body mg and the
normal reaction N of the supporting surface are also
shown for completeness, though these forces, acting
in the vertical direction, do not enter into the
equation of motion written for the
U direction. The application of Newton’s Law of
Motion gives.
Free Body Diagram

Figure 1.6. Alternate free body diagrams

(a). Single degree of Freedom system
(b) Showing only external forces
(c) Showing external and inertial forces
Solution of the Differential Equation of Motion

If this equation is to be satisfied at any time, the factor in

parentheses must be equal to zero, or.

The reader should verity that Eq.(1.13) is also a solution

of the differential Eq. (1.11), with ω
Also satisfying eq. (1.15). The positive roof of eq.
Frequency and Period
The period may easily be found since the function
sine and cosine both have a period of 2π. The
period T of the motion is determined from


the period is ussually expressed in seconds per

cycle or simply in second, with the tacit
understanding that it is “per cycle”. The reciprocal
value of the period is the natural frequency f. from
Illustrative Example 1.2.
Determine the natural frequency of the beam-spring
system shown in figure 1.8 consisting of a weight of
W = 50.7 lb attached to a horizontal cantilever
beam through the coil spring K2. The cantilever
beam has a thickness h = ¼ in, a width b = 1 in.
modulus of elasticity E = 30 x 106 psi, and length L
= 12.5 in. the coil spring has a stiffness K2 = 10.69
10.69 lb/in

50.7 lb

System for Illustrative Example 1.2

 The deflection Δ at the free and of a uniform
cantilever beam acted upon by a static force p at
the free end given by

the corresponding spring constant K1 is then

Where the cross-section moment of inertia
(for a rectangular section). Now, the cantilever
and the coil spring of this system are connected as
spring in series. Consequently, the equivalent spring
constant as given from Eq. (1.5) is :
Substituting corresponding numerical values,
we obtain

   natural frequency for this system is then given by

Eq. (1.16a) as :


𝑓 = 1/𝑇 = 𝜔 / 2π

f = 1.32 cps
Amplitude of Motion

Illustrative Example 1.3

Condiser the steel frame shown in figure 1.11a. having a rigid

horizontal member to which a horizontal dynamic force is
applied. As part of the overall structural design it is required to
determine the natural frequency of this structure. Two
assumptions are made: (considerasaun armasaun de asu bele
hare iha figura 1.11a. Sai hanesan enkuadramentu ba
armasaun de asu Ida nebe implika ba iha dinamika horizontal
ninin leten. Sai hanesan parte planu nbe kobre strutura ht,
persija mos frekuensi natural husi enkuadramentu nee rasik.
Persija mos konsiderasaun rua husi:
1. The masses of the columns are neglected.(massa husi airin
no wall avaiable(diabaikan)
2. The horizontal members are sufficiently rigid to prevent
rotation are the tops of the columns.(viga nebe mk ho rigido
(kaku) naton deit atu prevene rotasaun ba kluna nebe aas)

These assumption are not mandatory for the solution of the

problem, but they serve to simplify (hafasil) the analisis. Under
these conditions, the frame may be modeled by the spring mass
system shown in fig. 1.11b.(asumsi nee la sai hanesan
orientasaun hodi solusi ona ba problema, maibe atu hafasil
analisa ida nee. Husi kondisaun nebe tuir mai, enkuadramentu
bele sai hanesan modelu husi sistema mola massa no bele hare
iha figura 1.11b.
100 kg/m

I=23.700 cm4
W 400.200.66


One degree of freedom frame and corresponding analytical model for

illustrative Example 1.3.
Solution :
   parameter of this model may be computed as fallows
W = 100 x 8 = 800 kg
I = 23.700 cm4
E = 2.1 x 106 kg/cm2


K = 9555,84 kg/cm
1 kg
f 
2 phi W

1 (9555,84)(980)

2 phi 800

 17, 22 putaran / det

Several basic concepts were introduced in this chapter
(iha konseitu basiku balu mk isplika iha kapitulu refere) :
1. The analytical or mathematical model of a
structure is an idealized reprezentation for its
analysis.(modelu matematis husi struktur mak hanesan
idealitiku desenhu ba analisa)
2. The number of degrees of freedom of a struktural
system is equal to the number of independent
coordinates necessary to describe its position.(total
DOF (sistema grau libre) husi sisteema balu mak hanesan
ho total koordinat free nebe persija hodi bele deskrebe
ninia posisaun).
3. The free body diagram (FBD) for dynamic
equilibrium ( to allow application of D’Alembert’s
Principle) is a diagram of the system from all other
bodies, showing all the external forces on the
system, including the inertial force.(diagrama free body
ba ekilibrium dynamiku (bazeia ba prinsipiu D’Alembert) mak
hanesan digrama sistema nbe mk hafahe husi parte seluk, ida
nbe mk deskreve external force inclui mos inertial force).
4. The stiffness or spring constant of a linear system
is the force necessary to produce a unit
displacement.(stiffness(rigidez ou mola konstanta husi
sistema linear mak hanesan forsa nbe persija atu halo mudansa
ba unidade ida).
5. The differential equation of the undamped simple
oscillator in free motion is: (ekilibru differential
oscilator simples undamped iha dinamiku libre, mak

