Drying Operation: Meika Syahbana Rusli
Drying Operation: Meika Syahbana Rusli
Drying Operation: Meika Syahbana Rusli
q = UA(Ti– Ts )
The useful measure for air drying is to look at a heat balance over the
air, treating the dryer as adiabatic with no exchange of heat with the
surroundings. Then the useful heat transferred to the food for its drying
corresponds to the drop in temperature in the drying air, and the heat
which has to be supplied corresponds to the rise of temperature of the
air in the air heater. So this adiabatic air-drying efficiency, h, can be
defined by:
where T1 is the inlet (high) air temperature into the dryer, T2 is the
outlet air temperature from the dryer, and Ta is the ambient air
temperature. The numerator, the gap between T1 and T2, is a major
factor in the efficiency.
Example 2.
A dryer reduces the moisture content of 100 kg of a potato product
from 80% to 10% moisture. 250 kg of steam at 70 kPa gauge is
used to heat 49,800 m3 of air to 80°C, and the air is cooled to 71°C
in passing through the dryer. Calculate the efficiency of the dryer.
The specific heat of potato is 3.43 kJ kg-1 °C-1. Assume potato
enters at 24°C, which is also the ambient air temperature, and
leaves at the same temperature as the exit air.
The specific heat of air is 1.0 J kg-1 °C-1 and the density of air is 1.06 kg m-3
Heat given up by air/100 kg potato
= 1.0 x (80 - 71) x 49,800 x 1.06
= 4.75 x 105 kJ.
The latent heat of steam at 70 kPa gauge is 2283 kJ kg-1
Heat in steam = 250 x 2283
= 5.71 x 105 kJ.
Example 2. Continued
dw/dt = constant.
However in food, unlike impervious materials such as
sand, after a period of drying at a constant rate it is
found that the water then comes off more slowly. A
complete drying curve for fish, adapted from
Jason (1958), is shown in Fig. 6. The drying temperature
was low and this accounts for the long drying time.
Tingkat pengeringan konstan
Perilaku di mana pengeringan berperilaku seolah-olah air berada di
permukaan yang bebas, disebut pengeringan dengan laju konstan.
Jika w adalah massa material yang dikeringkan maka untuk laju
pengeringan konstan:
dw / dt = konstan.
Namun dalam makanan, tidak seperti bahan kedap air seperti pasir,
setelah periode pengeringan dengan laju konstan ditemukan bahwa
air kemudian mengalir lebih lambat. Kurva pengeringan lengkap
untuk ikan, diadaptasi dari Jason (1958), ditunjukkan pada Gambar.
6. Suhu pengeringan rendah dan ini menyumbang waktu
pengeringan yang lama.
FIG. 6. Drying curve for fish
FIG. 7. Generalized drying curve
Falling Drying Rate
The change from constant drying rate to a slower rate occurs at
different moisture contents for different foods. However, for many
foods the change from constant drying rate occurs at a moisture
content in equilibrium with air of 58-65% relative humidity, that is at
aw = 0.58-0.65. The moisture content at which this change of rate
occurs is known as the critical moisture content, Xc .
The end of the constant rate period, when X = Xc at the break point
of drying-rate curves, signifies that the water has ceased to behave
as if it were at a free surface and that factors other than vapour-
pressure differences are influencing the rate of drying. Thereafter
the drying rate decreases and this is called the falling-rate period of
drying. The rate-controlling factors in the falling-rate period are
complex, depending upon diffusion through the food, and upon the
changing energy-binding pattern of the water molecules. Very little
theoretical information is available for drying of foods in this region
and experimental drying curves are the only adequate guide to
Tingkat Pengeringan Jatuh
Perubahan dari laju pengeringan yang konstan ke laju yang lebih lambat terjadi
pada kadar air yang berbeda untuk makanan yang berbeda. Namun, untuk banyak
makanan perubahan dari laju pengeringan konstan terjadi pada kadar air dalam
kesetimbangan dengan udara kelembaban relatif 58-65%, yaitu pada aw = 0,58-
0,65. Kadar air di mana perubahan laju ini terjadi dikenal sebagai kadar air kritis,
Akhir periode laju konstan, ketika X = Xc pada titik putus kurva laju pengeringan,
menandakan bahwa air telah berhenti berperilaku seolah-olah berada di permukaan
bebas dan bahwa faktor-faktor selain perbedaan tekanan uap mempengaruhi
tingkat pengeringan. Setelah itu, laju pengeringan menurun dan ini disebut periode
laju pengeringan. Faktor-faktor pengontrol laju pada periode laju jatuh adalah
kompleks, tergantung pada difusi melalui makanan, dan pada perubahan pola
pengikatan energi dari molekul air. Sangat sedikit informasi teoretis yang tersedia
untuk mengeringkan makanan di wilayah ini dan kurva pengeringan eksperimental
adalah satu-satunya panduan yang memadai untuk mendesain.
