Spirituality of HCDC
Spirituality of HCDC
Spirituality of HCDC
The Holy Cross of Davao College envisions a fully vibrant community of believers and
Christ-centered evangelizers, educated in the faith, animated by the passion for truth,
and engaged in building a more humane world.
As members of this Filipino archdiocesan educational institution, we commit
ourselves to cultivate high quality Catholic education for all, attentive to the needs of the
less fortunate; nurture a culture of excellence and holiness; and provide a human and
Christian learning environment for the integral liberating formation of persons who will
become effective agents of social transformation.
From faith to truth, we uphold the values of servant leadership, dialogue, justice, peace,
and integrity of creation, with wisdom as the underlying principle.
The concept of the community in the Vision of HCDC is strongly grounded on the
principle of community formed by Jesus Christ, the First Christian Community, which the
believers of Jesus today considered as the IDEAL COMMUNITY. The first Christian
community lived the true spirit of a community which imbibed the vision of Jesus as a
restoration of the life of the Community of Yahweh in the Old Testament, the “Qahal
Yahweh”, which was made into a holy nation in Mt. Sinai. The experience of the first
Christian community is recorded by the Acts of the Apostles 2:44-47
“Now all the believers lived together and shared all their belongings. They would sell
their property and all they had and distribute the proceeds to others according to their
need. Each day they met together in the temple area; they broke bread in their homes;
they shared their food with great joy and simplicity of heart; they praised God and won
the people’s favor.”
1. HCDC’s Mission
HCDC’s great commitment centered mainly on two aspects:
a. to cultivate high quality Catholic education for all, attentive to the needs of the less fortunate;
Catholic means universal, and education means the process facilitating learning. This implies that the
school’s commitment is intended for genuine development of the whole person with special attention to
the weakest and the less fortunate. This quality Catholic Education is to serve what is best for students in
terms of spiritual, intellectual, emotional, moral, cultural, social and physical formation
(Rodulfa, 2013, pp.8-12).
a. nurture a culture of excellence and holiness and provide a human and
Christian learning environment
The HCDC’s commitment to create a Christian Environment is heeding a
Gospel command which makes HCDC not only a social institution but a
theologically founded one (Rodulfa,2013. p.14). Nurture a culture of
excellence and holiness in the spirit of respect and harmony is vital in
transforming society to become more humane and peace-loving where
everyone can breathe a freely a Christian life-giving spirit.
1. HCDC’s Core Values
From that Vision and mission, HCDC upholds to the Core values on: Servant Leadership, dialogue, justice, peace and
integrity of creation.
SERVANT Holy Crossian’s greatest responsibility is to be a servant-
LEADERSHIP leader, a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Human Person is. ... * Image & Likeness of God (Gen. 1:26 – 27)
*Intimate with God (breath of God) (Gen. 2:7)
*to till & to care (Gen. 2:15)
*Disciple of Jesus Christ (faith and conversion)
* Tend and Feed my sheep (Jn. 21:15-19)
(A faithful manager of what belongs to another, one who is accountable to the owner)
(. . .is a lifestyle that reflects who we are and what we Believe)
Simple Lifestyle
Live simply
Option for simple living
Financial management
Culture of saving
Wise spending
Sense of contentment
Ecological advocacy
Zero Waste
Total Waste Management
Rehabilitation of Nature
Spiritual Discipline
Power to change how we live (paradigm shift)
Taking and giving
Social responsibility
A lifestyle of sharing of time, talent, treasure
Values re-orientation to God’s plan
Formed commitment
Conscious decision
Prayerful life
Other concrete actions:
Respecting life
Fraternal correction