And its general solution is

Where :
A and B are constants of integration determined
from initial conditions of the displacement U0 and
of the velocity v0 (A no B mak hanesan integrasi kontanta
nebe mak determina ona husi kondisaun antes).
6. The equation of motion may be written in the
alternate forms (ekilibru movimentu ( Gerak) nebe mak ble
deskrebe iha forma balu):
Calculate the natural frequency in the horizontal model of the
steel frame in the figure P1.4 for the following cases : (halo
kalkulasaun frekuensi natural ba dinamiku (motion) horisontal
husi armasaun de asu (kerangka baja) sei hatudu iha desenhu P1.4
ba kondisaun turi mai) :
a) The horizontal member is assumed to be rigid . (konsidera
parte horisontal nebe kontinua (to be rigid) monotonu (kaku).

b) The horizontal member is flexible and made of steel

section --- w 10 x 33.(parte horizontal Feksibel nebe produs
husi asu (baja).
*Equation of Motion
The summation of forces in the U direction gives the
diffrential equation of motion :

*There are 3 possible values of S

1).  c  k
   Critically Damped System (redaman kritik)
 2m  m
   Under Damped System (redaman ringan) dala
barak uja iha struktur tamba realidade.

 3 ¿ . 𝑐 𝑘
( 2𝑚 )
¿ ˃
Over Damped System (redaman berat)

The case 1 : Critically Damped system

  𝑐 2 𝑘 𝐶𝑐𝑟 2 𝑘
( ) 2𝑚
= ⇒
𝑚 ( )
Ccr is Critikal Damping

Natural Circular regrency

The case II : Under damped system (sistemmdengan
redaman ringan).

Damping rasio :

   Illustrate in a graph the free vibration response of
a structure with mass m = 1 t, K = 64 kn/m, initial
displacement Uo = 500 mm and initial velocity = 0
for the damping ratio = 1%, 5% and 10%.

Uo = perpindahan awal

K = 64 kn/m = percepatan awal

Note : Graphics you can make using Excell.

Halo grafiku free vibration response ba strutura ho
ninia massa = 1 ton (tonalada), stiffness = 64 kn/m,
displacement dahuluk Uo = 500 mm no velocity
dahuluk ůo = 0 ho damping ratio = 1%, 5%, no
Response of One Degree of Freedom System to Harmonic Loading
Determine the Problem
1) Calculate the maximum displacement and
maximum shear force if only a “Steady state
response” is observed. Halo calculasaun ba mudansa Maximu
no Shear force maximu wainhira sei foka liu ba iha “Steady State
Umax = 0.253

Steady State
Determine the Problem
Pilar ponte mak sei hatudu iha dezenhu tuir mai nee

m = 54.64 t
k= 95875.8 kn/m
c= 91.55

Desidi mudansa maksimu wainhira “Transient

Response” sei laiha konsederasuan.
Buka Uo
By shaking to the subgrade (oleh goncangan pada
tanah dasar)

u t    sin d  t    d
  t  

d  u g  e
Time history respon

Analytical completion
(penyelesaian secara analitis)


Husi grafiku tolu nee, sei conjunta hamutuk sai ida

Grafiku responde spectrum mudansa (displacement)

 Relasaun entre spectrum respons
Energy regangan maksimum :

Ek  1 ksd 2
Energy potensial maksimum
Ek  1 msv 2
Ek  Ep
1 ks 2  1 ms 2
2 d 2 v
m 2
sd  sv

sd 2  s 2

m 2

sd 2  v 2

sd 

sv   * sd
Persamaan yang lain

sa   sd  2 2
  * sv

sa   * sv
sv 

vmaks  k * umaks
vmaks  m sd  m 2  m * sa
2 2

 sa
vmaks  sa  
g g

Determina tok :

1) Maximum displacement
2) Maximum shear force
3) Maximum rolling moment if the pillar height 4
m (momento de rolamento maximo)(momen guling

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