Calculation of Constant Drying Rates
In the constant-rate period, the water is being evaporated from what
is effectively a free water surface. The rate of removal of water can
then be related to the rate of heat transfer, if there is no change in
the temperature of the material and therefore all heat energy
transferred to it must result in evaporation of water. The rate of
removal of the water is also the rate of mass transfer, from the solid
to the ambient air. These two - mass and heat transfer - must
predict the same rate of drying for a given set of circumstances.
The mass-transfer coefficient from a free water surface to an adjacent moving air
stream has been found to be 0.015 kg m-2 s-1. Estimate the rate of evaporation from
a surface of 1 m2 at a temperature of 28°C into an air stream with a dry-bulb
temperature of 40°C and RH of 40% and the consequent necessary rate of supply of
heat energy to effect this evaporation.
From charts, the humidity of saturated air at 40°C is 0.0495 kg kg-1.
Humidity of air at 40°C and 40%RH = 0.0495 x 0.4
= 0.0198 kg kg-1
= Ya
From charts, the humidity of saturated air at 28°C is 0.0244 kg kg-1 = Ys
Driving force = (Ys - Ya )
= (0.0244 - 0.0198) kg kg-1
= 0.0046 kg kg-1
Rate of evaporation = k'gA(Ys - Ya)
= 0.015 x 1 x 0.0046
= 6.9 x 10-5 kg s-1
Latent heat of evaporation of water at 28°C = 2.44 x 103 kJ kg-1
Heat energy supply rate per square metre = 6.9 x 10-5 x 2.44 x 103 kJ s-1
= 0.168 kJ s-1
= 0.168 kW.
Contoh 8. Tingkat penguapan
saat pengeringan
Koefisien perpindahan massa dari permukaan air bebas ke aliran udara bergerak yang berdekatan ditemukan 0,015 kg
m-2 s-1. Perkirakan laju penguapan dari permukaan 1 m2 pada suhu 28 ° C ke dalam aliran udara dengan suhu bohlam
kering 40 C dan RH 40% dan konsekuensinya diperlukan tingkat pasokan energi panas untuk efek ini penguapan.
Dari grafik, kelembaban udara jenuh pada suhu 28 ° C adalah 0,0244 kg kg-1 = Ys
Kekuatan pendorong = (Ys - Ya)
= (0,0244 - 0,0198) kg kg-1
= 0,0046 kg kg-1
Tingkat penguapan = k'gA (Ys - Ya)
= 0,015 x 1 x 0,0046
= 6,9 x 10-5 kg s -1
Panas laten penguapan air pada suhu 28 ° C = 2,44 x 10^3 kJ kg-1
Tingkat pasokan energi panas per meter persegi = 6,9 x 10-5 x 2,44 x 103 kJ s-1
= 0.168 kJ s-1
= 0.168 kW.
Falling rate Drying
The highest rate of drying is normally the constant rate situation,
then as drying proceeds the moisture content falls and the access of
water from the interior of the food to the surface affects the rate and
decreases it. The situation then is complex with moisture gradients
controlling the observed drying rates. Actual rates can be measured,
showing in the idealized case a constant rate continuing up to the
critical moisture content and thereafter a declining rate as the food,
on continued drying, approaches the equilibrium moisture content
for the food.
This is clearly shown by the drying curve of Fig. 7.7 and at low
moisture contents the rates of drying become very low. The actual
detail of such curves depends, of course, on the specific material
and conditions of the drying process.
