Gumboro Disease: Daissy Vanessa Diaz Guerrero - 542874
Gumboro Disease: Daissy Vanessa Diaz Guerrero - 542874
Gumboro Disease: Daissy Vanessa Diaz Guerrero - 542874
Clinical presentations:
• Classical form.
Serotype 1 • immunosuppressive form (variant).
• Acute form (very virulent).
• A. and B. Atrophic
bursa of Fabricius
• C. Feathers around
the vent are
Fig. C Fig. D stained with faeces
containing. plenty
C D of urates.
• D. Hemorrhages in
the pectoral, thigh
and abdominal
Attenuated live virus vaccines and oil- Success of vaccination depends on the
emulsion inactivated virus vaccines are used choice of the vaccine strain and on the
against IBDV. vaccination schedule.