2 Flipflop
2 Flipflop
2 Flipflop
Computers and calculators use Flip-flop for
their memory. A combination of number of flip
flops will produce some amount of memory.
Flip flop is formed using logic gates, which are
in turn made of transistors.
Flip flop are basic building in the
blocks memory of electronic devices.
Each flip flop can store one bit of data.
These are also called as sequential
logic circuits.
Flip – flops have two stable states and hence
they are bistable multivibrators.
The two stable states are High (logic 1) and
Low (logic 0).
The term flip – flop is used as they can switch
between the states under the influence of a
control signal (clock or enable) i.e. they can
‘flip’ to one state and ‘flop’ back to other state.
Flip – flops are a binary storage device
because they can store binary data (0 or 1).
Flip – flops are edge sensitive or edge triggered
devices i.e. they are sensitive to the transition rather
than the duration or width of the clock signal.
They are also known as signal change sensitive
devices which mean that the change in the level of
clock signal will bring change in output of the flip flop.
Flip flops are also used to control the digital circuit’s
functionality. They can change the operation of a
digital circuit depending on the state.
Where we use flip flops?
Registers: As the flip flops have two stable
states, we use them in memory elements like
registers, for data storage. Generally we use
registers in electronic devices like computers.