Pengeringan tingkat Jatuh
Laju pengeringan tertinggi biasanya adalah situasi laju konstan,
kemudian saat pengeringan berlangsung, kadar air turun dan akses air
dari bagian dalam makanan ke permukaan memengaruhi laju dan
menurunkannya. Situasinya kemudian kompleks dengan gradien
kelembaban mengendalikan laju pengeringan yang diamati. Laju aktual
dapat diukur, yang menunjukkan dalam kasus ideal laju konstan
berlanjut hingga kadar air kritis dan setelah itu laju menurun ketika
makanan, saat pengeringan terus-menerus, mendekati kadar air
kesetimbangan untuk makanan.
Ini ditunjukkan dengan jelas oleh kurva pengeringan pada Gambar 7.7
dan pada kadar air rendah laju pengeringan menjadi sangat rendah.
Detail kurva yang sebenarnya tergantung, tentu saja, pada bahan dan
kondisi spesifik dari proses pengeringan.
Calculation of Drying Times
Drying rates, once determined experimentally or predicted from
theory, can then be used to calculate drying times so that drying
equipment and operations can be designed. In the most general
cases, the drying rates vary throughout the dryer with time as drying
proceeds, and with the changing moisture content of the material.
So the situation is complicated. However, in many cases a simplified
approach can provide useful results. One simplification is to assume
that the temperature and RH of the drying air are constant.
In this case, for the constant-rate period, the time needed to remove
the quantity of water which will reduce the food material to the
critical moisture content Xc (that corresponding to the end of the
constant-rate period and below which the drying rate falls) can be
calculated by dividing this quantity of moisture by the rate.
Perhitungan Waktu
Laju pengeringan, setelah ditentukan secara eksperimental atau diprediksi dari
teori, kemudian dapat digunakan untuk menghitung waktu pengeringan
sehingga peralatan dan operasi pengeringan dapat dirancang. Dalam kasus
yang paling umum, kecepatan pengeringan bervariasi di seluruh pengering
dengan waktu seiring pengeringan, dan dengan perubahan kadar air bahan.
Jadi situasinya rumit. Namun, dalam banyak kasus pendekatan yang
disederhanakan dapat memberikan hasil yang bermanfaat. Salah satu
penyederhanaan adalah dengan menganggap bahwa suhu dan RH dari udara
pengeringan konstan.
Dalam hal ini, untuk periode laju konstan, waktu yang diperlukan untuk
menghilangkan jumlah air yang akan mengurangi bahan makanan menjadi
kadar air kritis Xc (yang sesuai dengan akhir periode laju konstan dan di
bawahnya laju pengeringan jatuh) dapat dihitung dengan membagi jumlah
kelembaban ini dengan kurs.
Calculation of Drying Times (cont.)
So t = w (Xo- Xc) / (dw /dt)const. (7.6)
Continuing Example 7.17, for the particular food material, the critical
moisture content, Xc, is 100% and the equilibrium moisture content
under the conditions in the dryer is 15% and the drying curve is that
illustrated in Fig. 7.7. Estimate the total time to dry down to 17%, all
moisture contents being on a dry basis.
dapat diterapkan, dalam interval kecil kadar air dan mengalikan laju konstan dengan
faktor reduksi (f) yang sesuai dari Gambar. 7.7. Ini bisa diatur dalam tabel. Perhatikan
suhu dan kelembaban udara diasumsikan konstan selama pengeringan.
Example 9. Cont.
Assume that the thickness of the food on the drum is 0.3 mm and
the thermal conductivity of the food is 0.55 J m-1 s-1 °C-1. If the
drum, 1 m diameter and 1 m in length, is rotating at 2 rev/min and
the food occupies three-quarters of the circumference, estimate the
moisture content of the film being scraped off. Assume the critical
moisture content for the food material is 14% on a dry basis, and
that conduction heat transfer is through the whole film thickness to
give a conservative estimate.
CONTOH 10. Kadar air
makanan sarapan setelah
pengeringan drum
Pengering drum digunakan untuk mengeringkan makanan sarapan
berbasis pati. Kadar air awal makanan adalah 75% secara basah, suhu
permukaan drum adalah 138 ° C dan lapisan makanan permukaan luar
100 ° C. Diperkirakan koefisien perpindahan panas dari permukaan
drum ke makanan pengering adalah 800 J m-2 s-1 ° C-1.